No more boosters for me

More “fake” stuff for you.

  • 85% of Spectrum’s COVID inpatients are unvaccinated.
  • 94% of COVID patients in Spectrum’s intensive care units are unvaccinated.
  • All but one of the COVID patients on a ventilator as of Wednesday were unvaccinated.

how is that proof from a hospital? I'm still waiting on that supposed public data from one hospital. Where's it at?
how is that proof from a hospital? I'm still waiting on that supposed public data from one hospital. Where's it at?
Spectrum health is an integrated healthcare system. They have 14 hospitals. This is their data.
Spectrum health is an integrated healthcare system. They have 14 hospitals. This is their data.
We want to know how many of them had the first experimental injection, how many had the second one, how many had the booster, and how many had the second booster. We also need to know their ages and their comorbidities.
We want to know how many of them had the first experimental injection, how many had the second one, how many had the booster, and how many had the second booster. We also need to know their ages and their comorbidities.
I’m not really sure why. The number of partially vaccinated people is pretty insignificant.
Yeah, that's what we want to know. How many partially experimentally-injected people did they count as unvaccinated? And what were their ages? Comorbidities?
Spectrum health is an integrated healthcare system. They have 14 hospitals. This is their data.
yeah I sort of figured that. You still haven't provided one hospital's data. Why is that? That was and is still my ask. I want to pull the information and see how they are counting the bed and patients. You said it was publicly available. I still haven't seen that. I also was looking for the reasons why the patients were there, wuhan vs scheduled procedures. Are the scheduled procedures all unvaccinated? How do they determine that. You are acting like a hospitals function isn't to have patients.

BTW, I figured full beds was good for hospitals.
Yeah, that's what we want to know. How many partially experimentally-injected people did they count as unvaccinated? And what were their ages? Comorbidities?
Did you look at the data provided?
Yeah, that's what we want to know. How many partially experimentally-injected people did they count as unvaccinated? And what were their ages? Comorbidities?
well he said that data was publicly available and now backpedaling badly.
yeah I sort of figured that. You still haven't provided one hospital's data. Why is that? That was and is still my ask. I want to pull the information and see how they are counting the bed and patients. You said it was publicly available. I still haven't seen that. I also was looking for the reasons why the patients were there, wuhan vs scheduled procedures. Are the scheduled procedures all unvaccinated? How do they determine that. You are acting like a hospitals function isn't to have patients.

BTW, I figured full beds was good for hospitals.
None of this has any relevance to the discrepancy of vaccinated vs unvaccinated.

Scheduled procedures are cancelled if the patient tests positive for COVID. It’s a non-factor.
None of this has any relevance to the discrepancy of vaccinated vs unvaccinated.

Scheduled procedures are cancelled if the patient tests positive for COVID. It’s a non-factor.
it has to do with publicly available data that isn't. and you haven't provided it. like you said you could, you lied.
You don't have that information, do you?
It was in the link to WA that I just provided.

This is just rope a dope. It doesn’t matter what I provide. The only purpose is to maintain your skepticism. If one request is fulfilled, there’s another. And another. And another.
it has to do with publicly available data that isn't. and you haven't provided it. like you said you could, you lied.
I never said anything about what you’re requesting.

I simply said that 90% of ICU COVID patients are unvaccinated. That’s true. That’s what you’re trying to deny.
It was in the link to WA that I just provided.

This is just rope a dope. It doesn’t matter what I provide. The only purpose is to maintain your skepticism. If one request is fulfilled, there’s another. And another. And another.
and you don't do it well. You're knocked out.

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