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No Negotiations Until Federal Gov Opens

oh my fucking god. is that todays #? trumps taxes?

when it becomes a fucking requirement to be in office i'll worry about it. in fact, i'd agree that anyone who runs for public office NEEDS to provide to the government (not us) their tax history and ensure they are ok. obama had a shitload of people he appointed who never paid their taxes. did you give a horse fuck then?

Appointed? Shitload?

You are awesome. You don't think Trump ought to release his tax returns? Really? You don't care?
nope not at all. not sure what it proves. we know he paid taxes, if that's what you need to know, you even know how much on one return, and it still didn't satisfy you. so it isn't about that either. now it's just tds.
it's not a requirement to run for office so drop it. they're simply inventing shit to whine about at this point and reminding me again to stop hitting "show ignored".

until it becomes a requirement to run, i simply don't care. if an issue was there i believe the IRS would find it. lord knows they find any mistakes i make.
Do they find out if you launder money ? Of course our honest president would never think of that
no they don't. Taxes don't show where money was laundered, that takes an investigation after someone is shown a crime was committed. perhaps if you did some investigative work you'd actually learn why a tax return is. just saying, you ain't the brightest bulb in the pack.
And trump doesn't show them because he's so honest how dare anyone question him? He's a crook and you're blind
and this wall is just bullshit to try to distract you nitwits from the russian investigation which the moron knows is closing in on him
When can we expect the check from Mexico? Next Tuesday?
When trump shows his taxes
oh my fucking god. is that todays #? trumps taxes?

when it becomes a fucking requirement to be in office i'll worry about it. in fact, i'd agree that anyone who runs for public office NEEDS to provide to the government (not us) their tax history and ensure they are ok. obama had a shitload of people he appointed who never paid their taxes. did you give a horse fuck then?

Appointed? Shitload?

You are awesome. You don't think Trump ought to release his tax returns? Really? You don't care?
nope. don't care if obama or anyone else does either. until it becomes a requirement they have to, it's just stupid rats looking for cheese.

note to self - stop hitting "show ignored" cause gods gift to the idiots have come along now...

You put people on iggy?

Are you a snowflake?

Trump told us we would see his tax returns. That made their release a requirement. For those with integrity, that is.
Yes he is a snowflake
People deserve the government they get. If Trump presents his case well and the wall gets built, the nation will move forward. If P&S present a better case and the border is not secured, there will be continued and increased discontent. Funny how something as simple as a wall can have such a hold on us.

The fact that our National Sovereignty is a "political issue" disgusts me to no end.
When can we expect the check from Mexico? Next Tuesday?
When trump shows his taxes
oh my fucking god. is that todays #? trumps taxes?

when it becomes a fucking requirement to be in office i'll worry about it. in fact, i'd agree that anyone who runs for public office NEEDS to provide to the government (not us) their tax history and ensure they are ok. obama had a shitload of people he appointed who never paid their taxes. did you give a horse fuck then?

Appointed? Shitload?

You are awesome. You don't think Trump ought to release his tax returns? Really? You don't care?
nope. don't care if obama or anyone else does either. until it becomes a requirement they have to, it's just stupid rats looking for cheese.

note to self - stop hitting "show ignored" cause gods gift to the idiots have come along now...

You put people on iggy?

Are you a snowflake?

Trump told us we would see his tax returns. That made their release a requirement. For those with integrity, that is.

When trump shows his taxes
oh my fucking god. is that todays #? trumps taxes?

when it becomes a fucking requirement to be in office i'll worry about it. in fact, i'd agree that anyone who runs for public office NEEDS to provide to the government (not us) their tax history and ensure they are ok. obama had a shitload of people he appointed who never paid their taxes. did you give a horse fuck then?

Appointed? Shitload?

You are awesome. You don't think Trump ought to release his tax returns? Really? You don't care?
nope. don't care if obama or anyone else does either. until it becomes a requirement they have to, it's just stupid rats looking for cheese.

note to self - stop hitting "show ignored" cause gods gift to the idiots have come along now...

You put people on iggy?

Are you a snowflake?

Trump told us we would see his tax returns. That made their release a requirement. For those with integrity, that is.

I'll say this. You suck at ignoring people.
i don't disagree with you when dealing with "extreme" left but to say NO ONE ON THE LEFT WILL COMPROMISE isn't something i believe in as a whole picture.

that said, i do hope trump holds his ground here cause those on the "extreme left" cause using reagans experience as an example, he gave them what they wanted in amnesty and they backed out of the agreement and didn't give him the tighter border control he was after. (not a wall as far as i know).
cause using reagans experience as an example, he gave them what they wanted in amnesty and they backed out of the agreement and didn't give him the tighter border control he was after. (not a wall as far as i know).

