No one white today owned slaves but most whites today benefitted from the 100 years after slavery.

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This happened after slavery.

Race Riot of 1919 in Omaha-The Lynching of Will Brown

White riots because blacks had jobs they thought that only whites deserved.

98 years ago. EVERYONE involved is long dead.

Most of their children are dead of old age.

Stop living in the past, lefty.

Stop using that excuse. .The constitution was written 240 years ago, s it is it not relevant now white boy. The founding fathers are dead and decomposed. When you punks talk about us being grateful to whites who fought in the civil war, they are dead too, but we are to be grateful to you living today for their supposed dying for us, yet we cannot hold whites living today responsible for their racism. You are about to celebrate July 4th of 1776 That's was 241 years ago, does that day still count white boy? I bet you don' t forget about Pearl Harbor, that was 76 years ago most of the people her eon that day are now dead along with those who died in the attack. How about WW1? Shall we forget that. too? After al that was 100 years ago, All those past things seem to count, the past is relevant and important then, So why do we get this excuse when we black folks point out what whites have done?

Huh? Tell me why.

Then you wonder why is the black man sounding so angry? Just who in the FUCK do you white racists think you are talking to with all this double talk?

Bitch you ought to be thankful to the blacks that fought for us in the Civil War.

I know I am.

You damn right July 4,1776 counts with me. A lot of other Americans, too. No matter their race.
This happened after slavery.

Race Riot of 1919 in Omaha-The Lynching of Will Brown

White riots because blacks had jobs they thought that only whites deserved.

98 years ago. EVERYONE involved is long dead.

Most of their children are dead of old age.

Stop living in the past, lefty.

Stop using that excuse. .The constitution was written 240 years ago, s it is it not relevant now white boy. The founding fathers are dead and decomposed. When you punks talk about us being grateful to whites who fought in the civil war, they are dead too, but we are to be grateful to you living today for their supposed dying for us, yet we cannot hold whites living today responsible for their racism. You are about to celebrate July 4th of 1776 That's was 241 years ago, does that day still count white boy? I bet you don' t forget about Pearl Harbor, that was 76 years ago most of the people her eon that day are now dead along with those who died in the attack. How about WW1? Shall we forget that. too? After al that was 100 years ago, All those past things seem to count, the past is relevant and important then, So why do we get this excuse when we black folks point out what whites have done?

Huh? Tell me why.

Then you wonder why is the black man sounding so angry? Just who in the FUCK do you white racists think you are talking to with all this double talk?

Bitch you ought to be thankful to the blacks that fought for us in the Civil War.

I know I am.

You damn right July 4,1776 counts with me. A lot of other Americans, too. No matter their race.

OK none of this has anything to d with the thread topic.
Well aren't blacks tangentially profiting from slavery NOW? This thread sort of proves my point. Milking a dead horse? Beating the golden goose? I am bad with idioms.

But this thread is not about slavery.
In high school I was in a short film about racism , They needed a token white to rant at on camera about the effects of racism, I didn't volunteer as much as I was akin to press ganged into it. this thread reminds me of THAT. Being selected as a victim of a racial rant on inequality based on race. Talk about racial profiling....jeese louise , I thought we were post racial now.
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This happened after slavery.

Race Riot of 1919 in Omaha-The Lynching of Will Brown

White riots because blacks had jobs they thought that only whites deserved.

98 years ago. EVERYONE involved is long dead.

Most of their children are dead of old age.

Stop living in the past, lefty.

Stop using that excuse. .The constitution was written 240 years ago, s it is it not relevant now white boy. The founding fathers are dead and decomposed. When you punks talk about us being grateful to whites who fought in the civil war, they are dead too, but we are to be grateful to you living today for their supposed dying for us, yet we cannot hold whites living today responsible for their racism. You are about to celebrate July 4th of 1776 That's was 241 years ago, does that day still count white boy? I bet you don' t forget about Pearl Harbor, that was 76 years ago most of the people her eon that day are now dead along with those who died in the attack. How about WW1? Shall we forget that. too? After al that was 100 years ago, All those past things seem to count, the past is relevant and important then, So why do we get this excuse when we black folks point out what whites have done?

