No Longer David:*The State of Israel As Goliath

"...'Identical religions'?..."
Yes. I found that 'equivalency' assertion rather troubling, myself, believing as I do that Islam is as much a collection of intolerant and dominance-seeking political and cultural and legal and lifestyle subsystems as it is a spiritual belief system, and believing, therefore, as I do, that Islam at-large is a cultural poison-pill and nearly entirely incompatible with Western culture and society and and traditions and values and law and safety.

But that's just me...
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"...'Identical religions'?..."
Yes. I found that 'equivalency' assertion rather troubling, myself, believing as I do that Islam is as much a collection of intolerant and dominance-seeking political and cultural and legal and lifestyle subsystems as it is a spiritual belief system, and believing, therefore, as I do, that Islam at-large is a cultural poison-pill and nearly entirely compatible with Western culture and society and and traditions and values and law and safety.

But that's just me...

Have you ever talked to Muslims here?
Ever since my first post, the Three Stooges have given me the business. Maybe the Three Stooges don't think the viewers have seen that. I guess if I started posting that the Muslims are so angelic and would never think of harming anyone for their religious belief, the Three Stooges would love me. However, only a blind person would not realize what is happening in the Middle East today as well as other Muslim countries

I think poor Sally got her feelings hurt.......... :(

Do you really think you Three Stooges actually affect me in any way? I think the viewers have seen just what happened, that you Three Stooges don't want to see anything posted which is against the Muslims. They sure most have gotten an eye opener that an American, even though you are a Muslim convert, would call those killed Sunni terrorists martyrs when they were just killers.

The Three Stooges is a television program...maybe you don't realize that...I know some folks get kind of confused with tv and reality...just sayin'
She's a troll, and that is evident when you look at the content of her posts, 90% of which are attacking specific members, and her spontaneous appearance despite having registered over a year ago. Ignoring her is your best bet :)[

/quote]Yea, she is definitely a troll.......but not a very good one. . :lol: :lol:

The above comes from someone who is definitely not swift.

so original...

"...'Identical religions'?..."
Yes. I found that 'equivalency' assertion rather troubling, myself, believing as I do that Islam is as much a collection of intolerant and dominance-seeking political and cultural and legal and lifestyle subsystems as it is a spiritual belief system, and believing, therefore, as I do, that Islam at-large is a cultural poison-pill and nearly entirely compatible with Western culture and society and and traditions and values and law and safety.

But that's just me...

Have you ever talked to Muslims here?
Yep... a couple of dozen in the Chicago metro area over the past half-dozen years or so; a few man-in-the street types, but mostly social workers or medical pros or middle-managers.
Yes. I found that 'equivalency' assertion rather troubling, myself, believing as I do that Islam is as much a collection of intolerant and dominance-seeking political and cultural and legal and lifestyle subsystems as it is a spiritual belief system, and believing, therefore, as I do, that Islam at-large is a cultural poison-pill and nearly entirely compatible with Western culture and society and and traditions and values and law and safety.

But that's just me...

Have you ever talked to Muslims here?
Yep... a couple of dozen in the Chicago metro area over the past half-dozen years or so; a few man-in-the street types, but mostly social workers or medical pros or middle-managers.

I have as well. None of them came off as "a collection of intolerant and dominance-seeking political and cultural and legal and lifestyle subsystems as it is a spiritual belief system" people.
I have as well. None of them came off as "a collection of intolerant and dominance-seeking political and cultural and legal and lifestyle subsystems as it is a spiritual belief system" people.
American-ized ones living within largely infidel populations behave differently than those living in areas dominated by their co-religionists.

Also, generally speaking, the higher the level of education, the less likely (but not certainly) they are to be subject to past or future radicalization.

Gaggles of them, in the low-to-middle range of education and sentience, are a different animal; here, as well as in their own domains.

Or so my own observations and talks have led me to believe.
It's not just "Americanized ones", though I agree - education is a factor.

It's a factor in many religions.
Nah...Hollie, the only thing I note is you are full of BS in trying to make a world religion fit your definition of "cult" while excluding other identical religions utilizing obvious anti-Islamic talking points.

Doesn't work. :lol:

"Identical religions"? You've been practicing your taqiyya, obviously.

The two true Abrahamic faiths are obviously different when compared to islam.

I did a search and found no reports of heavily armed, pious Lutherans hunting down an apostate Lutheran. Similarrly,I found no articles describing apostate Protestants, Presbyterians or Catholics being murdered by an angry mob.

