No one white today owned slaves but most whites today benefitted from the 100 years after slavery.

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Look who is still whinging. Jeebus. Get a life.

Stay on topic.

At this point, the topic of this thread has morphed into your serious personality disorder. Get help.

I don't need help. If you don't like the discussion here, then don't enter.

You're not the boss of me, bub.

Here is this summary of this thread:

IM2 hates white people but brags about how he has achieved white values based success and the resulting lifestyle.

That is what is known as a combination of hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance.

Why does his success have to be related to achieving "white values"?

I'm more curious as to just what white values actually are. :popcorn:
Look who is still whinging. Jeebus. Get a life.

Stay on topic.

At this point, the topic of this thread has morphed into your serious personality disorder. Get help.

I don't need help. If you don't like the discussion here, then don't enter.

You're not the boss of me, bub.

Here is this summary of this thread:

IM2 hates white people but brags about how he has achieved white values based success and the resulting lifestyle.

That is what is known as a combination of hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance.

I'm not the boss of you, but the moderators are And I just sent several of your posts to a moderator because I asked you to stay on topic several times and all you do is troll.

There is no such thing as white values based success.

Now you show me where said I hate whites. Saying whites have benefitted from policies' during the 100 years after slavery is not saying that

I don't think you've said you hate whites, but you certainly have generated an impression of disliking and blaming whites. It isn't consistent, but it's there.

And come on, sending posts because boed is off topic? That just sounds like whining. She's added just a few posts to this 800+ post thread, and it isn't as though she's been wildly off topic.
Stay on topic.

At this point, the topic of this thread has morphed into your serious personality disorder. Get help.

I don't need help. If you don't like the discussion here, then don't enter.

You're not the boss of me, bub.

Here is this summary of this thread:

IM2 hates white people but brags about how he has achieved white values based success and the resulting lifestyle.

That is what is known as a combination of hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance.

Why does his success have to be related to achieving "white values"?

I'm more curious as to just what white values actually are. :popcorn:

That's a good one Montrovant. I'd like to understand what those are also.

Because I was always told that get a education and things of that nature were American values.

A person here sounds a wee bit jealous if you ask me,
Stay on topic.

At this point, the topic of this thread has morphed into your serious personality disorder. Get help.

I don't need help. If you don't like the discussion here, then don't enter.

You're not the boss of me, bub.

Here is this summary of this thread:

IM2 hates white people but brags about how he has achieved white values based success and the resulting lifestyle.

That is what is known as a combination of hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance.

I'm not the boss of you, but the moderators are And I just sent several of your posts to a moderator because I asked you to stay on topic several times and all you do is troll.

There is no such thing as white values based success.

Now you show me where said I hate whites. Saying whites have benefitted from policies' during the 100 years after slavery is not saying that

I don't think you've said you hate whites, but you certainly have generated an impression of disliking and blaming whites. It isn't consistent, but it's there.

And come on, sending posts because boed is off topic? That just sounds like whining. She's added just a few posts to this 800+ post thread, and it isn't as though she's been wildly off topic.

A troll is going get reported tp admin. Period.. I haven't generated anything like what you say. I am blaming whites for what they are responsible for doing.

What boed has done is post a series of personal attacks. I'm tired of that shit. You cannot answer the questions, you refuse to discuss the fucking thread topic and then in every mother fucking thread I get the same off topic bullshit from the same people. The only people in this thread whining at those like you who cry about racial quotas that do not exist or how I hate white people when I don't just because I call your white asses to the carpet because you believe a bunch of untrue bullshit and want to force others to believe it too..

So understand this. I had a discussion with a moderator because they had to throw out 9 pages of one of my threads due to the fact that mf's like boed trolled it so much. I had a thread closed because of the same ting. This shit is being done on purpose and I am tired of the shit you guys pull because your white asses want to sit in the forum posting up racist bullshit. So from now on, when I get trolled I am reporting it.

