No one is coming to help you...

That 911 bitch was infuriating!!!
Her whole attitude was basically to bad so sad.
And where did this occur? From the sound of it a blue shithole state that doesnt allow people to protect themselves.

They voted for it, they got a hamstrung police force.

I know plenty of conservative women who are armed and capable of protecting themselves.


One thing I've got in every room of my home is a flashlight that has a bright LED strobe -- for disorienting an intruder -- and a flashing SOS mode to put in a window.

My granny gave me some of the best advice I've ever gotten from anyone in my entire life.

When I was about 10 years old, she told me I need to learn to do for myself, learn all I can about everything possible, and to always take care of myself, because nobody is going to be there when I really need them.

And fuck it all if she wasn't RIGHT!!! I've learned all I can, I keep my eyes and ears open, and I have always been let down by people I thought I could count on.
My granny gave me some of the best advice I've ever gotten from anyone in my entire life.

When I was about 10 years old, she told me I need to learn to do for myself, learn all I can about everything possible, and to always take care of myself, because nobody is going to be there when I really need them.

And fuck it all if she wasn't RIGHT!!! I've learned all I can, I keep my eyes and ears open, and I have always been let down by people I thought I could count on.

Exactly right.
You can learn a lot from old people if you engage them in conversation and just listen.
My Wife was adopted by an older couple who lived through the depression and not only did She learn a lot I did as well.
I admit we're preppers just like her parents were. Of course back in those days you werent a prepper you were just trying to survive.
Exactly right.
You can learn a lot from old people if you engage them in conversation and just listen.
My Wife was adopted by an older couple who lived through the depression and not only did She learn a lot I did as well.
I admit we're preppers just like her parents were. Of course back in those days you werent a prepper you were just trying to survive.

I can build shelter.
I can grow food.
I know how to fish.
I know how to hunt.
I know how to make fire without matches or fuel.
I know how to clean dirty water to be able to drink it.
I know how to collect rainwater.

Most all people nowadays are morons. They don't even know how to write cursive or tell time on a clock with hands.
I can build shelter.
I can grow food.
I know how to fish.
I know how to hunt.
I know how to make fire without matches or fuel.
I know how to clean dirty water to be able to drink it.
I know how to collect rainwater.

Most all people nowadays are morons. They don't even know how to write cursive or tell time on a clock with hands.

The Wife and I are a bit further along than that but then we've been focussing on it for the last year and a half or so.
We're pretty much set for everything we may come across and we have food for around a year and half or two.
And of course Heirloom seeds to plant in the spring. We figure we'll need enough food to make it to the growing season and then some if the first crops fail for whatever reason.
I see it like having plenty of ammo,it just makes you feel comfortable knowing if things do go to shit you're about as ready as you can expect to be.
I can build shelter.
I can grow food.
I know how to fish.
I know how to hunt.
I know how to make fire without matches or fuel.
I know how to clean dirty water to be able to drink it.
I know how to collect rainwater.

Most all people nowadays are morons. They don't even know how to write cursive or tell time on a clock with hands.

And you probably have the rare skill of being able to retain your sanity when the grid goes out and the Holy Glowing Rectangle becomes useless. The parasites are going to go nuts when that happens!

The Wife and I are a bit further along than that but then we've been focussing on it for the last year and a half or so.
We're pretty much set for everything we may come across and we have food for around a year and half or two.
And of course Heirloom seeds to plant in the spring. We figure we'll need enough food to make it to the growing season and then some if the first crops fail for whatever reason.
I see it like having plenty of ammo,it just makes you feel comfortable knowing if things do go to shit you're about as ready as you can expect to be.

Are you and your wife manic canners? Two pairs of hands make canning much easier.

This year, for the first time, I grew enough of something to make a significant canning run of it -- six dozen quarts of green beans, four dozen pints of diced tomatoes and four dozen pints of carrots. My garden is expanding this year and I also got a freeze drier and connected with a new friend in the area who will sell me a portion of a beef and all the fresh eggs I can use.

One thing that's nice is living near a religious colony where they sell their farm produce, always cheaper than in stores and usually grown with fewer chemicals.


Are you and your wife manic canners? Two pairs of hands make canning much easier.

This year, for the first time, I grew enough of something to make a significant canning run of it -- six dozen quarts of green beans, four dozen pints of diced tomatoes and four dozen pints of carrots. My garden is expanding this year and I also got a freeze drier and connected with a new friend in the area who will sell me a portion of a beef and all the fresh eggs I can use.

One thing that's nice is living near a religious colony where they sell their farm produce, always cheaper than in stores and usually grown with fewer chemicals.


Just getting started in canning. We picked up an All American canning unit not to long ago.
The thing that sucks about canning is when you dont have a garden.
I hate canning grocery store fruits and veggies,they suck. But then it's better than nothing.
We do have several farmers markets in our area we're just waiting for the spring harvest.
Just getting started in canning. We picked up an All American canning unit not to long ago.
The thing that sucks about canning is when you dont have a garden.
I hate canning grocery store fruits and veggies,they suck. But then it's better than nothing.
We do have several farmers markets in our area we're just waiting for the spring harvest.

I can't wait to get my first All American canner. I have a couple of Pesto 23's. They'll do.

Do you have space for a garden? How about religious colonies? I get most of the produce that I don't grow myself from the Hutterites for between $1 and $2 a pound. It's not always pretty produce, but the colony near me does not use chemicals.


I can't wait to get my first All American canner. I have a couple of Pesto 23's. They'll do.

Do you have space for a garden? How about religious colonies? I get most of the produce that I don't grow myself from the Hutterites for between $1 and $2 a pound. It's not always pretty produce, but the colony near me does not use chemicals.


We do have a place where we could plant a small garden,off the top of my head I'd say it'd be around 30x15.
We could go a bit larger but we gotta leave some room for the dogs to run around.
No religious colonies to speak of in Texas. The Wife wants to do some container gardening mainly for tomatoes. I think I miss good tomatoes more than anything else. I feel sorry for kids nowadays who have never tasted a homegrown tomato.
We do have a place where we could plant a small garden,off the top of my head I'd say it'd be around 30x15.
We could go a bit larger but we gotta leave some room for the dogs to run around.
No religious colonies to speak of in Texas. The Wife wants to do some container gardening mainly for tomatoes. I think I miss good tomatoes more than anything else. I feel sorry for kids nowadays who have never tasted a homegrown tomato.

Yes indeed!

I'm going to try going more vertical this year. I'll have about 50' of 6' tall trellises which will allow me to free up more of my horizontal space that won't have to be used for beans and cucumbers and squash. I've currently got 10 4'x8' raised beds and plan on adding at least four more.


Yes indeed!

I'm going to try going more vertical this year. I'll have about 50' of 6' tall trellises which will allow me to free up more of my horizontal space that won't have to be used for beans and cucumbers and squash. I've currently got 10 4'x8' raised beds and plan on adding at least four more.


We used to get em all the time from a girl my brother dated but I no longer speak with him....I sure miss em,the tomatoes I mean.

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