Strange, that!

What’s not surprising is your typical retreat to personal attacks when you’re arguments are bankrupt and indefensible. Infidels are aware that there is no separation of mosque and state in Islam—every last detail of human experience and endeavor is administered under sharia law.

This is why Muslims say that Islam is not just a religion, but a complete way of life™. That's what it is. How you go to the bathroom, make love to your spouse, punish those who transgress against God's will, give to charity (Islamic charity), go to war, eat, wash, borrow money, treat infidels—in short, anything you may do in the course of being alive—is strictly regulated by the sharia. Life for the Muslim is a complex series of bizarre rituals and habits that are commanded by muhammud (swat). Islam is the obsessive-compulsive disorder of religions.

We keep reading about these abominable acts of brutality targeting apostates, competing religions and their adherents. Moslems and even some of the Western media scramble, on cue, to assure us that we are not witnessing an established trend that we should worry about. In addition to the fact that they dishonestly and euphemistically call the monsters who do this "militants" they also have a hackneyed script which they read from each time another Islamic snuff film is made available on the internet.

Death cult apologists will often claim that killing a person for apostasy is not in register with Islamic doctrine. We don't even need to trouble ourselves with such mental gymnastics for this. Here is what the 'Umdat al-Salik (Reliance of the Traveller) manual of shari'ah law has to say on these two grave matters:

(O: Leaving Islam is the ugliest form of unbelief (kufr) and the worst. It may come about through sarcasm, as when someone is told, "Trim you nails, it is sunna," and he replies, "I would not do it even if it were," as opposed to when some circumstance exists which exonerates him of having committed apostasy, such as when his tongue runs away with him, or when he is quoting someone, or says it out of fear.)
o8.1 When a person who has reached puberty and is sane voluntarily apostatizes from Islam, he deserves to be killed.

o8.2 In such a case, it is obligatory for the caliph (A: or his representative) to ask him to repent and return to Islam. If he does, it is accepted from him, but if he refuses, he is immediately killed. ...

o8.4 There is no indemnity for killing an apostate (O: or any expiation, since it is killing someone who deserves to die).

Strange that...

When you do a search and utilize cut and paste, you really ought to cite your source: The Punishment for Apostasy from Islam

You post a lot of words. Yet none of it makes Islam any more of a cult than the other major world religions. When it comes to rules on how to live your life - Judaism is a match. When it comes to heirarchy and apostacy - look at Christianity, though thank goodness it's evolved away from killing apostates (didn't used to be that way).

Very lame.
A review points out what frightens Zionists about Goliath is its accuracy.

"But*Goliath*is being attacked by gatekeepers unwilling to allow such a powerful narrative as what Blumenthal has fetched up to change public perception of what Israeli society is. *Part of what is frightening militant Zionists about Max’s in-depth documentation is his accuracy. *Eric Alterman,*even as he savaged the book, had to admit *”Blumenthal’s accounts are mostly technically accurate.”* Anshel Pfeffer, in an unsympathetic November 1st review in*Haaretz,*notes*“as far as it goes, “Goliath” is pretty factual when it comes to providing the outline and main details of “Loathing in Greater Israel.”

FDL Book Salon Welcomes Max Blumenthal, Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel | Book Salon
A review points out what frightens Zionists about Goliath is its accuracy.

"But*Goliath*is being attacked by gatekeepers unwilling to allow such a powerful narrative as what Blumenthal has fetched up to change public perception of what Israeli society is. *Part of what is frightening militant Zionists about Max’s in-depth documentation is his accuracy. *Eric Alterman,*even as he savaged the book, had to admit *”Blumenthal’s accounts are mostly technically accurate.”* Anshel Pfeffer, in an unsympathetic November 1st review in*Haaretz,*notes*“as far as it goes, “Goliath” is pretty factual when it comes to providing the outline and main details of “Loathing in Greater Israel.”

FDL Book Salon Welcomes Max Blumenthal, Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel | Book Salon
"Palestinian" Arabs are not gatekeepers. What a shame that your rabid joooooo hatreds provides an allowance for fawning praise of Islamic terrorists.

Fatah defends glorifying terrorists on Facebook: "They are our role models.

Fatah defends glorifying terrorists on Facebook - PMW Bulletins

Palestinian Media Watch has documented many times that Fatah continuously uses its "Main Page" on Facebook to glorify terrorists. Recently, Fatah used this Facebook page to praise a murderer of two as the "nation's symbol."

