No Longer David:*The State of Israel As Goliath

What I found lame was your weak attempt to sidestep the practice of forced religion that defines islam.

Secondly, you for some reason, likely an inability to address the source, you missed the source I provided in connection with the islamist cult status and the penalty imposed for leaving the cult.

Here it is again for you: Umdat al-Salik (Reliance of the Traveller)

What an unfortunate thing that in the 21st century, the planet still must contend with a politico-religious ideology that has still not managed to claw its way out of the 7th century.

Muslim apostates threatened over Christianity

Muslim apostates threatened over Christianity - Telegraph)

In the West, capital punishment - the imposition of death for apostates - for such a personal and private matter as one's choice of religious belief strikes people as an absurdity and an abomination. But in the context of a cult definition, it makes perfect "sense".

Again, if you are going to cut and paste directly from the webpage (which you did - word for word, symbols punctuation and all) - link to it. That is your source.

The original source is: Umdat alSalik (Reliance of the Traveller) .

That is basis for a cult that must use threats and intimidation to maintain its authority over a compliant populace.

Why do you suppose that threats and intimidation are required to maintain adherents to a politico-religious ideology?

When you cut and paste from a webpage that had only SELECTED quotes from another source, and are too chicken shit to site the source, well - 'nuff said.

How does Islam differ from Christianity? You are familiar with the history of Christianity, it's forced conversions, it's punishments for blasphemy and apostacy? It ain't pretty.

So...what do you think - is Christianity a "cult" ? Or - are you going to claim that the fact it no longer does that (which might be because most Christian-dominated countries are also largely secular in governence) - suddenly and magically make it not a cult?

Your attempt to demonize Islam as a whole by calling it a cult is very transparent. It certainly has it's issues - some very serious, which need to be addressed if it's to be a 21st Century modern religion - but it's not a cult.
One thing about linking to sites. I have a lot of problems with pasting links and transferring pictures. My links won't work sometimes unless you paste them in the search box.
Again, if you are going to cut and paste directly from the webpage (which you did - word for word, symbols punctuation and all) - link to it. That is your source.

The original source is: Umdat alSalik (Reliance of the Traveller) .

That is basis for a cult that must use threats and intimidation to maintain its authority over a compliant populace.

Why do you suppose that threats and intimidation are required to maintain adherents to a politico-religious ideology?

When you cut and paste from a webpage that had only SELECTED quotes from another source, and are too chicken shit to site the source, well - 'nuff said.

How does Islam differ from Christianity? You are familiar with the history of Christianity, it's forced conversions, it's punishments for blasphemy and apostacy? It ain't pretty.

So...what do you think - is Christianity a "cult" ? Or - are you going to claim that the fact it no longer does that (which might be because most Christian-dominated countries are also largely secular in governence) - suddenly and magically make it not a cult?

Your attempt to demonize Islam as a whole by calling it a cult is very transparent. It certainly has it's issues - some very serious, which need to be addressed if it's to be a 21st Century modern religion - but it's not a cult.

I can understand your tender sensibilities are hurt when islamist ideology is subject to scrutiny. But that's no excuse for spamming the thread with irrelevant banter.

It's just a fact that islamist ideology uses threats and intimidation to coerce adherents. The worst examples may be in places such as Pakistan and Iran but across the Islamist world, people are subject to life threatening circumstances for making a choice about religious belief. There is nothing in Islamist ideology to allow for even the consideration of the tolerance and pluralism found in Western liberal democracies. And besides, in Islam, democracy is exemplary of the most heinous of all sins: shirk, which is positing anyone or anything as a challenge to muhammud's (swish) sovereign primacy, as delineated in the koran and sunnah.

The result of such rigid dogma and ruthless enforcement of that dogma is forcing people to cower under the very real threat of physical harm or death for making a personal decision.

Such are the ruthless tactics of cults.
The weirdos who call Islam a 'cult' make me laugh.

Do they really believe referring to Islam as a cult is going to change anything?

Muslims could care less what these nitwits think about their religion.

Fact......... :cool:
The weirdos who call Islam a 'cult' make me laugh.

Do they really believe referring to Islam as a cult is going to change anything?

Muslims could care less what these nitwits think about their religion.

Fact......... :cool:

Does anyone really believe your nonsensical ignore list?


True story, Stalker Man.

The weirdos who call Islam a 'cult' make me laugh.

Do they really believe referring to Islam as a cult is going to change anything?

Muslims could care less what these nitwits think about their religion.

Fact......... :cool:
I certainly dont think of Islam as a cult but it is right up there with Stormfront, Santa Claus and Obamacare. :cuckoo:
The weirdos who call Islam a 'cult' make me laugh.

