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No Missiles For Hezbollah

No way do I "profit from mass murder of children" like the very first documented massacre in the Middle East. Do you approve?

1929 Hebron massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Good luck with your reading disorder.

"Rocco...which country has been the greatest instigator of death on this planet during your entire lifetime?
Which country has maimed, murdered, and displaced millions of children from Korea to Kosovo?
Which country has propped up Israeli terror in Lebanon for two generations.
I understand why someone as ignorant and ill-educated as Hoss believes an accident of birth makes these questions academic
Why do you"?
What of your moral disorder...do you profit from the mass murder of children?
No more nor less than I approve of the current situation in Fallujah.
You see George, it's like when president Kennedy told the Russians to remove those missiles off the coast of Cuba aimed at Florida or the United States will respond in a declaration of war.

George, concerning the alleged 'terror' you claim the Israelis brought to Lebanon, you forgot to mention why they invaded in the first place. The PLO was trying to set up rocket launching sites in southern Lebanon to terrorize Israelis in the north. In other words, Lebanon was knowingly and willingly harboring terrorists. The way I see it , when a country lets terrorists set up their sites (i.e Afghanistan, Iraq), civilians always pay a heavy price unfortunately. Nature of the beast. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.
I see your problem with historical context:

"After provocative political moves and the failed US attempt to overthrow the Cuban regime (Bay of Pigs, Operation Mongoose), in May 1962 Nikita Khrushchev proposed the idea of placing Soviet nuclear missiles on Cuba to deter any future invasion attempt.

"During a meeting between Khrushchev and Fidel Castro that July, a secret agreement was reached and construction of several missile sites began in the late summer. Such a move would also neutralize the US's advantage of having missiles in Turkey."

Cuban missile crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Toast...when 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation upon 1.2 million Arabs in Palestine in 1948, Israel set in motion a chain of events that leads directly to today's situation in Syria and Lebanon. Israel and the US and NATO are inflicting terror upon the Muslims of those two countries and they are doing it for the same reason imperial beasts have always behaved; it is $imply in their nature$.
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georgephillip, et al,

I see you've altered the initial question to narrow it to "Muslims."

In fact neither Hutu nor Pol Pot has maimed or murdered millions of innocent Muslims over the course of your life, Rocco. Hutu may have had encouragement from western multinationals in their Rwandan pogroms and, of course, Pol Pot would have never acquired a base large enough to inflict his genocide upon Cambodia with the help of Dick, Henry, and Operation Menu.

All anti-American rhetoric has the intent of making every American action appear aggressive. The Muslim effort to make themselves appear as victims is no different.

As for the discussion on Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge/Khmer Rumdo/Vietnamese-aligned Communists, anyone that tries, even remotely, to blame the mass genocide (Cambodian on Cambodian) on the US is just being silly. You can blame the bombing of the North-South route of the Ho Chi Minh Trail and NVA pre-positioned supply point in the eastern corridor of Cambodia on the US if you want, but a military target is a military target. But that is a different war; for a different discussion.

The Greatest Purveyor of Violence on This Planet carpet bombed Cambodia, destroying the social fabric of that country and enraging its population to such an extent that Pol Pot convinced them to murder most of their intellectuals and political elites. How much money has the esteemed intellectual Henry Kissinger earned from that war crime?

The US didn't destroy the social fabric of Cambodia; the Cambodians did that themselves. And Henry Kissinger did not monetarily profit from his position, nor was he a war criminal. This again is an effort to smear the name of a good man. While I (personally) did not agree with all his positions on the war, the strategy, and the overall campaign, he did what he could in the service of the nation and his President.

At the conclusion of the War to End all Wars, France and Britain drew the borders of today's Middle East. The crown jewel in their scheme had to wait until 1948 for its "independence." By that time the US had consolidated much of the British Empire within its own Grand Area. Hundreds of thousands of Arabs were evicted by Israel in 1948, and some landed in Lebanon where they actually had the arrogance to push back against the imperial ambitions of the Great Powers of the world, acting through their little loyal Jewish Ulster.

That original ethnic cleansing of Palestine by the Jews in 1948 is the terror operation that Israel inflicted upon Lebanon and Syria.