It is truly sick who islamists such as Sherri define as their heroes.
Nah...Hollie, the only thing I note is you are full of BS in trying to make a world religion fit your definition of "cult" while excluding other identical religions utilizing obvious anti-Islamic talking points.

Doesn't work. :lol:

"Identical religions"? You've been practicing your taqiyya, obviously.

The two true Abrahamic faiths are obviously different when compared to islam.

I did a search and found no reports of heavily armed, pious Lutherans hunting down an apostate Lutheran. Similarrly,I found no articles describing apostate Protestants, Presbyterians or Catholics being murdered by an angry mob.

Strange, that!

What’s not surprising is your typical retreat to personal attacks when you’re arguments are bankrupt and indefensible. Infidels are aware that there is no separation of mosque and state in Islam—every last detail of human experience and endeavor is administered under sharia law.

This is why Muslims say that Islam is not just a religion, but a complete way of life™. That's what it is. How you go to the bathroom, make love to your spouse, punish those who transgress against God's will, give to charity (Islamic charity), go to war, eat, wash, borrow money, treat infidels—in short, anything you may do in the course of being alive—is strictly regulated by the sharia. Life for the Muslim is a complex series of bizarre rituals and habits that are commanded by muhammud (swat). Islam is the obsessive-compulsive disorder of religions.

We keep reading about these abominable acts of brutality targeting apostates, competing religions and their adherents. Moslems and even some of the Western media scramble, on cue, to assure us that we are not witnessing an established trend that we should worry about. In addition to the fact that they dishonestly and euphemistically call the monsters who do this "militants" they also have a hackneyed script which they read from each time another Islamic snuff film is made available on the internet.

Death cult apologists will often claim that killing a person for apostasy is not in register with Islamic doctrine. We don't even need to trouble ourselves with such mental gymnastics for this. Here is what the 'Umdat al-Salik (Reliance of the Traveller) manual of shari'ah law has to say on these two grave matters:

(O: Leaving Islam is the ugliest form of unbelief (kufr) and the worst. It may come about through sarcasm, as when someone is told, "Trim you nails, it is sunna," and he replies, "I would not do it even if it were," as opposed to when some circumstance exists which exonerates him of having committed apostasy, such as when his tongue runs away with him, or when he is quoting someone, or says it out of fear.)
o8.1 When a person who has reached puberty and is sane voluntarily apostatizes from Islam, he deserves to be killed.

o8.2 In such a case, it is obligatory for the caliph (A: or his representative) to ask him to repent and return to Islam. If he does, it is accepted from him, but if he refuses, he is immediately killed. ...

o8.4 There is no indemnity for killing an apostate (O: or any expiation, since it is killing someone who deserves to die).

Strange that...

When you do a search and utilize cut and paste, you really ought to cite your source: The Punishment for Apostasy from Islam

You post a lot of words. Yet none of it makes Islam any more of a cult than the other major world religions. When it comes to rules on how to live your life - Judaism is a match. When it comes to heirarchy and apostacy - look at Christianity, though thank goodness it's evolved away from killing apostates (didn't used to be that way).

Very lame.
What I found lame was your weak attempt to sidestep the practice of forced religion that defines islam.

Secondly, you for some reason, likely an inability to address the source, you missed the source I provided in connection with the islamist cult status and the penalty imposed for leaving the cult.

Here it is again for you: Umdat al-Salik (Reliance of the Traveller)

What an unfortunate thing that in the 21st century, the planet still must contend with a politico-religious ideology that has still not managed to claw its way out of the 7th century.

Muslim apostates threatened over Christianity

Muslim apostates threatened over Christianity - Telegraph)

In the West, capital punishment - the imposition of death for apostates - for such a personal and private matter as one's choice of religious belief strikes people as an absurdity and an abomination. But in the context of a cult definition, it makes perfect "sense".
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"Identical religions"? You've been practicing your taqiyya, obviously.

The two true Abrahamic faiths are obviously different when compared to islam.

I did a search and found no reports of heavily armed, pious Lutherans hunting down an apostate Lutheran. Similarrly,I found no articles describing apostate Protestants, Presbyterians or Catholics being murdered by an angry mob.

Strange, that!

What’s not surprising is your typical retreat to personal attacks when you’re arguments are bankrupt and indefensible. Infidels are aware that there is no separation of mosque and state in Islam—every last detail of human experience and endeavor is administered under sharia law.

