No one will be safe in Weak Trump's America

A good discussion of what an weakling Trump is. Weak Trump parades around as if he is not president and IF you reelect him president he will solve all the problems HE IS NOT SOLVING RIGHT NOW! If he can't solve it now how will he solve it later???? Trump can't solve the protests. Trump can't control the Trump Virus. Trump can't revive the economy. Trump is pathetic failure. Everyone should listen to this.

Donald Trump’s re-election strategy

Never would occur to you that Democrat Mayors and City Councils destroying their OWN CITIES and the security of their citizens is a problem for THEM --- not Trump.. Aint a problem in the REST of America.. Only in the TDS affected ones apparently...

Might be better NOT to take the bait.. Because these mayors are TRYING to lure him in and blame EVEN ONE DEATH on the presence of Federal law enforcement... He's not as stupid as your normal CAREER politician...

You need to think more and feast on garbage less... Free advice...
A good discussion of what an weakling Trump is. Weak Trump parades around as if he is not president and IF you reelect him president he will solve all the problems HE IS NOT SOLVING RIGHT NOW! If he can't solve it now how will he solve it later???? Trump can't solve the protests. Trump can't control the Trump Virus. Trump can't revive the economy. Trump is pathetic failure. Everyone should listen to this.

Donald Trump’s re-election strategy
Actually it's a better discussion of you demanding that Trump forcibly occupy Democrat cities against the wishes of the Mayor and Governor.


States have policing power and they have National Guards, and if they want Federal help, Trump has offered it repeatedly. And in the case of Chicago, when the Mayor wised up, Federal Assistance promptly mitigated the problem.

Democrat governors, mayors and district attorneys do not want military forces deployed why should we think they will cooperate with them, if not actively hinder them? Now, our troops are certainly capable of operating in a “non-permissive environment.” That’s why when the military moves in force with, say, an infantry brigade combat team (IBCT) of 5,000 soldiers plus support elements (thousands more), we essentially deploy a small town with everything we need to survive – food, fuel, ammo, medical, maintenance, commo, power, transportation, even lawyers. Typically, in cities engulfed in chaos, it’s a permissive environment. The cops work with us. They take custody of arrestees, hold them, and the DA prosecutes them. Hospitals take in our wounded and sick. We use local government property to operate out of. We have access to the infrastructure of society. But what if the Democrat regime refuses to allow all that? Then the troops are on their own; it’s now an invasion, and while doable logistically, it takes a massive footprint.

Is that what you are calling for?

The National Guard works for the state governor – the Democrat who hates Trump – unless it is “federalized,” in which case it becomes an active duty unit and Trump is its commander-in-chief. Now, federal troops are barred from enforcing civilian law by the Posse Comitatus Act, unless the president invokes the Insurrection Act. On state status, Posse Comitatus does not apply and Guard forces are not prohibited by federal law from enforcing civilian law. So, if you want National Guard troops enforcing State Law, what is stopping the Governor from calling up the Guard?

Oregon has the 41st IBCT. It has five “maneuver battalions," the ~500-soldier or so sub-units that would actually be on the street (well, maybe two-thirds tops of those units’ personnel would actually be on the street with guns. All the rest are support, as are the IBCT’s other units). Only three battalions are actually in Oregon, and one of those is an artillery unit. The rest are in other states. What is the readiness of the 41st? Are elements deployed overseas? What’s their manning? Their maintenance readiness? Who knows?

Maybe Trump uses federal forces, like the 82nd Airborne Division’s ready brigade. Now they have to fly from Ft. Bragg, North Carolina, to Portland. Can they land at the airport? Remember, it’s a non-permissive environment. Will the Democrat regime refuse to allow them to land, or if they do land, refuse to service the planes? I guess we need to send in an Air Force airbase unit to run things. That’s more troops.

And how are we supporting this rapidly expanding force package? Will local contractors serve the military, or be too intimidated to work with the military (they will still be in Portland long after the Army goes home). I guess we could bring in a support brigade. We’re over 10,000 troops now. Say, how do we get their vehicles there? Drive them across the country? Put them on trains? That takes time.

Where does this military force assemble if the state and local government are not letting them use local facilities? Maybe the military just moves into, say, a stadium parking lot to use as a base. And maybe a federal judge issues an injunction saying it can’t. Oh, we’ll need more troops to defend this logistics and command and control base. And we’ll need a combat support hospital in case the local government refuses to allow local hospitals to treat the sick and wounded.Please, try and maintain a straight face saying there is no way Democrat politicians in a blue city would forbid our troops from getting medical care.

Let’s put the awkward issues of logistics aside and talk tactics, though professionals always think logistics while amateurs only think tactics. What do the troops actually do? Patrol? Got to wait on our vehicles. Do they go arrest looters? For what? If the looters violate federal law – like crossing a state line to riot – that’s easy. You hook them up, turn them over to the federal cops and the US attorney prosecutes them. But what if they commit a state crime, which most routine crimes are? The Portland police will be ordered not to cooperate. Moreover, the Portland DA will not charge them, much less prosecute them. What do you do with them? How do the feds hold a rioter for a state crime that he is not charged with?

Then there is the rules of engagement (ROE) issue. What are the ROE going to be? Basically, the ROE outlines what force can you use on the rioters, with particular interest in when you can shoot them. That’s always a huge deal. You want these soldiers to go out and do something to the rioters, so you need to decide what. Remember, they are the ones who can get prosecuted if they kill someone. Oh, Trump’s Department of Justice won’t prosecute them today, but will a Democrat administration’s DOJ do that tomorrow? Don’t scoff – British ex-soldiers today are, despicably, getting prosecuted for killing IRA terrorists in Northern Ireland back in the 1970s.

Trump's got this right. Use Federal Troops and Law Enforcement to Back Up the States, who have military power in the form of State Guard Troops at their beck and call.


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