No one can give me a rational reason why

You think I care what you infantilized serfs think?

And history proves I am not a danger to anyone. I have owned guns for most of my life and have never shot anyone.

Just because you can't trust yourself to control your emotions and you need to ask big Daddy King Horseface for permission to buy a gun or read a book you have to believe other men aren't capable of controlling themselves so you don;t look so fucking pathetic.
A piece of advice. If you try being a smartass, first you have to be smart, otherwise you're just an ass. Don't forget that Ass Blues Man.
As I stated before, I have nothing against law abiding citizens owning guns. But I draw the line with automatic weapons. There is no reason for any civilian to own a weapon of war.

Says you. There is no reason for you to own lots of the shit you own too. So who do you want making those decidions for you?
A piece of advice. If you try being a smartass, first you have to be smart, otherwise you're just an ass. Don't forget that Ass Blues Man.

Says the guy whop accepts that his government tells him what books he can read.

If that one thing doesn;t make your fucking blood boil you will never understand why Americans believe their rights are not given to them by the fucking government..
No one can give me a rational reason why the average law abiding citizen should not be allowed to own firearms.

Saying that some people might commit crimes with guns is not a rational reason.

Saying that some people may kill themselves with a gun is not a rational reason

Disarming law-abiding gun owners while making firearms impossible to obtain is the goal of the Dems.

Dems / Socialists spent years pushing defund the police policies refused to prosecute entire categories of crimes. The result has been leftist addled cities literally destroyed by crime. Left-wing D.A.s routinely offer low-bail or no-bail bonds for violent criminals, who go on to commit more violent crime.

Disarming victims by attempting to strip away a constitutional right protects only the criminals,
Okay, fine.

And if it was that easy?


The AR-15 is a semi-automatic civilian rifle. You can turn a rental truck into an instrument of mass murder, worse than any mass public shooting with a gun......does that mean we need to ban trucks?
Banning automatic weapons is not a made up reason.
Short of the Coke Wars in Miami in the eighties, automatic weapons have almost never been used in crimes and as far as I know, none have ever been used in a mass shooting. Criminals spraying the street with a submachine gun or assault rifle is a creation of Hollywood. Almost all mass shootings are done by criminals and handguns are used.
Short of the Coke Wars in Miami in the eighties, automatic weapons have almost never been used in crimes and as far as I know, none have ever been used in a mass shooting. Criminals spraying the street with a submachine gun or assault rifle is a creation of Hollywood. Almost all mass shootings are done by criminals and handguns are used.
C'mon, that's not true!
C'mon, that's not true!

Absolutely true........

Tell us other than the drug wars in Florida in the 90s and the bank Robbery in North Hollywood Los Angeles in 1997....

Even in the North Hollywood shootout...the two criminals who had fully automatic weapons.....didn't manage to kill anyone...and were themselves shot by cops with semi-automatic pistols.....and AR-15 rifles the police had to borrow from gun stores during the attack...


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