No One Is Talking About Climate in the Midterms. So Let's Talk About it here!

This midterm election will shape our future — your vote determines what happens to women’s rights, trans rights, climate change, & more.

As climate impacts spread, as water supplies are imperiled, as the rate of billion-dollar disasters quadruples, as sea levels and health dangers rise — the fossil fuel industry continues to lie, deny and obstruct

You're lying.
So to replace the 11,070 electric generating plants with wind turbines is that what you favor?
And do you favor replacing all cars/trucks with EVs?
If so your household's share for the next 20 years is going to be $2,291.12 per month for 20 years.
FACTS which you then agree with if you will have to pay your share per household of $549,868.46 to build and
maintain the 16,982,444 wind turbines? Right? You ok with that? By the way with the average american household
The average U.S. household income is $87,864 as Oct 26, 2022

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You never claimed a reduction of over 100% in any of your silly Excel spreadsheets?
Wow ... is the OP putting too much emphasis on one election? ... climate is a hundred year affair so we'll have 50 congressional elections between now and then ... and there's nothing this last Congress did that the next Congress can't undo ...

There's always been bad weather, today's weather isn't any worse ...
Man made climate change might be a popular issue with democrats but except for Brandon's incoherent rants they aren't talking about it. Why is that? Because it's unpopular with normal voters and it's a bogus claim. All democrats have left is the murder of the unborn and castrating kids.

Major factor here is the media and the exaggerated reporting. BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY -- it's the fact that ANY meaningful PUBLIC debate that fair and balanced HAS NEVER HAPPENED !!!!!

GW is losing traction BECAUSE of the lack of debate and media flame throwing. It's like anything the Dems list as an existential threat that they WILL NOT DEFEND or DEBATE openly and honestly.

If I got elected Prez. I'd host bi-monthly debates for GW and all these other "forbidden topics" in the WHouse.
I have no idea what you mean "reduction". Reduction of WHAT?
Everything in that spreadsheet is BASED on FACTS not guesses like you do ToadStool!
FACT to build on yet to be purchased land the 16,982,444 wind turbines costs$16,303,146,408,057
so most turbines cost in the $2-4 million dollar range. Operation and maintenance runs an additional $42,000-$48,000
Wind Turbine Cost: Worth The Million-Dollar Price In 2022?
The average turbine would generate over 843,000 kWh per month or 10,116,000 kWh/year hence to replace all
power plants with wind turbines and all cars/trucks with EVs would require 14,316,200,439,575 kWh

I have no idea what you mean "reduction". Reduction of WHAT?

Oil leases.

Or anything.

Have you ever claimed a reduction of over 100% in any of your silly Excel spreadsheets?
This midterm election will shape our future — your vote determines what happens to women’s rights, trans rights, climate change, & more.

As climate impacts spread, as water supplies are imperiled, as the rate of billion-dollar disasters quadruples, as sea levels and health dangers rise — the fossil fuel industry continues to lie, deny and obstruct
Settle down
This midterm election will shape our future — your vote determines what happens to women’s rights, trans rights, climate change, & more.

As climate impacts spread, as water supplies are imperiled, as the rate of billion-dollar disasters quadruples, as sea levels and health dangers rise — the fossil fuel industry continues to lie, deny and obstruct

What are you personally doing to fight "climate change"?

No One Is Talking About Climate in the Midterms. So Let's Talk About it here!​

Let’s not.
What are you personally doing to fight "climate change"?

I was waiting three hours in line to buy 5 gallons of gasoline when I decided to dedicate my life to SCREWING BIG OIL ... mainly by not purchasing as much but also looking suspiciously at oil tank farms, with arson on my mind ...

The answer to rising energy prices is to use less energy ... fuck the climate, I'm protecting the contents of my WALLET ... see those pictures of my kids, that's where my money used to be ... but conservative is dirty word in these discussions ... everything is about how we can create more energy and less cost ... without taking down existing fossil fuel infrastructure ... all these new wind farms and solar councils aren't protecting the environment, it just gives humans more energy to fuck nature up even more ...

And I advocate the slaughtering off of white people ... that would solve almost all the environmental problems ...
As climate impacts spread, as water supplies are imperiled, as the rate of billion-dollar disasters quadruples, as sea levels and health dangers rise — the fossil fuel industry continues to lie, deny and obstruct
So what? Their products heat my home, fuel my SUV, and make up large amounts of the products I use. I’ve got MAYBE 30 years of life left. I have no kids. The planet will be here long after I’m gone. If it gets bad my weather here in New England supposedly gets BETTER (warmer, less snow, etc…)
Hurricane is barreling in on Florida to punish the citizens again for voting for Republicans. I am not sure about global warming but I do know that the Christian God hates Florida.
75 mile an hour winds, we just had that in Chicago
Ok, let's talk.

What difference does it make what the US does climate wise, if China is not doing the same?

How many "peer reviewed" studies were behind this mission and how smart do you have to be to get your ship stuck in the ice for 3 weeks?

View attachment 722613
So now you agree ? You just worry about China.
The logical flaws in the strategy you're advocating is the sort that a ten-year old's mother can turn into a learning moment with little trouble. Yours missed, eh?
So what? Their products heat my home, fuel my SUV, and make up large amounts of the products I use. I’ve got MAYBE 30 years of life left. I have no kids. The planet will be here long after I’m gone. If it gets bad my weather here in New England supposedly gets BETTER (warmer, less snow, etc…)
You obviously aren’t very informed.
What are you personally doing to fight "climate change"?
That’s silly……short of adding insulation and driving more efficient cars, there isn’t much ANY individual can do. We are stuck with the transportation system we have. You fly, you take a bus etc, all fueled by petro.
So, you vote for those who support providing massive changes in electric generation and transportation. It’s a silly idea thinking a personal habit changes much….
So what? Their products heat my home, fuel my SUV, and make up large amounts of the products I use. I’ve got MAYBE 30 years of life left. I have no kids. The planet will be here long after I’m gone. If it gets bad my weather here in New England supposedly gets BETTER (warmer, less snow, etc…)
And your fossil fuel costs go up, massive migration and immigration, and funding perpetual wars over fossil fuel affects everyone now. Typical non maintenance freebie mentality of conservatives.
And your fossil fuel costs go up, massive migration and immigration, and funding perpetual wars over fossil fuel affects everyone now. Typical non maintenance freebie mentality of conservatives.
so turn your car in and stay off the internet fk!!

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