NO NUKE DEAL: Did Cohen distract Trump?



A working lunch and joint signing ceremony were unexpectedly canceled on Thursday afternoon.

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un failed to reach a nuclear agreement during their second summit, which was abruptly cut short in Hanoi, Vietnam on Thursday afternoon.

Trump, Kim Fail To Reach Agreement In Hanoi After Talks Abruptly Cut Short

Did Cohen distract Trump? What do you think?

Probably not but it made it a whole lot easier for KJU to dismiss Trump. The efforts of the United States Democratic Party should be seen bordering sedition... in their intent if not their results. Its just a disgrace thats all.
Confused Liberals - “Trump is going to get suckered and take a bad deal with the North Koreans!”

Same Liberals - “I can’t believe Trump walked away from a bad deal with the North Koreans!”
My formula?

I keep asking you how many shell companies he has/had, to get a better idea of what percentages of his actual companies have gone bankrupt.

I've opined 100, 200 and you deflect to LLCs.

Most sites claim he has or had 500 companies, you claim otherwise.

how many less than 500 companies do you believe he has?

a round number will do.

or are you going to continue trolling?

What a stupid issue to argue about.

The Trump empire includes 17 golf courses.

Trump Businesses You Likely Didn’t Know Existed
Many of Trump's businesses have flown under the radar. Indeed, Trump has full or partial ownership of approximately 500 companies in the United States alone. Many of these companies focus their efforts on developing Trump's real estate ventures abroad, although they are headquartered in the U.S. Below are a few of Trump's lesser-known companies.

President Trump and his empire have suffered huge losses since announcing his run for President. Worldwide, wouldn't 1,000 or more be reasonable?

The Companies Donald Trump Owns
if there is no deal, there will be North Korea left.

Iran is on the run because Trump understand a bad deal when he sees one.

The Tlaiban is at the peace table because we're kickin their ass.

Kavanaugh is on the court because Trump is tough

Trump did something most people in Washington don't do: have somebody's back when it really matters. That is truly draining the swamp!

Confused Liberals - “Trump is going to get suckered and take a bad deal with the North Koreans!”

Same Liberals - “I can’t believe Trump walked away from a bad deal with the North Koreans!”

Liberals sadly......suffer from something very similar to schizophrenia which is a mental disorder characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to understand reality.

That's where their hatred for President Trump has taken these sick ,confused souls!
President Trump doesn't waver. he doesn't back down. he has taken us from poverty to prosperity. Trump works for the people not against the people.

We are one race, THE HUMAN RACE!

Trump has not changed the left. they have always hated america. THEY MEAN WELL? If you want to destroy america, you dont mean well. if you support abortion, you dont mean well. if you would rather listen Cohen spew lies than applied a breakthrough deal in North Korea, you don't well.

The Great Obama bombed the shit out of not only ISIS but also all terrorists wherever they were hiding

He also took out a gentleman named Bin Laden

Really? How then did ISIS arise and establish such a huge Caliphate while failed former President Barack Hussein Obama was in office? Before Obama took office, he said the killing bin-Laden was not a priority. What changed?

ISIS had no Caliphate, whatsoever, in Iraq when President Obama took office. What happened?

Bush toppled the apple cart and destabilized the entire region.

His odd decision to abandon the war on terrorism and invade Iraq is still causing problems almost 20 years later

There was a war on terror in 2000? Who knew?

You and the other Progressives are exhibiting their utter desperation. It is already settled, and yet you keep whining and trying to re-write history.

The invasion of Iran was voted FOR by Congress. Please keep in mind that Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and Chuck Schumer all voted FOR the resolution. So did the United Nations.

So please, kids, this battle has already been fought, you lost, now move forward two decades.
He stood in front of America and forgave the butcher of North Korea for torturing an American to death.

This is the guy you support. Dipshit.

All part of negotiating for the greater good.

Then again is failed former President Barack Hussein Obama who did nothing to expedite the release of Otto Warmbier.

You left out the traitor welcome back with a ceremony in the Rose Garden.





The left on Monday: Holy shit! Trump is an idiot and will make a bad deal to save face! Aaaargh!

The left today: Holy shit! trump didn’t sign a shit deal! What an asshole!
outta be proud of yourself

Specifically, what was the end result of our President walking out of the summit, against all his military and civilian advisors, in Reykjavik, Iceland?
Confused Liberals - “Trump is going to get suckered and take a bad deal with the North Koreans!”

Same Liberals - “I can’t believe Trump walked away from a bad deal with the North Koreans!”