This is the race and racism section. I am going to talk about how whites have done things to us. I am going to talk about how whites still do the same shit and lie about how they aren't. I am not going to temper my language in order to please white people. You are going to get the full monty when needed because the shit you guys have pulled and continue to try pulling on us is not nice. I don't see any of you m-f's talking about hey we need to stop doing this or blacks will get mad. Instead I read I don't have white guilt so fuck you .So understand that I don't have any black guilt and that I am not concerned about your punk asses thinking I hate whites. I am not concerned about you bitches calling me a racist. You are going to get shown your lie in your faces.. So get mad. Then understand that I don't give a damn if white people get mad. They are not near as mad as I am for having to put up with you r bullshit and your lying about how racism is over for the 56 years I have lived so far.

This happened after slavery.

Race Riot of 1919 in Omaha-The Lynching of Will Brown

White riots because blacks had jobs they thought that only whites deserved.
This happened after slavery. Another white riot against blacks.

A community destroyed and never rebuilt by those who destroyed it,

BLACK WALL STREET; Tulsa's Dirty Little Secret

Things did not just magically end after slavery.
This happened after slavery.

Race Riot of 1919 in Omaha-The Lynching of Will Brown

White riots because blacks had jobs they thought that only whites deserved.

98 years ago. EVERYONE involved is long dead.

Most of their children are dead of old age.

Stop living in the past, lefty.
At this point, the topic of this thread has morphed into your serious personality disorder. Get help.

I don't need help. If you don't like the discussion here, then don't enter.

You're not the boss of me, bub.

Here is this summary of this thread:

IM2 hates white people but brags about how he has achieved white values based success and the resulting lifestyle.

That is what is known as a combination of hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance.

I'm not the boss of you, but the moderators are And I just sent several of your posts to a moderator because I asked you to stay on topic several times and all you do is troll.

There is no such thing as white values based success.

Now you show me where said I hate whites. Saying whites have benefitted from policies' during the 100 years after slavery is not saying that

I don't think you've said you hate whites, but you certainly have generated an impression of disliking and blaming whites. It isn't consistent, but it's there.

And come on, sending posts because boed is off topic? That just sounds like whining. She's added just a few posts to this 800+ post thread, and it isn't as though she's been wildly off topic.

A troll is going get reported tp admin. Period.. I haven't generated anything like what you say. I am blaming whites for what they are responsible for doing.

What boed has done is post a series of personal attacks. I'm tired of that shit. You cannot answer the questions, you refuse to discuss the fucking thread topic and then in every mother fucking thread I get the same off topic bullshit from the same people. The only people in this thread whining at those like you who cry about racial quotas that do not exist or how I hate white people when I don't just because I call your white asses to the carpet because you believe a bunch of untrue bullshit and want to force others to believe it too..

So understand this. I had a discussion with a moderator because they had to throw out 9 pages of one of my threads due to the fact that mf's like boed trolled it so much. I had a thread closed because of the same ting. This shit is being done on purpose and I am tired of the shit you guys pull because your white asses want to sit in the forum posting up racist bullshit. So from now on, when I get trolled I am reporting it.

This is the race and racism section. I am going to talk about how whites have done things to us. I am going to talk about how whites still do the same shit and lie about how they aren't. I am not going to temper my language in order to please white people. You are going to get the full monty when needed because the shit you guys have pulled and continue to try pulling on us is not nice. I don't see any of you m-f's talking about hey we need to stop doing this or blacks will get mad. Instead I read I don't have white guilt so fuck you .So understand that I don't have any black guilt and that I am not concerned about your punk asses thinking I hate whites. I am not concerned about you bitches calling me a racist. You are going to get shown your lie in your faces.. So get mad. Then understand that I don't give a damn if white people get mad. They are not near as mad as I am for having to put up with you r bullshit and your lying about how racism is over for the 56 years I have lived so far.


I'm still waiting for you to explain how I benefit today from redlining that ended long ago.

Did you forget your claim?

Do you have no evidence?
Stay on topic.

At this point, the topic of this thread has morphed into your serious personality disorder. Get help.

I don't need help. If you don't like the discussion here, then don't enter.

You're not the boss of me, bub.

Here is this summary of this thread:

IM2 hates white people but brags about how he has achieved white values based success and the resulting lifestyle.

That is what is known as a combination of hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance.

Why does his success have to be related to achieving "white values"?

I'm more curious as to just what white values actually are. :popcorn:

Which is why I asked the question.
I don't need help. If you don't like the discussion here, then don't enter.

You're not the boss of me, bub.

Here is this summary of this thread:

IM2 hates white people but brags about how he has achieved white values based success and the resulting lifestyle.

