NO NUKE DEAL: Did Cohen distract Trump?

Kim got what he wanted, legitimacy, a photo op, still no joint war games, and so on.

What did tRump get?

Nada, that's what tRump got. Just like last time.

As far as who needs the deal worse? tRump does. Not the US, tRump. For NK it's just business as usual, maintaining the status quo. For tRump that was a failure. No Nobel for him.

trump attempted what no previous president has had the balls to attempt, make a deal with the corrupt dictator of NK, But staying in power was more important to Kim than making a deal the would bring his country prosperity. He is scared shitless that an open NK would open the door for his people to revolt and kick his sorry ass out of power.

but obozo got the Nobel for being the first half black person elected as president. He did absolutely nothing for the USA in 8 years, but he did give 150 billion to his muslim friends in Iran.
Obama envy is a very powerful and long lasting thing.
Have it your way. Tell us what Obango did to earn the Nobel Prize.
Why don't you have just a few balls and call him what you really think?
Obama deserves a Nobel prize for existing in a bunch of white boy racists like you

Obama deserves a Nobel prize for existing in a bunch of white boy racists like you

They don't give Nobels for that.

they gave Obama a Nobel for what he said he was going to do.

and he didn't do it.

The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to United States President Barack Obamafor his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between people".[1] The Norwegian Nobel Committee announced the award on October 9, 2009, citing Obama's promotion of nuclear nonproliferation[2] and a "new climate" in international relations fostered by Obama, especially in reaching out to the Muslim world.[3][4]

2009 Nobel Peace Prize - Wikipedia


A working lunch and joint signing ceremony were unexpectedly canceled on Thursday afternoon.

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un failed to reach a nuclear agreement during their second summit, which was abruptly cut short in Hanoi, Vietnam on Thursday afternoon.

Trump, Kim Fail To Reach Agreement In Hanoi After Talks Abruptly Cut Short

Did Cohen distract Trump? What do you think?

You mean our 5 bankruptcy, 5 deferment boy didn't outwit him?

5 bankruptcy

what percentage is that of the companies he has/had?

5 deferment boy

Doesnt' that tie him with Biden?

The bulk of Trump "companies" are shells. Pass throughs. Not actual enterprises.

The extent of his Real Estate holdings are real, Mr. Faggotronious Maximous.

I bet it's millions more than you own. I know it's more than I do.

Great. Doesn't change my point at all.
Read no more from a cartoon character who is too stupid to know the def of snowflake

What's the matter, snowflake? One of your ignorant brethren just posted one of the biggest and easiest LIES to debunk - if you have a good memory or have access to the internet...and since his posting on this board...... about how OBAMA was responsible for Syria being disarmed of its chemical weapons....COMPLETELY WRONG ON JUST ABOUT EVERY DETAIL...and he gets corrected with actual FACT and substantiating / supporting links, and you start begging people NOT to pay attention to the truth?



Barry, again, didn't do shit. He was just the gullible liberal dupe to whom Putin lied to and who was not smart enough to follow-up to ensure Putin kept his word.

Putin SAID he would remove al-Assad's chemical weapons.

Putin SAID he had done so.

Syria then USED those non-existent chemical weapons which time TRUMP spanked their ass by practically leveling the Syrian base the chemical weapons came from.

I lived through it. So did you . Somehow, you missed it in favor of some dopey narrative.
I lived through it with my eyes open, not with my head stuck up Barry's rectum like you obviously did.
and you're still deflecting.

find a corner, and put on your hat.

I'm not deflecting anything. Show us all 500 of those corps have assets and could file backruptcy. You can't. So your assumption and associated arithmetic is moot.

and more deflection.

how many companies did Trump have?



What percentage bankruptcies?

Somehow, with 5 bankruptcies, he's the "Bankruptcy King".

Which is nothing more than a partisan talking point.

Instead of talking points, and deflections, give us a percentage.

or, can't you find one down there in the cesspool?


