No one is coming to help you...

If you are reading this and know someone that could potentially be in this situation.........there ARE a few things that can be done.

1. Take some courses in self protection. Many metro areas have these available for FREE for women and children.
If not, they usually don't charge much. PLUS, it gives you the opportunity to meet people that can help you out when you really need it.

2. Buy SOMETHING for protection.........a gun, a taser, a baseball bat, cans of mace, even a bottle of bleach or amonia.
Anything you can use to sidetrack them long enough for you to get away.
Make SURE you know how to use these things correctly!

3. Know your neighbors? Have a local neighbor, friend, or coworker that can be there in an instant? Talk to them, tell them you might need help at some point, and if they are willing to help you if you call.

4. Get a trained dog. ANY dog can be trained, but there are certain breeds that are better at security training than others.
You can talk to a guard dog training facility to learn what the best dog is for you and your needs.

5. MOVE. Don't tell anybody where you moved to, except those you TRUST IMPLICITLY. If you can't afford it, there are organizations that can help you out if you ask for thier assistance.
The reality is, ERE's (emergency response employees) normally show up after the majority of incidents.


They dont care.
Which is why so many people have guns nowadays.

There is no such thing as PREVENTATIVE measures anymore. It's all dead body cleanup.

The victims just need to make sure that its not THIER dead body being cleaned up!!!
If you are reading this and know someone that could potentially be in this situation.........there ARE a few things that can be done.

1. Take some courses in self protection. Many metro areas have these available for FREE for women and children.
If not, they usually don't charge much. PLUS, it gives you the opportunity to meet people that can help you out when you really need it.

2. Buy SOMETHING for protection.........a gun, a taser, a baseball bat, cans of mace, even a bottle of bleach or amonia.
Anything you can use to sidetrack them long enough for you to get away.
Make SURE you know how to use these things correctly!

3. Know your neighbors? Have a local neighbor, friend, or coworker that can be there in an instant? Talk to them, tell them you might need help at some point, and if they are willing to help you if you call.

4. Get a trained dog. ANY dog can be trained, but there are certain breeds that are better at security training than others.
You can talk to a guard dog training facility to learn what the best dog is for you and your needs.

5. MOVE. Don't tell anybody where you moved to, except those you TRUST IMPLICITLY. If you can't afford it, there are organizations that can help you out if you ask for thier assistance.

One thing I've got in every room of my home is a flashlight that has a bright LED strobe -- for disorienting an intruder -- and a flashing SOS mode to put in a window.


ozro I agree that might be the case if I lived in a blue shithole city, but I live in a very small town where the sheriff's deputy is my neighbor, and she or another deputy drives by my home at least once an hour.

Also. I live in a neighborhood where it can be assumed that every home is armed.

There are still safe places in this country.


ozro I agree that might be the case if I lived in a blue shithole city, but I live in a very small town where the sheriff's deputy is my neighbor, and she or another deputy drives by my home at least once an hour.

Also. I live in a neighborhood where it can be assumed that every home is armed.

There are still safe places in this country.

My place is safe, over an hour from a small town, four plus miles to nearest neighbor, I own the last two miles of road in here.
Cops over an hour away, and plenty of coyotes and ravens to dispose of trespassers. Lol
My place is safe, over an hour from a small town, four plus miles to nearest neighbor, I own the last two miles of road in here.
Cops over an hour away, and plenty of coyotes and ravens to dispose of trespassers. Lol


Yeah, we've got the Coyotes, turkey buzzards and the 3S rule too.


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