No Longer David:*The State of Israel As Goliath

Do you happen to have pictures of the fine hotels and restaurants in Gaza? After all, most of Gaza has not been destroyed. By the way, why did your friends destroy those greenhouses? I am sure that if someone visited Gaza and then visited Syria, they would see what real destruction is. You still have not said why you are not posting on the Israel/Palestine forum since this is the topic which concerns you the most and, consequently, you keep on going back many years to show how "evil" those Zionists are when so much has happened in the Middle East since that time. I would think that something like the following would concern you since most Iranians are Shia.

By the way, why did your friends destroy those greenhouses?

Israel shuts off water, dries Gaza greenhouses

Mr. Tinmore is going to prove to us from a legitimate source that his friends and relatives knew in advance that the water was going to be shut off so they destroyed the greenhouses first.
1400 lives Israeli war criminals took in Cast Lead.

And until the baby killing war criminal scum are brought to justice, there will continue to be talk about Cast Lead.

115,000 have been murdered by your friends in Syria, and many of the 115,000 were babies and young children. However, since the scum you adore have done this, it is nothing for people to think about. Everyone should concentrate on the Cast Iron incident even though it happened quite a while back because Mrs. Sherri thinks this is more important than the tens of thousands who have been murdered by her friends in the last couple of years.

If you count up all the suicide and car bombings your friends in many locations
- have done where innocent people with their children have been murdered, it will no doubt come to well over the 1400 you are mourning. These people do not count for Mrs. Sherri because the "evil Zionists" didn't do all this murdering.

Silly Sally,

Look at a map.

Syria is not part of Palestine.

And I expect if one spent some time digging through the literally millions of UN documents accumulated in the past 65 years of the Zionist ethnic cleansing experience in Palestine, we would find Israel has killed far more lives in the Middle East then constitute lives lost in Syrias relatively short lived civil war.
Do you happen to have pictures of the fine hotels and restaurants in Gaza? After all, most of Gaza has not been destroyed. By the way, why did your friends destroy those greenhouses? I am sure that if someone visited Gaza and then visited Syria, they would see what real destruction is. You still have not said why you are not posting on the Israel/Palestine forum since this is the topic which concerns you the most and, consequently, you keep on going back many years to show how "evil" those Zionists are when so much has happened in the Middle East since that time. I would think that something like the following would concern you since most Iranians are Shia.

By the way, why did your friends destroy those greenhouses?

Israel shuts off water, dries Gaza greenhouses

Mr. Tinmore is going to prove to us from a legitimate source that his friends and relatives knew in advance that the water was going to be shut off so they destroyed the greenhouses first.

Why would Gazans want the baby killing Zionist scums green houses?

I CERTAINLY would not!

Mr. Tinmore is going to prove to us from a legitimate source that his friends and relatives knew in advance that the water was going to be shut off so they destroyed the greenhouses first.

Why would Gazans want the baby killing Zionist scums green houses?

I CERTAINLY would not!

Of course you wouldn't want the greenhouses. What would you do with them since you never get out of the house? Meanwhile, your friendly scum could have left the greenhouses intact instead of destroying them like a bunch of maniacs and used them in the future.
Mr. Tinmore is going to prove to us from a legitimate source that his friends and relatives knew in advance that the water was going to be shut off so they destroyed the greenhouses first.

Why would Gazans want the baby killing Zionist scums green houses?

I CERTAINLY would not!

Of course you wouldn't want the greenhouses. What would you do with them since you never get out of the house? Meanwhile, your friendly scum could have left the greenhouses intact instead of destroying them like a bunch of maniacs and used them in the future.

Everytime they would look upon the baby killing Zionists' green houses, I expect they would remember their murdered children.

Only a person without a heart or soul would want those greenhouses, only a Zionist would want those greenhouses.
Why would Gazans want the baby killing Zionist scums green houses?

I CERTAINLY would not!

Of course you wouldn't want the greenhouses. What would you do with them since you never get out of the house? Meanwhile, your friendly scum could have left the greenhouses intact instead of destroying them like a bunch of maniacs and used them in the future.

