NO "Popular Vote" if states choose to have the Legislature Vote for Federal Offices

Do you support state legislatures taking Federal elections instead of popular vote?

  • Yes, Federal elections would be honest, fair and transparent.

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • No, the popular vote is better, I'll explain why.

    Votes: 9 64.3%

  • Total voters
By convincing commercials, by shows like "The View" showing only one side, by the MSM's drumbeat of biased programming, etc.

Lawyers have a saying, "repeat something 3x and someone believes it". Look at Mastriano in PA. Democrats gave him funding to win the nomination, just to crucify him jn the general.
Trump learned that three times trick a long time ago. It's his favorite tactic.

That's how his Big Lie works.

I've pointed out many times that when Trump says "bleev me" three times, you can bet your house he is lying.

Here is what Trump said on the White House lawn about the bill which repealed pieces of Obamacare, and which did not replace Obamacare:

“Make no mistake,” (one!) the president said at one point,this is a repeal and a replace of Obamacare, make no mistake (two!) about it. Make no mistake.”(three!)

"I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf. Bleev me...Bleev me...Bleev me, folks." - Donald Trump, August 8, 2016

Um....retard? YOU made a claim, not me.
"Biden letting in 3,000,000 migrants who will also be voting is voter fraud."
And when did they register to vote?
Its 5,000,000 migrants, and I already heard the call for "amnesty".
I call bullshit. They will vote in every state. No one is going to stop them.
That's the real bullshit, you admitting you guys can't run an election in your state. Not like that here.
Its 5,000,000 migrants, and I already heard the call for "amnesty". have no proof to back up your claim.

Got it.

This is like Trump claiming five million illegals voted in 2016. :lol:

You're recycling his hoaxes!

By convincing commercials, by shows like "The View" showing only one side, by the MSM's drumbeat of biased programming, etc.

Lawyers have a saying, "repeat something 3x and someone believes it". Look at Mastriano in PA. Democrats gave him funding to win the nomination, just to crucify him in the general.
Funding is simply the most overrated aspect of campaigning. It influences no one.
Trump learned that three times trick a long time ago. It's his favorite tactic. That's how his Big Lie works.
I've pointed out many times that when Trump says "bleev me" three times, you can bet your house he is lying.
Here is what Trump said on the White House lawn about the bill which repealed pieces of Obamacare, and which did not replace Obamacare:
“Make no mistake,” (one!) the president said at one point,this is a repeal and a replace of Obamacare, make no mistake (two!) about it. Make no mistake.”(three!)
"I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf. Bleev me...Bleev me...Bleev me, folks." - Donald Trump, August 8, 2016
You need to take a break from your TDS. We're debating legislators vs popular vote for presidential elections.
If Trump wins the 2024 nomination, and he just might, then you can let your TDS run wild.
In the OZ-Fetterman debate they showed a poll where Trump leads in PA 46% to Biden's 45%
If you believe in Democracy, then you are forced to believe that the State legislature is the voice of the people.

THAT is Democracy.

So, control of the ONLY federal election in the land should be by the voice of the people. The legislature.

It is the STATES who elect the President of the United States. NOT people. What do you think that Electoral College is? Come on people, this is civics 101.
If you believe in Democracy, then you are forced to believe that the State legislature is the voice of the people.

THAT is Democracy.

So, control of the ONLY federal election in the land should be by the voice of the people. The legislature.

It is the STATES who elect the President of the United States. NOT people. What do you think that Electoral College is? Come on people, this is civics 101.
It is NOT the state legislature that chooses the electors. The people choose the electors. have no proof to back up your claim.
This is like Trump claiming five million illegals voted in 2016. :lol:
You're recycling his hoaxes!
I can't help that you're too stupid to read a chart. If you could read you would understand. Its proven.

Funding is simply the most overrated aspect of campaigning. It influences no one.
Wrong again.

At first glance, there is a substantial claim that money directly affects an election’s outcomes. From 2000 to 2016, more than 90% of the highest-spending candidates in their respective districts were elected to the House of Representatives with only the 2010 elections dropping the rate down to 86%¹. Senate elections of the same time period also demonstrate similar, albeit with a slightly lower win rate of around 80%. Outside of just congressional races, money also acts as a predictor of the Presidential Elections. Out of the last eight election cycles, only the most recent 2016 election was won by the lesser spender, meaning that Donald Trump was the first presidential campaign to spend less money and still win, since Jimmy Carter last beat Gerald Ford in the 1976 election.
It is NOT the state legislature that chooses the electors. The people choose the electors.
Butr it is the STATE that casts the vote.

When congress sits down to confirm the election, they are counting the votes cast by the STATES, not the people.

The people already have power. It is found in the House of Representatives.
Wrong again.

At first glance, there is a substantial claim that money directly affects an election’s outcomes. From 2000 to 2016, more than 90% of the highest-spending candidates in their respective districts were elected to the House of Representatives with only the 2010 elections dropping the rate down to 86%¹. Senate elections of the same time period also demonstrate similar, albeit with a slightly lower win rate of around 80%. Outside of just congressional races, money also acts as a predictor of the Presidential Elections. Out of the last eight election cycles, only the most recent 2016 election was won by the lesser spender, meaning that Donald Trump was the first presidential campaign to spend less money and still win, since Jimmy Carter last beat Gerald Ford in the 1976 election.
Correlation is not causation. Prove your assertion.

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