No one will be safe in Weak Trump's America


Donald showing us the size of his dick ^ ^ ^ :cool:
A good discussion of what an weakling Trump is. Weak Trump parades around as if he is not president and IF you reelect him president he will solve all the problems HE IS NOT SOLVING RIGHT NOW! If he can't solve it now how will he solve it later???? Trump can't solve the protests. Trump can't control the Trump Virus. Trump can't revive the economy. Trump is pathetic failure. Everyone should listen to this.

Donald Trump’s re-election strategy

Work Place Violence in Joe Biden's America.

Work Place Violence in Joe Biden's America.

Work Place Violence in Joe Biden's America.

Work Place violence in Joe Biden's America.

President Trump took it to the Rag Headed, Camel Jockeys and as you have noticed for the past 4 years not one incident of Islamic Terror attacks. But since we all know Progs and Muzzies hate this country, now the radical Progs are doing what Islam used to. It will get worse under Joe Biden's America.



Violence in Donald Trump's America

View attachment 383616
Yes you are lame. Violence in Dim run cities and states. Fully supported by Dim mayors, governors and Joe Biden. Until you meet some people who won’t take your shit. Then you get your asses kicked. Or shot.
A good discussion of what an weakling Trump is. Weak Trump parades around as if he is not president and IF you reelect him president he will solve all the problems HE IS NOT SOLVING RIGHT NOW! If he can't solve it now how will he solve it later???? Trump can't solve the protests. Trump can't control the Trump Virus. Trump can't revive the economy. Trump is pathetic failure. Everyone should listen to this.

Donald Trump’s re-election strategy

Yes, he is solving the issues right now. No rioting in republican neighborhoods. It is only the areas where president Trump's help is rejected that are turning into garbage holes.

Former DHS with TDS?

Who gives a shit. President Trump is not doing any such thing, he is offering aid. And the democrats refuse because they are on the side of the rioters.
Please review this list of violent groups, many of who have been involved the the recent riots, and tell us which ones are supported by Democrats. The Boogaloo Boys maybe?

Reichtard Spencer endorsed Biden, that is the only white nationalist with any relevance.

And he, like the other white supremacist groups, are not participating in the far left riots in any meaningful way you idiot.
Biden flat out rejected Spencers endorsement UNLIKE when David Duke endorsed Trump. And I suppose that those Trump supporting Yahoo in Portland who were shooting paint balls and tear gas at others were not rioting.? What the fuck do you call it when one group attacks another? Don't you people ever get tired of hearing your own bullshit?
Talk about bullshit. Trump disavowed Duke multiple times dumbfuck. It was a Trump supporter shot by one of you assholes moron. You look stupid. As usual.
the only people I see rioting killing and destroying are leftists
So you admit that you have your head way up into that deep dark place where the sun don't shine?? Go it!
the only people I see are leftists rioting
Who else riots against police policy? Who riots when a black person is killed by the police regardless if it was justified or not?
A good discussion of what an weakling Trump is. Weak Trump parades around as if he is not president and IF you reelect him president he will solve all the problems HE IS NOT SOLVING RIGHT NOW! If he can't solve it now how will he solve it later???? Trump can't solve the protests. Trump can't control the Trump Virus. Trump can't revive the economy. Trump is pathetic failure. Everyone should listen to this.

Donald Trump’s re-election strategy

Work Place Violence in Joe Biden's America.

Work Place Violence in Joe Biden's America.

Work Place Violence in Joe Biden's America.

Work Place violence in Joe Biden's America.

President Trump took it to the Rag Headed, Camel Jockeys and as you have noticed for the past 4 years not one incident of Islamic Terror attacks. But since we all know Progs and Muzzies hate this country, now the radical Progs are doing what Islam used to. It will get worse under Joe Biden's America.



Violence in Donald Trump's America

View attachment 383616
When leftist Mayor's reject his assistance the rioting belongs to them
A good discussion of what an weakling Trump is. Weak Trump parades around as if he is not president and IF you reelect him president he will solve all the problems HE IS NOT SOLVING RIGHT NOW! If he can't solve it now how will he solve it later???? Trump can't solve the protests. Trump can't control the Trump Virus. Trump can't revive the economy. Trump is pathetic failure. Everyone should listen to this.

Donald Trump’s re-election strategy

Fake News NPR ......

LMAO @ all the Stupid Shit Leftist believe ...
Brilliant!! Just fucking brilliant! This didn't happen?? Prove it!
Brilliant!! Just fucking brilliant! This didn't happen?? Prove it!
In reality it did not happen .....

Despite what this dumbass former "assistance" secretary (not even an actual secretary) at the Department of Homeland Security, Elizabeth Neumann is Lying about.

You see .... only the most gullible .... only the single digit IQ members of our society .... aka Leftist ... would believe this Fake News shit coming from NPR.

You my friend .... are a Leftist loser .... who lacks the IQ to discern the Fake News !!!

