No, people do NOT get more conservative as they age

Mythbusters: People Get More Conservative As They Age. Right?

The myth that people get more conservative as they age is a lie.

The reason that most conservatives happen to be older and white is because of the fact that the older generations were born into a completely different society. They were raised to believe that homosexuality was a sin, that communism was "evil", that Jim Crow laws were the norm, that gun ownership was a good thing regardless of the number of people shot a year, that businesses were holy and sacrosanct, and that the poor were just lazy bums who deserved to starve.

Now that our country has started to slowly get enlightened, as well as more diverse, these nasty beliefs are dying out. It's Official: The U.S. is Becoming a Minority-Majority Nation

It is a well known fact that older white republicans, who make up the base of the party, are dying out. The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.

Whenever I point this out on this forum, everybody says "oh, no, the younger generations become more conservative as they age." Well, once again, that's a complete lie.

Busting Myth, People Turn More Liberal With Age

Sorry, right wingers, but as older white conservatives start dying our, and people of color start making up a majority of this country, your reactionary, regressive beliefs are dying out for good.

Who's sock is this moron?
Conservatism just keeps shifting to the left as time passes. Conservatism 10 years ago used to be zero tolerance for gays and completely unregulated free market. Now we have Trump.

DOn't have to go back 10 years in the Dem Party. Both Obama and Hillary (and her whorehopper hubby) were cool on gay rights 10 years ago before "it was cool". Give me a break.
So? They fought for gay rights. Lincoln was pro-slavery most of his life. Are you saying he had nothing to do with freeing the slaves?

Fought for gay rights? Since when? Since it became politically correct for them to do so. Not like libertarians who knew the right things to do 30 years ago.. REGARDLESS of the polls and "winning" and the focus groups.
Gays have won more victories under Obama than any other President, and he's supported them during each one.

Huh? Obama flipped flopped on gay marriage.
Okay. I'm really getting steamed that supposedly only a moron would be older and still a liberal.
If you go along with what the modern left says as a older white person you are in fact a certified idiot.
Well, if I were 40 and went along with what the modern left says, you'd think I was a certified idiot, anyway. I am more conservative than when I was 21, but my core values haven't changed, and I don't think most people's do.
Mythbusters: People Get More Conservative As They Age. Right?

The myth that people get more conservative as they age is a lie.

The reason that most conservatives happen to be older and white is because of the fact that the older generations were born into a completely different society. They were raised to believe that homosexuality was a sin, that communism was "evil", that Jim Crow laws were the norm, that gun ownership was a good thing regardless of the number of people shot a year, that businesses were holy and sacrosanct, and that the poor were just lazy bums who deserved to starve.

Now that our country has started to slowly get enlightened, as well as more diverse, these nasty beliefs are dying out. It's Official: The U.S. is Becoming a Minority-Majority Nation

It is a well known fact that older white republicans, who make up the base of the party, are dying out. The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.

Whenever I point this out on this forum, everybody says "oh, no, the younger generations become more conservative as they age." Well, once again, that's a complete lie.

Busting Myth, People Turn More Liberal With Age

Sorry, right wingers, but as older white conservatives start dying our, and people of color start making up a majority of this country, your reactionary, regressive beliefs are dying out for good.

Who's sock is this moron?
Some say Guno's, but I don't hear it. He's a new voice.
Today K thru 12+ students are indoctrinated by teachers embedded with social, economic, and political ideology whose origins were found and prevalent on college campuses of the late 60's forward. Youth today, defined as under 40, are reflecting what they were taught coupled with increased social pressure to conform and adopt those very beliefs. Those that do not conform are chastised and deemed ignorant. Individual freedom to learn, read, formulate opinions, and voice counter opinions will continue to be shouted down, those breaking outside the accepted belief system ostracized, deemed socially unacceptable. In short, the youth of today fail to possess the courage required to exercise their individual freedom, as a result freedom will be sacrificed and lost.
The preceding generations, defined as 65+ years, character and courage was defined and tempered by hardship, fear, desire, innate ability to face adversity, overcome, and capitalize on their rights and abilities.
As the youth of today grow in age and experience the question as to why and how will surface, they will experience the loss of freedom first hand and turn away from the progressive social experiments defining their youth.
So is conservative ideology dead? I think not, and for the sake of this country pray it flourishes, for freedom is what made this country great.
In closing, when life is easy and one is spoiled, showered with opportunities their parents did not have, or work for, it should be expected the roots of this decadence and self loathing would come to fruition.
Okay. I'm really getting steamed that supposedly only a moron would be older and still a liberal.
If you go along with what the modern left says as a older white person you are in fact a certified idiot.
Well, if I were 40 and went along with what the modern left says, you'd think I was a certified idiot, anyway. I am more conservative than when I was 21, but my core values haven't changed, and I don't think most people's do.
To be fair, 40 is still old to me and I have no idea how old you actually are.

In my case I actually was more conservative when I was younger in some ways, while actually being more liberal in others.

I used to be very conservative on economic policies while being a total environmentalist, and now I am considerably more to the left on economics and nowhere near as concerned about "global warming" fearmongering. I also used to be a proto-SJW type person...and now I am an unabashed cultural conservative.
DOn't have to go back 10 years in the Dem Party. Both Obama and Hillary (and her whorehopper hubby) were cool on gay rights 10 years ago before "it was cool". Give me a break.
So? They fought for gay rights. Lincoln was pro-slavery most of his life. Are you saying he had nothing to do with freeing the slaves?

Fought for gay rights? Since when? Since it became politically correct for them to do so. Not like libertarians who knew the right things to do 30 years ago.. REGARDLESS of the polls and "winning" and the focus groups.
Gays have won more victories under Obama than any other President, and he's supported them during each one.

Huh? Obama flipped flopped on gay marriage.

You said he supported each one.

Okay. I'm really getting steamed that supposedly only a moron would be older and still a liberal.
If you go along with what the modern left says as a older white person you are in fact a certified idiot.
Well, if I were 40 and went along with what the modern left says, you'd think I was a certified idiot, anyway. I am more conservative than when I was 21, but my core values haven't changed, and I don't think most people's do.
To be fair, 40 is still old to me and I have no idea how old you actually are.

In my case I actually was more conservative when I was younger in some ways, while actually being more liberal in others.

I used to be very conservative on economic policies while being a total environmentalist, and now I am considerably more to the left on economics and nowhere near as concerned about "global warming" fearmongering. I also used to be a proto-SJW type person...and now I am an unabashed cultural conservative.
We try on lots of different shoes as we travel through life. Being open to change is really important. That's all good. Keeping the paths of communication open, though, is hard when those you disagree with are nothing but "morons" in your mind.

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