This is why Muslims say that Islam is not just a religion, but a complete way of life™. That's what it is. How you go to the bathroom, make love to your spouse, punish those who transgress against God's will, give to charity (Islamic charity), go to war, eat, wash, borrow money, treat infidels—in short, anything you may do in the course of being alive—is strictly regulated by the sharia. Life for the Muslim is a complex series of bizarre rituals and habits that are commanded by muhammud (swat). Islam is the obsessive-compulsive disorder of religions.

We keep reading about these abominable acts of brutality targeting apostates, competing religions and their adherents. Moslems and even some of the Western media scramble, on cue, to assure us that we are not witnessing an established trend that we should worry about. In addition to the fact that they dishonestly and euphemistically call the monsters who do this "militants" they also have a hackneyed script which they read from each time another Islamic snuff film is made available on the internet.

Death cult apologists will often claim that killing a person for apostasy is not in register with Islamic doctrine. We don't even need to trouble ourselves with such mental gymnastics for this. Here is what the 'Umdat al-Salik (Reliance of the Traveller) manual of shari'ah law has to say on these two grave matters:

(O: Leaving Islam is the ugliest form of unbelief (kufr) and the worst. It may come about through sarcasm, as when someone is told, "Trim you nails, it is sunna," and he replies, "I would not do it even if it were," as opposed to when some circumstance exists which exonerates him of having committed apostasy, such as when his tongue runs away with him, or when he is quoting someone, or says it out of fear.)
o8.1 When a person who has reached puberty and is sane voluntarily apostatizes from Islam, he deserves to be killed.

o8.2 In such a case, it is obligatory for the caliph (A: or his representative) to ask him to repent and return to Islam. If he does, it is accepted from him, but if he refuses, he is immediately killed. ...

o8.4 There is no indemnity for killing an apostate (O: or any expiation, since it is killing someone who deserves to die).

Strange that...

When you do a search and utilize cut and paste, you really ought to cite your source: The Punishment for Apostasy from Islam

You post a lot of words. Yet none of it makes Islam any more of a cult than the other major world religions. When it comes to rules on how to live your life - Judaism is a match. When it comes to heirarchy and apostacy - look at Christianity, though thank goodness it's evolved away from killing apostates (didn't used to be that way).

Very lame.
What I found lame was your weak attempt to sidestep the practice of forced religion that defines islam.

Secondly, you for some reason, likely an inability to address the source, you missed the source I provided in connection with the islamist cult status and the penalty imposed for leaving the cult.

Here it is again for you: Umdat al-Salik (Reliance of the Traveller)

What an unfortunate thing that in the 21st century, the planet still must contend with a politico-religious ideology that has still not managed to claw its way out of the 7th century.

Muslim apostates threatened over Christianity

Muslim apostates threatened over Christianity - Telegraph)

In the West, capital punishment - the imposition of death for apostates - for such a personal and private matter as one's choice of religious belief strikes people as an absurdity and an abomination. But in the context of a cult definition, it makes perfect "sense".

Again, if you are going to cut and paste directly from the webpage (which you did - word for word, symbols, punctuation and all) - link to it. That is your source. Not sure why you need to be so squirrelly about it.
"Identical religions"? You've been practicing your taqiyya, obviously.

The two true Abrahamic faiths are obviously different when compared to islam.

I did a search and found no reports of heavily armed, pious Lutherans hunting down an apostate Lutheran. Similarrly,I found no articles describing apostate Protestants, Presbyterians or Catholics being murdered by an angry mob.

Strange, that!

What’s not surprising is your typical retreat to personal attacks when you’re arguments are bankrupt and indefensible. Infidels are aware that there is no separation of mosque and state in Islam—every last detail of human experience and endeavor is administered under sharia law.

This is why Muslims say that Islam is not just a religion, but a complete way of life™. That's what it is. How you go to the bathroom, make love to your spouse, punish those who transgress against God's will, give to charity (Islamic charity), go to war, eat, wash, borrow money, treat infidels—in short, anything you may do in the course of being alive—is strictly regulated by the sharia. Life for the Muslim is a complex series of bizarre rituals and habits that are commanded by muhammud (swat). Islam is the obsessive-compulsive disorder of religions.

We keep reading about these abominable acts of brutality targeting apostates, competing religions and their adherents. Moslems and even some of the Western media scramble, on cue, to assure us that we are not witnessing an established trend that we should worry about. In addition to the fact that they dishonestly and euphemistically call the monsters who do this "militants" they also have a hackneyed script which they read from each time another Islamic snuff film is made available on the internet.