Folks you can't make up this level of fuckin stupidity ....
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A good discussion of what an weakling Trump is. Weak Trump parades around as if he is not president and IF you reelect him president he will solve all the problems HE IS NOT SOLVING RIGHT NOW! If he can't solve it now how will he solve it later???? Trump can't solve the protests. Trump can't control the Trump Virus. Trump can't revive the economy. Trump is pathetic failure. Everyone should listen to this.

Donald Trump’s re-election strategy

Yes, he is solving the issues right now. No rioting in republican neighborhoods. It is only the areas where president Trump's help is rejected that are turning into garbage holes.

Former DHS with TDS?

Who gives a shit. President Trump is not doing any such thing, he is offering aid. And the democrats refuse because they are on the side of the rioters.
Please review this list of violent groups, many of who have been involved the the recent riots, and tell us which ones are supported by Democrats. The Boogaloo Boys maybe?

Wanted for arson Mpls.
Wanted for arson Mpls.
Wanted for arson mpls...
Seems those boogy boys are sporting black face.
Shall I go on? Hundreds of images from the ATF.
There might be a couple whites, but they are obviously SJW idiots like you.

Fake News NPR ......

LMAO @ all the Stupid Shit Leftist believe ...
Brilliant!! Just fucking brilliant! This didn't happen?? Prove it!
a former member of obama administration and the Coup said things about Trump
All the rioting is happening in leftists run cities
It's time for you and the coup operative to prove your own fucking claims
A good discussion of what an weakling Trump is. Weak Trump parades around as if he is not president and IF you reelect him president he will solve all the problems HE IS NOT SOLVING RIGHT NOW! If he can't solve it now how will he solve it later???? Trump can't solve the protests. Trump can't control the Trump Virus. Trump can't revive the economy. Trump is pathetic failure. Everyone should listen to this.

Donald Trump’s re-election strategy

Yes, he is solving the issues right now. No rioting in republican neighborhoods. It is only the areas where president Trump's help is rejected that are turning into garbage holes.

Former DHS with TDS?

Who gives a shit. President Trump is not doing any such thing, he is offering aid. And the democrats refuse because they are on the side of the rioters.
Please review this list of violent groups, many of who have been involved the the recent riots, and tell us which ones are supported by Democrats. The Boogaloo Boys maybe?

Reichtard Spencer endorsed Biden, that is the only white nationalist with any relevance.

And he, like the other white supremacist groups, are not participating in the far left riots in any meaningful way you idiot.
Biden flat out rejected Spencers endorsement UNLIKE when David Duke endorsed Trump. And I suppose that those Trump supporting Yahoo in Portland who were shooting paint balls and tear gas at others were not rioting.? What the fuck do you call it when one group attacks another? Don't you people ever get tired of hearing your own bullshit?

If you bothered to actually watch the videos, the assholes trying to block the streets were attacking folks in the vehicles. The folks in the vehicles defended themselves with non-lethal means. I know the facts don't fit your commie propaganda, but it is what it is.

A good discussion of what an weakling Trump is. Weak Trump parades around as if he is not president and IF you reelect him president he will solve all the problems HE IS NOT SOLVING RIGHT NOW! If he can't solve it now how will he solve it later???? Trump can't solve the protests. Trump can't control the Trump Virus. Trump can't revive the economy. Trump is pathetic failure. Everyone should listen to this.

Donald Trump’s re-election strategy
A good discussion of what an weakling Trump is. Weak Trump parades around as if he is not president and IF you reelect him president he will solve all the problems HE IS NOT SOLVING RIGHT NOW! If he can't solve it now how will he solve it later???? Trump can't solve the protests. Trump can't control the Trump Virus. Trump can't revive the economy. Trump is pathetic failure. Everyone should listen to this.

Donald Trump’s re-election strategy
Problems? If you are referring to the riots and looting, apparently you are ignorant of the fact that the responsibility for rioting and looting falls squarely on the local politicians, not the federal government. The Communist BLM movement claims that the police should be defunded because of police brutality.
Let's see now, what cities are having the major problems? Oh yes.......Chicago, Portland, Seattle, San Francisco and New York City. Hmmmm....who are the politicians running those cities and hiring the police chiefs who are responsible for their personnel's behavior? Oh yes....Democrats (well, now technically they are, although they won't admit it, as they lack the guts, the Marxist/Socialist Party). City Mayors and Town Councils interview and hire the police chiefs. Those cities mentioned, have been run, poorly, by Democrats for decades.
Trump, trying to stay within the Constitution (you know the document you Communists hate), repeatedly asks the state and city political leaders if they will accept he is supposed to. In some cases they accept, in others, they say no and let the chaos continue. If reelected, which will most likely happen, he will, at some point, get to a point whereby he will use the military if necessary. I've got to hand it to him for the restraint he's been using.
Me personally, if I were president, I would have invoked the Insurrection Act months ago and suspended the Constitution, then sent in the military with orders to simply shoot all looters and rioters, then watched those streets go silent almost immediately. Violence is all they understand, so you give them what they understand. Oh, the troops will have orders to not shoot those people who are just standing on the sidelines with their signs and shouting. As long as they are peaceful, it's okay.

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