I asked you for the same thing. I provided a link that showed Trump has many LLCs that are pass throughs. Your arithmetic is bunk.

I provided a link that showed Trump has many LLCs that are pass throughs.

how many?

Exactly. So your formula is flawed.

My formula?

I keep asking you how many shell companies he has/had, to get a better idea of what percentages of his actual companies have gone bankrupt.

I've opined 100, 200 and you deflect to LLCs.

Most sites claim he has or had 500 companies, you claim otherwise.

how many less than 500 companies do you believe he has?

a round number will do.

or are you going to continue trolling?
I'm not deflecting anything. Show us all 500 of those corps have assets and could file backruptcy. You can't. So your assumption and associated arithmetic is moot.

and more deflection.

how many companies did Trump have?



What percentage bankruptcies?

Somehow, with 5 bankruptcies, he's the "Bankruptcy King".

Which is nothing more than a partisan talking point.

Instead of talking points, and deflections, give us a percentage.

or, can't you find one down there in the cesspool?


I asked you for the same thing. I provided a link that showed Trump has many LLCs that are pass throughs. Your arithmetic is bunk.

I provided a link that showed Trump has many LLCs that are pass throughs.

how many?

Exactly. So your formula is flawed.

My formula?

I keep asking you how many shell companies he has/had, to get a better idea of what percentages of his actual companies have gone bankrupt.

I've opined 100, 200 and you deflect to LLCs.

Most sites claim he has or had 500 companies, you claim otherwise.

how many less than 500 companies do you believe he has?

a round number will do.

or are you going to continue trolling?
I'm not trolling at all. I've addressed this several times. Your inability to comprehend is your problem.
He probably does have 500. Most are shell companies though. He certainly doesn't have 500 separate operational entities.

I don't need to pick a number. I'm simply telling you that your 5% is nonsense. Logically it is a larger percentage of his actual business operations.
and more deflection.

how many companies did Trump have?



What percentage bankruptcies?

Somehow, with 5 bankruptcies, he's the "Bankruptcy King".

Which is nothing more than a partisan talking point.

Instead of talking points, and deflections, give us a percentage.

or, can't you find one down there in the cesspool?


I asked you for the same thing. I provided a link that showed Trump has many LLCs that are pass throughs. Your arithmetic is bunk.

I provided a link that showed Trump has many LLCs that are pass throughs.

how many?

Exactly. So your formula is flawed.

My formula?

I keep asking you how many shell companies he has/had, to get a better idea of what percentages of his actual companies have gone bankrupt.

I've opined 100, 200 and you deflect to LLCs.

Most sites claim he has or had 500 companies, you claim otherwise.

how many less than 500 companies do you believe he has?

a round number will do.

or are you going to continue trolling?
I'm not trolling at all. I've addressed this several times. Your inability to comprehend is your problem.
He probably does have 500. Most are shell companies though. He certainly doesn't have 500 separate operational entities.

I don't need to pick a number. I'm simply telling you that your 5% is nonsense. Logically it is a larger percentage of his actual business operations.


That was if he only owned 100 companies.

Did you even read the post, before you started belittling it?

6 bankruptcies, out of 100 companies = approximately 5%, (actually 6%).

6 bankruptcies out of 200 companies would be 3%

etc etc.

Dont' bother responding....

I've got other idiots to laugh at on the board.

I asked you for the same thing. I provided a link that showed Trump has many LLCs that are pass throughs. Your arithmetic is bunk.

I provided a link that showed Trump has many LLCs that are pass throughs.

how many?

Exactly. So your formula is flawed.

My formula?

I keep asking you how many shell companies he has/had, to get a better idea of what percentages of his actual companies have gone bankrupt.

I've opined 100, 200 and you deflect to LLCs.

Most sites claim he has or had 500 companies, you claim otherwise.

how many less than 500 companies do you believe he has?

a round number will do.

or are you going to continue trolling?
I'm not trolling at all. I've addressed this several times. Your inability to comprehend is your problem.
He probably does have 500. Most are shell companies though. He certainly doesn't have 500 separate operational entities.