Everytime they would look upon the baby killing Zionists' green houses, I expect they would remember their murdered children.

Only a person without a heart or soul would want those greenhouses, only a Zionist would want those greenhouses.

I think by now the readers can see that Mrs. Sherri has nothing going for her in her day-to-day life except to obsess over Israel. Her friendly Muslims have murdered so many children (Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, Jews and even Muslims), but she apparently closes her eyes to this because she only wants to blame the Jews and not anyone else. Sick thinking on her part as anyone can see from her posts.
And all this BS about Gazans destroying the greenhouses is simply Zionist hasbara.

I am just reading excerpts from The Goldstone Report that states substantial portions of the greenhouses were destroyed by Israel in bombing in Cast Lead.

"for the whole Gaza Strip an estimated 187 greenhouse complexes were either destroyed or severely damaged, representing approximately 30.2 hectares. Of all the destroyed greenhouses 68.6 per cent were in the Gaza and Gaza North Governorates; and*85.4 per cent were destroyed or damaged during the last week of the military operations."

About Mondoweiss | Mondoweiss
Of course you wouldn't want the greenhouses. What would you do with them since you never get out of the house? Meanwhile, your friendly scum could have left the greenhouses intact instead of destroying them like a bunch of maniacs and used them in the future.

Everytime they would look upon the baby killing Zionists' green houses, I expect they would remember their murdered children.

Only a person without a heart or soul would want those greenhouses, only a Zionist would want those greenhouses.

I think by now the readers can see that Mrs. Sherri has nothing going for her in her day-to-day life except to obsess over Israel. Her friendly Muslims have murdered so many children (Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, Jews and even Muslims), but she apparently closes her eyes to this because she only wants to blame the Jews and not anyone else. Sick thinking on her part as anyone can see from her posts.

The issue is Palestine, not Silly Sallys Muslim demonization fetish!
"The 116-page report, "‘I Lost Everything': Israel's Unlawful Destruction of Property in the Gaza Conflict" documents 12 separate cases during Operation Cast Lead in which Israeli forces extensively destroyed civilian property, including homes, factories, farms, and greenhouses, in areas under their control, without any lawful military purpose. Human Rights Watch's investigations, which relied upon physical evidence, satellite imagery, and multiple witness accounts at each site, found no indication of nearby fighting when the destruction occurred."

Israel: Investigate Unlawful Destruction in Gaza War | Human Rights Watch
Everytime they would look upon the baby killing Zionists' green houses, I expect they would remember their murdered children.

Only a person without a heart or soul would want those greenhouses, only a Zionist would want those greenhouses.

I think by now the readers can see that Mrs. Sherri has nothing going for her in her day-to-day life except to obsess over Israel. Her friendly Muslims have murdered so many children (Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, Jews and even Muslims), but she apparently closes her eyes to this because she only wants to blame the Jews and not anyone else. Sick thinking on her part as anyone can see from her posts.

The issue is Palestine, not Silly Sallys Muslim demonization fetish!
The issue is not about Palestine. Put your garbage on the I/P forum.
Everytime they would look upon the baby killing Zionists' green houses, I expect they would remember their murdered children.

Only a person without a heart or soul would want those greenhouses, only a Zionist would want those greenhouses.

I think by now the readers can see that Mrs. Sherri has nothing going for her in her day-to-day life except to obsess over Israel. Her friendly Muslims have murdered so many children (Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, Jews and even Muslims), but she apparently closes her eyes to this because she only wants to blame the Jews and not anyone else. Sick thinking on her part as anyone can see from her posts.

The issue is Palestine, not Silly Sallys Muslim demonization fetish!

Is this exclusively a Palestine board? Perhaps the owners of these forums can make up a board just for you to post your ridiculous obsession. By the way, doesn't the Affordable Health Care Act cover mental illnesses. Take advantage of it.
And all this BS about Gazans destroying the greenhouses is simply Zionist hasbara.

I am just reading excerpts from The Goldstone Report that states substantial portions of the greenhouses were destroyed by Israel in bombing in Cast Lead.

