No, people do NOT get more conservative as they age

Sorry, right wingers, but as older white conservatives start dying our, and people of color start making up a majority of this country, your reactionary, regressive beliefs are dying out for good.

..... and we're taking good the country with us. What will be left when we are gone won't be worth shit.
Everyone is an idealistic democrat when they are a kid. This has been the norm on college campus's for decades. If they don't grow up and become conservatives, how do you explain the fact that all our presidential elections are always neck and neck?

This is 2016. The younger generations are more informed, more educated, more secular, and more diverse. They are different from the youth of the past, in a very positive way.
I am a youth and you are a joke to me.
Everyone is an idealistic democrat when they are a kid. This has been the norm on college campus's for decades. If they don't grow up and become conservatives, how do you explain the fact that all our presidential elections are always neck and neck?

This is 2016. The younger generations are more informed, more educated, more secular, and more diverse. They are different from the youth of the past, in a very positive way.

Translation~ more indocterated..

Billshit I don't know many liberals my age anymore at 51 and we we're all liberals in our youth
Everyone is an idealistic democrat when they are a kid. This has been the norm on college campus's for decades. If they don't grow up and become conservatives, how do you explain the fact that all our presidential elections are always neck and neck?

This is 2016. The younger generations are more informed, more educated, more secular, and more diverse. They are different from the youth of the past, in a very positive way.

No, they are indoctrinated and told what to think instead of how to think. You are wrong, little commie.
Mythbusters: People Get More Conservative As They Age. Right?

The myth that people get more conservative as they age is a lie.

The reason that most conservatives happen to be older and white is because of the fact that the older generations were born into a completely different society. They were raised to believe that homosexuality was a sin, that communism was "evil", that Jim Crow laws were the norm, that gun ownership was a good thing regardless of the number of people shot a year, that businesses were holy and sacrosanct, and that the poor were just lazy bums who deserved to starve.

Now that our country has started to slowly get enlightened, as well as more diverse, these nasty beliefs are dying out. It's Official: The U.S. is Becoming a Minority-Majority Nation

It is a well known fact that older white republicans, who make up the base of the party, are dying out. The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.

Whenever I point this out on this forum, everybody says "oh, no, the younger generations become more conservative as they age." Well, once again, that's a complete lie.

Busting Myth, People Turn More Liberal With Age

Sorry, right wingers, but as older white conservatives start dying our, and people of color start making up a majority of this country, your reactionary, regressive beliefs are dying out for good.
Conservatism just keeps shifting to the left as time passes. Conservatism 10 years ago used to be zero tolerance for gays and completely unregulated free market. Now we have Trump.
Zero tolerance for gays. Lol
Mythbusters: People Get More Conservative As They Age. Right?

The myth that people get more conservative as they age is a lie.

The reason that most conservatives happen to be older and white is because of the fact that the older generations were born into a completely different society. They were raised to believe that homosexuality was a sin, that communism was "evil", that Jim Crow laws were the norm, that gun ownership was a good thing regardless of the number of people shot a year, that businesses were holy and sacrosanct, and that the poor were just lazy bums who deserved to starve.

Now that our country has started to slowly get enlightened, as well as more diverse, these nasty beliefs are dying out. It's Official: The U.S. is Becoming a Minority-Majority Nation

It is a well known fact that older white republicans, who make up the base of the party, are dying out. The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.

Whenever I point this out on this forum, everybody says "oh, no, the younger generations become more conservative as they age." Well, once again, that's a complete lie.

Busting Myth, People Turn More Liberal With Age

Sorry, right wingers, but as older white conservatives start dying our, and people of color start making up a majority of this country, your reactionary, regressive beliefs are dying out for good.
Conservatism just keeps shifting to the left as time passes. Conservatism 10 years ago used to be zero tolerance for gays and completely unregulated free market. Now we have Trump.