I don't need to pick a number. I'm simply telling you that your 5% is nonsense. Logically it is a larger percentage of his actual business operations.


That was if he only owned 100 companies.

Did you even read the post, before you started belittling it?

6 bankruptcies, out of 100 companies = approximately 5%, (actually 6%).

6 bankruptcies out of 200 companies would be 3%

etc etc.

Dont' bother responding....

I've got other idiots to laugh at on the board.

My point was clear from the beginning, dope.

Your game was pointless, mr moderator.
how many?

Exactly. So your formula is flawed.

My formula?

I keep asking you how many shell companies he has/had, to get a better idea of what percentages of his actual companies have gone bankrupt.

I've opined 100, 200 and you deflect to LLCs.

Most sites claim he has or had 500 companies, you claim otherwise.

how many less than 500 companies do you believe he has?

a round number will do.

or are you going to continue trolling?
I'm not trolling at all. I've addressed this several times. Your inability to comprehend is your problem.
He probably does have 500. Most are shell companies though. He certainly doesn't have 500 separate operational entities.

I don't need to pick a number. I'm simply telling you that your 5% is nonsense. Logically it is a larger percentage of his actual business operations.


That was if he only owned 100 companies.

Did you even read the post, before you started belittling it?

6 bankruptcies, out of 100 companies = approximately 5%, (actually 6%).

6 bankruptcies out of 200 companies would be 3%

etc etc.

Dont' bother responding....

I've got other idiots to laugh at on the board.

My point was clear from the beginning, dope.

Your game was pointless, mr moderator.

Your game is fake, Jake.
I don't think Trump spanked anyone in Syria. He threw a whole bunch of missiles at the airbase, and they managed to fix the runways and have the base back up and running in a couple of days.

Oh yeah....................the stockpile of chemical weapons that were on the base? He didn't have them targeted. Said it would cause too much of a hazard to civilians. But, the only trouble is, there were no civilians close to where the weapons were being held, just military people. His failure to blow up the stockpile when he had the chance was quite telling.

You don't know, do you? Or, are you just rushing to re-write history...already?

The runways were never targeted. I don't think they were even hit.

The military people close to the weapons were Russians. We didn't want to kill Russians and warned them ahead of the raid.

Blowing up a stockpile of chemical and/or biological weapons is just stupid. That's something failed former President Barack Hussein Obama would do.

How desperate must you be?
how many?

Exactly. So your formula is flawed.

My formula?

I keep asking you how many shell companies he has/had, to get a better idea of what percentages of his actual companies have gone bankrupt.

I've opined 100, 200 and you deflect to LLCs.

Most sites claim he has or had 500 companies, you claim otherwise.

how many less than 500 companies do you believe he has?

a round number will do.

or are you going to continue trolling?
I'm not trolling at all. I've addressed this several times. Your inability to comprehend is your problem.
He probably does have 500. Most are shell companies though. He certainly doesn't have 500 separate operational entities.

I don't need to pick a number. I'm simply telling you that your 5% is nonsense. Logically it is a larger percentage of his actual business operations.


That was if he only owned 100 companies.

Did you even read the post, before you started belittling it?

6 bankruptcies, out of 100 companies = approximately 5%, (actually 6%).

6 bankruptcies out of 200 companies would be 3%

etc etc.

Dont' bother responding....

I've got other idiots to laugh at on the board.

My point was clear from the beginning, dope.

Your game was pointless, mr moderator.

your game has been trolling..

and your point was in the picture I posted earlier.

the hat, with the D on it?

go away.

Learn to read
I don't think Trump spanked anyone in Syria. He threw a whole bunch of missiles at the airbase, and they managed to fix the runways and have the base back up and running in a couple of days.

Oh yeah....................the stockpile of chemical weapons that were on the base? He didn't have them targeted. Said it would cause too much of a hazard to civilians. But, the only trouble is, there were no civilians close to where the weapons were being held, just military people. His failure to blow up the stockpile when he had the chance was quite telling.

