No, Mr. Trump, Canada Did Not Burn the White House Down in the War of 1812

Whatever............Coast Guard made rescues at sea during that storm and they risk their asses in those kind of seas......Just read an article that they reported over 11,000 people during that storm.

Doubtful they did it to watch the storm............more than likely a oil field supply boat was one of those boats they had to rescue........160 foot vessel near the rigs..............I've been in a Typhoon in a 400 foot CG...........U.S.'s wicked..................

But enjoy your daily TDS...............Your boring me.
What the fuck are you rambling on about?
derp added that issue in this thread.............about another TDS thread...............That was for derp.......saying more crap taken out of context......................

In this fucking what.............what the hell has your panties in a Wad.......The WH in fact did burn.........the British did burn it and they invaded from present day is correct that Canada wasn't a country yet...............but so fucking what...........

You and your ilk are just having another HATE FESTIVAL............You been doing that crap for a year and a half............

Hillary lost get over it.

So you admit that Trump obviously had no idea that Canada was not a country in 1812 and that he was dead wrong about his statement on the subject.


So the President of the United States is so incredibly ignorant about American history...that he actually thought the White House was burned down in 1812 by Canadians?!?! Even though Canada did not even exist for 55 more years.

So....he does not know American history, he does not even know the words to the national anthem or God Save America AND he did not even know what the nuclear triad was (perhaps the single most important responsibility of the POTUS) when asked during the election.

In case you do not remember that pathetic moment:

Trump appears stumped by question on nuclear triad - CNN Video
You make a giant deal out of nothing.........derp.............The WH was burned by British troops who came from Present day Canada.................Splitting hairs for I GOT YOU MOMENT..........

a) They weren't Canadians
b) They didn't come from present day Canada and
c) They were British troops who had fought Napolean and had been redeployed to fight the United States.

Except for that.
And so..........enough to get your panties in a wad..............they still came from canada........burned down the WH...........and so what.
'We are now going to explain the War of 1812 to you. Why not?

We didn’t think we’d find ourselves here, either. But on Wednesday, CNN reported that the 206-year-old war figured prominently in a discussion between President Trump and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada on May 25. According to CNN’s unnamed sources, Mr. Trump asked Mr. Trudeau, “Didn’t you guys burn down the White House?”

The New York Times then confirmed the CNN report, as did The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.'

No, Mr. Trump, Canada Did Not Burn the White House Down in the War of 1812

This Trump is so frigging stupid.

Hey Trump - you ignorant doofus - Canada did not even exist in 1812.

What a pathetic putz.
I guess this country wasn't even a land mass until 1776.
Before that America was an ocean.

Another stupid Trumpbot.

a) - moron - it was not 'Canadian territory then'. DUH. It was a British colony. There was no country of Canada in 1812/14.


Trump said the following:

“Didn’t you guys burn down the White House?”

You guys meaning 'Canadians'. The guy is talking to the Canadian PM. SO obviously he is referring to Canadians...not British (unless the senile idiot forgot who he was talking to).
And in 1814, there were NO Canadians. Only natives in North America and British colonists.

Why are you people so staggeringly stupid that you cannot get that fact through your thick heads?

Also the French were there at the time... If you are going to bash stupidity then remember the fact Natives, British ( Mainly Scottish ) and the French were in that region of the world.

My great- great-great Uncle was Angus MacEachern...
'We are now going to explain the War of 1812 to you. Why not?

We didn’t think we’d find ourselves here, either. But on Wednesday, CNN reported that the 206-year-old war figured prominently in a discussion between President Trump and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada on May 25. According to CNN’s unnamed sources, Mr. Trump asked Mr. Trudeau, “Didn’t you guys burn down the White House?”

The New York Times then confirmed the CNN report, as did The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.'

No, Mr. Trump, Canada Did Not Burn the White House Down in the War of 1812

This Trump is so frigging stupid.