The fact of the matter is, that both Lebanon and Syria took active measures to instigate war, by means of an invasion. Both Lebanon and Syria were both nations born of Mandate Power, yet they conspired to deny the right of Israel to establish its nation. There was no inspired Israeli Terrorist Operations targeting Lebanon or Syria in the 1948/49 War. But there was an invasion; an attempt by Arab states to take by force territorial control. That was wrong, and everyone knows it was wrong.

Today, the Great Game continues under the umbrella of NATO, a gaggle of war mongers whose total "defense" spending equals 70% of the world's total. Syria and Lebanon will soon follow in the footsteps of Iraq and Libya with Sudan, Somalia, and Iran waiting their turns.

Nonsense! Currently, NATO is not involved in the Middle East in terms of military expeditions. Yes, NATO has a big budget; it is a big alliance. NATO was NOT in Iraq. Libya was an Arab Spring matter; not an independent NATO intervention. The Sudan, well, is a quasi-Failed State that may yet stabilize. Somalia, well --- what can you say about that mess. Somalia is a failed state. Iran is not in the same category as Libya, the Sudan, or Somalia.

INFO: LINK --- > Somalia tops failed states index for fifth year ? This Just In - CNN.com Blogs

The Great Powers have decided to militarize the eastern Mediterranean in order to protect oil pipelines running from the Caspian Sea to Turkey. It looks like a fairly simple quid pro quo: Israel and Turkey assume joint control of Syrian and Lebanese coastal waters. Jews get the Litani River for a northern border and official membership in NATO. Turkey gives up half its territory for a "Free Kurdistan" and gets welcomed into the EU.

Nice theory --- very (very) low probability of happening. Too many other moving parts.

I'm not entirely sure why you consistently deny your country's leading role in inflicting terror upon millions of Muslims in the Middle East, but I am clear your answer will have little to do with truth-justice-accountability or human rights; in fact, it seems your answer has more to do with an unswerving loyalty to the power that comes from the barrel of a gun.

The US, and the American People, have gone out of its way (to an extreme in some cases) to express (in no uncertain terms) that it is not at odds with the Muslim Culture or the followers of Islam. The reverse is not so true. While there are a significant number of Muslims and Islamic followers in the US, they have been and continue to be a source of grave concern to other multicultural Americans. While they have had the opportunity to enjoy and participate in the uninhibitedly lifestyle of America, they are very quick to praise the barbaric, cruel, and extremely brutal behaviors exhibited by the Muslim cultures and Islamic teachings elsewhere.

Live by the gun...?

What is that saying: "Don't throw rocks if you live in a glass house!"


Maybe those Palestinian that attempt to "Live by the Gun" should adopt your concept. But I don't think a culture that praises martyrs, or participates in beheadings, conducts suicide bombings, airline and ship hijackings, the assassination of olympic teams, or assaults on airports is going to be sympathetic to your cause.

No more nor less than I approve of the current situation in Fallujah.

It is a terrible thing that Fallujah is suffering from this epidemic of birth defects. But we would have had to nuke Fallujah for it to have been the fault of the US. There simply is no scientific evidence that the affliction they suffer was caused by anything the US did.

There may be cause to believe that toxic metals, such as mercury (Hg), lead (Pb) [lead] uranium (U), or white phosphorus (WP), might be suspicious. But having said that, WP was present in tracer rounds and illumination devices, but not used in Fallujah as an incendiary weapon. Lead is always present in war; but the ground would have to be literally covered in rounds to get the effect we see in Fallujah. We don't use mercury in our munitions. As far as depleted uranium goes, you would have to have the landscape littered with it in order to get the effect seen in Fallujah; raising the ambient radioactivity to something on the order of Hiroshima. While it is easy to blame the US for everything, you might want to wait until someone discovers the actual source of the contaminent; if indeed it is a contaminent.

Having said the bleeding heart part, there would not have been this problem if the US had exercise the proper strategy. One consistant with the barbarity of the people of Fallujah.

Ceterum censeo Fallujah esse delendam​

Most Respectfully,
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What would that strategy be, Rocco; How many Fallujahans have poisoned/murdered/displaced any bleeding hearts in your family?

