No Longer David:*The State of Israel As Goliath

Do you happen to have pictures of the fine hotels and restaurants in Gaza? After all, most of Gaza has not been destroyed. By the way, why did your friends destroy those greenhouses? I am sure that if someone visited Gaza and then visited Syria, they would see what real destruction is. You still have not said why you are not posting on the Israel/Palestine forum since this is the topic which concerns you the most and, consequently, you keep on going back many years to show how "evil" those Zionists are when so much has happened in the Middle East since that time. I would think that something like the following would concern you since most Iranians are Shia.

Do you happen to have pictures of the fine hotels and restaurants in Gaza? After all, most of Gaza has not been destroyed. By the way, why did your friends destroy those greenhouses? I am sure that if someone visited Gaza and then visited Syria, they would see what real destruction is. You still have not said why you are not posting on the Israel/Palestine forum since this is the topic which concerns you the most and, consequently, you keep on going back many years to show how "evil" those Zionists are when so much has happened in the Middle East since that time. I would think that something like the following would concern you since most Iranians are Shia.

By the way, why did your friends destroy those greenhouses?

Israel shuts off water, dries Gaza greenhouses
Gaza The smell of destruction

When Islamic terrorists launch missiles at Israel, there will be a response designed to eliminate that threat.

This consistent pattern of behavior from the islamist terrorists in Gaza - attacking Israel and then whining about the inevitable beat-down - suggests the Islamic terrorists are self-destructive, stupid and prone to repeating self-destructive, stupid behavior.

You really are right. I watch Muslims post in USMB as if anything they say will change what is going on in the real world. 9/11, the Boston Marathon Bombings and a list of other terrorist acts seem to give Muslims the false impression that somehow they are proceeding.

With the conversion of America's F-15 Eagles into drone controlled, we will soon have over 200 drones. That is enough to Nuke the entire Middle East, and wipe out every major Muslim City without risking a single American life. We could hide our involvement behind NATO. That has worked many times in the past.

Now this is not America's first time at the rodeo. To execute an action such as this we need to sell the idea to the world. It is not a hard sell. Nuke them, take the oil, and stop wasting time on these Muslim idiots. We will be able to make some real progress. The citizens of the United States have been ready for action for some time. But, there are a few countries like Russia and China that are not quite ready. Here is a map of the region. What geography do you think Russia and China will want? Keep in mind how thirsty China is becoming for oil, and Russians always want more land. A deal can be made after the Muslim countries are gone, and the Muslims have no idea what is happening. It should be entertaining to see how the remaining Muslims will react when their precious Allah does not help them.


Do you happen to have pictures of the fine hotels and restaurants in Gaza? After all, most of Gaza has not been destroyed. By the way, why did your friends destroy those greenhouses? I am sure that if someone visited Gaza and then visited Syria, they would see what real destruction is. You still have not said why you are not posting on the Israel/Palestine forum since this is the topic which concerns you the most and, consequently, you keep on going back many years to show how "evil" those Zionists are when so much has happened in the Middle East since that time. I would think that something like the following would concern you since most Iranians are Shia.

By the way, why did your friends destroy those greenhouses?

Israel shuts off water, dries Gaza greenhouses

You whine like a petulant child, just as the Pal-arab beggars and squatters.

It's like listening to a 7 year old who has been scolded by a parent for not taking responsibility.
Do you happen to have pictures of the fine hotels and restaurants in Gaza? After all, most of Gaza has not been destroyed. By the way, why did your friends destroy those greenhouses? I am sure that if someone visited Gaza and then visited Syria, they would see what real destruction is. You still have not said why you are not posting on the Israel/Palestine forum since this is the topic which concerns you the most and, consequently, you keep on going back many years to show how "evil" those Zionists are when so much has happened in the Middle East since that time. I would think that something like the following would concern you since most Iranians are Shia.
And the Silly-Sally rambles on and on........... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:
Do you happen to have pictures of the fine hotels and restaurants in Gaza? After all, most of Gaza has not been destroyed. By the way, why did your friends destroy those greenhouses? I am sure that if someone visited Gaza and then visited Syria, they would see what real destruction is. You still have not said why you are not posting on the Israel/Palestine forum since this is the topic which concerns you the most and, consequently, you keep on going back many years to show how "evil" those Zionists are when so much has happened in the Middle East since that time. I would think that something like the following would concern you since most Iranians are Shia.
And the Silly-Sally rambles on and on........... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

And as usual, you're too inept to even try and offer a coherent response.