DOn't have to go back 10 years in the Dem Party. Both Obama and Hillary (and her whorehopper hubby) were cool on gay rights 10 years ago before "it was cool". Give me a break.
So? They fought for gay rights. Lincoln was pro-slavery most of his life. Are you saying he had nothing to do with freeing the slaves?

Fought for gay rights? Since when? Since it became politically correct for them to do so. Not like libertarians who knew the right things to do 30 years ago.. REGARDLESS of the polls and "winning" and the focus groups.
Mythbusters: People Get More Conservative As They Age. Right?

The myth that people get more conservative as they age is a lie.

The reason that most conservatives happen to be older and white is because of the fact that the older generations were born into a completely different society. They were raised to believe that homosexuality was a sin, that communism was "evil", that Jim Crow laws were the norm, that gun ownership was a good thing regardless of the number of people shot a year, that businesses were holy and sacrosanct, and that the poor were just lazy bums who deserved to starve.

Now that our country has started to slowly get enlightened, as well as more diverse, these nasty beliefs are dying out. It's Official: The U.S. is Becoming a Minority-Majority Nation

It is a well known fact that older white republicans, who make up the base of the party, are dying out. The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.

Whenever I point this out on this forum, everybody says "oh, no, the younger generations become more conservative as they age." Well, once again, that's a complete lie.

Busting Myth, People Turn More Liberal With Age

Sorry, right wingers, but as older white conservatives start dying our, and people of color start making up a majority of this country, your reactionary, regressive beliefs are dying out for good.
Conservatism just keeps shifting to the left as time passes. Conservatism 10 years ago used to be zero tolerance for gays and completely unregulated free market. Now we have Trump.

DOn't have to go back 10 years in the Dem Party. Both Obama and Hillary (and her whorehopper hubby) were cool on gay rights 10 years ago before "it was cool". Give me a break.
So? They fought for gay rights. Lincoln was pro-slavery most of his life. Are you saying he had nothing to do with freeing the slaves?

Fought for gay rights? Since when? Since it became politically correct for them to do so. Not like libertarians who knew the right things to do 30 years ago.. REGARDLESS of the polls and "winning" and the focus groups.
Gays have won more victories under Obama than any other President, and he's supported them during each one.
Mythbusters: People Get More Conservative As They Age. Right?

The myth that people get more conservative as they age is a lie.

The reason that most conservatives happen to be older and white is because of the fact that the older generations were born into a completely different society. They were raised to believe that homosexuality was a sin, that communism was "evil", that Jim Crow laws were the norm, that gun ownership was a good thing regardless of the number of people shot a year, that businesses were holy and sacrosanct, and that the poor were just lazy bums who deserved to starve.

Now that our country has started to slowly get enlightened, as well as more diverse, these nasty beliefs are dying out. It's Official: The U.S. is Becoming a Minority-Majority Nation

It is a well known fact that older white republicans, who make up the base of the party, are dying out. The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.

Whenever I point this out on this forum, everybody says "oh, no, the younger generations become more conservative as they age." Well, once again, that's a complete lie.

Busting Myth, People Turn More Liberal With Age

Sorry, right wingers, but as older white conservatives start dying our, and people of color start making up a majority of this country, your reactionary, regressive beliefs are dying out for good.
Conservatism just keeps shifting to the left as time passes. Conservatism 10 years ago used to be zero tolerance for gays and completely unregulated free market. Now we have Trump.
Hispanics, blacks and Muslims are all still very much zero tolerance for gays(especially the Democrats)

Once you start actually looking at individual policies and why they are for them you will see that minorities are about as right wing as you can get. Progressivism is actually dying with the white communities.

Even the left wing economic positions minorities are for are only supported by them to fulfill their nationalist and racialist ambitions.
Mythbusters: People Get More Conservative As They Age. Right?

The myth that people get more conservative as they age is a lie.

The reason that most conservatives happen to be older and white is because of the fact that the older generations were born into a completely different society. They were raised to believe that homosexuality was a sin, that communism was "evil", that Jim Crow laws were the norm, that gun ownership was a good thing regardless of the number of people shot a year, that businesses were holy and sacrosanct, and that the poor were just lazy bums who deserved to starve.