Meanwhile, the same Progressives were cheering for the horrendous deal, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama made with Iraq. Obama was willing to do anything, give anything, pay anything to get something, anything on paper. THAT resulted in an unsigned "deal" accomplishing nothing.
You can of course substantiate it was a bad deal. The way I see it he accomplished something Trump didn't. He was capable of making his negotiating partner NOT develop nuclear weapons.

You're joking are you not?

Are you referring that failed former President Barack Hussein Obama halted North Korea's development of nuclear weapons and ICBMs?

Please tell us you were being facetious.
No I'm talking about Iran.
Was I dreaming when the American president, said he believes the N.korean dictator didn't mean to kil the American hostage or he didnt know about ?
The **** was finding excuses for a guy who excites his own family ?

I think the word you are desperately looking for is EXECUTES.

If you're negotiating a deal that could change the direction of the world. Is it your advice that you start off by insulting and condemning your opponent? You'd have starved to death in my profession!
Trump has an affection for dictators. He killed an American you call him on it, not praise him.
N.korea are not abandoning their nukes. Os a waste of time.
He stood in front of America and forgave the butcher of North Korea for torturing an American to death.

This is the guy you support. Dipshit.

You're really quite a joke. I bet you never played chess either. The nice safe job where you just pushed papers?
Trump has an affection for dictators. He killed an American you call him on it, not praise him.
N.korea are not abandoning their nukes. Os a waste of time.

Share with us all specifically what would that accomplish?

I made my living in trivial (comparatively) negotiations. You should study the art of negotiating. Several things you should know. You always have to be prepared to walk away. Always. You also never tell your opposition what you will absolutely NOT do. That makes it the most important in their eyes. You also, never, ever take your eyes off the prize. Always keep closing.

At this point, only President Donald Trump knows what has been offered and Kim Jung-un is pondering what he wants more.
Been that way for decades, nothing has changed, Kim is not under any pressure.

Your desperation is duly noted.

Kim Jung-un is not under any pressure? Since President Donald Trump took office, Kim Jung-un has been to several booming cities oozing with wealth and happy people while he tries desperately (not unlike you) to hold back the information from his own people.

Most recently, in Ho-Chi-Minh city, he has learned that there can be a dictatorial country AND a prosperous economy.

It has taken me over a year to negotiate several transactions in my 45 years as a Realtor. I have been pleasantly surprised at the speed President Donald Trump is pushing them ahead.
Um, what desperation?

Kim already knew these things you idiot, and his multigenerational propaganda machine has the NK populace well under control.

Oh, I see the desperation now, it's you trying to make tRump look like less of a failure.
Trump has an affection for dictators. He killed an American you call him on it, not praise him.
N.korea are not abandoning their nukes. Os a waste of time.

Share with us all specifically what would that accomplish?

I made my living in trivial (comparatively) negotiations. You should study the art of negotiating. Several things you should know. You always have to be prepared to walk away. Always. You also never tell your opposition what you will absolutely NOT do. That makes it the most important in their eyes. You also, never, ever take your eyes off the prize. Always keep closing.

At this point, only President Donald Trump knows what has been offered and Kim Jung-un is pondering what he wants more.
This is a man who has little knowledge about N.Korea and the geopolitical struggle in the area...and dismisses the are trying too hard to give the dumbo credit. He doesn't know what he is doing. N.korea aint given up their nukes....they might stop the testing...but Nukes they won't give up. They are not stupid to become another Iraq or Libya.
Between Issa and Crepitus, it is hard to tell which is most desperate and lest willing to accept facts. Two trolls, running neck and neck in their rush to prove themselves wrong. It just drives them crazy that President Donald Trump is doing such a masterful job. Making it all look easy.

From the far left LA Times. And still, Progressives can't face facts!

Trump wisely walks away from his North Korea summit without a (bad) deal
FEB 28, 2019 | 9:30 AM

The abrupt end to President Trump’s summit meeting with North Korea’s Kim Jong Unmay strike some as a huge embarrassment for a president who portrays himself as the ultimate dealmaker. It wasn’t. Instead, Trump deserves credit for leaving Vietnam when he concluded that Kim was insisting on unreasonable terms — the lifting of all U.S. economic sanctions if the North dismantled its nuclear complex in Yongbyon.

Before the summit, it was thought North Korea might decommission that site in exchange for the U.S. agreeing to a formal statement ending the Korean War and perhaps relief from some sanctions. But Trump said Kim demanded much more: the lifting of sanctions “in their entirety.” Added Trump, “We couldn’t do that.” (North Korean foreign minister Ri Yong Ho disputed Trump’s account, saying that the North asked for the lifting of only those sanctions that “hamper the civilian economy and the livelihood of our people.”)
Trump wisely walks away from his North Korea summit without a (bad) deal

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