No Longer David:*The State of Israel As Goliath

I guess it is OK for Sunni Man to say Rose is a psycho (and has aksi insinuated that she is a drunk), Roudy is retarded, and Hollie is a homo. Maybe these are terms of endearment for Muslims. I guess Sunni Man didn't want to say anything about how Muslim countries treat Gays.
I was specifically talking about you and your unwarranted personal attacks against me.

I don't remember attacking you. . :cool:
I guess it is OK for Sunni Man to say Rose is a psycho (and has aksi insinuated that she is a drunk), Roudy is retarded, and Hollie is a homo. Maybe these are terms of endearment for Muslims. I guess Sunni Man didn't want to say anything about how Muslim countries treat Gays.
I was specifically talking about you and your unwarranted personal attacks against me.

I don't remember attacking you. . :cool:

If you can attack others, I would imagine others can attack you if they choose. I wonder if by calling IRosie a drunk on several occasions, if you are trying to tell us you go to AA meetings? So tell us something about how Gays are treated in Muslim countries since you are so busy in your tagline of calling Hollie a homo. I was reading once how Muslims in Minnesota were throwing rocks at Gays there.
If you can attack others, I would imagine others can attack you if they choose. I wonder if by calling IRosie a drunk on several occasions, if you are trying to tell us you go to AA meetings?
Read irosies posts......she sounds mentally unstable. . :cuckoo:

And Roudy and Hollie are just straight out haters. . :eusa_hand:
I guess it is OK for Sunni Man to say Rose is a psycho (and has aksi insinuated that she is a drunk), Roudy is retarded, and Hollie is a homo. Maybe these are terms of endearment for Muslims. I guess Sunni Man didn't want to say anything about how Muslim countries treat Gays.
I was specifically talking about you and your unwarranted personal attacks against me.

I don't remember attacking you. . :cool:

She's a troll, and that is evident when you look at the content of her posts, 90% of which are attacking specific members, and her spontaneous appearance despite having registered over a year ago. Ignoring her is your best bet :)
If you can attack others, I would imagine others can attack you if they choose. I wonder if by calling IRosie a drunk on several occasions, if you are trying to tell us you go to AA meetings?
Read irosies posts......she sounds mentally unstable. . :cuckoo:

And Roudy and Hollie are just straight out haters. . :eusa_hand:

She doesn't read Rosie's posts.

Or, maybe she does.

Not sure which is worse.
The problem is that Sunni Man is such a proud Muslim convert that he will never believe anything is wrong with Islam. Even if ex Muslims were in a room with him and gave him reasons why they dropped out, he would put his hands over his ears. I don't think that anyone cares how people worship as long as they allow people who believe differently worship as they please and not try to harm people because of their beliefs.

You know...that's what I believe.
It's what Sunni believes. It's what most American's believe.

But is it REALLY what YOU believe?

I can only go by what you have posted so far and it certainly casts some doubt on your claim.
Sunni Man is trying so hard to convince us that Muslims never lie if they happen to belong to the Sunni cult.
Only a brain dead zionist lover would call 1+ billion muslim people a cult. . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Islam is by definition, a cult.

CULT – Any group which has a pyramid type authoritarian leadership structure with all teaching and guidance coming from the person/persons at the top.

In furtherance of the “cult” definition: The group will claim to be the only way to God; Nirvana; Paradise; Ultimate Reality; Full Potential, Way to Happiness etc, and will use thought reform or mind control techniques to gain control and keep their members (forced prayer five times a day, being murdered for leaving the cult, for example).

All of Islam is a cult under the above strictures. There is a hierarchy of authority not in any way different from Scientology, for example. Muhammud (swish) is the authority who is dead, but the authority still comes from the "top" through that individual who is no more or less dead than L Ron Hubbard (except he has been dead a lot longer). That the religion confers a special status to these two authorities is of no consequence, as Scientologists confer a special status to their "spiritual leader" as well. Neither this fact nor the antiquity of the Islamist folk being dead (or for that matter the now thankfully dead Ayatolla Komeini or Muhammud's (swat), "companions", is in anyway legitimized one over the other. BTW, each of these men have made grandiose claims of self-importance, each claiming those who follow different paths are doomed to eternal torment.

Lets take the “cult” definition one step further:

The group will have an ELITIST view of itself in relation to others, and a UNIQUE CAUSE. e.i. THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES RIGHT - everyone else is wrong. THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES DOING GOD'S WILL - everyone else is in apostasy.