"for the whole Gaza Strip an estimated 187 greenhouse complexes were either destroyed or severely damaged, representing approximately 30.2 hectares. Of all the destroyed greenhouses 68.6 per cent were in the Gaza and Gaza North Governorates; and*85.4 per cent were destroyed or damaged during the last week of the military operations."

About Mondoweiss | Mondoweiss

Of course there are other sources than Mondoweiss.
Looters strip Gaza greenhouses - World news - Mideast/N. Africa | NBC News
"The 116-page report, "‘I Lost Everything': Israel's Unlawful Destruction of Property in the Gaza Conflict" documents 12 separate cases during Operation Cast Lead in which Israeli forces extensively destroyed civilian property, including homes, factories, farms, and greenhouses, in areas under their control, without any lawful military purpose. Human Rights Watch's investigations, which relied upon physical evidence, satellite imagery, and multiple witness accounts at each site, found no indication of nearby fighting when the destruction occurred."

Israel: Investigate Unlawful Destruction in Gaza War | Human Rights Watch

Naturally Mrs. Sherri doesn't care about the Christians who have lost everything in Syria and are now refugee. She doesn't even care that the Christians who are still there are being threatened to convert to Islam. What will the church ladies in her town think about that?
And all this BS about Gazans destroying the greenhouses is simply Zionist hasbara.

I am just reading excerpts from The Goldstone Report that states substantial portions of the greenhouses were destroyed by Israel in bombing in Cast Lead.

"for the whole Gaza Strip an estimated 187 greenhouse complexes were either destroyed or severely damaged, representing approximately 30.2 hectares. Of all the destroyed greenhouses 68.6 per cent were in the Gaza and Gaza North Governorates; and*85.4 per cent were destroyed or damaged during the last week of the military operations."

About Mondoweiss | Mondoweiss

Of course there are other sources than Mondoweiss.
Looters strip Gaza greenhouses - World news - Mideast/N. Africa | NBC News
Looks as though American Jews donated $14 million dollars to build 3,000 greenhouses and Sherri's Zionist scum looted and destroyed them. Tsk, tsk. What a shame.
And all this BS about Gazans destroying the greenhouses is simply Zionist hasbara.

I am just reading excerpts from The Goldstone Report that states substantial portions of the greenhouses were destroyed by Israel in bombing in Cast Lead.

"for the whole Gaza Strip an estimated 187 greenhouse complexes were either destroyed or severely damaged, representing approximately 30.2 hectares. Of all the destroyed greenhouses 68.6 per cent were in the Gaza and Gaza North Governorates; and*85.4 per cent were destroyed or damaged during the last week of the military operations."

About Mondoweiss | Mondoweiss

Of course there are other sources than Mondoweiss.
Looters strip Gaza greenhouses - World news - Mideast/N. Africa | NBC News
Looks as though American Jews donated $14 million dollars to build 3,000 greenhouses and Sherri's Zionist scum looted and destroyed them. Tsk, tsk. What a shame.

Israel destroyed them in Cast Lead.
The Goldstone Report reported on Israel’s widespread destruction of Gaza’s Greenhouses.

"1021. The Mission also reviewed satellite images showing significant destruction of greenhouses throughout Gaza. In total, it is estimated that over 30 hectares of greenhouses were demolished; 11.2 hectares were destroyed in Gaza City and 9.5 hectares in north Gaza.*The Mission found that the large-scale and systematic destruction of greenhouses was not justified by any possible military objective...."

Go to UN Document and download full Goldstone report , PDF file, and read Paragraph 1021, excerpt above.

A/HRC/12/48 of 23 September 2009
I choose to believe The Goldstone Report and HRW about Israel destroying the greenhouses in Gaza and reject Christian Zionist posters stories.
I choose to believe The Goldstone Report and HRW about Israel destroying the greenhouses in Gaza and reject Christian Zionist posters stories.

Was Goldstone and members of the HRW right there to see Israel destroying the greenhouses? You can reject any stories you want to as we can also reject the stories you put up. It works both ways.

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