Hey Trump - you ignorant doofus - Canada did not even exist in 1812.

What a pathetic putz.
Jeeze he is beyond stupid
No, actually it's you and the OP who are stupid. Clearly you have a child's grasp of history.

The numbers don’t lie trumpkins do.
What the fuck are you rambling on about?
derp added that issue in this thread.............about another TDS thread...............That was for derp.......saying more crap taken out of context......................

In this fucking what.............what the hell has your panties in a Wad.......The WH in fact did burn.........the British did burn it and they invaded from present day is correct that Canada wasn't a country yet...............but so fucking what...........

You and your ilk are just having another HATE FESTIVAL............You been doing that crap for a year and a half............

Hillary lost get over it.

So you admit that Trump obviously had no idea that Canada was not a country in 1812 and that he was dead wrong about his statement on the subject.


So the President of the United States is so incredibly ignorant about American history...that he actually thought the White House was burned down in 1812 by Canadians?!?! Even though Canada did not even exist for 55 more years.

So....he does not know American history, he does not even know the words to the national anthem or God Save America AND he did not even know what the nuclear triad was (perhaps the single most important responsibility of the POTUS) when asked during the election.

In case you do not remember that pathetic moment:

Trump appears stumped by question on nuclear triad - CNN Video
You make a giant deal out of nothing.........derp.............The WH was burned by British troops who came from Present day Canada.................Splitting hairs for I GOT YOU MOMENT..........

a) They weren't Canadians
b) They didn't come from present day Canada and
c) They were British troops who had fought Napolean and had been redeployed to fight the United States.

Except for that.
And so..........enough to get your panties in a wad..............they still came from canada........burned down the WH...........and so what.
How many times do you have to be told this, stupid. Canada didn't exist until 1867.

My goodness, there is no length you idiots won't go to to defend your messiah.
'We are now going to explain the War of 1812 to you. Why not?

We didn’t think we’d find ourselves here, either. But on Wednesday, CNN reported that the 206-year-old war figured prominently in a discussion between President Trump and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada on May 25. According to CNN’s unnamed sources, Mr. Trump asked Mr. Trudeau, “Didn’t you guys burn down the White House?”

The New York Times then confirmed the CNN report, as did The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.'

No, Mr. Trump, Canada Did Not Burn the White House Down in the War of 1812

This Trump is so frigging stupid.

Hey Trump - you ignorant doofus - Canada did not even exist in 1812.

What a pathetic putz.
I guess this country wasn't even a land mass until 1776.
Before that America was an ocean.

Another stupid Trumpbot.

a) - moron - it was not 'Canadian territory then'. DUH. It was a British colony. There was no country of Canada in 1812/14.


Trump said the following:

“Didn’t you guys burn down the White House?”

You guys meaning 'Canadians'. The guy is talking to the Canadian PM. SO obviously he is referring to Canadians...not British (unless the senile idiot forgot who he was talking to).
And in 1814, there were NO Canadians. Only natives in North America and British colonists.

Why are you people so staggeringly stupid that you cannot get that fact through your thick heads?

But you Hateful fucks can't resist turning a joke into an issue, molehill into a mountain so to speak.
A pox on all your houses.
Muellerdian Molehill

Especially on their white houses.
derp added that issue in this thread.............about another TDS thread...............That was for derp.......saying more crap taken out of context......................

In this fucking what.............what the hell has your panties in a Wad.......The WH in fact did burn.........the British did burn it and they invaded from present day is correct that Canada wasn't a country yet...............but so fucking what...........

You and your ilk are just having another HATE FESTIVAL............You been doing that crap for a year and a half............

Hillary lost get over it.

So you admit that Trump obviously had no idea that Canada was not a country in 1812 and that he was dead wrong about his statement on the subject.


So the President of the United States is so incredibly ignorant about American history...that he actually thought the White House was burned down in 1812 by Canadians?!?! Even though Canada did not even exist for 55 more years.