Again, no religion claims itself secondary in comparison to its competition. That would dismantle the authority of the religion and in the case of islamism, the authority of the religion's inventor.

And one more because I’m on a roll: ( They will promote their cause actively, and in doing so, abuse God-given personal rights and freedoms. This abuse can be THEOLOGICAL, SPIRITUAL, SOCIAL & PSYCHOLOGICAL.

Honestly, there is no more abusive politico-religious ideology than the one muhammud (schmuck), invented.

:.... True story


Well damn Hollie.

Catholicism is a cult and I had no idea!

Mormonism is a cult...and it's the fastest growing religion!

And there's MORE!!!!!

We are inundated in cults!

But...we have a problem.

CULT – Any group which has a pyramid type authoritarian leadership structure with all teaching and guidance coming from the person/persons at the top.

That isn't the case with Islam. There is no one voice of leadership among the many groups, sects and mullahs. If you claim that Mohammed is well, the same argument can be made for Jesus.

The group will have an ELITIST view of itself in relation to others, and a UNIQUE CAUSE. e.i. THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES RIGHT - everyone else is wrong. THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES DOING GOD'S WILL - everyone else is in apostasy.
-- Hollie, that fits all three Abrahamic religions.

I think this is just another example of stupidobigamus. Islam, Christianity in general, and Catholocism (which actually more closely fits your definition) in particular are established - LONG established world religions.
I guess it is OK for Sunni Man to say Rose is a psycho (and has aksi insinuated that she is a drunk), Roudy is retarded, and Hollie is a homo. Maybe these are terms of endearment for Muslims. I guess Sunni Man didn't want to say anything about how Muslim countries treat Gays.
I was specifically talking about you and your unwarranted personal attacks against me.

I don't remember attacking you. . :cool:

She's a troll, and that is evident when you look at the content of her posts, 90% of which are attacking specific members, and her spontaneous appearance despite having registered over a year ago. Ignoring her is your best bet :)

How nice that Coyote and Sunni Man stick up for each other (and of course they both stick up for Mrs. Sherri,) but they have a problem if someone sticks up for someone they dislake. Thank you for exaggerating, Coyote, about 90% of my posts. It will show the readers that you are not really up and up. When you think of all the viewers out there, any intelligent person would realize that there are many lurkers who don't feel like posting. Maybe someday, like me, they will start to.
If you can attack others, I would imagine others can attack you if they choose. I wonder if by calling IRosie a drunk on several occasions, if you are trying to tell us you go to AA meetings?
Read irosies posts......she sounds mentally unstable. . :cuckoo:

And Roudy and Hollie are just straight out haters. . :eusa_hand:

You must think the viewers are that stupid that they don't realize who the mentally unstable one here is, and you both are enabling her.
I was specifically talking about you and your unwarranted personal attacks against me.

I don't remember attacking you. . :cool:

She's a troll, and that is evident when you look at the content of her posts, 90% of which are attacking specific members, and her spontaneous appearance despite having registered over a year ago. Ignoring her is your best bet :)

How nice that Coyote and Sunni Man stick up for each other (and of course they both stick up for Mrs. Sherri,) but they have a problem if someone sticks up for someone they dislake. Thank you for exaggerating, Coyote, about 90% of my posts. It will show the readers that you are not really up and up. When you think of all the viewers out there, any intelligent person would realize that there are many lurkers who don't feel like posting. Maybe someday, like me, they will start to.

How nice that Sally seems incapable of speaking in first person. Perhaps it's a speech impediment :)

I understand perfectly about lurkers not wanting to post. What's a bit more difficult to understand is when said lurkers do suddenly decide to post - it's to attack other members and to imitate the style of another member in those attacks. Most lurkers, when they start to post, concentrate upon discussing issues rather than attacking members right off the bat. Perhaps I'm wrong, but - I don't think so.
This thread is pure Muslim spin, with no facts to support it. I will not participate here, and I suggest other thinking people do likewise.


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Only a brain dead zionist lover would call 1+ billion muslim people a cult. . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Islam is by definition, a cult.

CULT – Any group which has a pyramid type authoritarian leadership structure with all teaching and guidance coming from the person/persons at the top.

In furtherance of the “cult” definition: The group will claim to be the only way to God; Nirvana; Paradise; Ultimate Reality; Full Potential, Way to Happiness etc, and will use thought reform or mind control techniques to gain control and keep their members (forced prayer five times a day, being murdered for leaving the cult, for example).