Now that our country has started to slowly get enlightened, as well as more diverse, these nasty beliefs are dying out. It's Official: The U.S. is Becoming a Minority-Majority Nation

It is a well known fact that older white republicans, who make up the base of the party, are dying out. The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.

Whenever I point this out on this forum, everybody says "oh, no, the younger generations become more conservative as they age." Well, once again, that's a complete lie.

Busting Myth, People Turn More Liberal With Age

Sorry, right wingers, but as older white conservatives start dying our, and people of color start making up a majority of this country, your reactionary, regressive beliefs are dying out for good.
Conservatism just keeps shifting to the left as time passes. Conservatism 10 years ago used to be zero tolerance for gays and completely unregulated free market. Now we have Trump.

DOn't have to go back 10 years in the Dem Party. Both Obama and Hillary (and her whorehopper hubby) were cool on gay rights 10 years ago before "it was cool". Give me a break.
So? They fought for gay rights. Lincoln was pro-slavery most of his life. Are you saying he had nothing to do with freeing the slaves?

Fought for gay rights? Since when? Since it became politically correct for them to do so. Not like libertarians who knew the right things to do 30 years ago.. REGARDLESS of the polls and "winning" and the focus groups.
Gays have won more victories under Obama than any other President, and he's supported them during each one.

Because he is gay himself. Now queers are working on indoctrinating children even at the first grade "progressive". (snicker)
Mythbusters: People Get More Conservative As They Age. Right?

The myth that people get more conservative as they age is a lie.

The reason that most conservatives happen to be older and white is because of the fact that the older generations were born into a completely different society. They were raised to believe that homosexuality was a sin, that communism was "evil", that Jim Crow laws were the norm, that gun ownership was a good thing regardless of the number of people shot a year, that businesses were holy and sacrosanct, and that the poor were just lazy bums who deserved to starve.

Now that our country has started to slowly get enlightened, as well as more diverse, these nasty beliefs are dying out. It's Official: The U.S. is Becoming a Minority-Majority Nation

It is a well known fact that older white republicans, who make up the base of the party, are dying out. The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.

Whenever I point this out on this forum, everybody says "oh, no, the younger generations become more conservative as they age." Well, once again, that's a complete lie.

Busting Myth, People Turn More Liberal With Age

Sorry, right wingers, but as older white conservatives start dying our, and people of color start making up a majority of this country, your reactionary, regressive beliefs are dying out for good.
Conservatism just keeps shifting to the left as time passes. Conservatism 10 years ago used to be zero tolerance for gays and completely unregulated free market. Now we have Trump.
Hispanics, blacks and Muslims are all still very much zero tolerance for gays(especially the Democrats)

Once you start actually looking at individual policies and why they are for them you will see that minorities are about as right wing as you can get. Progressive is actually dying.

Even the left wing economic positions minorities are for are only supported by them to fulfill their nationalist and racialist ambitions.
Until you admit that your stance on Jews and black people is insane, I cannot take you seriously and will not bother responding to your posts.
Mythbusters: People Get More Conservative As They Age. Right?

The myth that people get more conservative as they age is a lie.

The reason that most conservatives happen to be older and white is because of the fact that the older generations were born into a completely different society. They were raised to believe that homosexuality was a sin, that communism was "evil", that Jim Crow laws were the norm, that gun ownership was a good thing regardless of the number of people shot a year, that businesses were holy and sacrosanct, and that the poor were just lazy bums who deserved to starve.

Now that our country has started to slowly get enlightened, as well as more diverse, these nasty beliefs are dying out. It's Official: The U.S. is Becoming a Minority-Majority Nation

It is a well known fact that older white republicans, who make up the base of the party, are dying out. The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.

Whenever I point this out on this forum, everybody says "oh, no, the younger generations become more conservative as they age." Well, once again, that's a complete lie.