Death cult apologists will often claim that killing a person for apostasy is not in register with Islamic doctrine. We don't even need to trouble ourselves with such mental gymnastics for this. Here is what the 'Umdat al-Salik (Reliance of the Traveller) manual of shari'ah law has to say on these two grave matters:

(O: Leaving Islam is the ugliest form of unbelief (kufr) and the worst. It may come about through sarcasm, as when someone is told, "Trim you nails, it is sunna," and he replies, "I would not do it even if it were," as opposed to when some circumstance exists which exonerates him of having committed apostasy, such as when his tongue runs away with him, or when he is quoting someone, or says it out of fear.)
o8.1 When a person who has reached puberty and is sane voluntarily apostatizes from Islam, he deserves to be killed.

o8.2 In such a case, it is obligatory for the caliph (A: or his representative) to ask him to repent and return to Islam. If he does, it is accepted from him, but if he refuses, he is immediately killed. ...

o8.4 There is no indemnity for killing an apostate (O: or any expiation, since it is killing someone who deserves to die).

Strange that...

When you do a search and utilize cut and paste, you really ought to cite your source: The Punishment for Apostasy from Islam

You post a lot of words. Yet none of it makes Islam any more of a cult than the other major world religions. When it comes to rules on how to live your life - Judaism is a match. When it comes to heirarchy and apostacy - look at Christianity, though thank goodness it's evolved away from killing apostates (didn't used to be that way).

Very lame.
What I found lame was your weak attempt to sidestep the practice of forced religion that defines islam.

Secondly, you for some reason, likely an inability to address the source, you missed the source I provided in connection with the islamist cult status and the penalty imposed for leaving the cult.

Here it is again for you: Umdat al-Salik (Reliance of the Traveller)

What an unfortunate thing that in the 21st century, the planet still must contend with a politico-religious ideology that has still not managed to claw its way out of the 7th century.

Muslim apostates threatened over Christianity

Muslim apostates threatened over Christianity - Telegraph)

In the West, capital punishment - the imposition of death for apostates - for such a personal and private matter as one's choice of religious belief strikes people as an absurdity and an abomination. But in the context of a cult definition, it makes perfect "sense".

Perhaps you can tell me all about the Christians in Canada, US, Australia, UK being threatened with death by local Muslims for apostacy - it being so frequent and all. :dunno:

As far as Muslims in other cultures and parts of the world - like blasphemy, the laws regarding apostacy are barbaric and need to be changed. I'm all for secular systems of law and a total seperation of church and state.
Strange that...

When you do a search and utilize cut and paste, you really ought to cite your source: The Punishment for Apostasy from Islam

You post a lot of words. Yet none of it makes Islam any more of a cult than the other major world religions. When it comes to rules on how to live your life - Judaism is a match. When it comes to heirarchy and apostacy - look at Christianity, though thank goodness it's evolved away from killing apostates (didn't used to be that way).i

Very lame.
What I found lame was your weak attempt to sidestep the practice of forced religion that defines islam.

Secondly, you for some reason, likely an inability to address the source, you missed the source I provided in connection with the islamist cult status and the penalty imposed for leaving the cult.

Here it is again for you: Umdat al-Salik (Reliance of the Traveller)

What an unfortunate thing that in the 21st century, the planet still must contend with a politico-religious ideology that has still not managed to claw its way out of the 7th century.

Muslim apostates threatened over Christianity

Muslim apostates threatened over Christianity - Telegraph)

In the West, capital punishment - the imposition of death for apostates - for such a personal and private matter as one's choice of religious belief strikes people as an absurdity and an abomination. But in the context of a cult definition, it makes perfect "sense".

Again, if you are going to cut and paste directly from the webpage (which you did - word for word, symbols punctuation and all) - link to it. That is your source.

The original source is: Umdat alSalik (Reliance of the Traveller) .

That is basis for a cult that must use threats and intimidation to maintain its authority over a compliant populace.

Why do you suppose that threats and intimidation are required to maintain adherents to a politico-religious ideology?
Whatever may be the truth about the poster calling himself or herself Sally, what is obvious is he or she or they post to try to divert attention away from the thread topic and Israels continuing human rights abuses in Palestine.

Chapter 5 of Goliath is entitled Hooligans

I start with where the chapter ends, in the next to last paragraph of Chapter 5 appears a quote of words said by Israels Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, as Cast Lead was ending and as she took responsibility for the indiscriminate violence in Cast Lead, "Israel demonstrated real hooliganism during the course of the recent operation, which I demanded."