You don't know, do you? Or, are you just rushing to re-write history...already?

The runways were never targeted. I don't think they were even hit.

The military people close to the weapons were Russians. We didn't want to kill Russians and warned them ahead of the raid.

Blowing up a stockpile of chemical and/or biological weapons is just stupid. That's something failed former President Barack Hussein Obama would do.

How desperate must you be?

Russia was gunning/bombing for ISIS and hit one of their chemical weapon warehouses. Then the worst thing Trump has done to date, IMO.

Trump is far from perfect, IMO.
Exactly. So your formula is flawed.

My formula?

I keep asking you how many shell companies he has/had, to get a better idea of what percentages of his actual companies have gone bankrupt.

I've opined 100, 200 and you deflect to LLCs.

Most sites claim he has or had 500 companies, you claim otherwise.

how many less than 500 companies do you believe he has?

a round number will do.

or are you going to continue trolling?
I'm not trolling at all. I've addressed this several times. Your inability to comprehend is your problem.
He probably does have 500. Most are shell companies though. He certainly doesn't have 500 separate operational entities.

I don't need to pick a number. I'm simply telling you that your 5% is nonsense. Logically it is a larger percentage of his actual business operations.


That was if he only owned 100 companies.

Did you even read the post, before you started belittling it?

6 bankruptcies, out of 100 companies = approximately 5%, (actually 6%).

6 bankruptcies out of 200 companies would be 3%

etc etc.

Dont' bother responding....

I've got other idiots to laugh at on the board.

My point was clear from the beginning, dope.

Your game was pointless, mr moderator.

your game has been trolling..

and your point was in the picture I posted earlier.

the hat, with the D on it?

go away.

Learn to read

Fuck off.
You're the troll.
My formula?

I keep asking you how many shell companies he has/had, to get a better idea of what percentages of his actual companies have gone bankrupt.

I've opined 100, 200 and you deflect to LLCs.

Most sites claim he has or had 500 companies, you claim otherwise.

how many less than 500 companies do you believe he has?

a round number will do.

or are you going to continue trolling?
I'm not trolling at all. I've addressed this several times. Your inability to comprehend is your problem.
He probably does have 500. Most are shell companies though. He certainly doesn't have 500 separate operational entities.

I don't need to pick a number. I'm simply telling you that your 5% is nonsense. Logically it is a larger percentage of his actual business operations.


That was if he only owned 100 companies.

Did you even read the post, before you started belittling it?

6 bankruptcies, out of 100 companies = approximately 5%, (actually 6%).

6 bankruptcies out of 200 companies would be 3%

etc etc.

Dont' bother responding....

I've got other idiots to laugh at on the board.

My point was clear from the beginning, dope.

Your game was pointless, mr moderator.

your game has been trolling..

and your point was in the picture I posted earlier.

the hat, with the D on it?

go away.

Learn to read

Fuck off.
You're the troll.

Orly? :eek:

What's Starsky's real name within 2 minutes, faggot.

10:22 PM, Thursday

I could answer within 5 seconds, you?
Last edited:


A working lunch and joint signing ceremony were unexpectedly canceled on Thursday afternoon.

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un failed to reach a nuclear agreement during their second summit, which was abruptly cut short in Hanoi, Vietnam on Thursday afternoon.

Trump, Kim Fail To Reach Agreement In Hanoi After Talks Abruptly Cut Short

Did Cohen distract Trump? What do you think?
Like no not at all unlike obama he didnt want a bad deal and wasnt going to get screwed . nk wanted full removal of sanctions ond only partially denuking .

Obama and the democrats were dunbasses
Exactly. So your formula is flawed.

My formula?

I keep asking you how many shell companies he has/had, to get a better idea of what percentages of his actual companies have gone bankrupt.

I've opined 100, 200 and you deflect to LLCs.