Huh? Tell me why.

Then you wonder why is the black man sounding so angry? Just who in the FUCK do you white racists think you are talking to with all this double talk?

Well aren't blacks tangentially profiting from slavery NOW? This thread sort of proves my point. Milking a dead horse? Beating the golden goose? I am bad with idioms.

But this thread is not about slavery.

Sho' 'nuff aint. It's about whitey owes you. Fuck off with that, seriously.

You say you have a Master's degree,well, you're probably stacking racks and racks, right?

Me, I have to watch every dollar, I'm not a rich man.

I'm not jealous of that black guy that owns 160 acres, I admire him. His dad and him worked and bought up any adjacent properties from "40 acres and a mule" days. Apparently it's 4. They earned it. Why are you such a prick?
Well aren't blacks tangentially profiting from slavery NOW? This thread sort of proves my point. Milking a dead horse? Beating the golden goose? I am bad with idioms.

But this thread is not about slavery.
Please, lets digress off topic. Let's finesse the point. Slavery is EXACTLY what this all comes down to, and sprang from.
This happened after slavery.

Race Riot of 1919 in Omaha-The Lynching of Will Brown

White riots because blacks had jobs they thought that only whites deserved.

98 years ago. EVERYONE involved is long dead.

Most of their children are dead of old age.

Stop living in the past, lefty.

Stop using that excuse. .The constitution was written 240 years ago, s it is it not relevant now white boy. The founding fathers are dead and decomposed. When you punks talk about us being grateful to whites who fought in the civil war, they are dead too, but we are to be grateful to you living today for their supposed dying for us, yet we cannot hold whites living today responsible for their racism. You are about to celebrate July 4th of 1776 That's was 241 years ago, does that day still count white boy? I bet you don' t forget about Pearl Harbor, that was 76 years ago most of the people her eon that day are now dead along with those who died in the attack. How about WW1? Shall we forget that. too? After al that was 100 years ago, All those past things seem to count, the past is relevant and important then, So why do we get this excuse when we black folks point out what whites have done?

Huh? Tell me why.

Then you wonder why is the black man sounding so angry? Just who in the FUCK do you white racists think you are talking to with all this double talk?

Well aren't blacks tangentially profiting from slavery NOW? This thread sort of proves my point. Milking a dead horse? Beating the golden goose? I am bad with idioms.

But this thread is not about slavery.

Sho' 'nuff aint. It's about whitey owes you. Fuck off with that, seriously.

You say you have a Master's degree,well, you're probably stacking racks and racks, right?

Me, I have to watch every dollar, I'm not a rich man.

I'm not jealous of that black guy that owns 160 acres, I admire him. His dad and him worked and bought up any adjacent properties from "40 acres and a mule" days. Apparently it's 4. They earned it. Why are you such a prick?

No this thread what whitey has got from the government they didn't let others get.

I have my degrees, built a business from the ground up, helped grow 2 others and retired a couple of years ago at 52.

That's what I have done. By my personal accomplishments did not end white racism.

You see, you've got life ass backwards. A poor person talking about and fighting to stop white racism is not the failure, those like you are. You bodeca and those like you.

This thread is about how whites have benefitted from laws and policies since slavery. And here is more evidence of how it has beeb done.

40 million whites still living on homestead land.

30 years of FHA loan exclusively to whites to the tune of over 100 billion dollars.

The government basically created the white middle class.

There has been no complete reversal. The only bs conclusions are yours. And this is why.


Teflon Theory of History

The Teflon Theory of American History says that anything that took place over 30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Or not much. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Therefore those who make a big deal of the bad stuff in the past, like slavery, are Living in the Past and need to Get Over It.

For example:

Jim Crow laws were overturned by the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. Therefore according to Teflon Theory the Jim Crow period is now Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on how White Americans alive today think and act. None whatsoever. Or not much. So racism is pretty much dead.