"Between October 1994 and October 1995, the number of birth defects per 1,000 live births in Al Basrah Maternity Hospital was 1.37. In 2003, the number of birth defects in Al Basrah Maternity Hospital was 23 per 1,000 livebirths. Within less than a decade, the occurrence of congenital birth defects increased by an astonishing 17-fold in the same hospital.

"As David Kenner notes in Foreign Policy, the numbers of miscarriages and birth defects are much higher than before the start of the war and are also "wildly out of proportion" to numbers collected in the rest of the world.

"Mozhgan Savabieasfahani, one of the lead authors of the 2012 study and a toxicologist at the University of Michigan, told The Independent in 2012 that there is 'compelling evidence" to connect the growing number of defects at birth to the military assaults in Basra and Fallujah.'

Greatest purveyor of terror on planet earth, Rocco.
And now the shit is starting to blow back.

Iraq War Anniversary: Birth Defects And Cancer Rates At Devastating High In Basra And Fallujah (VIDEO)
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georgephillip, et al,

Granted, there is something strange going on.

What would that strategy be, Rocco; How many Fallujahans have poisoned/murdered/displaced any bleeding hearts in your family?

"Between October 1994 and October 1995, the number of birth defects per 1,000 live births in Al Basrah Maternity Hospital was 1.37. In 2003, the number of birth defects in Al Basrah Maternity Hospital was 23 per 1,000 livebirths. Within less than a decade, the occurrence of congenital birth defects increased by an astonishing 17-fold in the same hospital.

"As David Kenner notes in Foreign Policy, the numbers of miscarriages and birth defects are much higher than before the start of the war and are also "wildly out of proportion" to numbers collected in the rest of the world.

"Mozhgan Savabieasfahani, one of the lead authors of the 2012 study and a toxicologist at the University of Michigan, told The Independent in 2012 that there is 'compelling evidence" to connect the growing number of defects at birth to the military assaults in Basra and Fallujah.'

Greatest purveyor of terror on planet earth, Rocco.
And now the shit is starting to blow back.

Iraq War Anniversary: Birth Defects And Cancer Rates At Devastating High In Basra And Fallujah (VIDEO)

One of the things you learn very quickly, is that a mathematical correlation may be necessary to establish --- but it is not - by itself - sufficient to establishing a causal relationship to the event.

In your reference article, it says: "Scientists suspect the rise is tied to the use of depleted uranium and white phosphorus in military assaults."

As I said before, WP isn't used in anti-personnel weapons; it is for illumination. And depleted uranium (DU) wasn't used in Fallujah, it is used in tank battles. HE is used in built-up areas.

There is no question that there seems to be a heavy metal exposure. The report cites considerable information on the nature of the exposure, but no information on the source of the exposure.

Until we understand how the parents were exposed to the various heavy metals, , passing on the Congenital Birth Defects, we don't have a means to make an accusation.

We simply don't have sufficient information to draw a conclusion.

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
Please note-----the term "birth defects" is very vague. Unless the '
specific "defects" considered to be "defects" are noted----the 'stat
is utterly meaningless. In fact a very high number of births---
in the best of circumstances actually do have "defects"----that
are simply very mild ---- a very slightly mis-shapen ear---can be
called a "birth defect"----and happens to be a very common occurence.

during labor---the HEAD of the infant OFTEN because very misshapen
due to effusions in the subcutaneous layer of the scalp----but that
problem resolves spontaneously. The fact that the reported 'stat'
is meaningless cannot be over-stated You got something that
actually means something I have a cafe au lait spot on my arm---
is that a birth defect?-----it is an issue of migration of cells from the neural
crest------is that not IMPRESSIVE ?? should I sue someone?
Some of us do.

"Intermittent bombing of populated cities in Iraq has
occurred since 1991. Most significant was the bombardment
of Fallujah, a city in central Iraq, and Al Basrah, a city in
southern Iraq. Fallujah was heavily bombed in 2004. Subsequently, unusual numbers of birth defects have been surfacing in that city. Al Basrah was also a target of heavy bombing
(December 1998, March and April 2003).