Do they really believe referring to Islam as a cult is going to change anything?

Muslims could care less what these nitwits think about their religion.

Fact......... :cool:
I certainly dont think of Islam as a cult but it is right up there with Stormfront, Santa Claus and Obamacare. :cuckoo:
You left out zionism and the Holocaust. . :cool:
The weirdos who call Islam a 'cult' make me laugh.

Do they really believe referring to Islam as a cult is going to change anything?

Muslims could care less what these nitwits think about their religion.

Fact......... :cool:
I certainly dont think of Islam as a cult but it is right up there with Stormfront, Santa Claus and Obamacare. :cuckoo:
You left out zionism and the Holocaust. . :cool:
You left out any attempt at a meaningful comment. :cool:
I think poor Sally got her feelings hurt.......... :(

Do you really think you Three Stooges actually affect me in any way? I think the viewers have seen just what happened, that you Three Stooges don't want to see anything posted which is against the Muslims. They sure most have gotten an eye opener that an American, even though you are a Muslim convert, would call those killed Sunni terrorists martyrs when they were just killers.

The Three Stooges is a television program...maybe you don't realize that...I know some folks get kind of confused with tv and reality...just sayin'

I very rarely watch television so I wouldn't know one reality show from another. However, it appears you are watching too many children cartoons from those Arab propaganda T.V. stations. Now I am wondering which of the Three Stooges you are? Are you Moe, Larry or Shemp. Strange thing bringing up a reality show when I think many of the viewers would think of the original Three Stooges when there was no television, and not the modern version.

Hitler wanted to kill the Three Stooges! - OMG Facts
I very rarely watch television so I wouldn't know one reality show from another. However, it appears you are watching too many children cartoons from those Arab propaganda T.V. stations. Now I am wondering which of the Three Stooges you are? Are you Moe, Larry or Shemp. Strange thing bringing up a reality show when I think many of the viewers would think of the original Three Stooges when there was no television, and not the modern version.
'Three Stooges' was a reality movie series about 3 juden in the 1930's-40's in America. . :cool:

btw Why do you leave out the juden actor named Curly??
The weirdos who call Islam a 'cult' make me laugh.

Do they really believe referring to Islam as a cult is going to change anything?

Muslims could care less what these nitwits think about their religion.

Fact......... :cool:

try again sunni-------in islamic cesspits------a negative comment by a "KAFFIR"
on your sick cult is construed as a CAPITAL CRIME ------Your fellow cultists in Iran
certainly did worry about the OPINION of British citizen---Indian born---SALMAN
RUSHDIE -------and there have been people found face down with knife in
back for expressing opinions about your sick cult and its disgusting founder---
"CARE LESS"??????
I very rarely watch television so I wouldn't know one reality show from another. However, it appears you are watching too many children cartoons from those Arab propaganda T.V. stations. Now I am wondering which of the Three Stooges you are? Are you Moe, Larry or Shemp. Strange thing bringing up a reality show when I think many of the viewers would think of the original Three Stooges when there was no television, and not the modern version

'Three Stooges' was a reality movie series about 3 juden in the 1930's-40's in America. . :cool:

btw Why do you leave out the juden actor named Curly??

I left out Curley because I wanted to only put in three names for you Three Stooges. Which one are you? Perhaps you are Curly and felt left out. Isn't it strange how those who hate the "Juden" have enjoyed the "Juden" comedians!!!

I'm too lazy to research it now, but i wonder if the Nazis wanted to kill that "Juden" Charlie Chaplin" for impersonating Hitler the same way Hitler had the Three Stooges on his hit list.
Isn't it strange how those who hate the "Juden" have enjoyed the "Juden" comedians!!!
True, they do make the best comedians and are easy to laugh at. . :cool:

Humor-----like insight into the FACT OF ONE's EXISTENCE-----is uniquely
HUMAN------animals---to wit---pigs and dogs ---do not do humor. ----
One can observe an infant's intellectual developement by observing when
he begins to JOKE and how well he picks up subtleties.
Humor takes intelligence
Whatever may be the truth about the poster calling himself or herself Sally, what is obvious is he or she or they post to try to divert attention away from the thread topic and Israels continuing human rights abuses in Palestine.

Chapter 5 of Goliath is entitled Hooligans

I start with where the chapter ends, in the next to last paragraph of Chapter 5 appears a quote of words said by Israels Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, as Cast Lead was ending and as she took responsibility for the indiscriminate violence in Cast Lead, "Israel demonstrated real hooliganism during the course of the recent operation, which I demanded."