Busting Myth, People Turn More Liberal With Age

Sorry, right wingers, but as older white conservatives start dying our, and people of color start making up a majority of this country, your reactionary, regressive beliefs are dying out for good.
Conservatism just keeps shifting to the left as time passes. Conservatism 10 years ago used to be zero tolerance for gays and completely unregulated free market. Now we have Trump.
Hispanics, blacks and Muslims are all still very much zero tolerance for gays(especially the Democrats)

Once you start actually looking at individual policies and why they are for them you will see that minorities are about as right wing as you can get. Progressive is actually dying.

Even the left wing economic positions minorities are for are only supported by them to fulfill their nationalist and racialist ambitions.
Until you admit that your stance on Jews and black people is insane, I cannot take you seriously and will not bother responding to your posts.

Just speaking for myself, but your responses aren't worth a shit can avoid mine as well because you are just a time waster.
Mythbusters: People Get More Conservative As They Age. Right?

The myth that people get more conservative as they age is a lie.

The reason that most conservatives happen to be older and white is because of the fact that the older generations were born into a completely different society. They were raised to believe that homosexuality was a sin, that communism was "evil", that Jim Crow laws were the norm, that gun ownership was a good thing regardless of the number of people shot a year, that businesses were holy and sacrosanct, and that the poor were just lazy bums who deserved to starve.

Now that our country has started to slowly get enlightened, as well as more diverse, these nasty beliefs are dying out. It's Official: The U.S. is Becoming a Minority-Majority Nation

It is a well known fact that older white republicans, who make up the base of the party, are dying out. The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.

Whenever I point this out on this forum, everybody says "oh, no, the younger generations become more conservative as they age." Well, once again, that's a complete lie.

Busting Myth, People Turn More Liberal With Age

Sorry, right wingers, but as older white conservatives start dying our, and people of color start making up a majority of this country, your reactionary, regressive beliefs are dying out for good.
Conservatism just keeps shifting to the left as time passes. Conservatism 10 years ago used to be zero tolerance for gays and completely unregulated free market. Now we have Trump.
Hispanics, blacks and Muslims are all still very much zero tolerance for gays(especially the Democrats)

Once you start actually looking at individual policies and why they are for them you will see that minorities are about as right wing as you can get. Progressive is actually dying.

Even the left wing economic positions minorities are for are only supported by them to fulfill their nationalist and racialist ambitions.
Until you admit that your stance on Jews and black people is insane, I cannot take you seriously and will not bother responding to your posts.
You mean the stance that you made up about me?
Mythbusters: People Get More Conservative As They Age. Right?

The myth that people get more conservative as they age is a lie.

The reason that most conservatives happen to be older and white is because of the fact that the older generations were born into a completely different society. They were raised to believe that homosexuality was a sin, that communism was "evil", that Jim Crow laws were the norm, that gun ownership was a good thing regardless of the number of people shot a year, that businesses were holy and sacrosanct, and that the poor were just lazy bums who deserved to starve.

Now that our country has started to slowly get enlightened, as well as more diverse, these nasty beliefs are dying out. It's Official: The U.S. is Becoming a Minority-Majority Nation

It is a well known fact that older white republicans, who make up the base of the party, are dying out. The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.

Whenever I point this out on this forum, everybody says "oh, no, the younger generations become more conservative as they age." Well, once again, that's a complete lie.

Busting Myth, People Turn More Liberal With Age

Sorry, right wingers, but as older white conservatives start dying our, and people of color start making up a majority of this country, your reactionary, regressive beliefs are dying out for good.

From the article you posted

What's still missing, though, are long-term studies that actually follow individuals over time to see how their beliefs change.