That is what is known as a combination of hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance.

I'm not the boss of you, but the moderators are And I just sent several of your posts to a moderator because I asked you to stay on topic several times and all you do is troll.

There is no such thing as white values based success.

Now you show me where said I hate whites. Saying whites have benefitted from policies' during the 100 years after slavery is not saying that

I don't think you've said you hate whites, but you certainly have generated an impression of disliking and blaming whites. It isn't consistent, but it's there.

And come on, sending posts because boed is off topic? That just sounds like whining. She's added just a few posts to this 800+ post thread, and it isn't as though she's been wildly off topic.

A troll is going get reported tp admin. Period.. I haven't generated anything like what you say. I am blaming whites for what they are responsible for doing.

What boed has done is post a series of personal attacks. I'm tired of that shit. You cannot answer the questions, you refuse to discuss the fucking thread topic and then in every mother fucking thread I get the same off topic bullshit from the same people. The only people in this thread whining at those like you who cry about racial quotas that do not exist or how I hate white people when I don't just because I call your white asses to the carpet because you believe a bunch of untrue bullshit and want to force others to believe it too..

So understand this. I had a discussion with a moderator because they had to throw out 9 pages of one of my threads due to the fact that mf's like boed trolled it so much. I had a thread closed because of the same ting. This shit is being done on purpose and I am tired of the shit you guys pull because your white asses want to sit in the forum posting up racist bullshit. So from now on, when I get trolled I am reporting it.

This is the race and racism section. I am going to talk about how whites have done things to us. I am going to talk about how whites still do the same shit and lie about how they aren't. I am not going to temper my language in order to please white people. You are going to get the full monty when needed because the shit you guys have pulled and continue to try pulling on us is not nice. I don't see any of you m-f's talking about hey we need to stop doing this or blacks will get mad. Instead I read I don't have white guilt so fuck you .So understand that I don't have any black guilt and that I am not concerned about your punk asses thinking I hate whites. I am not concerned about you bitches calling me a racist. You are going to get shown your lie in your faces.. So get mad. Then understand that I don't give a damn if white people get mad. They are not near as mad as I am for having to put up with you r bullshit and your lying about how racism is over for the 56 years I have lived so far.


I'm still waiting for you to explain how I benefit today from redlining that ended long ago.

Did you forget your claim?

Do you have no evidence?

You were the one asked to explain first remember?.
At this point, the topic of this thread has morphed into your serious personality disorder. Get help.

I don't need help. If you don't like the discussion here, then don't enter.

You're not the boss of me, bub.

Here is this summary of this thread:

IM2 hates white people but brags about how he has achieved white values based success and the resulting lifestyle.

That is what is known as a combination of hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance.

I'm not the boss of you, but the moderators are And I just sent several of your posts to a moderator because I asked you to stay on topic several times and all you do is troll.

There is no such thing as white values based success.

Now you show me where said I hate whites. Saying whites have benefitted from policies' during the 100 years after slavery is not saying that

I don't think you've said you hate whites, but you certainly have generated an impression of disliking and blaming whites. It isn't consistent, but it's there.

And come on, sending posts because boed is off topic? That just sounds like whining. She's added just a few posts to this 800+ post thread, and it isn't as though she's been wildly off topic.

A troll is going get reported tp admin. Period.. I haven't generated anything like what you say. I am blaming whites for what they are responsible for doing.

What boed has done is post a series of personal attacks. I'm tired of that shit. You cannot answer the questions, you refuse to discuss the fucking thread topic and then in every mother fucking thread I get the same off topic bullshit from the same people. The only people in this thread whining at those like you who cry about racial quotas that do not exist or how I hate white people when I don't just because I call your white asses to the carpet because you believe a bunch of untrue bullshit and want to force others to believe it too..

So understand this. I had a discussion with a moderator because they had to throw out 9 pages of one of my threads due to the fact that mf's like boed trolled it so much. I had a thread closed because of the same ting. This shit is being done on purpose and I am tired of the shit you guys pull because your white asses want to sit in the forum posting up racist bullshit. So from now on, when I get trolled I am reporting it.

