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No President Has Been Treated As Badly As Trump

Excuse me......but your examples aren't by the media nor are they establishment people.
All you can show is a few isolated examples which are normal for any president.
You show the fringe elements and not the mainstream.
Trump is getting it from everyone in Washington. The leaders.
The only people that seem to be on his side or your average Joe Blow.
He's the People's President, not the Washington Insider Establishment President that the media hand-picked for us.
The democrat propaganda wing was on their KNEES to their little kenyan boi king, licking his boots and kissing his ass. They threw HARD questions at him like... "WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE FLAVOR OF ICE CREAM?" To hear these snowflake progs say President Trump is being treated as well as obama, or even FAIR for that matter, when it's painfully obvious he isn't, studies found 93% NEGATIVE coverage, it's just mind numbing that these leftards think ANYONE is going to believe their SHIT. Good God... they talk TRASH as if it was truth, they have no shame, no conscience, and no integrity.
No President Has Been Treated As Badly As Trump
Rubbish... a number of other Presidents have been treated equally or far worse in the press over time.

Then again, few other Presidents fail to disclose tax-returns or keep their campaign promises, or collaborate with adversarial foreign governments.

It's all relative.

If the Imperial Cheeto did not want the job, perhaps he should not have allowed Obumble to goad him into running, as Barry did at that dinner, a few years ago.
Who gives a shit about tax returns, most of which the federal government does is taxation without representation anyway… cupcake

Orange Jesus's worshippers howled like it was a Great Betrayal of America when Obama didn't make public his college transcripts but defend to the death their messiah when Orange Jesus doesn't release his tax returns. As if the two were equivalent.
Barry was just your typical career politician, lied about everything he did and wanted to do. I guess that's the job of a community organizer… LOL
...You say "rubbish,"...
The idea that this President has been treated worse by the press than any other is, indeed, rubbish; but you already knew that.

...and then proceed to TRASH the president as bad as the daily trashing he gets from the democrat propaganda wing....
Don't feel too badly... the Imperial Cheeto brings it on himself, every time the Chief Twit tweets, or opens his big, thoughtless mouth.

There is no hypocrisy between (a) repudiating a concept utilizing satire and (b) casting aspersions upon a very aspersion-worthy creature.

...Maaaaaan you people are fucked.
It is, indeed, true, that Democrats are screwed, unless they get their heads out of their asses sometime soon...

You had better hope that they don't...

Then again, your boy is well on his way to self-destruction, with the potential fallout which that might bring in 2018 or 2020, if he does self-destruct...

You had better hope that he doesn't do that, either...

In November, you backed what was in your mind the best of two very bad horses, and now you're stuck defending the damned-near indefensible...

A thankless job...

An ultimately pointless job...

An ultimately doomed job...

My condolences.
Last edited:
Jeez, guys, just say something like this:

"Yes, he's behaved like a spoiled 12-year old brat since the day he entered the race, yes, he's said a shitload of things that made me roll my eyes, yes, I wish he would shove his Twitter account up his ass, and yes, I can see how people might be embarrassed by his behavior. But he won, he's the President, Hillary isn't, so tough shit."

The deflections and denials are pretty silly. Just be honest.
No President has behaved like this, ever, not even close. From the nominating process on. Yes, the media is biased to begin with, but he's made it EASY for them to attack.
It's great, there is a bull in the china shop... The more damage to the federal government the better for the country.
I can respect that kind of response far more than someone who just denies what Trump has been.

It's easier to respect "yeah, he's been wild, but he won, so there ya go", far more than "what, huh, what behavior?"
Yeah, I think the country got sick and fucking tired of a career politician in the White House. We've tried them for many, many decades.
We are not better off for it... so why not put a trump in there?
No President has behaved like this, ever, not even close. From the nominating process on. Yes, the media is biased to begin with, but he's made it EASY for them to attack.
It's great, there is a bull in the china shop... The more damage to the federal government the better for the country.
I can respect that kind of response far more than someone who just denies what Trump has been.

It's easier to respect "yeah, he's been wild, but he won, so there ya go", far more than "what, huh, what behavior?"
Yeah, I think the country got sick and fucking tired of a career politician in the White House. We've tried them for many, many decades.
We are not better off for it... so why not put a trump in there?
I actually have no problem with any of that. But I do wonder if he's going to wreck it for future non-politicians if he crashes and burns.