Instead of Jim Crow’s effect slowly weakening over time like you would expect, Teflon Theory would have you suppose that it just disappeared like magic one afternoon sometime in the late 1960s. Even though many White Americans alive now were alive back in Jim Crow times. Even though many others were brought up and shaped by those who were alive back then: parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, writers, film directors, television producers, news editors and so on.

Few sit on a mountain top to come up with their beliefs all on their own. Instead most people pretty much go along with what everyone else already believes with maybe a few twists here and there. Such beliefs come from the past.

So then why is Teflon Theory believed?

  • Because of how American history is taught:
    • American history is taught as dates and people and facts that have little to do with each other. Sometimes the Effects of the the Civil War or Industrialization are studied, for example, but not so for the evil stuff – like how slavery and genocide led to present-day White American wealth, power and racism.
    • American history as taught rarely comes up to the present day. History becomes something in the past, in a book, not something we live in right now.
  • Because of the needs of White American self-image:
    • White Americans want to think they are Basically Good and their society is Basically Just. Without Teflon Theory that becomes laughable since it flies in the face of history, common sense and human nature.
    • White Americans avoid honestly facing up to their past because deep down they know it is ugly. Teflon Theory acts as a guard against having to take it seriously.
  • Because middle-class whites are protected from the ugly present:
    • Those who live in Apple-pie America rarely see first-hand the injustice that their comfortable lives are built on. And what injustice they do see on occasion, like black ghettos or wars on television fought overseas in their name, they have already learned to not see as injustice. But being protected from the ugly present makes the ugly past seem like another world, like it truly is ancient history with no bearing on the present.

That fact that the policy of AA, and disparate impact theory were made by whites in no way means they are not discrimination in favor of blacks.

Your continued implication that having a white involved means that the white is looking out for white interests is the completely unsupported, by anything other than your constant repetition.

We are not operating in any "teflon" scenario, where the impact of a policy is expected to be immediate. IT HAS BEEN OVER 50 YEARS.

That's a long time for a policy reversal to have effect.
I'm not white and I'm not over 50, how does teflon apply?

Then the Teflon theory of history definitely applies to you.

AA is not discrimination in favor of anyone. And when we talk about Teflon theory, you need to read t it again, because your post is an example of it..

Affirmative action is an equal opportunity policy If you are an Asian, you are part of affirmative action policy. So are whites.

Thus beginneth todays lesson

Whites have made the claim of quotas. Quotas are not required in the policy unless there are specific things going on. Before AA was made a law, it was examined thoroughly for constitutionality and that's why quotas except in certain cases are not allowed. The only time quotas are allowed is if your organization has a documented history of under utilizing minorities which includes ASIANS. In short the only time quotas are required is when a company is still practicing discrimination. So then think about why whites keep taking about wanting quotas to end.

So let me explain this to you Asian conservatives here who have bought into the race bait,

Affirmative Acton says that you will be hired or admitted relative to your population in a particular area. Nationwide, Asians are 5 percent of the population. In Ivy League schools they are about 20 percent of the admitted students. You are not discriminated against when 3-4 times your population is admitted into a college. Asians are not being discriminated against in admissions, and if there is any discrimination going on with Asians it has nothing to do with something that advantages blacks at the expense of Asians. It is white racism in the workplace and on college campuses that happens to every other minority, that denies ASIANS upward mobility just like every other minority group.

Asian Americans Aren’t ‘Basically White’ – Here Are 5 Ways Racism Hurts Us

I am Asian American and I hate teaching Asian American Studies. I’ve been doing it for about 5 years now and I regret to say it’s one of the most harrowing and downright painful experiences I repeatedly endure.

Is it because I hate my own kind? Absolutely not.

It’s because I frequently find that my students say some problematic, frightening, and downright erroneous things to resist seeing themselves as people of color who are oppressed. These include but are not limited to the following:

“No one’s ever been racist toward me.”

“It’s not like we’re Black.”

“We haven’t experienced racism in this country.”

“It’s worse in my home country.”

…or my least favorite and the inspiration for this article,

“We’re basically white.”