True story .........:cool:
Do you happen to have pictures of the fine hotels and restaurants in Gaza? After all, most of Gaza has not been destroyed. By the way, why did your friends destroy those greenhouses? I am sure that if someone visited Gaza and then visited Syria, they would see what real destruction is. You still have not said why you are not posting on the Israel/Palestine forum since this is the topic which concerns you the most and, consequently, you keep on going back many years to show how "evil" those Zionists are when so much has happened in the Middle East since that time. I would think that something like the following would concern you since most Iranians are Shia.
And the Silly-Sally rambles on and on........... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Is anyone surprised that one of the Three Stooges has shown up after I said something to the other Stooge? So, Sunni Man, I noticed that you said on another forum that Hitler was misunderstood. Naturally you would have made a good henchman for him. Sieg heil. I wonder if Sunni Man has an 88 tatoo'd on his tushie in honor of his friend Adolph.
When Islamic terrorists launch missiles at Israel, there will be a response designed to eliminate that threat.

This consistent pattern of behavior from the islamist terrorists in Gaza - attacking Israel and then whining about the inevitable beat-down - suggests the Islamic terrorists are self-destructive, stupid and prone to repeating self-destructive, stupid behavior.
The majority of the rocket attacks are in response to Israeli aggression.
When Islamic terrorists launch missiles at Israel, there will be a response designed to eliminate that threat.

This consistent pattern of behavior from the islamist terrorists in Gaza - attacking Israel and then whining about the inevitable beat-down - suggests the Islamic terrorists are self-destructive, stupid and prone to repeating self-destructive, stupid behavior.
The majority of the rocket attacks are in response to Israeli aggression.

I understand. You have that goofy slogan saved as a Microsoft Word document and simply cut and paste it from thread to thread.
I understand. You have that goofy slogan saved as a Microsoft Word document and simply cut and paste it from thread to thread.
No I don't. Nice try, though.

As long as you keep pushing these bullshit lies, I'm gonna call you on them and set the record straight.

You can point to any rocket attack and I'll show you the Israeli aggression before that.
I understand. You have that goofy slogan saved as a Microsoft Word document and simply cut and paste it from thread to thread.
No I don't. Nice try, though.

As long as you keep pushing these bullshit lies, I'm gonna call you on them and set the record straight.

You can point to any rocket attack and I'll show you the Israeli aggression before that.

Sorry, Loinboy, why don't you go make us a list.

Save you Word document cut and paste slogan. You've spammed multiple threads with it already.
1400 lives Israeli war criminals took in Cast Lead.

And until the baby killing war criminal scum are brought to justice, there will continue to be talk about Cast Lead.
1400 lives Israeli war criminals took in Cast Lead.

And until the baby killing war criminal scum are brought to justice, there will continue to be talk about Cast Lead.

I agree. The Islamic terrorist criminal scum who put babies in jeopardy by waging war from populated areas should be brought to justice. Many Islamic terrorists were brought to justice (.223 caliber justice), during the Israeli defensive operation nicknamed Cast Lead.
1400 lives Israeli war criminals took in Cast Lead.

And until the baby killing war criminal scum are brought to justice, there will continue to be talk about Cast Lead.

115,000 have been murdered by your friends in Syria, and many of the 115,000 were babies and young children. However, since the scum you adore have done this, it is nothing for people to think about. Everyone should concentrate on the Cast Iron incident even though it happened quite a while back because Mrs. Sherri thinks this is more important than the tens of thousands who have been murdered by her friends in the last couple of years.

If you count up all the suicide and car bombings your friends in many locations
- have done where innocent people with their children have been murdered, it will no doubt come to well over the 1400 you are mourning. These people do not count for Mrs. Sherri because the "evil Zionists" didn't do all this murdering.
Israelis shed the blood of the innocent and celebrate their acts of killing!


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