All of Islam is a cult under the above strictures. There is a hierarchy of authority not in any way different from Scientology, for example. Muhammud (swish) is the authority who is dead, but the authority still comes from the "top" through that individual who is no more or less dead than L Ron Hubbard (except he has been dead a lot longer). That the religion confers a special status to these two authorities is of no consequence, as Scientologists confer a special status to their "spiritual leader" as well. Neither this fact nor the antiquity of the Islamist folk being dead (or for that matter the now thankfully dead Ayatolla Komeini or Muhammud's (swat), "companions", is in anyway legitimized one over the other. BTW, each of these men have made grandiose claims of self-importance, each claiming those who follow different paths are doomed to eternal torment.

Lets take the “cult” definition one step further:

The group will have an ELITIST view of itself in relation to others, and a UNIQUE CAUSE. e.i. THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES RIGHT - everyone else is wrong. THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES DOING GOD'S WILL - everyone else is in apostasy.

Again, no religion claims itself secondary in comparison to its competition. That would dismantle the authority of the religion and in the case of islamism, the authority of the religion's inventor.

And one more because I’m on a roll: ( They will promote their cause actively, and in doing so, abuse God-given personal rights and freedoms. This abuse can be THEOLOGICAL, SPIRITUAL, SOCIAL & PSYCHOLOGICAL.

Honestly, there is no more abusive politico-religious ideology than the one muhammud (schmuck), invented.

:.... True story


Well damn Hollie.

Catholicism is a cult and I had no idea!

Mormonism is a cult...and it's the fastest growing religion!

And there's MORE!!!!!

We are inundated in cults!

But...we have a problem.

CULT – Any group which has a pyramid type authoritarian leadership structure with all teaching and guidance coming from the person/persons at the top.

That isn't the case with Islam. There is no one voice of leadership among the many groups, sects and mullahs. If you claim that Mohammed is well, the same argument can be made for Jesus.

The group will have an ELITIST view of itself in relation to others, and a UNIQUE CAUSE. e.i. THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES RIGHT - everyone else is wrong. THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES DOING GOD'S WILL - everyone else is in apostasy.
-- Hollie, that fits all three Abrahamic religions.

I think this is just another example of stupidobigamus. Islam, Christianity in general, and Catholocism (which actually more closely fits your definition) in particular are established - LONG established world religions.

Oh, you poor dear. You’re trying so hard to lump Islamism in with other religions. What you carefully chose to avoid is that islam is a politico-religious ideology.

You will note that Islamism is unique in that its cult status is confirmed by several elements included in the cult definition, ie:, mind control techniques to gain control of the adherent and the very real threat of death for leaving the cult. I’m sure that your madrassah makes you aware of apostasy and the punishment for same.

But more to the point, the islamist “system for life” is unique in that it defines every aspect of the moslem’s life. The upshot of this rigid literalism in Islam is that the koran and the hadith are not subject to the debate that one will find in the true (reformed) Abrahamic faiths. Islam is the most static of all the world's great faiths. Muhammud’s (swish) syncretic politico-religious ideology are the beginning and end of the moslem’s worldview. No matter what you're doing, however mundane, insignificant, or personal, if you're a Moslem, you must do it the way that the koran and the hadith have prescribed. I've often wondered if Muhammud (swish) was afflicted with some sort of obsessive compulsive disorder in light of the fanatic zeal with which he pontificated regarding all the facets and minutiae of one’s life.
Nah...Hollie, the only thing I note is you are full of BS in trying to make a world religion fit your definition of "cult" while excluding other identical religions utilizing obvious anti-Islamic talking points.

Doesn't work. :lol:
The problem is that Sunni Man is such a proud Muslim convert that he will never believe anything is wrong with Islam. Even if ex Muslims were in a room with him and gave him reasons why they dropped out, he would put his hands over his ears. I don't think that anyone cares how people worship as long as they allow people who believe differently worship as they please and not try to harm people because of their beliefs.

You know...that's what I believe.
It's what Sunni believes. It's what most American's believe.

But is it REALLY what YOU believe?

I can only go by what you have posted so far and it certainly casts some doubt on your claim.