This chapter tells us the results of Israeli national elections on January 10, 2009, the Yisrael Beiteinu list wins third place ensuring Lieberman a decisive role in the new government. The biggest winner was the right wing Likud Party which gained 15 seats ensuring Netanyahu would be the next Prime Minister.

Liebermans support comes from Russian immigrants and the youth. At the national convention for his party in Nazareth Illit, crowds of high school students appear chanting for death to Arabs and calling for citizenship to be taken away for disloyalty to the nation.

An 18 year old student named Edan Ivanov tells a Haaretz reporter named Yotan Feldman the country needs Lieberman, and he says as long as there are Arabs there, Israel cannot be a full democracy. 11th grade student Nicole Parnasi says any person who does not declare loyalty to the state should have their citizenship taken away.

Leading up to elections and Cast Lead, a number of attacks by Israeli youths on Arabs occurs. On the eve before Holocaust Remembrance Day, Israeli youth gather into a club wielding mob and assault Arab youth in the mixed city of Acre, badly beating two Arab youth. In Tiberius, a mob chases Arab youths down the boardwalk. As some youth prepare for the Army, they engage in vigilante acts as seemingly a form of play acting.

How surreal all of this is, it is like Max Blumenthal goes back to a particular point in time and recreates the atmosphere for all of us at that place in time so we can feel as if we we were there.

More from Chapter 5

At schools, there are mock elections. Alex Miller, 28 year old Yisrael Beiteinu youth outreach coordinator comes to speak to students. He is the youngest person ever to serve in the Knesset. At a Tel Aviv high school he speaks. He promises to punish anti war protesters by stripping them of their citizenship rights. A teacher named Moshe Slansky stops Miller from speaking and tells the students if any of them repeat the undemocratic things Miller just spoke about on their exams points will be deducted from their grades. Haaretz reporter Feldman writes about this story and how the teacher is met with a hail of boos from her students.

Cast Lead enter its final week and Gaza experiences a comprehensive slash and burn operation.

80% of all arable farmland is destroyed.

The largest flour mill is bombed.

7 concrete factories are bombed.

A major cheese factory is shelled.

A chicken factory is shot up, killing 31000 chickens.

An Israeli tank gunner named Yeger tells Israeli filmmaker Kedar they shot at chicken coops for a few days. It was called "deterrent fire."

Cast Lead ends with 400 women and children killed by the IDF in Gaza and a total killed of 1400 who were mostly civilians and noncombatant members of Hamas. Israel suffered 15 casualties, 4 killed by other Israelis in friendly fire incidents.

Hooligans, that chapter title, certainly very aptly describes the acts of many Israelis during Cast Lead, in Gaza and in Israel.
Strange that...

When you do a search and utilize cut and paste, you really ought to cite your source: The Punishment for Apostasy from Islam

You post a lot of words. Yet none of it makes Islam any more of a cult than the other major world religions. When it comes to rules on how to live your life - Judaism is a match. When it comes to heirarchy and apostacy - look at Christikanity, though thank goodness it's evolved away from killing apostates (didn't used to be that way).

Very lame.
What I found lame was your weak attempt to sidestep the practice of forced religion that defines islam.

Secondly, you for some reason, likely an inability to address the source, you missed the source I provided in connection with the islamist cult status and the penalty imposed for leaving the cult.

Here it is again for you: Umdat al-Salik (Reliance of the Traveller)

What an unfortunate thing that in the 21st century, the planet still must contend with a politico-religious ideology that has still not managed to claw its way out of the 7th century.

Muslim apostates threatened over Christianity

Muslim apostates threatened over Christianity - Telegraph)

In the West, capital punishment - the imposition of death for apostates - for such a personal and private matter as one's choice of religious belief strikes people as an absurdity and an abomination. But in the context of a cult definition, it makes perfect "sense".

Perhaps you can tell me all about the Christians in Canada, US, Australia, UK being threatened with death by local Muslims for apostacy - it being so frequent and all. :dunno:

As far as Muslims in other cultures and parts of the world - like blasphemy, the laws regarding apostacy are barbaric and need to be changed. I'm all for secular systems of law and a total seperation of church and state.
That makes absolutely no sense.

The source I supplied you is a part of islamist ideology and deals with adherents who otherwise would choose to make a decision about what, if any, religious belief they wish to embrace but cannot for fear of death.

Other than to spam the thread, why are asking about something totally unrelated: your spam comment regarding Christians?

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