So....he does not know American history, he does not even know the words to the national anthem or God Save America AND he did not even know what the nuclear triad was (perhaps the single most important responsibility of the POTUS) when asked during the election.

In case you do not remember that pathetic moment:

Trump appears stumped by question on nuclear triad - CNN Video
You make a giant deal out of nothing.........derp.............The WH was burned by British troops who came from Present day Canada.................Splitting hairs for I GOT YOU MOMENT..........

a) They weren't Canadians
b) They didn't come from present day Canada and
c) They were British troops who had fought Napolean and had been redeployed to fight the United States.

Except for that.
And so..........enough to get your panties in a wad..............they still came from canada........burned down the WH...........and so what.
How many times do you have to be told this, stupid. Canada didn't exist until 1867.

My goodness, there is no length you idiots won't go to to defend your messiah.
The world is going to end over this single comment...........Hold your breath..................It's not a dang big deal......Unless you are a foaming at the mouth Trump Hater....................

Tomorrow you'll be at the edge of your seat waiting to spew your Hate at something else real or imagined..............It's just what you people do.........Kinda used to it............been going on for so long......

Hey.............just a reminder............IG report THURSDAY...

'We are now going to explain the War of 1812 to you. Why not?

We didn’t think we’d find ourselves here, either. But on Wednesday, CNN reported that the 206-year-old war figured prominently in a discussion between President Trump and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada on May 25. According to CNN’s unnamed sources, Mr. Trump asked Mr. Trudeau, “Didn’t you guys burn down the White House?”

The New York Times then confirmed the CNN report, as did The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.'

No, Mr. Trump, Canada Did Not Burn the White House Down in the War of 1812

This Trump is so frigging stupid.

Hey Trump - you ignorant doofus - Canada did not even exist in 1812.

What a pathetic putz.
The Forces that Burned Washington DC launched from Canada which was part of Great Britain then, so in a way Canada DID burn the white House down. But then facts and figures are never lefties strong suit.

Actually, no..

No, Mr. Trump, Canada Did Not Burn the White House Down in the War of 1812

Apparently, the British forces came from Bermuda - not the British colony of Upper Canada.

So both arguments are wrong. The troops were NOT Canadian (as Trump implied) and the British troops that burned down the White House in 1814 apparently did not even come from what-would-one-day-be Canada.
So he was dead wrong no matter how you try and defend him.
In the Antifa Arena, Even Low Scorers Get Participation Trophies

Got to get that gotcha any way you can.
So you admit that Trump obviously had no idea that Canada was not a country in 1812 and that he was dead wrong about his statement on the subject.


So the President of the United States is so incredibly ignorant about American history...that he actually thought the White House was burned down in 1812 by Canadians?!?! Even though Canada did not even exist for 55 more years.

So....he does not know American history, he does not even know the words to the national anthem or God Save America AND he did not even know what the nuclear triad was (perhaps the single most important responsibility of the POTUS) when asked during the election.

In case you do not remember that pathetic moment:

Trump appears stumped by question on nuclear triad - CNN Video
You make a giant deal out of nothing.........derp.............The WH was burned by British troops who came from Present day Canada.................Splitting hairs for I GOT YOU MOMENT..........

a) They weren't Canadians
b) They didn't come from present day Canada and
c) They were British troops who had fought Napolean and had been redeployed to fight the United States.

Except for that.
And so..........enough to get your panties in a wad..............they still came from canada........burned down the WH...........and so what.
How many times do you have to be told this, stupid. Canada didn't exist until 1867.

My goodness, there is no length you idiots won't go to to defend your messiah.
The world is going to end over this single comment...........Hold your breath..................It's not a dang big deal......Unless you are a foaming at the mouth Trump Hater....................

Tomorrow you'll be at the edge of your seat waiting to spew your Hate at something else real or imagined..............It's just what you people do.........Kinda used to it............been going on for so long......