Yet while our experiences as Asian Americans differ from other groups, we — like all other people of color in the United States — live with the daily ramifications of white supremacy. And that distinguishes us from white America.

Asian Americans Aren't 'Basically White' – Here Are 5 Ways Racism Hurts Us - Everyday Feminism

So you conservative Asians here talking stupid better understand that you have fallen for the oldest trick in the book, the white method of dividing minority groups, pitting one against the other so they can get what they want.

Thus endedth todays less.
You just described a quota hahaha. And the discrimination doesn't come from acceptance rate of colleges in general, no one ever made that claim. There are nurmerous colleges that practically accept you if you body is warm. The discrimination comes from Asians having to outperform almost every other race, especially when it comes to more competitive colleges. Would it not be discrimination for a school to require higher standards of blacks more than another race for acceptance? Are you telling me you wouldn't have a problem if schools did that? Go ahed and answer.

If you call what I described a quota, then we have always operated in a quota system in this nation. The quota was 100 percent white and zero for everyone else.

Asians don't have to out perform anyone. This is a lie. What evidence is this based on? SAT scores? But SAT scores are but one factor, not the factor. So how do Asians have to outperform anyone? Do they need to participate in more extra curricular activities in high school? Do they have to play more sports?. Do they have to get more active in the community? Do they need to have an interesting hobby or play a musical instrument? Do they have interesting circumstances that might compel a college to select them? Do they come from economic disadvantage? I mean you just can't fall for what whites tell you and the ask me to answer a question based on a false belief.

In this same study that has you making this claim, in which Ann Lee lied to you, the study showed that blacks and Hispanics are punished more for scores under 1,200 and rewarded less for scores over 1,300 than Asians. So who really has to outperform who?

This is why it's good to go look for the information and learn for yourself what it says instead of stupidly repeating what you get told from people with agendas such as these whites here.
SAT scores are the most easily measurable scores out there. So I don't see how you can just write them off as you do. I actually do see how you can and it's to protect your ego. But I'm sorry, reality hurts for people not prepared for it. I'm sorry the system (if it's even fair to blame it on that) hasn't prepared you for reality. The cold hard truth is still nothing effects you more than the choices you make, especially in this day and age, and this is where you are wrong. You wanna have a conversation about race? Well America is the most diverse country on the world today, and there has ever been in history. So while the Scottish and welsh, argue over who's better, as well as the protestants and Catholics need a wall in Ireland, I'd say America is doing pretty damn well in race relations compared to the rest of the world...which is very much more HOMOGENEOUS THAN AMERICA. What better standard of race relations is better than America? Honestly what other country can boast the same amount of diversity? There is none, in any human history. Nor non today that can compare to America. And even with Donald trump, we are still standing, and even better, immigrants from all over the world still WANT to come here, and make a better life for themseleves. Go to Poland, Austria, wherever, as soon as they hear your American, they are trying to get on that train with you whatever way possible. Why is that? Even though we're currently living in a socialist shit storm like the rest of them...what is it that has made this country be a place where our poor make the equivelant of 60,000 US dollars welfare and other programs like that? That's our poorest...way way better off than the middle class of 90% of the world.
That fact that the policy of AA, and disparate impact theory were made by whites in no way means they are not discrimination in favor of blacks.

Your continued implication that having a white involved means that the white is looking out for white interests is the completely unsupported, by anything other than your constant repetition.

We are not operating in any "teflon" scenario, where the impact of a policy is expected to be immediate. IT HAS BEEN OVER 50 YEARS.

That's a long time for a policy reversal to have effect.
I'm not white and I'm not over 50, how does teflon apply?

Then the Teflon theory of history definitely applies to you.

AA is not discrimination in favor of anyone. And when we talk about Teflon theory, you need to read t it again, because your post is an example of it..

Affirmative action is an equal opportunity policy If you are an Asian, you are part of affirmative action policy. So are whites.

