NO "Popular Vote" if states choose to have the Legislature Vote for Federal Offices

Do you support state legislatures taking Federal elections instead of popular vote?

  • Yes, Federal elections would be honest, fair and transparent.

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • No, the popular vote is better, I'll explain why.

    Votes: 9 64.3%

  • Total voters
Have you ever asked yourself how your so-called oligarchs "buy" elections?
They cannot.
Yes they can. It already happened.

No, you don't! Public votes violate the very principals our elections are based upon.
Elected State legislators can vote for the president and senator publicly to prove to their constituents why they were elected, to represent them.
We have the popular vote now, and the results are ALWAYS disputed.

If a state decides to decide their EC votes by the legislature, that would be a calming decision. I support it.
Disputes are handled by recounts and contesting the election in the courts. If you do not try to present evidence in court, either you do not have evidence, or 62 out of 63 times are ineffective or you never wanted the claims aired in court, as you did not want it on the record, the claims were shit, thinking you were better off rabble-rousing the uninformed. I would say, you guys were played by Team Trump, but too stupid to know it.
Applying Big Liar do we know these state legislators were rightfully elected if no election can be trusted?
Because they would be elected in their local districts, not by big city machines, or statewide mail-in scams.
Electoral College is in the Constitution, dumbass!
They can change their laws now. No one is stopping them except common sense.
You're really off your game lately.

The State Legislators vote to decide who gets their state's Electoral College votes, and who the state senators would be.
Congressmen would still be by popular vote, by district.
Elected State legislators can vote for the president and senator publicly to prove to their constituents why they were elected, to represent them.

And if they do not vote as their constituents want? Or if they claim their constituents wanted something different?

Members of Congress and the office of the President are too important to leave to state legislatures.
31 state legislatures are controlled by the GOP. Yet they are less than half of the voting population.
Some of those hack partisan legislatures would not hesitate to override the voters of their state.
THAT is why Clinton is afraid of them taking control of elections.
Trump lost. Bigly. Get over it.
Its not about Trump, its about the 3,000,000 new migrant voters that Biden let in.

Fuck yourselves if you think we're just going to let that go without a response.
Because they would be elected in their local districts, not by big city machines, or statewide mail-in scams.

By popular vote....a process the OP insists can't be trusted.

And folks overwhelmingly cast their votes for president in their local districts. Its the same ballot, the same ballot box, the same people counting.

If that ballot can't be trusted for president, it can't be trusted for legislators either. So why would we accept the vote of 'legislators' we can't trust were actually elected?

Big Liar 'logic' is not your friend.
Yes they can. It already happened.

Have you ever been persuaded to vote for someone on Facebook?
They can change the rules concerning voting.

But the 17th amendment to the US Constitution says:
"The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislatures."
OK, then just the presidential EC votes would be by the legislators, if the senators need to be elected by the popular vote.
Disputes are handled by recounts and contesting the election in the courts. If you do not try to present evidence in court, either you do not have evidence, or 62 out of 63 times are ineffective or you never wanted the claims aired in court, as you did not want it on the record, the claims were shit, thinking you were better off rabble-rousing the uninformed. I would say, you guys were played by Team Trump, but too stupid to know it.
Biden letting in 3,000,000 migrants who will also be voting is voter fraud.
Presidential elections need to be by state legislatures who change their states' voting laws to protect election integrity.
You're really off your game lately.

The State Legislators vote to decide who gets their state's Electoral College votes, and who the state senators would be.
Congressmen would still be by popular vote, by district.
I suggest you actually read the Constitution. You have shown no evidence that you have because you keep proposing unconstitutional actions.
And if they do not vote as their constituents want? Or if they claim their constituents wanted something different?
Members of Congress and the office of the President are too important to leave to state legislatures.
1. Then they get voted out.
2. Elections are too important to allow Zuckerbucks, migrants, mail-in fraud, commercial buys, etc., to fuck with.
3. Do you remember the "hanging chads" in FL?
4. How about "access" and GA's "Jim Crow" Laws?

Seeing your elected reps vote would be crystal clear, no whining allowed.
1. Then they get voted out.
2. Elections are too important to allow Zuckerbucks, migrants, mail-in fraud, commercial buys, etc., to fuck with.
3. Do you remember the "hanging chads" in FL?
4. How about "access" and GA's "Jim Crow" Laws?

Seeing your elected reps vote would be crystal clear, no whining allowed.

Sure they get voted out. After being in office for 4 years, making all sorts of deals.
By popular vote....a process the OP insists can't be trusted.
And folks overwhelmingly cast their votes for president in their local districts. Its the same ballot, the same ballot box, the same people counting.
If that ballot can't be trusted for president, it can't be trusted for legislators either. So why would we accept the vote of 'legislators' we can't trust were actually elected?
Big Liar 'logic' is not your friend.
Duh, seeing your legislators vote on TV would be better than explaining away those 3am vote dumps.

Local elections can be trusted. Not national elections.
State LEGISLATURES decide how their state elections are held.

Popular voting is unpopular, no matter who wins. The other side always cheated.

So how about a formal voice vote by state legislators to decide Federal Elections?

There would be no cheating because the votes would be public voice votes.

The vote counting would be simple, beyond reproach, and immediate.

I like the idea. No commercials. No phone calls.

No big money "Zuckerbucks" buying elections, just our elected state officials doing their jobs.
Why couldn’t “Zuckerbucks” buy the legislators? Might even be cheaper.
I suggest you actually read the Constitution. You have shown no evidence that you have because you keep proposing unconstitutional actions.
Can you please show in the Constitution where legislators cannot decide who gets their state's EC votes.
I already acknowledged that the 17th amendment says that US senators get elected by the popular vote.

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