Hey.............just a reminder............IG report THURSDAY...


Holy shit are you Trumpbots dumb. The facts are staring you right in the face...even on something as small as this.

And you still have not got the brains/guts/honor to admit it when your Messiah gets it wrong and looks like a fool.

Losers...that's what most Trumpbots are, IMO.

Stupid, mindless, un-American, ignorant losers.
Last edited:
So you admit that Trump obviously had no idea that Canada was not a country in 1812 and that he was dead wrong about his statement on the subject.


So the President of the United States is so incredibly ignorant about American history...that he actually thought the White House was burned down in 1812 by Canadians?!?! Even though Canada did not even exist for 55 more years.

So....he does not know American history, he does not even know the words to the national anthem or God Save America AND he did not even know what the nuclear triad was (perhaps the single most important responsibility of the POTUS) when asked during the election.

In case you do not remember that pathetic moment:

Trump appears stumped by question on nuclear triad - CNN Video
You make a giant deal out of nothing.........derp.............The WH was burned by British troops who came from Present day Canada.................Splitting hairs for I GOT YOU MOMENT..........

a) They weren't Canadians
b) They didn't come from present day Canada and
c) They were British troops who had fought Napolean and had been redeployed to fight the United States.

Except for that.
And so..........enough to get your panties in a wad..............they still came from canada........burned down the WH...........and so what.
How many times do you have to be told this, stupid. Canada didn't exist until 1867.

My goodness, there is no length you idiots won't go to to defend your messiah.
The world is going to end over this single comment...........Hold your breath..................It's not a dang big deal......Unless you are a foaming at the mouth Trump Hater....................

Tomorrow you'll be at the edge of your seat waiting to spew your Hate at something else real or imagined..............It's just what you people do.........Kinda used to it............been going on for so long......

Hey.............just a reminder............IG report THURSDAY...


What I find amusing is watching all of you Trumpsters defend the claim- rather than just admitting it was as stupid as when Obama mentioned the '57 states'.

The comment was just a stupid mistake. The reason for the comment- claiming that Canada is a national security risk to the United States- is a tragic error.
What the fuck are you rambling on about?
derp added that issue in this thread.............about another TDS thread...............That was for derp.......saying more crap taken out of context......................

In this fucking what.............what the hell has your panties in a Wad.......The WH in fact did burn.........the British did burn it and they invaded from present day is correct that Canada wasn't a country yet...............but so fucking what...........

You and your ilk are just having another HATE FESTIVAL............You been doing that crap for a year and a half............

Hillary lost get over it.

So you admit that Trump obviously had no idea that Canada was not a country in 1812 and that he was dead wrong about his statement on the subject.


So the President of the United States is so incredibly ignorant about American history...that he actually thought the White House was burned down in 1812 by Canadians?!?! Even though Canada did not even exist for 55 more years.

So....he does not know American history, he does not even know the words to the national anthem or God Save America AND he did not even know what the nuclear triad was (perhaps the single most important responsibility of the POTUS) when asked during the election.

In case you do not remember that pathetic moment:

Trump appears stumped by question on nuclear triad - CNN Video
You make a giant deal out of nothing.........derp.............The WH was burned by British troops who came from Present day Canada.................Splitting hairs for I GOT YOU MOMENT..........

a) They weren't Canadians
b) They didn't come from present day Canada and
c) They were British troops who had fought Napolean and had been redeployed to fight the United States.

Except for that.
And so..........enough to get your panties in a wad..............they still came from canada........burned down the WH...........and so what.

It is like you are embracing the Trump doctrine of 'alternative facts'

They didn't come from Canada- they were British soldiers that were shipped to the New World from England.

They were no more Canadian than they were Jamaican.
You make a giant deal out of nothing.........derp.............The WH was burned by British troops who came from Present day Canada.................Splitting hairs for I GOT YOU MOMENT..........

a) They weren't Canadians
b) They didn't come from present day Canada and
c) They were British troops who had fought Napolean and had been redeployed to fight the United States.