So all you re doing is comparing age groups from different generations therefore you cannot say people become more liberal as they get older because the SAME people were not interviewed as they got older
FAIL I began life as an ignorant Democrat and became a conservative as I grew older, wiser, and began making lots of money and not wanting the greedy mooching loser do nothings in the Democratic party taking my money.
Your individual anecdote is not backed up by the statistics. Most people get more progressive as they age.
Then WHY did you just do a thread advocating that people shouldn't be able to vote past 65? Instead of turning yourself into a board laughingstock, why don't you stick with the threads you start and actually defend your ideas?
Just an idea.
Mythbusters: People Get More Conservative As They Age. Right?

The myth that people get more conservative as they age is a lie.

The reason that most conservatives happen to be older and white is because of the fact that the older generations were born into a completely different society. They were raised to believe that homosexuality was a sin, that communism was "evil", that Jim Crow laws were the norm, that gun ownership was a good thing regardless of the number of people shot a year, that businesses were holy and sacrosanct, and that the poor were just lazy bums who deserved to starve.

Now that our country has started to slowly get enlightened, as well as more diverse, these nasty beliefs are dying out. It's Official: The U.S. is Becoming a Minority-Majority Nation

It is a well known fact that older white republicans, who make up the base of the party, are dying out. The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.

Whenever I point this out on this forum, everybody says "oh, no, the younger generations become more conservative as they age." Well, once again, that's a complete lie.

Busting Myth, People Turn More Liberal With Age

Sorry, right wingers, but as older white conservatives start dying our, and people of color start making up a majority of this country, your reactionary, regressive beliefs are dying out for good.
Conservatism just keeps shifting to the left as time passes. Conservatism 10 years ago used to be zero tolerance for gays and completely unregulated free market. Now we have Trump.

DOn't have to go back 10 years in the Dem Party. Both Obama and Hillary (and her whorehopper hubby) were cool on gay rights 10 years ago before "it was cool". Give me a break.
So? They fought for gay rights. Lincoln was pro-slavery most of his life. Are you saying he had nothing to do with freeing the slaves?

Fought for gay rights? Since when? Since it became politically correct for them to do so. Not like libertarians who knew the right things to do 30 years ago.. REGARDLESS of the polls and "winning" and the focus groups.
Gays have won more victories under Obama than any other President, and he's supported them during each one.

Huh? Obama flipped flopped on gay marriage.
FAIL I began life as an ignorant Democrat and became a conservative as I grew older, wiser, and began making lots of money and not wanting the greedy mooching loser do nothings in the Democratic party taking my money.
Your individual anecdote is not backed up by the statistics. Most people get more progressive as they age.
Then WHY did you just do a thread advocating that people shouldn't be able to vote past 65? Instead of turning yourself into a board laughingstock, why don't you stick with the threads you start and actually defend your ideas?
Just an idea.
Because restricting the voting rights of the elderly is actually pretty popular on left wing sites.
Okay. I'm really getting steamed that supposedly only a moron would be older and still a liberal.
Mythbusters: People Get More Conservative As They Age. Right?

The myth that people get more conservative as they age is a lie.

The reason that most conservatives happen to be older and white is because of the fact that the older generations were born into a completely different society. They were raised to believe that homosexuality was a sin, that communism was "evil", that Jim Crow laws were the norm, that gun ownership was a good thing regardless of the number of people shot a year, that businesses were holy and sacrosanct, and that the poor were just lazy bums who deserved to starve.

Now that our country has started to slowly get enlightened, as well as more diverse, these nasty beliefs are dying out. It's Official: The U.S. is Becoming a Minority-Majority Nation

It is a well known fact that older white republicans, who make up the base of the party, are dying out. The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.

Whenever I point this out on this forum, everybody says "oh, no, the younger generations become more conservative as they age." Well, once again, that's a complete lie.

Busting Myth, People Turn More Liberal With Age

Sorry, right wingers, but as older white conservatives start dying our, and people of color start making up a majority of this country, your reactionary, regressive beliefs are dying out for good.
There is an old saying that there is no fool like an old fool. That is why older most people don't are not fools and do not vote for sleazes like the Beast.

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