No more boosters for me

I'm still waiting for an answer on why no mutations were mentioned until vaccines went out?
Hospital data you don't have.
Already posted for Michigan. You chose not to believe it because you don’t want to. Nothing I can do about that.

Here’s more from Dartmouth.

According to the Dartmouth-Hitchcock experts, 42 percent of ICU beds in New Hampshire are being used for patients with COVID-19-related illnesses and 85 percent of those patients are unvaccinated
Already posted for Michigan. You chose not to believe it because you don’t want to. Nothing I can do about that.

Here’s more from Dartmouth.

According to the Dartmouth-Hitchcock experts, 42 percent of ICU beds in New Hampshire are being used for patients with COVID-19-related illnesses and 85 percent of those patients are unvaccinated
as the article says,, they say it and didnt prove it,,

how about you just do what you claimed was so easy and show data you got from any hospital??
the government just keeps lying and lying and lying to us.

Are you sheep ACTUALLY going to do a booster every few months for the rest of your lives?

When will you stop allowing the government to force you to take experimental gene therapy?

2 weeks to flatten the curve. :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :icon_rolleyes:
I'm glad you got vaccinated.

Maybe your admission will help some idiot to decide to get vaccinated too.

It's not a vaccine, it's experimental gene therapy, you sheep.

The CDC changed the definition of vaccine so that blind sheep like you believe this is a vaccine.

If the government forced you to get a booster of the experimental gene therapy every 6 months in perpetuity, you would do it.....WHY?
Sure it is.

I agree, anecdotes don't tell the whole story, they just make larger data sets more real.

In Washington, hospitalizations for unvaccinated are at a rate about 10x those of the unvaccinated. Not an anecdote.

How about Michigan??

Based on recent data from most Michigan health systems, the Michigan Health & Hospital Association (MHA) has found that three out of four COVID patients are unvaccinated (76%), 87% of COVID ICU patients are unvaccinated and 88% of COVID ventilator patients are unvaccinated.

Virginia, current rate of hospitalization is 4x that for unvaccinated.
Already posted for Michigan. You chose not to believe it because you don’t want to. Nothing I can do about that.

Here’s more from Dartmouth.

According to the Dartmouth-Hitchcock experts, 42 percent of ICU beds in New Hampshire are being used for patients with COVID-19-related illnesses and 85 percent of those patients are unvaccinated
Again, the conversation is individual hospital data. A state isn't a hospital. Your data is made up, now prove it isn't. I want individual hospital data. provide it since you got it.
If FAUCI told you smoking dog shit kills the Rona, you fucking sheep would do it.

So pathetic.

The SUPPOSED COOL KIDS who used to question authority are now government mules. :auiqs.jpg: :hyper:
Again, the conversation is individual hospital data. A state isn't a hospital. Your data is made up, now prove it isn't. I want individual hospital data. provide it since you got it.
Prove it is made up.
hahaahahahaahahaha it's back to the post two hours ago again. ground hog day with you huh?
You just say you don’t believe it.

That’s all you got. That’s it.

Which is why this is pointless. You don’t believe anything you don’t want to.
hahaahahahaahahaha it's back to the post two hours ago again. ground hog day with you huh? The fact you can't provide the hospital data is my proof.
More “fake” stuff for you.

  • 85% of Spectrum’s COVID inpatients are unvaccinated.
  • 94% of COVID patients in Spectrum’s intensive care units are unvaccinated.
  • All but one of the COVID patients on a ventilator as of Wednesday were unvaccinated.

I explained it to you in previous post dementia joe
With circular nonsense logic. Your only claim is that it’s not public information, despite being shown the information has been made public.
More “fake” stuff for you.

  • 85% of Spectrum’s COVID inpatients are unvaccinated.
  • 94% of COVID patients in Spectrum’s intensive care units are unvaccinated.
  • All but one of the COVID patients on a ventilator as of Wednesday were unvaccinated.

again with the "says" and no proof,,

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