Except for that.
And so..........enough to get your panties in a wad..............they still came from canada........burned down the WH...........and so what.
How many times do you have to be told this, stupid. Canada didn't exist until 1867.

My goodness, there is no length you idiots won't go to to defend your messiah.
The world is going to end over this single comment...........Hold your breath..................It's not a dang big deal......Unless you are a foaming at the mouth Trump Hater....................

Tomorrow you'll be at the edge of your seat waiting to spew your Hate at something else real or imagined..............It's just what you people do.........Kinda used to it............been going on for so long......

Hey.............just a reminder............IG report THURSDAY...


Holy shit are you Trumpbots dumb. The facts are staring you right in the face...even on something as small as this.

And you still have not got the brains/guts/honor to admit it when your Messiah gets it wrong and looks like a fool.

Losers...that's what most Trumpbots are, IMO.

Stupid, mindless, un-American, ignorant losers.

Tissue ?
'We are now going to explain the War of 1812 to you. Why not?

We didn’t think we’d find ourselves here, either. But on Wednesday, CNN reported that the 206-year-old war figured prominently in a discussion between President Trump and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada on May 25. According to CNN’s unnamed sources, Mr. Trump asked Mr. Trudeau, “Didn’t you guys burn down the White House?”

The New York Times then confirmed the CNN report, as did The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.'

No, Mr. Trump, Canada Did Not Burn the White House Down in the War of 1812

This Trump is so frigging stupid.

Hey Trump - you ignorant doofus - Canada did not even exist in 1812.

What a pathetic putz.
I guess this country wasn't even a land mass until 1776.
Before that America was an ocean.

Another stupid Trumpbot.

a) - moron - it was not 'Canadian territory then'. DUH. It was a British colony. There was no country of Canada in 1812/14.


Trump said the following:

“Didn’t you guys burn down the White House?”

You guys meaning 'Canadians'. The guy is talking to the Canadian PM. SO obviously he is referring to Canadians...not British (unless the senile idiot forgot who he was talking to).
And in 1814, there were NO Canadians. Only natives in North America and British colonists.

Why are you people so staggeringly stupid that you cannot get that fact through your thick heads?

Also the French were there at the time... If you are going to bash stupidity then remember the fact Natives, British ( Mainly Scottish ) and the French were in that region of the world.

My great- great-great Uncle was Angus MacEachern...

Mine was Angus Young.
derp added that issue in this thread.............about another TDS thread...............That was for derp.......saying more crap taken out of context......................

In this fucking what.............what the hell has your panties in a Wad.......The WH in fact did burn.........the British did burn it and they invaded from present day is correct that Canada wasn't a country yet...............but so fucking what...........

You and your ilk are just having another HATE FESTIVAL............You been doing that crap for a year and a half............

Hillary lost get over it.

So you admit that Trump obviously had no idea that Canada was not a country in 1812 and that he was dead wrong about his statement on the subject.


So the President of the United States is so incredibly ignorant about American history...that he actually thought the White House was burned down in 1812 by Canadians?!?! Even though Canada did not even exist for 55 more years.

So....he does not know American history, he does not even know the words to the national anthem or God Save America AND he did not even know what the nuclear triad was (perhaps the single most important responsibility of the POTUS) when asked during the election.

In case you do not remember that pathetic moment:

Trump appears stumped by question on nuclear triad - CNN Video
You make a giant deal out of nothing.........derp.............The WH was burned by British troops who came from Present day Canada.................Splitting hairs for I GOT YOU MOMENT..........

a) They weren't Canadians
b) They didn't come from present day Canada and
c) They were British troops who had fought Napolean and had been redeployed to fight the United States.

Except for that.
And so..........enough to get your panties in a wad..............they still came from canada........burned down the WH...........and so what.