Yeah, most Americans think like Sunni Man, that those Sunni terrorists are martyrs. Thank you for showing everyone just what you are, Coyote. Ever since my first post, the Three Stooges have given me the business. Maybe the Three Stooges don't think the viewers have seen that. I guess if I started posting that the Muslims are so angelic and would never think of harming anyone for their religious belief, the Three Stooges would love me. However, only a blind person would not realize what is happening in the Middle East today as well as other Muslim countries.
She's a troll, and that is evident when you look at the content of her posts, 90% of which are attacking specific members, and her spontaneous appearance despite having registered over a year ago. Ignoring her is your best bet :)[

/quote]Yea, she is definitely a troll.......but not a very good one. . :lol: :lol:

The above comes from someone who is definitely not swift.
Ever since my first post, the Three Stooges have given me the business. Maybe the Three Stooges don't think the viewers have seen that. I guess if I started posting that the Muslims are so angelic and would never think of harming anyone for their religious belief, the Three Stooges would love me. However, only a blind person would not realize what is happening in the Middle East today as well as other Muslim countries.
I think poor Sally got her feelings hurt.......... :(
Ever since my first post, the Three Stooges have given me the business. Maybe the Three Stooges don't think the viewers have seen that. I guess if I started posting that the Muslims are so angelic and would never think of harming anyone for their religious belief, the Three Stooges would love me. However, only a blind person would not realize what is happening in the Middle East today as well as other Muslim countries

I think poor Sally got her feelings hurt.......... :(

Do you really think you Three Stooges actually affect me in any way? I think the viewers have seen just what happened, that you Three Stooges don't want to see anything posted which is against the Muslims. They sure most have gotten an eye opener that an American, even though you are a Muslim convert, would call those killed Sunni terrorists martyrs when they were just killers.
Nah...Hollie, the only thing I note is you are full of BS in trying to make a world religion fit your definition of "cult" while excluding other identical religions utilizing obvious anti-Islamic talking points.

Doesn't work. :lol:

"Identical religions"? You've been practicing your taqiyya, obviously.

The two true Abrahamic faiths are obviously different when compared to islam.

I did a search and found no reports of heavily armed, pious Lutherans hunting down an apostate Lutheran. Similarrly,I found no articles describing apostate Protestants, Presbyterians or Catholics being murdered by an angry mob.

Strange, that!

What’s not surprising is your typical retreat to personal attacks when you’re arguments are bankrupt and indefensible. Infidels are aware that there is no separation of mosque and state in Islam—every last detail of human experience and endeavor is administered under sharia law.

This is why Muslims say that Islam is not just a religion, but a complete way of life™. That's what it is. How you go to the bathroom, make love to your spouse, punish those who transgress against God's will, give to charity (Islamic charity), go to war, eat, wash, borrow money, treat infidels—in short, anything you may do in the course of being alive—is strictly regulated by the sharia. Life for the Muslim is a complex series of bizarre rituals and habits that are commanded by muhammud (swat). Islam is the obsessive-compulsive disorder of religions.

We keep reading about these abominable acts of brutality targeting apostates, competing religions and their adherents. Moslems and even some of the Western media scramble, on cue, to assure us that we are not witnessing an established trend that we should worry about. In addition to the fact that they dishonestly and euphemistically call the monsters who do this "militants" they also have a hackneyed script which they read from each time another Islamic snuff film is made available on the internet.

Death cult apologists will often claim that killing a person for apostasy is not in register with Islamic doctrine. We don't even need to trouble ourselves with such mental gymnastics for this. Here is what the 'Umdat al-Salik (Reliance of the Traveller) manual of shari'ah law has to say on these two grave matters:

(O: Leaving Islam is the ugliest form of unbelief (kufr) and the worst. It may come about through sarcasm, as when someone is told, "Trim you nails, it is sunna," and he replies, "I would not do it even if it were," as opposed to when some circumstance exists which exonerates him of having committed apostasy, such as when his tongue runs away with him, or when he is quoting someone, or says it out of fear.)
o8.1 When a person who has reached puberty and is sane voluntarily apostatizes from Islam, he deserves to be killed.

o8.2 In such a case, it is obligatory for the caliph (A: or his representative) to ask him to repent and return to Islam. If he does, it is accepted from him, but if he refuses, he is immediately killed. ...

o8.4 There is no indemnity for killing an apostate (O: or any expiation, since it is killing someone who deserves to die).
Ever since my first post, the Three Stooges have given me the business. Maybe the Three Stooges don't think the viewers have seen that. I guess if I started posting that the Muslims are so angelic and would never think of harming anyone for their religious belief, the Three Stooges would love me. However, only a blind person would not realize what is happening in the Middle East today as well as other Muslim countries.
I think poor Sally got her feelings hurt.......... :(

Well actually, it was you who slithered away and pretended to put people on an invented ignore list.

Did you fragile, (impotent), converted islamo-feelings get hurt?

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