This is the race and racism section. I am going to talk about how whites have done things to us. I am going to talk about how whites still do the same shit and lie about how they aren't. I am not going to temper my language in order to please white people. You are going to get the full monty when needed because the shit you guys have pulled and continue to try pulling on us is not nice. I don't see any of you m-f's talking about hey we need to stop doing this or blacks will get mad. Instead I read I don't have white guilt so fuck you .So understand that I don't have any black guilt and that I am not concerned about your punk asses thinking I hate whites. I am not concerned about you bitches calling me a racist. You are going to get shown your lie in your faces.. So get mad. Then understand that I don't give a damn if white people get mad. They are not near as mad as I am for having to put up with you r bullshit and your lying about how racism is over for the 56 years I have lived so far.


And here you are doing exactly what I was talking about.

You don't know if I am white, yet you assume that I am when I disagree with you on anything in this thread. The same is true of others who disagree with you from what I have seen.

You say things like "your white asses want to sit in the forum posting up racist bullshit." Since you are replying to me, I can only assume you are claiming that I am "posting up racist bullshit." However, I have done nothing of the sort. Is this similar to when you accused DontTazMeBro of making a bunch of racist posts? You remember, when you made that up and then decided you didn't have to provide any evidence of it?

You don't just "talk about how whites have done things to us." You often seem to imply that all whites are responsible for all things done to minorities in this country, specifically to blacks.

Put simply, you seem to be uninterested in treating people as individuals, instead preferring to deal with people only as the members of a group. Here you are replying to me and saying you aren't going to temper your language, when I never said anything about that. You talk about this shit "you guys have pulled and continue to pull on us" without actually saying what the shit is, or having any idea if I am one of the "you guys" who has pulled it. You aren't concerned about "you bitches" calling you a racist....but I didn't call you a racist. You're going to show "your lie in your faces," but what lie? You go on to talk about "your lying about how racism is over" when I've never claimed that racism is over. I doubt racism will ever be over in the history of humanity.

You may be more comfortable treating each person as a member of the "white people" group you are so upset with, but it certainly doesn't help get your point across.
This happened after slavery.

Race Riot of 1919 in Omaha-The Lynching of Will Brown

White riots because blacks had jobs they thought that only whites deserved.

98 years ago. EVERYONE involved is long dead.

Most of their children are dead of old age.

Stop living in the past, lefty.

Stop using that excuse. .The constitution was written 240 years ago, s it is it not relevant now white boy. The founding fathers are dead and decomposed. When you punks talk about us being grateful to whites who fought in the civil war, they are dead too, but we are to be grateful to you living today for their supposed dying for us, yet we cannot hold whites living today responsible for their racism. You are about to celebrate July 4th of 1776 That's was 241 years ago, does that day still count white boy? I bet you don' t forget about Pearl Harbor, that was 76 years ago most of the people her eon that day are now dead along with those who died in the attack. How about WW1? Shall we forget that. too? After al that was 100 years ago, All those past things seem to count, the past is relevant and important then, So why do we get this excuse when we black folks point out what whites have done?

Huh? Tell me why.

Then you wonder why is the black man sounding so angry? Just who in the FUCK do you white racists think you are talking to with all this double talk?
I don't need help. If you don't like the discussion here, then don't enter.

You're not the boss of me, bub.

Here is this summary of this thread:

IM2 hates white people but brags about how he has achieved white values based success and the resulting lifestyle.

That is what is known as a combination of hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance.

I'm not the boss of you, but the moderators are And I just sent several of your posts to a moderator because I asked you to stay on topic several times and all you do is troll.

There is no such thing as white values based success.

Now you show me where said I hate whites. Saying whites have benefitted from policies' during the 100 years after slavery is not saying that

I don't think you've said you hate whites, but you certainly have generated an impression of disliking and blaming whites. It isn't consistent, but it's there.

And come on, sending posts because boed is off topic? That just sounds like whining. She's added just a few posts to this 800+ post thread, and it isn't as though she's been wildly off topic.

A troll is going get reported tp admin. Period.. I haven't generated anything like what you say. I am blaming whites for what they are responsible for doing.

What boed has done is post a series of personal attacks. I'm tired of that shit. You cannot answer the questions, you refuse to discuss the fucking thread topic and then in every mother fucking thread I get the same off topic bullshit from the same people. The only people in this thread whining at those like you who cry about racial quotas that do not exist or how I hate white people when I don't just because I call your white asses to the carpet because you believe a bunch of untrue bullshit and want to force others to believe it too..