No way to know.
Not all, but MOST right wingers are EXACTLY like those shown in that video in the O/P..........Luckily, they don't breed many more fuck heads all that much

John Adams was treated worse than either of them. And his son wasn't far behind. There is still a joke told in Massachusetts: "There were three towns in Massachusetts named after John Quincy Adams, can you name them?"





Trump gives a daily insult , but it is everyone else's fault..


Perfect meme.

All this whining about poor widdow twump but he's done all of it to himself.

And he's not being treated badly at all. What this is really about is that the fake media is accurately reporting what he says, twits and does.

Suck it up cupcakes. We all have 3 1/2 years of this disaster.
No President has behaved like this, ever, not even close. From the nominating process on.

Yes, the media is biased to begin with, but he's made it EASY for them to attack.

So Democrats can call Republicans racists, sexists, fill-in-the-blank-ophobes and behave like vile venom spitting snakes and Republicans have to behave like the Pope? Because that's what's been going on for decades, Dem's are now getting a taste of their own medicine boo hoo.
Are you suggesting that the GOP grope children?
No President has behaved like this, ever, not even close. From the nominating process on. Yes, the media is biased to begin with, but he's made it EASY for them to attack.
So Democrats can call Republicans racists, sexists, fill-in-the-blank-ophobes and behave like vile venom spitting snakes and Republicans have to behave like the Pope? Because that's what's been going on for decades, Dem's are now getting a taste of their own medicine boo hoo.
That doesn't change what I said.

Good grief, call me when Trump cheats on his wife, in the White House, with an intern half his age, then lies to the American people about it on national tv throwing the intern under the bus. How many workplace laws did that break? You want to compare Trump's behavior to Clinton by all means lets have that discussion.
Wouldn't leave my daughter alone with either of them, frankly.
Good grief, call me when Trump cheats on his wife, in the White House, with an intern half his age, then lies to the American people about it on national tv throwing the intern under the bus. How many workplace laws did that break? You want to compare Trump's behavior to Clinton by all means lets have that discussion.
It would be useless to have such a discussion. If you can't admit his behavior has been an ongoing, daily national embarrassment, I'd be wasting my time.

Bill Clintons behavior was going on for decades, Bill embarrassed us on the world stage. Just admit defeat and go lick your wounds, Trump has a long way to go before he reaches the heights of depravity the Clintons gave us.
Continuous deflection noted.

I'm calling you out, why the double standard Dem's get away with anything and Rep's have to behave like the pope. This double standard has been enabled by a biased media that circles the wagons around Dem's no matter what they do and holds Rep's to an impossible standard. You don't want to discuss this because you would lose, noted.

Or, you are defending Trump for doing bad things but condemning Clinton for doing bad things because you are a partisan.

No I'm mocking your double standards, just assume I mocked your posts going forward this will save me a lot of time.
Jeez, guys, just say something like this:

"Yes, he's behaved like a spoiled 12-year old brat since the day he entered the race, yes, he's said a shitload of things that made me roll my eyes, yes, I wish he would shove his Twitter account up his ass, and yes, I can see how people might be embarrassed by his behavior. But he won, he's the President, Hillary isn't, so tough shit."

The deflections and denials are pretty silly. Just be honest.
If the Hildabeast would've won we would have slick willy running the place again... sex trafficking right out of the white house... :banana::dance::meow::party::suck::thewave::woohoo:
No President has behaved like this, ever, not even close. From the nominating process on. Yes, the media is biased to begin with, but he's made it EASY for them to attack.
So Democrats can call Republicans racists, sexists, fill-in-the-blank-ophobes and behave like vile venom spitting snakes and Republicans have to behave like the Pope? Because that's what's been going on for decades, Dem's are now getting a taste of their own medicine boo hoo.
That doesn't change what I said.

Good grief, call me when Trump cheats on his wife, in the White House, with an intern half his age, then lies to the American people about it on national tv throwing the intern under the bus. How many workplace laws did that break? You want to compare Trump's behavior to Clinton by all means lets have that discussion.
It would be useless to have such a discussion. If you can't admit his behavior has been an ongoing, daily national embarrassment, I'd be wasting my time.
The only thing that has been a daily embarassment is the democrat controlled media seizing on everything Trump does and twisting it up to make it as bad as possible.