You make my point. Remember my Reagan statement in an earlier post? too funny, you make my argument that the left, extreme or whatever, again, in the face of extreme left, there is no other left left, they reneg on all deals. they are evil people. I have history on my side. kkk ring a bell? Sanctuary cities? dude, the mere fact you call GOP equal to that evil is too far for me.
well looking back through the "discussion" we got sidetracked when i made a general statement about the hate in america today. i was't really referring to the wall, russia, hillary, trump or anything else.

i was just meaning the overall climate of hate we live in day by day. i don't hate the dude at the grocery store and i have no idea what his views are. but we get online or a "hot" topic comes up, we hate anyone who doesn't feel like we do.

i don't group people up into labels and try to take things as they come, individually. that doesn't always work out well for me, no. but i view that as a proper way to do things. by knowing you on this forum i wouldn't presume to know your life or what you face day to day, unless you've chosen to share. so when someone puts forth a single viewpoint, i don't put them as liberal, conservative, democrat, republican, transgender or the like. it's 1 viewpoint not all encompassing. i think we move past "let me get to know you" to "you fucking libtard/conass!!!" or the like.

we miss an awful lot about people making assumptions based off "insufficient data" to do so. but we do it anyway. (myself included more than i do like). and if that 1 trait is something we hate we now hate the person because of 1 trait. i don't want to be judged so quickly (but it happens) so i never try to judge anyone in a manner i won't hold myself to.

that seems to be a problem but that's fine. it's me and you can classify it however you like. but it doesn't mean i *am* that generic person you lobbed in a group out of convenience or that i love this country any less.
well it is a message board, and in this forum politics. And people who are passionate about politics come here. There are many on the right and many on the left and several are stuck in the middle. Don't get that, but it happens and I accept it.

and no, we don't know if we are the grocer or the server or the bartender, all we know is what is published daily here. and after a qualifying time, one can make assumptions. there are patterns in here. and only in here. You were always rather reasonable, you actually encouraged some refrain on my side. Thanks for that.

There is but one america even though the left wish to make it two. And only the left try to make it two. And that is all my point.

one is either for america or not. don't want the border wall left, then explain why not. It's been asked by many and all they can answer is cause walls don't work. Dude, how fking immature of an answer. So now they wish to call us lower than deplorables. It's only insult after insult by leftists. never do they answer. Never.

I'm done with leftists. pure and simple. I've asked a thousand questions since I've come in here and not one has ever been answered by a leftist. EVER. Ask lesh a question, she/ he won't answer, he/she will insult you or devert the conversation off topic. it's all they do. it's hilarious. most time's I play along and then I get posts deleted. That was the play though, to get me banned. Evil.

Server at a restaurant, I don't know, and I don't care in here.

You went way off base today in here. I'll apologize for perhaps being a little overzealous, but dude, you went someplace today I never thought I'd see you go. Maybe I misread it and why I'll apologize.

I'll stop there. have a good night.

Okay here is a question...where is Mexico’s payment for a wall?

Perhaps you’ll be good enough to provide an example on how to answer a question?

Show us where Mexico took money out of their treasury and deposited in ours. Can you do that? Can you show us how we will ever be able to coerce, cajole, or even trick them into spending their revenue on a wall in our nation?

Tariffs are taxes on imports. Not applicable.
Withholding our money is not applicable.
Taxing people over here is not applicable.
Siezing drugs or drug dealers revenue isn’t funds from the Mexican government.

This is all revenue but it’s not from Mexico.

So please lead by example. Answer the question.
hey brick, you aren't worth my time. you aren't honest enough for me to waste the time I have.

If you don't know how money is recovered without getting checks, it isn't going to help you for me to explain it to you. someone already posted it in here and here you are asking. see?

So you won’t answer questions but demand others do. Got it.
Shutdown Day 17: White House, Dems disagree on definition of ‘negotiating’

seems to me that they couldn't negotiate so that's why it was shut down. why is reopening it going to change anything?

in any event, what i don't understand is back in 2006 hillary, obama and many on the left said yes, walls are needed. they just didn't want a LONG wall that stretched out in areas where it doesn't make sense. use drones and technology to also supplement this.

so why not go back to what they wanted in 2006 and say "we'll compromise and do this" - around 700-1000 miles of walls *and* technology THEN we follow up by working on DACA and why immigration got to be such a hassle next.

instead we've put ourselves in a collective position where we simply refuse anything but what we want, even if we don't want it but only NOW want it cause *THEY* DON'T want it. whatever it is.

our government's collective mental age is around 8.
Did president Bush usurp congress' s constitutional power by shutting down the gov't in 2006?
Didn't The One usurp congress' power by enacting DACA by executive fiat?