Most sites claim he has or had 500 companies, you claim otherwise.

how many less than 500 companies do you believe he has?

a round number will do.

or are you going to continue trolling?
I'm not trolling at all. I've addressed this several times. Your inability to comprehend is your problem.
He probably does have 500. Most are shell companies though. He certainly doesn't have 500 separate operational entities.

I don't need to pick a number. I'm simply telling you that your 5% is nonsense. Logically it is a larger percentage of his actual business operations.


That was if he only owned 100 companies.

Did you even read the post, before you started belittling it?

6 bankruptcies, out of 100 companies = approximately 5%, (actually 6%).

6 bankruptcies out of 200 companies would be 3%

etc etc.

Dont' bother responding....

I've got other idiots to laugh at on the board.

My point was clear from the beginning, dope.

Your game was pointless, mr moderator.

your game has been trolling..

and your point was in the picture I posted earlier.

the hat, with the D on it?

go away.

Learn to read
Offering s different point of view is not trolling

Look it up
My formula?

I keep asking you how many shell companies he has/had, to get a better idea of what percentages of his actual companies have gone bankrupt.

I've opined 100, 200 and you deflect to LLCs.

Most sites claim he has or had 500 companies, you claim otherwise.

how many less than 500 companies do you believe he has?

a round number will do.

or are you going to continue trolling?
I'm not trolling at all. I've addressed this several times. Your inability to comprehend is your problem.
He probably does have 500. Most are shell companies though. He certainly doesn't have 500 separate operational entities.

I don't need to pick a number. I'm simply telling you that your 5% is nonsense. Logically it is a larger percentage of his actual business operations.


That was if he only owned 100 companies.

Did you even read the post, before you started belittling it?

6 bankruptcies, out of 100 companies = approximately 5%, (actually 6%).

6 bankruptcies out of 200 companies would be 3%

etc etc.

Dont' bother responding....

I've got other idiots to laugh at on the board.

My point was clear from the beginning, dope.

Your game was pointless, mr moderator.

your game has been trolling..

and your point was in the picture I posted earlier.

the hat, with the D on it?

go away.

Learn to read
Offering s different point of view is not trolling

Look it up

Read the thread.

it's not about his 'point of view'.
I'm not trolling at all. I've addressed this several times. Your inability to comprehend is your problem.
He probably does have 500. Most are shell companies though. He certainly doesn't have 500 separate operational entities.

I don't need to pick a number. I'm simply telling you that your 5% is nonsense. Logically it is a larger percentage of his actual business operations.


That was if he only owned 100 companies.

Did you even read the post, before you started belittling it?

6 bankruptcies, out of 100 companies = approximately 5%, (actually 6%).

6 bankruptcies out of 200 companies would be 3%

etc etc.

Dont' bother responding....

I've got other idiots to laugh at on the board.

My point was clear from the beginning, dope.

Your game was pointless, mr moderator.

your game has been trolling..

and your point was in the picture I posted earlier.

the hat, with the D on it?

go away.

Learn to read

Fuck off.
You're the troll.

Orly? :eek:

What's Starskey's real name within 2 minutes, faggot.

10:22 PM, Thursday

I could answer within 5 seconds, you?
And the NK idea of partial denuking is to blow up a building they no longer use.

They are not easily trusted and they are not easily negotiated with. Trump is totally over matched.

Before he even sat down with them he should have gotten an accounting and inventory of what they had to have a baseline for negotiations
There should have been preparation before the meeting
State department should have laid the groundwork for a deal
Trump should have been thoroughly prepped on all details

Trump went in there and winged it
He failed

I have never seen negotiations such as these. Negotiations do not start with the President, in most cases. They start with the State Department and professional negotiators. I suppose trump wants all the glory, so he turned everything upside down.

What a Dunce...
The President shows up, it should be just a formality to seal the deal

Trump has probably the weakest State Dept in decades. He fired most of the skilled diplomats and didn’t replace most of them

Beyond that, he does not trust those on his staff and has delusions of grandeur about his ability to out negotiate someone as insignificant as Kim Jong Un

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