Thus beginneth todays lesson

Whites have made the claim of quotas. Quotas are not required in the policy unless there are specific things going on. Before AA was made a law, it was examined thoroughly for constitutionality and that's why quotas except in certain cases are not allowed. The only time quotas are allowed is if your organization has a documented history of under utilizing minorities which includes ASIANS. In short the only time quotas are required is when a company is still practicing discrimination. So then think about why whites keep taking about wanting quotas to end.

So let me explain this to you Asian conservatives here who have bought into the race bait,

Affirmative Acton says that you will be hired or admitted relative to your population in a particular area. Nationwide, Asians are 5 percent of the population. In Ivy League schools they are about 20 percent of the admitted students. You are not discriminated against when 3-4 times your population is admitted into a college. Asians are not being discriminated against in admissions, and if there is any discrimination going on with Asians it has nothing to do with something that advantages blacks at the expense of Asians. It is white racism in the workplace and on college campuses that happens to every other minority, that denies ASIANS upward mobility just like every other minority group.

Asian Americans Aren’t ‘Basically White’ – Here Are 5 Ways Racism Hurts Us

I am Asian American and I hate teaching Asian American Studies. I’ve been doing it for about 5 years now and I regret to say it’s one of the most harrowing and downright painful experiences I repeatedly endure.

Is it because I hate my own kind? Absolutely not.

It’s because I frequently find that my students say some problematic, frightening, and downright erroneous things to resist seeing themselves as people of color who are oppressed. These include but are not limited to the following:

“No one’s ever been racist toward me.”

“It’s not like we’re Black.”

“We haven’t experienced racism in this country.”

“It’s worse in my home country.”

…or my least favorite and the inspiration for this article,

“We’re basically white.”

Yet while our experiences as Asian Americans differ from other groups, we — like all other people of color in the United States — live with the daily ramifications of white supremacy. And that distinguishes us from white America.

Asian Americans Aren't 'Basically White' – Here Are 5 Ways Racism Hurts Us - Everyday Feminism

So you conservative Asians here talking stupid better understand that you have fallen for the oldest trick in the book, the white method of dividing minority groups, pitting one against the other so they can get what they want.

Thus endedth todays less.
You just described a quota hahaha. And the discrimination doesn't come from acceptance rate of colleges in general, no one ever made that claim. There are nurmerous colleges that practically accept you if you body is warm. The discrimination comes from Asians having to outperform almost every other race, especially when it comes to more competitive colleges. Would it not be discrimination for a school to require higher standards of blacks more than another race for acceptance? Are you telling me you wouldn't have a problem if schools did that? Go ahed and answer.

If you call what I described a quota, then we have always operated in a quota system in this nation. The quota was 100 percent white and zero for everyone else.

Asians don't have to out perform anyone. This is a lie. What evidence is this based on? SAT scores? But SAT scores are but one factor, not the factor. So how do Asians have to outperform anyone? Do they need to participate in more extra curricular activities in high school? Do they have to play more sports?. Do they have to get more active in the community? Do they need to have an interesting hobby or play a musical instrument? Do they have interesting circumstances that might compel a college to select them? Do they come from economic disadvantage? I mean you just can't fall for what whites tell you and the ask me to answer a question based on a false belief.

In this same study that has you making this claim, in which Ann Lee lied to you, the study showed that blacks and Hispanics are punished more for scores under 1,200 and rewarded less for scores over 1,300 than Asians. So who really has to outperform who?

This is why it's good to go look for the information and learn for yourself what it says instead of stupidly repeating what you get told from people with agendas such as these whites here.
SAT scores are the most easily measurable scores out there. So I don't see how you can just write them off as you do. I actually do see how you can and it's to protect your ego. But I'm sorry, reality hurts for people not prepared for it. I'm sorry the system (if it's even fair to blame it on that) hasn't prepared you for reality. The cold hard truth is still nothing effects you more than the choices you make, especially in this day and age, and this is where you are wrong. You wanna have a conversation about race? Well America is the most diverse country on the world today, and there has ever been in history. So while the Scottish and welsh, argue over who's better, as well as the protestants and Catholics need a wall in Ireland, I'd say America is doing pretty damn well in race relations compared to the rest of the world...which is very much more HOMOGENEOUS THAN AMERICA. What better standard of race relations is better than America? Honestly what other country can boast the same amount of diversity? There is none, in any human history. Nor non today that can compare to America. And even with Donald trump, we are still standing, and even better, immigrants from all over the world still WANT to come here, and make a better life for themseleves. Go to Poland, Austria, wherever, as soon as they hear your American, they are trying to get on that train with you whatever way possible. Why is that? Even though we're currently living in a socialist shit storm like the rest of them...what is it that has made this country be a place where our poor make the equivelant of 60,000 US dollars welfare and other programs like that? That's our poorest...way way better off than the middle class of 90% of the world.