A little late to start complaining now.
there was precedent for Obama and DACA which did NOT include amnesty... both Reagan and Bush 1 used executive orders... until Congress passed amnesty under Reagan and a second additional amnesty under Bush 1 to tie up loose ends.

Obama's chance of it being ok, were greater than 50/50 in his favor...

And Obama did not shut the govt down over it....??
you left out the democrats took out what reagan wanted in putting penalties on hiring illegals. reagan in good faith gave them amnesty OF WHICH they're still passing out like candy. they took away their compromise so the right has a valid point and reason to NOT want to compromise on this issue again. reagan did it and he got screwed.

only I believe it was...
the Republicans, at the bequest of the Chamber of commerce's and/or small business association's lobbying efforts,

changed the tougher laws that Reagan wanted and they softened the penalties against employers/business owners for hiring illegals.

It was NOT the Democrats who did this, it was Reagan's own party, the Republicans, if memory serves...?
do we or do we not have terrorist camps in the US?
do we or do we not sponsor state terrorism in other countries? do you think these guys never come into the US?

please feel free to refute it with more than OH THAT'S CRAP or this is all really pointless.
Terrorist camps in the US?

Unless you're talking about rwnj militias that's just ridiculous.
When can we expect the check from Mexico? Next Tuesday?
When trump shows his taxes
oh my fucking god. is that todays #? trumps taxes?

when it becomes a fucking requirement to be in office i'll worry about it. in fact, i'd agree that anyone who runs for public office NEEDS to provide to the government (not us) their tax history and ensure they are ok. obama had a shitload of people he appointed who never paid their taxes. did you give a horse fuck then?

Appointed? Shitload?

You are awesome. You don't think Trump ought to release his tax returns? Really? You don't care?
nope not at all. not sure what it proves. we know he paid taxes, if that's what you need to know, you even know how much on one return, and it still didn't satisfy you. so it isn't about that either. now it's just tds.
it's not a requirement to run for office so drop it. they're simply inventing shit to whine about at this point and reminding me again to stop hitting "show ignored".

until it becomes a requirement to run, i simply don't care. if an issue was there i believe the IRS would find it. lord knows they find any mistakes i make.
Again, content is not the topic; Trump’s honesty and credibility is
well, in looking at other pics of the israel wall, i learned more about it all anyway. you're making me do some homework, gator!

Israel’s Wall

"It is part wall, part fence. Out in the countryside it is mostly a wire fence with razor wire, a ditch and electronic sensors. In town and city it is mostly a concrete wall up to 8 metres high, with graffiti and watchtowers. Pope Francis stopped at the wall in Bethlehem to pray. Barack Obama did not."

so saying LOOK AT ISRAEL is only partially correct. they don't have a wall around everything either. WWZ or not. :) the ones they do have are focused around the immediate area and then done.

what i also found interesting is that according to this article, israel is building the wall on land NOT their own. need to go dig up more history here if i get time today and research this for myself.

Isreal built the wall to secure areas in the West Bank that they didn't own... It is a complicated internal politics between Israelis and the Illegal Settlers...

Lets start with one thing... If the wall is built on US land then asylum seekers can just walk up to the walk and ask for asylum and under US law they have to be taken in and given the opportunity of defending their claim in court. So those Caravans are let in...

Visa over stays will still happen and the wall won't protect against that...

The fence in place right now about 700 miles of it cost about $7.5bn and it costs about $1bn a year to maintain... It divides Communities and not alway Mexican and Americans, sometimes Americans and Americans... A wall is very effective at dividing communities, remember 1 million people cross the border a day. Inflicting a wall to people in just Big Government crap... They have been living there for generations with no barriers in there communities, now the Government is coming along and dividing people and telling them were they can go...

Also there is the small detail of us having this southern border situation for about 60 years and during that time....there was never any crisis; in fact our nation thrived.

But some orange blob comes along and tells you there is a crisis and these idiots believe it. If you examine the pre-trump posting history, the border is rarely brought up.

It’s as funny as it is sad.
if there was never a crisis, why did we need to give amnesty so many times? you all crack me up with the little knowledge you have about our country. Ever hear of the Alamo? fk I cannot tolerate your kind of stupid. there just is no thinking at all.

The Alamo...before Texas was even part of the country. Hardly relevant. Amnesty caused so much misery....not!
there was precedent for Obama and DACA which did NOT include amnesty... both Reagan and Bush 1 used executive orders... until Congress passed amnesty under Reagan and a second additional amnesty under Bush 1 to tie up loose ends.

