No more boosters for me

You'll get Covid anyway: the virus comes right through the masks, like a mosquito through a chain-link fence.
But go on and wear them in good health: the only thing is never to order other people to do stuff they don't want to do.
I really don't give two shits if they wear masks. It's their choice, but somewhere they decided I had to follow what they did, and they never stated when they received such authority. Where anyone received such authority
Well, no more of this craziness for me. The constant propaganda to get vaccinations that the CDC admits don't work!! Darn. I'm done.

We have a government that does NOTHING right. And is allowing the whole culture to crumble. I knew it would -- nothing last forever -- but I was hoping not in my lifetime.
well they're not even publicizing the treatment. they want us uninformed, but it isn't working. And they know it. And they are pissed off that we know it. They hate americans. Every fking one of them. Fua chi is a wuhan creator.
It’s national data.

Here’s Michigan specifically:

Based on recent data from most Michigan health systems, MHA has found that three out of four COVID patients are unvaccinated (76%), 87% of COVID ICU patients are unvaccinated and 88% of COVID ventilator patients are unvaccinated.
that wasn't the discussion at all twirp. you said your hospital's information was available. post it. Come on doc!!
Why is it so important it be from my hospital?
cause you said you had it. Are you really this stupid that you forgot the past five posts? I called you out doc, you're flailing and in free fall now, you're now saying you never said any such thing. Now you're showing your lying self again. I believe Progressive Hunter asked you for the same info since you said you had it. Let's verify the bed counts and the ICU counts. come on doc, put up or apologize.
At what point do we become skeptical about this? We were told that we had options and now Oops sorry some need two more shots
When I learned that Fauxi and the CCP developed a bioweapon to attack the human respiratory system, I got the jab.

I've had no side effects thus far

However, I am not EVER getting the booster. At this point I'll take my chances and use any of the myriad of other options available to me.
Sure it is.

I agree, anecdotes don't tell the whole story, they just make larger data sets more real.

In Washington, hospitalizations for unvaccinated are at a rate about 10x those of the unvaccinated. Not an anecdote.

How about Michigan??

Based on recent data from most Michigan health systems, the Michigan Health & Hospital Association (MHA) has found that three out of four COVID patients are unvaccinated (76%), 87% of COVID ICU patients are unvaccinated and 88% of COVID ventilator patients are unvaccinated.

Virginia, current rate of hospitalization is 4x that for unvaccinated.
So get vaccinated, STFU, and mind your own business. Not everyone is as frightened of a cold as you are. Don't forget to wear your Depends, both face and ass versions.
So get vaccinated, STFU, and mind your own business. Not everyone is as frightened of a cold as you are. Don't forget to wear your Depends, both face and ass versions.
Lots of people who aren’t “frightened” of a cold wind up consuming a lot of medical resources because their cold has given them severe respiratory distress.

That’s when it affects a lot more people than just them.
cause you said you had it. Are you really this stupid that you forgot the past five posts? I called you out doc, you're flailing and in free fall now, you're now saying you never said any such thing. Now you're showing your lying self again. I believe Progressive Hunter asked you for the same info since you said you had it. Let's verify the bed counts and the ICU counts. come on doc, put up or apologize.
I’m not interested in you psychos doxxing me.
Lots of people who aren’t “frightened” of a cold wind up consuming a lot of medical resources because their cold has given them severe respiratory distress.
That’s when it affects a lot more people than just them.
Be afraid all you'd like, kid. Your incessant virtue signaling makes you look like a pussy, tbh.
I’m not interested in you psychos doxxing me.
so you can't just pull up hospital bed stats like I said, right? I couldn't give two shits where you work. I care you lie. You lie constantly. You claimed to have data you don't have. If what you claimed was true, you could go get said data from any hospital. Yet you didn't and won't. So what I said stands, you know nothing about the patient information on vacc vs unvacc, wuhan or not.
Lots of people who aren’t “frightened” of a cold wind up consuming a lot of medical resources because their cold has given them severe respiratory distress.
such as? what resources are consumed when I have a cold? First off, I never go to the doctor's office. Don't wish to spread what I have. Second, they have nothing there to treat it. Pharmacies usually have it. All one needs is a prescription. How long does that take to write up or type in? blabbing about this and that resource for a cold. name the treatment.

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