If you cannot admit that the media has been extremely dishonest, lying when they have nothing, then you are indeed wasting your time.

I appears Mac has gone over to the liberal side or someone hacked his account.
No President Has Been Treated As Badly As Trump
Rubbish... a number of other Presidents have been treated equally or far worse in the press over time.

Then again, few other Presidents fail to disclose tax-returns or keep their campaign promises, or collaborate with adversarial foreign governments.

It's all relative.

If the Imperial Cheeto did not want the job, perhaps he should not have allowed Obumble to goad him into running, as Barry did at that dinner, a few years ago.
Who gives a shit about tax returns, most of which the federal government does is taxation without representation anyway… cupcake

Orange Jesus's worshippers howled like it was a Great Betrayal of America when Obama didn't make public his college transcripts but defend to the death their messiah when Orange Jesus doesn't release his tax returns. As if the two were equivalent.

They aren't equivalent. obama's transcripts are alleged to have him enrolled as a foreign exchange student. In which case he was ineligible to even run for the office of the presidency.

Democrats have no idea why they want Trump's tax returns. They just think that if they fiddle around enough, they will find something.
No President has behaved like this, ever, not even close. From the nominating process on.

Yes, the media is biased to begin with, but he's made it EASY for them to attack.

So Democrats can call Republicans racists, sexists, fill-in-the-blank-ophobes and behave like vile venom spitting snakes and Republicans have to behave like the Pope? Because that's what's been going on for decades, Dem's are now getting a taste of their own medicine boo hoo.

So Democrats can call Republicans racists, sexists, fill-in-the-blank-ophobes and behave like vile venom spitting snakes and Republicans have to behave like the Pope? Because that's what's been going on for decades, Dem's are now getting a taste of their own medicine boo hoo.
That doesn't change what I said.

Good grief, call me when Trump cheats on his wife, in the White House, with an intern half his age, then lies to the American people about it on national tv throwing the intern under the bus. How many workplace laws did that break? You want to compare Trump's behavior to Clinton by all means lets have that discussion.
It would be useless to have such a discussion. If you can't admit his behavior has been an ongoing, daily national embarrassment, I'd be wasting my time.
The only thing that has been a daily embarassment is the democrat controlled media seizing on everything Trump does and twisting it up to make it as bad as possible.

If you cannot admit that the media has been extremely dishonest, lying when they have nothing, then you are indeed wasting your time.
I've already admitted that the media is biased. In this thread. My first post in it.

I'm not a partisan. I get to just be honest.

You are not even close to honest, you are practicing the same bias the media does.

Trump gives a daily insult , but it is everyone else's fault..


Perfect meme.

All this whining about poor widdow twump but he's done all of it to himself.

And he's not being treated badly at all. What this is really about is that the fake media is accurately reporting what he says, twits and does.

Suck it up cupcakes. We all have 3 1/2 years of this disaster.

There would be no trump if there was no Obama.:lmao:
Karma is a bitch...
...You say "rubbish,"...
The idea that this President has been treated worse by the press than any other is, indeed, rubbish; but you already knew that.

...and then proceed to TRASH the president as bad as the daily trashing he gets from the democrat propaganda wing....
Don't feel too badly... the Imperial Cheeto brings it on himself, every time the Chief Twit tweets, or opens his big, thoughtless mouth.

There is no hypocrisy between (a) repudiating a concept utilizing satire and (b) casting aspersions upon a very aspersion-worthy creature.

...Maaaaaan you people are fucked.
It is, indeed, true, that Democrats are screwed, unless they get their heads out of their asses sometime soon...

You had better hope that they don't...

Then again, your boy is well on his way to self-destruction, with the potential fallout which that might bring in 2018 or 2020, if he does self-destruct...

You had better hope that he doesn't do that, either...

In November, you backed what was in your mind the best of two very bad horses, and now you're stuck defending the damned-near indefensible...

A thankless job...

An ultimately pointless job...

An ultimately doomed job...

My condolences.
You're a pathetic liar. All I had to read was the first few words to know the entire post was just more PROG GARBAGE.

But by all means, carry on, because people are getting a real good look at just how off the rails, hysterical, hypocritical and lying you all are, and they don't like it. You people are turning OFF far more than you're convincing to agree with you.

Nice job, idiot... :lol:


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