This chapter tells us the results of Israeli national elections on January 10, 2009, the Yisrael Beiteinu list wins third place ensuring Lieberman a decisive role in the new government. The biggest winner was the right wing Likud Party which gained 15 seats ensuring Netanyahu would be the next Prime Minister.

Liebermans support comes from Russian immigrants and the youth. At the national convention for his party in Nazareth Illit, crowds of high school students appear chanting for death to Arabs and calling for citizenship to be taken away for disloyalty to the nation.

An 18 year old student named Edan Ivanov tells a Haaretz reporter named Yotan Feldman the country needs Lieberman, and he says as long as there are Arabs there, Israel cannot be a full democracy. 11th grade student Nicole Parnasi says any person who does not declare loyalty to the state should have their citizenship taken away.

Leading up to elections and Cast Lead, a number of attacks by Israeli youths on Arabs occurs. On the eve before Holocaust Remembrance Day, Israeli youth gather into a club wielding mob and assault Arab youth in the mixed city of Acre, badly beating two Arab youth. In Tiberius, a mob chases Arab youths down the boardwalk. As some youth prepare for the Army, they engage in vigilante acts as seemingly a form of play acting.

How surreal all of this is, it is like Max Blumenthal goes back to a particular point in time and recreates the atmosphere for all of us at that place in time so we can feel as if we we were there.

More from Chapter 5

At schools, there are mock elections. Alex Miller, 28 year old Yisrael Beiteinu youth outreach coordinator comes to speak to students. He is the youngest person ever to serve in the Knesset. At a Tel Aviv high school he speaks. He promises to punish anti war protesters by stripping them of their citizenship rights. A teacher named Moshe Slansky stops Miller from speaking and tells the students if any of them repeat the undemocratic things Miller just spoke about on their exams points will be deducted from their grades. Haaretz reporter Feldman writes about this story and how the teacher is met with a hail of boos from her students.

Cast Lead enter its final week and Gaza experiences a comprehensive slash and burn operation.

80% of all arable farmland is destroyed.

The largest flour mill is bombed.

7 concrete factories are bombed.

A major cheese factory is shelled.

A chicken factory is shot up, killing 31000 chickens.

An Israeli tank gunner named Yeger tells Israeli filmmaker Kedar they shot at chicken coops for a few days. It was called "deterrent fire."

Cast Lead ends with 400 women and children killed by the IDF in Gaza and a total killed of 1400 who were mostly civilians and noncombatant members of Hamas. Israel suffered 15 casualties, 4 killed by other Israelis in friendly fire incidents.

Hooligans, that chapter title, certainly very aptly describes the acts of many Israelis during Cast Lead, in Gaza and in Israel.

"All this stands against the reality of what happened. When I interviewed Norman Finkelstein, the scholar and author last year for the*History News Network*he gave an overview of events. Among other things he explained, "About 1,400 Palestinians were killed and about 13 Israelis were killed. Of the 1,400 Palestinian casualties, about four-fifths were civilians and 350 children. In the case of the Israelis 10 soldiers were killed, (four of them by friendly fire) and three civilians.... After the massacre ended [then] Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni went on Channel 10 News in Israel and said 'Israel demonstrated real hooliganism during the course of the recent operation, which I demanded.'" ....- Aaron Leonard"

Interview with Norman Finkelstein: The Goldstone recantation |
Imploding the Myth of Israel

"I spent seven years in the Middle East as a correspondent, including months in Gaza and the West Bank. I lived for two years in Jerusalem. Many of the closest friends I made during my two decades overseas are Israeli. Most of them are among the Israeli outcasts that Blumenthal writes about, men and women whose innate decency and courage he honors throughout his book. They are those who, unlike the Israeli leadership and a population inculcated with racial hatred, sincerely want to end occupation, restore the rule of law and banish an ideology that creates moral hierarchies with Arabs hovering at the level of animal as Jews—especially Jews of European descent—are elevated to the status of demigods. It is a measure of Blumenthal’s astuteness as a reporter that he viewed Israel through the eyes of these outcasts, as well as the Palestinians, and stood with them as they were arrested, tear-gassed and fired upon by Israeli soldiers. There is no other honest way to tell the story about Israel. And this is a very honest book."

Imploding the Myth of Israel | PopularResistance.Org
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Gaza The smell of destruction

When Islamic terrorists launch missiles at Israel, there will be a response designed to eliminate that threat.

This consistent pattern of behavior from the islamist terrorists in Gaza - attacking Israel and then whining about the inevitable beat-down - suggests the Islamic terrorists are self-destructive, stupid and prone to repeating self-destructive, stupid behavior.

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