SAT scores are not the only qualifier colleges use and never has been.

Look kiddo, I have made all the right choiceis, That's why I am 56 and retired. So don't lecture me . You have falle for a load of ofcrap. That's what's up.
It is a truth universarlly acknowleged that race baiting cupcakes who whinge about people posting in their threads must be in need of a therapist.

Your need for a therapist is your personal problem.

Here, I'll try to communicate in words you might understand:

I am rubber
You are glue
Everything mean you say
Bounces off me
And sticks to you

Jane Elliott - When whites get confronted about White supremacy

Watching that youtube violates #1 of My Policies.

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So I guess trolling is not a violation of policy.

Yes it is...
IM2 actually makes me miss poet.

You have no point to make.
What is YOURS?

What does the OP say?
You tell me. I read it, just the same as you. Are we going somewhere with this introspection?

If you are honest we are. but if you lie to yourself then we get what you keep posting. .This thread I snot about slavery. And you are a white female, you have benefitted from affirmative action more than anyone else. the government has been very good to you.
I love this. being implicated in something because of my race. But we are SOO post racial. Are we? This is like Salem, Mass. and blind rabid accusations of witchcraft. I find this whole thing hard to swallow. You are white, you are a baddie. And, that's all this amounts to . Didn't enough white guys die fighting southern slavery to satiate blacks need for revenge?
I'm not white and I'm not over 50, how does teflon apply?

Then the Teflon theory of history definitely applies to you.

AA is not discrimination in favor of anyone. And when we talk about Teflon theory, you need to read t it again, because your post is an example of it..

Affirmative action is an equal opportunity policy If you are an Asian, you are part of affirmative action policy. So are whites.

Thus beginneth todays lesson

Whites have made the claim of quotas. Quotas are not required in the policy unless there are specific things going on. Before AA was made a law, it was examined thoroughly for constitutionality and that's why quotas except in certain cases are not allowed. The only time quotas are allowed is if your organization has a documented history of under utilizing minorities which includes ASIANS. In short the only time quotas are required is when a company is still practicing discrimination. So then think about why whites keep taking about wanting quotas to end.

So let me explain this to you Asian conservatives here who have bought into the race bait,

Affirmative Acton says that you will be hired or admitted relative to your population in a particular area. Nationwide, Asians are 5 percent of the population. In Ivy League schools they are about 20 percent of the admitted students. You are not discriminated against when 3-4 times your population is admitted into a college. Asians are not being discriminated against in admissions, and if there is any discrimination going on with Asians it has nothing to do with something that advantages blacks at the expense of Asians. It is white racism in the workplace and on college campuses that happens to every other minority, that denies ASIANS upward mobility just like every other minority group.

Asian Americans Aren’t ‘Basically White’ – Here Are 5 Ways Racism Hurts Us

I am Asian American and I hate teaching Asian American Studies. I’ve been doing it for about 5 years now and I regret to say it’s one of the most harrowing and downright painful experiences I repeatedly endure.

Is it because I hate my own kind? Absolutely not.

It’s because I frequently find that my students say some problematic, frightening, and downright erroneous things to resist seeing themselves as people of color who are oppressed. These include but are not limited to the following:

“No one’s ever been racist toward me.”

“It’s not like we’re Black.”

“We haven’t experienced racism in this country.”

“It’s worse in my home country.”

…or my least favorite and the inspiration for this article,

“We’re basically white.”