Obama's chance of it being ok, were greater than 50/50 in his favor...

And Obama did not shut the govt down over it....??
Reagan and Bush never used an executive order to violate the Constitution, dingbat.
:lol: really?
Yes, really, you fucking dingbat.
i'm the dingbat? :lol:

How was the gist of this executive order any different from the gist of DACA or the Dream act?

Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 - Wikipedia

The Immigration Reform and Control Act did not address the status of children of illegal aliens who were eligible for the amnesty program. In 1987 President Reagan used his executive authority to legalize the status of minor children of parents granted amnesty under the immigration overhaul,[6] announcing a blanket deferral of deportation for children under 18 who were living in a two-parent household with both parents legalizing, or with a single parent who was legalizing.[7] This action affected an estimated 100,000 families.
Did Reagan's EO grant work permits to anyone even though the law specifically says that illegal aliens are specifically not entitled to work permits?
yes it did....

Reagan’s 1987 action parallels Obama’s DACA in some key ways, but differs in others.

Both are examples of a president wielding his power not to apply U.S. immigration law in cases where he deems this necessary or appropriate, said David Shirk, a fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

Using executive authority this way is not so unusual among modern presidents. As Kenneth R. Mayer, a political scientist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, told us in a previous fact-check, "Presidents going back to at least Reagan have made unilateral adjustments to immigration law -- adding exemptions, extending protection to classes not covered by existing statutes such as children and spouses, making discretionary decisions about what constitutes ‘unlawful presence’ or what categories of people here illegally will be the focus of enforcement action."

An important distinction, however, is that while DACA provided a temporary reprieve from deportation, it fell short of giving legal status to eligible immigrants, as Reagan’s had done, Shirk said.

"(Obama’s action) allowed undocumented immigrant children to come out of the shadows, but only as long as the executive branch adhered to the policy of DACA," he said. "Reagan's order gave undocumented immigrant children full legal status, with the possibility of permanent residency and eventual consideration for citizenship."

The two policies also differ in terms of the number of people affected. Whereas Reagan’s action affected an estimated 100,000 families, nearly 800,000 undocumented immigrants have taken advantage of DACA.

As we’ve noted previously, critics have argued that Obama’s action is different because he did it in the face of opposition from Congress (at least from the House), whereas Reagan’s policy (and Bush’s, for that matter) was undertaken to fix "loose ends" of the 1986 immigration law.

Was George H.W. Bush’s 1990 action similar to DACA?
Franken’s reference to the elder Bush concerned his 1990 executive action, which like Reagan’s before him, sought to smooth off some of the rough edges of the immigration overhaul.

To prevent families from being split up, Bush’s policy effectively forestalled the deportation of spouses and children of a person who gained legal status as a result of the 1986 law, a broader group than those affected by Reagan's action.

Like DACA (and Reagan’s 1987 action), Bush’s action is another example of a president relying on executive authority to selectively apply U.S. immigration law so as not to deport certain undocumented immigrants.

Similar to DACA, Bush’s action did not confer legal status. Rather, it granted deportation deferment that could be renewed periodically. Both permitted affected immigrants to receive work permits.

There’s disagreement over how many undocumented immigrants were covered by Bush’s action. It was initially estimated to apply to up to 1.5 million, though Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, a group that favors tighter immigration policies, has written that as few as 140,000 took advantage of it. So that’s either substantially larger or substantially smaller than the nearly 800,000 DACA recipients.

Did Reagan and H.W. Bush issue actions similar to DACA?
When can we expect the check from Mexico? Next Tuesday?
When trump shows his taxes
oh my fucking god. is that todays #? trumps taxes?

when it becomes a fucking requirement to be in office i'll worry about it. in fact, i'd agree that anyone who runs for public office NEEDS to provide to the government (not us) their tax history and ensure they are ok. obama had a shitload of people he appointed who never paid their taxes. did you give a horse fuck then?

Appointed? Shitload?

You are awesome. You don't think Trump ought to release his tax returns? Really? You don't care?
nope. don't care if obama or anyone else does either. until it becomes a requirement they have to, it's just stupid rats looking for cheese.

note to self - stop hitting "show ignored" cause gods gift to the idiots have come along now...

You put people on iggy?

Are you a snowflake?

Trump told us we would see his tax returns. That made their release a requirement. For those with integrity, that is.
He never made such a statement. Anyway, you did see one! Are you obsessed with him that you need to see all of them? LOL. Such tds
Appointed? Shitload?