It is like you are embracing the Trump doctrine of 'alternative facts'

They didn't come from Canada- they were British soldiers that were shipped to the New World from England.

They were no more Canadian than they were Jamaican.
So.............why are you so excited about splitting hairs...................You just want something to bitch about...........Might take you seriously if it wasn't Hate Fest everyday here..............

You could argue about the Tariffs.............good or not.......or whether the Subsidies of Canada give an unfair advantage to Canada over U.S. business.
You guys bitched incessantly about Obama's mistake when he said 57 states, and pointed to that to show how Obama didn't know anything.

Trump? You guys defend him when he says stupid crap about history like Canada burning down the WH. No, it wasn't Canada, it was BRITAIN.

Trump is so stupid that he doesn't even bother to vet his presidential pardons. He wants to pardon Ali for dodging the draft, but the SC already did that back in 1971.

Trump is proving every day how little he knows or cares to learn.
'We are now going to explain the War of 1812 to you. Why not?

We didn’t think we’d find ourselves here, either. But on Wednesday, CNN reported that the 206-year-old war figured prominently in a discussion between President Trump and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada on May 25. According to CNN’s unnamed sources, Mr. Trump asked Mr. Trudeau, “Didn’t you guys burn down the White House?”

The New York Times then confirmed the CNN report, as did The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.'

No, Mr. Trump, Canada Did Not Burn the White House Down in the War of 1812

This Trump is so frigging stupid.

Hey Trump - you ignorant doofus - Canada did not even exist in 1812.

What a pathetic putz.

Of course it existed, you pathetic putz. I think what you're unintelligibly trying to convey is that Canada was not an independent nation at the time, but merely a territory.

And hey, the Canadians certainly seem to think they did it, so it wouldn't be very diplomatic to tell them otherwise, would it?
'We are now going to explain the War of 1812 to you. Why not?

We didn’t think we’d find ourselves here, either. But on Wednesday, CNN reported that the 206-year-old war figured prominently in a discussion between President Trump and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada on May 25. According to CNN’s unnamed sources, Mr. Trump asked Mr. Trudeau, “Didn’t you guys burn down the White House?”

The New York Times then confirmed the CNN report, as did The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.'

No, Mr. Trump, Canada Did Not Burn the White House Down in the War of 1812

This Trump is so frigging stupid.

Hey Trump - you ignorant doofus - Canada did not even exist in 1812.

What a pathetic putz.

Of course it existed, you pathetic putz. I think what you're unintelligibly trying to convey is that Canada was not an independent nation at the time, but merely a territory.

And hey, the Canadians certainly seem to think they did it, so it wouldn't be very diplomatic to tell them otherwise, would it?

Actually, according to the History Channel, it was the British.

British troops set fire to the White House - Aug 24, 1814 -

On this day in 1814, during the War of 1812 between the United States and England, British troops enter Washington, D.C. and burn the White House in retaliation for the American attack on the city of York in Ontario, Canada, in June 1812.

When the British arrived at the White House, they found that President James Madison and his first lady Dolley had already fled to safety in Maryland. Soldiers reportedly sat down to eat a meal made of leftover food from the White House scullery using White House dishes and silver before ransacking the presidential mansion and setting it ablaze.
'We are now going to explain the War of 1812 to you. Why not?

We didn’t think we’d find ourselves here, either. But on Wednesday, CNN reported that the 206-year-old war figured prominently in a discussion between President Trump and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada on May 25. According to CNN’s unnamed sources, Mr. Trump asked Mr. Trudeau, “Didn’t you guys burn down the White House?”

The New York Times then confirmed the CNN report, as did The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.'

No, Mr. Trump, Canada Did Not Burn the White House Down in the War of 1812

This Trump is so frigging stupid.

Hey Trump - you ignorant doofus - Canada did not even exist in 1812.

What a pathetic putz.
God he is so embarrassing.
I don’t know what is worse. Trump not knowing basic history or his supporters trying to spin it.

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