Yet while our experiences as Asian Americans differ from other groups, we — like all other people of color in the United States — live with the daily ramifications of white supremacy. And that distinguishes us from white America.

Asian Americans Aren't 'Basically White' – Here Are 5 Ways Racism Hurts Us - Everyday Feminism

So you conservative Asians here talking stupid better understand that you have fallen for the oldest trick in the book, the white method of dividing minority groups, pitting one against the other so they can get what they want.

Thus endedth todays less.
You just described a quota hahaha. And the discrimination doesn't come from acceptance rate of colleges in general, no one ever made that claim. There are nurmerous colleges that practically accept you if you body is warm. The discrimination comes from Asians having to outperform almost every other race, especially when it comes to more competitive colleges. Would it not be discrimination for a school to require higher standards of blacks more than another race for acceptance? Are you telling me you wouldn't have a problem if schools did that? Go ahed and answer.

If you call what I described a quota, then we have always operated in a quota system in this nation. The quota was 100 percent white and zero for everyone else.

Asians don't have to out perform anyone. This is a lie. What evidence is this based on? SAT scores? But SAT scores are but one factor, not the factor. So how do Asians have to outperform anyone? Do they need to participate in more extra curricular activities in high school? Do they have to play more sports?. Do they have to get more active in the community? Do they need to have an interesting hobby or play a musical instrument? Do they have interesting circumstances that might compel a college to select them? Do they come from economic disadvantage? I mean you just can't fall for what whites tell you and the ask me to answer a question based on a false belief.

In this same study that has you making this claim, in which Ann Lee lied to you, the study showed that blacks and Hispanics are punished more for scores under 1,200 and rewarded less for scores over 1,300 than Asians. So who really has to outperform who?

This is why it's good to go look for the information and learn for yourself what it says instead of stupidly repeating what you get told from people with agendas such as these whites here.
SAT scores are the most easily measurable scores out there. So I don't see how you can just write them off as you do. I actually do see how you can and it's to protect your ego. But I'm sorry, reality hurts for people not prepared for it. I'm sorry the system (if it's even fair to blame it on that) hasn't prepared you for reality. The cold hard truth is still nothing effects you more than the choices you make, especially in this day and age, and this is where you are wrong. You wanna have a conversation about race? Well America is the most diverse country on the world today, and there has ever been in history. So while the Scottish and welsh, argue over who's better, as well as the protestants and Catholics need a wall in Ireland, I'd say America is doing pretty damn well in race relations compared to the rest of the world...which is very much more HOMOGENEOUS THAN AMERICA. What better standard of race relations is better than America? Honestly what other country can boast the same amount of diversity? There is none, in any human history. Nor non today that can compare to America. And even with Donald trump, we are still standing, and even better, immigrants from all over the world still WANT to come here, and make a better life for themseleves. Go to Poland, Austria, wherever, as soon as they hear your American, they are trying to get on that train with you whatever way possible. Why is that? Even though we're currently living in a socialist shit storm like the rest of them...what is it that has made this country be a place where our poor make the equivelant of 60,000 US dollars welfare and other programs like that? That's our poorest...way way better off than the middle class of 90% of the world.

SAT scores are not the only qualifier colleges use and never has been.

Look kiddo, I have made all the right choiceis, That's why I am 56 and retired. So don't lecture me . You have falle for a load of ofcrap. That's what's up.
SAT scores are the most easiest to go by. And if your 56 and're doing better than most Americans let alone 95% of the rest of the a black guy, I'd say America did right by you. I'm 29, with a great house and a great career, and upgrading my profession into law, and I'd be more than happy to retire at 56...wake up to reality, you have it good. Visit the rest of the world, and try to claim otherwise. You have it good in America. Reality. You have food, shelter, clean water, and are in a minority in a country that overall highly respects minorities, compared to even the most "progressive" nations you can think of...and you're not living in a war zone, I don't usually get this rude but STFU. Get out of your bubble. Most of the world is happy in a 900 sq ft appartment; that's more than enough. And your complaining when retiring at 56...I really don't want to hear it. You're out of control
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