No more boosters for me

last I looked Michigan was a state and not a hospital. The discussion was hospital. What don't you get about that? still in free fall weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
And this matters because?

Having a whole state data is better than a single hospital. Anyone would see that. P
And this matters because?

Having a whole state data is better than a single hospital. Anyone would see that. P
because your data is poop if you can't as I said before, you can't pull the data because it isn't public information. Now go back to your tinker toys doc, your stethoscope is clogged. All the data you have is poop!!! I can see the corn you used as texture.
When I learned that Fauxi and the CCP developed a bioweapon to attack the human respiratory system, I got the jab.

I've had no side effects thus far

However, I am not EVER getting the booster. At this point I'll take my chances and use any of the myriad of other options available to me.

Yes, please do not get it!!!!
What’s wrong with it? It says EXACTLY what I’ve been telling you.
it says nothing. it's all made up. It's my claim. And I said it is made up because one can't go pull records from hospitals because it isn't public information. Damn you and your wash rinse repeat fking all the time.

still a washing machine agitator back and forth over and over the same repeating over and over you play stupid, I really don't believe you're playing anymore.
I’m not afraid. I’m tired. Tired of taking care of all you tough guys who don’t get vaccinated and then get pissed as us when it bites you in the ass.
what is it you're having to do? explain this over burden work for us. Some details.
what is it you're having to do? explain this over burden work for us. Some details.
Explaining to the patient that their respiratory failure is worsening. That they’ll need ventilators. That they’re not getting better. That they’re almost certainly going to die. Having family meetings with loved ones explaining that their pulmonary fibrosis is irreversible.

Meanwhile other patients are spending 3 days in the ER because the beds are full.
read my previous post. and all the ones prior to it in here.
The data is public though. I just gave it to you.

You think the public data is false because you think the data isn’t public.

It’s circular logic.
The data is public though. I just gave it to you.

You think the public data is false because you think the data isn’t public.

It’s circular logic.
nope. sorry, I'm not falling for your stupidity. Hospital data you don't have. I'm waiting.
I’m not afraid. I’m tired. Tired of taking care of all you tough guys who don’t get vaccinated and then get pissed as us when it bites you in the ass.
Again with the virtue signaling.
You've never done shit to "take care" of me, so take your straw man and shove it up your ass, you sanctimonious prick. Lol.

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