You are awesome. You don't think Trump ought to release his tax returns? Really? You don't care?
nope not at all. not sure what it proves. we know he paid taxes, if that's what you need to know, you even know how much on one return, and it still didn't satisfy you. so it isn't about that either. now it's just tds.
it's not a requirement to run for office so drop it. they're simply inventing shit to whine about at this point and reminding me again to stop hitting "show ignored".

until it becomes a requirement to run, i simply don't care. if an issue was there i believe the IRS would find it. lord knows they find any mistakes i make.
Do they find out if you launder money ? Of course our honest president would never think of that
no they don't. Taxes don't show where money was laundered, that takes an investigation after someone is shown a crime was committed. perhaps if you did some investigative work you'd actually learn why a tax return is. just saying, you ain't the brightest bulb in the pack.
And trump doesn't show them because he's so honest how dare anyone question him? He's a crook and you're blind
Why do you need them? Can’t answer?
nope not at all. not sure what it proves. we know he paid taxes, if that's what you need to know, you even know how much on one return, and it still didn't satisfy you. so it isn't about that either. now it's just tds.
it's not a requirement to run for office so drop it. they're simply inventing shit to whine about at this point and reminding me again to stop hitting "show ignored".

until it becomes a requirement to run, i simply don't care. if an issue was there i believe the IRS would find it. lord knows they find any mistakes i make.
Do they find out if you launder money ? Of course our honest president would never think of that
no they don't. Taxes don't show where money was laundered, that takes an investigation after someone is shown a crime was committed. perhaps if you did some investigative work you'd actually learn why a tax return is. just saying, you ain't the brightest bulb in the pack.
And trump doesn't show them because he's so honest how dare anyone question him? He's a crook and you're blind
Why do you need them? Can’t answer?
Because tax EXPERTS can find how the pos has been f-ing the system
it's not a requirement to run for office so drop it. they're simply inventing shit to whine about at this point and reminding me again to stop hitting "show ignored".

until it becomes a requirement to run, i simply don't care. if an issue was there i believe the IRS would find it. lord knows they find any mistakes i make.
Do they find out if you launder money ? Of course our honest president would never think of that
no they don't. Taxes don't show where money was laundered, that takes an investigation after someone is shown a crime was committed. perhaps if you did some investigative work you'd actually learn why a tax return is. just saying, you ain't the brightest bulb in the pack.
And trump doesn't show them because he's so honest how dare anyone question him? He's a crook and you're blind
Why do you need them? Can’t answer?
Because tax EXPERTS can find how the pos has been f-ing the system
Isn’t the irs tax experts? He’s under audits they found nothing. Who besides the IRS do you need? TDS fk
well, in looking at other pics of the israel wall, i learned more about it all anyway. you're making me do some homework, gator!

Israel’s Wall

"It is part wall, part fence. Out in the countryside it is mostly a wire fence with razor wire, a ditch and electronic sensors. In town and city it is mostly a concrete wall up to 8 metres high, with graffiti and watchtowers. Pope Francis stopped at the wall in Bethlehem to pray. Barack Obama did not."

so saying LOOK AT ISRAEL is only partially correct. they don't have a wall around everything either. WWZ or not. :) the ones they do have are focused around the immediate area and then done.

what i also found interesting is that according to this article, israel is building the wall on land NOT their own. need to go dig up more history here if i get time today and research this for myself.

Isreal built the wall to secure areas in the West Bank that they didn't own... It is a complicated internal politics between Israelis and the Illegal Settlers...

Lets start with one thing... If the wall is built on US land then asylum seekers can just walk up to the walk and ask for asylum and under US law they have to be taken in and given the opportunity of defending their claim in court. So those Caravans are let in...

Visa over stays will still happen and the wall won't protect against that...

The fence in place right now about 700 miles of it cost about $7.5bn and it costs about $1bn a year to maintain... It divides Communities and not alway Mexican and Americans, sometimes Americans and Americans... A wall is very effective at dividing communities, remember 1 million people cross the border a day. Inflicting a wall to people in just Big Government crap... They have been living there for generations with no barriers in there communities, now the Government is coming along and dividing people and telling them were they can go...

Also there is the small detail of us having this southern border situation for about 60 years and during that time....there was never any crisis; in fact our nation thrived.

But some orange blob comes along and tells you there is a crisis and these idiots believe it. If you examine the pre-trump posting history, the border is rarely brought up.

It’s as funny as it is sad.
if there was never a crisis, why did we need to give amnesty so many times? you all crack me up with the little knowledge you have about our country. Ever hear of the Alamo? fk I cannot tolerate your kind of stupid. there just is no thinking at all.

The Alamo...before Texas was even part of the country. Hardly relevant. Amnesty caused so much misery....not!
LOL. I knew you knew nothing about our fine land

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