"Similar to Fallujah,
after the 2003 invasion and occupation of Iraq, the medical
staff in Al Basrah Maternity Hospital has been witnessing a
pattern of increase in congenital birth defects. Based on these
observations, many suspect that pollution created by the
bombardment of Iraqi cities has caused the current birth
defect crisis in that country (Al-Hadithi et al. 2012)."

What other possible explanation except the illegal US invasion and occupation of Iraq could explain these numbers?

Okay. Lets blame Fallujah on Israel. After all, Iraq was America's war for Israel. Right George?

No way do I "profit from mass murder of children" like the very first documented massacre in the Middle East. Do you approve?

1929 Hebron massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What of your moral disorder...do you profit from the mass murder of children?
No more nor less than I approve of the current situation in Fallujah.
Okay. Lets blame Fallujah on Israel. After all, Iraq was America's war for Israel. Right George?

No way do I "profit from mass murder of children" like the very first documented massacre in the Middle East. Do you approve?

1929 Hebron massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No more nor less than I approve of the current situation in Fallujah.
We could blame Fallujah, Damascus, Tel Aviv, and Beirut on London and Paris, could we not?

"The Occupied Enemy Territory Administration or (OETA; pronounced o-eet-a[1]) was a period of British and French control over certain Arab-majority areas of the former Ottoman Empire between 1917–20 during and following World War I. It ended following the assignment of the French Mandate of Syria and Lebanon and British Mandate for Palestine at the 19–26 April 1920 San Remo conference."

Possibly the initials D & C might warrant some blame, too?
You see George, it's like when president Kennedy told the Russians to remove those missiles off the coast of Cuba aimed at Florida or the United States will respond in a declaration of war.

George, concerning the alleged 'terror' you claim the Israelis brought to Lebanon, you forgot to mention why they invaded in the first place. The PLO was trying to set up rocket launching sites in southern Lebanon to terrorize Israelis in the north. In other words, Lebanon was knowingly and willingly harboring terrorists. The way I see it , when a country lets terrorists set up their sites (i.e Afghanistan, Iraq), civilians always pay a heavy price unfortunately. Nature of the beast. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.
I see your problem with historical context:

"After provocative political moves and the failed US attempt to overthrow the Cuban regime (Bay of Pigs, Operation Mongoose), in May 1962 Nikita Khrushchev proposed the idea of placing Soviet nuclear missiles on Cuba to deter any future invasion attempt.

"During a meeting between Khrushchev and Fidel Castro that July, a secret agreement was reached and construction of several missile sites began in the late summer. Such a move would also neutralize the US's advantage of having missiles in Turkey."

Cuban missile crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Toast...when 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation upon 1.2 million Arabs in Palestine in 1948, Israel set in motion a chain of events that leads directly to today's situation in Syria and Lebanon. Israel and the US and NATO are inflicting terror upon the Muslims of those two countries and they are doing it for the same reason imperial beasts have always behaved; it is $imply in their nature$.

The bold is one of the biggest pro - Palestinian myths.
George , do you agree with me when I say that when countries knowingly and willingly harbor terrorists and terrorist organizations, and provides them with a safe haven among the civilian population, that civilian casualties are inevitable ??
You see George, it's like when president Kennedy told the Russians to remove those missiles off the coast of Cuba aimed at Florida or the United States will respond in a declaration of war.
I see your problem with historical context:

"After provocative political moves and the failed US attempt to overthrow the Cuban regime (Bay of Pigs, Operation Mongoose), in May 1962 Nikita Khrushchev proposed the idea of placing Soviet nuclear missiles on Cuba to deter any future invasion attempt.

"During a meeting between Khrushchev and Fidel Castro that July, a secret agreement was reached and construction of several missile sites began in the late summer. Such a move would also neutralize the US's advantage of having missiles in Turkey."

Cuban missile crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Toast...when 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation upon 1.2 million Arabs in Palestine in 1948, Israel set in motion a chain of events that leads directly to today's situation in Syria and Lebanon. Israel and the US and NATO are inflicting terror upon the Muslims of those two countries and they are doing it for the same reason imperial beasts have always behaved; it is $imply in their nature$.