So understand this. I had a discussion with a moderator because they had to throw out 9 pages of one of my threads due to the fact that mf's like boed trolled it so much. I had a thread closed because of the same ting. This shit is being done on purpose and I am tired of the shit you guys pull because your white asses want to sit in the forum posting up racist bullshit. So from now on, when I get trolled I am reporting it.

This is the race and racism section. I am going to talk about how whites have done things to us. I am going to talk about how whites still do the same shit and lie about how they aren't. I am not going to temper my language in order to please white people. You are going to get the full monty when needed because the shit you guys have pulled and continue to try pulling on us is not nice. I don't see any of you m-f's talking about hey we need to stop doing this or blacks will get mad. Instead I read I don't have white guilt so fuck you .So understand that I don't have any black guilt and that I am not concerned about your punk asses thinking I hate whites. I am not concerned about you bitches calling me a racist. You are going to get shown your lie in your faces.. So get mad. Then understand that I don't give a damn if white people get mad. They are not near as mad as I am for having to put up with you r bullshit and your lying about how racism is over for the 56 years I have lived so far.


And here you are doing exactly what I was talking about.

You don't know if I am white, yet you assume that I am when I disagree with you on anything in this thread. The same is true of others who disagree with you from what I have seen.

You say things like "your white asses want to sit in the forum posting up racist bullshit." Since you are replying to me, I can only assume you are claiming that I am "posting up racist bullshit." However, I have done nothing of the sort. Is this similar to when you accused DontTazMeBro of making a bunch of racist posts? You remember, when you made that up and then decided you didn't have to provide any evidence of it?

You don't just "talk about how whites have done things to us." You often seem to imply that all whites are responsible for all things done to minorities in this country, specifically to blacks.

Put simply, you seem to be uninterested in treating people as individuals, instead preferring to deal with people only as the members of a group. Here you are replying to me and saying you aren't going to temper your language, when I never said anything about that. You talk about this shit "you guys have pulled and continue to pull on us" without actually saying what the shit is, or having any idea if I am one of the "you guys" who has pulled it. You aren't concerned about "you bitches" calling you a racist....but I didn't call you a racist. You're going to show "your lie in your faces," but what lie? You go on to talk about "your lying about how racism is over" when I've never claimed that racism is over. I doubt racism will ever be over in the history of humanity.

You may be more comfortable treating each person as a member of the "white people" group you are so upset with, but it certainly doesn't help get your point across.

That's what I said. And you get told that because we blacks here get treated as part of the black folks group. So again, end the double talk. Laws that were and are made do not say, Montrovant this law is not for you, but it is for the next individual. Policies that were and are made do not say Montrovant this law is not for you its for the next individual.

Whites are going to be held responsible for the things whites have done. Whites will be held responsible for the things they keep doing. You wanted to talk to me about another poster, so I talked to you about all the whites here. You said I was whining because I reported boed. You went beyond just talking about yourself then, so I went beyond just talking about you when I responded. You are here talking about racial qoutas, and racial quotas are a lie unless the company is a prove participant in racial discrimination. So then if you are arguing about racial quotas, in essences you want universities and companies to be able to continue discriminating on the basis of race..

I am not going to use a disclaimer every time I talk about white racism when white folks here get butthurt because people say whites have been and continue practicing racism.
Look who is still whinging. Jeebus. Get a life.

Stay on topic.

At this point, the topic of this thread has morphed into your serious personality disorder. Get help.

I don't need help. If you don't like the discussion here, then don't enter.

You're not the boss of me, bub.

Here is this summary of this thread:

IM2 hates white people but brags about how he has achieved white values based success and the resulting lifestyle.

That is what is known as a combination of hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance.

Why does his success have to be related to achieving "white values"?

He commented earlier in the thread that he had a achieved success along the lines of how "whitey" defines it.
Stay on topic.

At this point, the topic of this thread has morphed into your serious personality disorder. Get help.

I don't need help. If you don't like the discussion here, then don't enter.

You're not the boss of me, bub.

Here is this summary of this thread:

IM2 hates white people but brags about how he has achieved white values based success and the resulting lifestyle.