The bold is one of the biggest pro - Palestinian myths.
What do you believe the ratio of Jew to Arab was in 1948 Palestine?
I see your problem with historical context:

"After provocative political moves and the failed US attempt to overthrow the Cuban regime (Bay of Pigs, Operation Mongoose), in May 1962 Nikita Khrushchev proposed the idea of placing Soviet nuclear missiles on Cuba to deter any future invasion attempt.

"During a meeting between Khrushchev and Fidel Castro that July, a secret agreement was reached and construction of several missile sites began in the late summer. Such a move would also neutralize the US's advantage of having missiles in Turkey."

Cuban missile crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Toast...when 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation upon 1.2 million Arabs in Palestine in 1948, Israel set in motion a chain of events that leads directly to today's situation in Syria and Lebanon. Israel and the US and NATO are inflicting terror upon the Muslims of those two countries and they are doing it for the same reason imperial beasts have always behaved; it is $imply in their nature$.

The bold is one of the biggest pro - Palestinian myths.
What do you believe the ratio of Jew to Arab was in 1948 Palestine?

Better yet, how many Palestinians fled the 1948-1949 civil war ?
The bold is one of the biggest pro - Palestinian myths.
What do you believe the ratio of Jew to Arab was in 1948 Palestine?

Better yet, how many Palestinians fled the 1948-1949 civil war ?
"The 1948 Palestinian exodus, known in Arabic as the Nakba (Arabic: النكبة*, an-Nakbah, lit. "disaster", "catastrophe", or "cataclysm"),[1] occurred when approximately 711,000 to 725,000 Palestinian Arabs left, fled or were expelled from their homes, during the 1947–1948 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine and the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.[2]

"The term nakba also refers to the period of war itself and events affecting Palestinians December 1947 to January 1949, and is synonymous in that sense with what is known to Israelis as the War of Independence (Hebrew: מלחמת העצמאות or מלחמת הקוממיות, Milkhemet Ha'atzma'ut, a term which covers those two events).[3][4][5][6]"

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I've read that page several times. And nowhere does it say that Israel instigated a Jewish State on the Palestinians. Learn to read and interpret, ...
And are you EVER able to come up with your own opinions? It seems like in every one of your posts, you are quoting articles . It's almost like you're a sock puppet for terrorists worldwide
I've read that page several times. And nowhere does it say that Israel instigated a Jewish State on the Palestinians. Learn to read and interpret, ...
And are you EVER able to come up with your own opinions? It seems like in every one of your posts, you are quoting articles . It's almost like you're a sock puppet for terrorists worldwide
You still haven't told me the ratio of Jew to Arab in 1948 Palestine.
Reading dysfunction?
What the Arab countries did to their Palestinians to make them flee & become refugees with no right of return is unforgivable. And then to make matters even worse for the Palestinians, Israel makes peace offerings to them, builds a security fence & gives them their own land instead of helping the Palestinians return back to their indigenous homelands. And then those Zionists wonder why they are thanked with jihad's, intifadas & rocket missiles. Don't that beat all?

What do you believe the ratio of Jew to Arab was in 1948 Palestine?

Better yet, how many Palestinians fled the 1948-1949 civil war ?
"The 1948 Palestinian exodus, known in Arabic as the Nakba (Arabic: النكبة*, an-Nakbah, lit. "disaster", "catastrophe", or "cataclysm"),[1] occurred when approximately 711,000 to 725,000 Palestinian Arabs left, fled or were expelled from their homes, during the 1947–1948 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine and the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.[2]

"The term nakba also refers to the period of war itself and events affecting Palestinians December 1947 to January 1949, and is synonymous in that sense with what is known to Israelis as the War of Independence (Hebrew: מלחמת העצמאות or מלחמת הקוממיות, Milkhemet Ha'atzma'ut, a term which covers those two events).[3][4][5][6]"

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
But, Sir Loin, regardless of the hate Hindus and Muslims (I don't think there would be many Buddhists in Pakistan) might have for each other, it seems Muslims around the world (even if they have never seen a Jew in their lives) are taught to hate the Jews and Israel, and a suitcase bomb can do a lot of damage
90% of the hatred towards Israel, has to do with the Israeli's treatment of the Palestinian's.
90% of the hatred has to do with hidden-Antisemitism.

And that's a fact.

Most of those haters cannot even point out Sderot on the map, but they all sing the "apartheid" song!


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