That is what is known as a combination of hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance.

I'm not the boss of you, but the moderators are And I just sent several of your posts to a moderator because I asked you to stay on topic several times and all you do is troll.

There is no such thing as white values based success.

Now you show me where said I hate whites. Saying whites have benefitted from policies' during the 100 years after slavery is not saying that

It is a truth universarlly acknowleged that race baiting cupcakes who whinge about people posting in their threads must be in need of a therapist.

Your need for a therapist is your personal problem.
My life is fine. But life is about more than me. And as I have been blessed I am even more required to stand up for those who do not have what I do. Your little selfish belief of we are individuals crap is for the birds. My life being fine doesn't end .white racism. I came from a poor black community destroyed because of racist policies. I refuse to forget were I came from and to stop trying to fight for those in that and other similar communities

My life does not have to be a failure because I oppose mother fucking white racism. Stop cosigning that stupid shit if you are not a racist, and stop cosigning this stupid shit period..
If you are black and not a failure, why can't all other blacks, or any other race, be successful too?

Well you see in the state of psychosis whites like you live in, the ability to understand just how much you have been helped escapes you. Fortunately there are also whites who are not so null and void.
It is so funny that you think only YOU are right, how dare anyone disagree LOL. I am not in a state of psychosis. The only help I received was my own ability to know I can be whatever I chose to be if I work hard for it. I do not take handouts, I work hard, always have. If ANYONE today choses to succeed, they can, if they work hard. Using the past as a crutch to excuse people from succeeding is so pitiful.

You are in a state of psychosis. What YOU don't do is irrelevant. Racist laws and policies were not made that excluded YOU from being white and having opportunities others could not get based upon YOU as as an individual. .You have no argument here. Your opinion is no good. You are part of the demographic that has benefitted the most from Affirmative Action. You don't know if you have been given a chance because of affirmative action or not. Because It's illegal for a employer to tell you that. So then you don't seem to understand the impact of laws and policies and how they help you. Unit you do, stop trying to argue based upon the I did this or I did that line. I worked harder than you ever did. I got a masters degree and have worked for 32 years researching issues surrounding race and racism. I do know what I am talking about here. I have loads of policies and evidence showing that I am right, You don't. All you have is your belief. and the same canned stupid response white racists make in regards to this issue and that is not going to be enough in this discussion.


Fuck you, you racist fucking fuck. You aren't owed a damn thing except what you've earned.

Eat a dick, fucktard. Go cry some more, bitch.

This rant is coming from someone who has earned nothing and has been given everything..
I don't need help. If you don't like the discussion here, then don't enter.

You're not the boss of me, bub.

Here is this summary of this thread:

IM2 hates white people but brags about how he has achieved white values based success and the resulting lifestyle.

That is what is known as a combination of hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance.

I'm not the boss of you, but the moderators are And I just sent several of your posts to a moderator because I asked you to stay on topic several times and all you do is troll.

There is no such thing as white values based success.

Now you show me where said I hate whites. Saying whites have benefitted from policies' during the 100 years after slavery is not saying that

It is a truth universarlly acknowleged that race baiting cupcakes who whinge about people posting in their threads must be in need of a therapist.

Your need for a therapist is your personal problem.

Here, I'll try to communicate in words you might understand:

I am rubber
You are glue
Everything mean you say
Bounces off me
And sticks to you

Jane Elliott - When whites get confronted about White supremacy

Well aren't blacks tangentially profiting from slavery NOW? This thread sort of proves my point. Milking a dead horse? Beating the golden goose? I am bad with idioms.
I'm not the boss of you, but the moderators are And I just sent several of your posts to a moderator because I asked you to stay on topic several times and all you do is troll.

There is no such thing as white values based success.

Now you show me where said I hate whites. Saying whites have benefitted from policies' during the 100 years after slavery is not saying that

It is a truth universarlly acknowleged that race baiting cupcakes who whinge about people posting in their threads must be in need of a therapist.

Your need for a therapist is your personal problem.

Here, I'll try to communicate in words you might understand:

I am rubber
You are glue
Everything mean you say
Bounces off me
And sticks to you

Jane Elliott - When whites get confronted about White supremacy

Watching that youtube violates #1 of My Policies.

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So I guess trolling is not a violation of policy.
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