No, President Trump, you can’t bomb a virus. We need expertise and empathy – not a war

The only way for Americans three save themselves is to reject and eject Donald Trump and Republicans from government and power. They have failed their biggest test of protecting American lives and American interests.
yea lets get an all democrat government.....havent you learned anything about what happens when one party controls everything?....

We will be better off with an all democrat government than a republican one at this time.
apparently you havent learned anything either....

I know that we would be better off with a democratic majority in both houses and a democratic president than what we have now. Your both sides are equally bad is a philosophy that needs to be stopped. We almost went into a depression because of a all republican government, the republican majority during Obama stalled economic growth.
The only way for Americans three save themselves is to reject and eject Donald Trump and Republicans from government and power. They have failed their biggest test of protecting American lives and American interests.
yea lets get an all democrat government.....havent you learned anything about what happens when one party controls everything?....
It will take control of all branches of government for Americans to take back their country and repair the damage done by Trump, McConnell, and other turncoats. Does anyone really want to risk their and their children's lives on a future life and death crisis with the same people in charge?
you do realize that half the country aint democrat?.....the right feels the same way about "taking back the country"...what would be best for everyone would be if both parties went straight to fucking hell..... what would be left is people who actually care about the country and not some fucking useless party...
It's not really half. Both parties are not the same and this belief is why we have trump. So you seem unable to have learned anything. Look at what republicans have done before you talk because democrats have now twice saved this country from poor economic policies of republicans since the 1980's.
I get it the democrats believe that a bad economy makes their chances of winning much better. The problem with that strategy is most will see it as creating more pain for Americans to push politics.
The cult of dementia does not see a way forward for them to the power they crave without creating pain.
So Republican states are open for business? I’ll help. Nope. You’re just looking for some partisan blame to offset the real incompetent way that the Trump administration handled this.
Sorry to bust your bubble there sparky but I never said that any state was open. Reading is hard for some, understanding is harder for others.
I don't care how a partisan shill for China thinks Trump did. I look at it from the point of how a large amount of independents and those that don't work for foreign governments do.
We need an economy to go back to. While that might hurt your home country it helps us.
You aren't thinking for a large number of anyone. We don't need a million deaths just so a few people can make some money. It's obvious you don't understand how business/economy works. You don't have a business when you don't have people wanting or needing what you provide.

Trump wouldn't know how this happens either because he inherited a business that already had customers and he never had to build a customer base to understand how things really work. Most of the businesses he tried starting with his inheritance money failed.
Damn you just can't help but be stupid can you? You don't think that Amazon, grocery stores, the so called essential business and others don't have customers?
Do you think that customers all died off and it is only the ones that are hiding under their beds that are still alive?

LOL. You are really a dumb ass. Open up the economy tomorrow and see what you get.
Roflol. Who said open up the economy tomorrow? No one that I know of has stated any date. Trump at one time stated he hoped by Easter but that was only a hope.
As I stated earlier you want the economy to stay closed until not one unhealthy person remains in the hope that you can lay a failed economy on Trump. Then there are the rest that want to get out and get things back on track. Those that understand that anytime you get in a car you take a chance, any time you fly you take a chance, anytime you do anything you take a chance.
I didn't say anyone did dumb ass. Nobody is wanting what you claim. The sane majority know trump did not build the economy, but that he has taken credit for Obamas work. So my comment to you is start the economy tomorrow or as soon as you think, and see what happens. You take a chance when you base jump, but a lot of people aren't willing to take that chance. You take a chance when you sky dive, but the entire nation isn't subjected to the outcome of a poor choice. But you take a chance with this virus, it means thousands of more deaths of people who were not willing to take the chance but were exposed to those who did. So comparing this virus with no vaccine to help if you get it to driving in a car or flying a plane is just stump stupid.

This situation is nothing too minimize you stupid mother fucker. I don't want to die because some republican asshole decides we need to reopen a mother fucking donut shop.
So you want to hide under your bed for a year and a half? Because that is what they are claiming for a vaccine.
So just take a moment and explain to everyone how absolutely brilliant Pelosi was walking down Chinatown with no personal protection holding hands and hugging while telling everyone to come join her.
No one expects you to do anything. No one, especially as you put it republican asshole, is going to order you to go to work. Stay at home hiding under your bed and collecting welfare checks. No one cares.
People are already wanting to get back to work. Not everyone wants to be on welfare. They actually want to make a personal choice. You make a personal choice to hide they can make a personal choice to go to work.
Americans have always been about personal choices.
I don't pay attention to Pelosi nor do I equate her walking through an America community with anything. The majority of Americans don't see things as you trump nuts. They want to return to work when it is safe and trump is in far too much of a hurry to make a decision that considers the safety of the american worker. You can stop talking about welfare when you talk to me white boy. And I would very much not want to die in the next year and a half.
I get it the democrats believe that a bad economy makes their chances of winning much better. The problem with that strategy is most will see it as creating more pain for Americans to push politics.
The cult of dementia does not see a way forward for them to the power they crave without creating pain.
Wrong. You are a republican trying to make up what democrats think based on your politics. The number of deaths are rising, this is not about the economy and trump was going to lose before this pandemic if he tried running on an economy he did not create. Over 500,000 infected Americans and 20,000 dead is the issue, not the economy. Most see that (70 percent), not what you see or what any other of the faithful 30 percent of trump worshiping Americans see.
You might want to see things in that light. I can understand that the cult wants to really believe that. But the problem is most independents see that without the economy we have nothing. We might as well just stay hiding until the there is nothing left.
I realize that you don't give him his due because you actually don't want to believe that your party has put up the worst candidates in modern history. You want to believe that 44 was a good president and developed a good economy. The economy did well in spite of him.
With no consumers we have no economy. So understand that. Obama saved us from a depression. That is a fact. And the recovery would have been faster and the economy would have grown more had it not been for republican obstruction. That is a fact also. trump is the worst president in modern times, he replaced G.W. Bush. Both were republicans and it has been you guys who have refused to admit your failed candidate and your failed policies.
Funny how you claim your opinion as facts. The recession officially ended almost before he took office. But he spent like a drunken sailor until the Republicans reigned him in. 44 was beyond a doubt the worst president we have ever had. We will pay for having voted for skin color over real policies for many years.
Yeah you guys have put up real winners. Slick Willy the rapist in Chief. The most corrupt person to ever hold any office in Hillary "I stole from the White House and sold pardons". Now you have an Alzheimer's patient. While small businesses and people are struggling and going under your group wants more to go to unnecessary things. While I have no love for GW he put the legislation in place that got us out of the resession.

I base my words of fact by experts that I have read, studied andposted. The recession did not end before Obama entered office because unemployment rose to 10 percent in his second year. Obama saved us from You voted skin color when you votred for trump anmd this is the disaster that came ofit.
Got to love that you call it studied. That is actually hilarious.
I voted skin color? You are possibly the most deranged individual there is. Was Hillary some unknown skin color other then white? She was corrupt but that is a black heart not a skin color.
You voted for trump based on his skin color. Hillary had no record of corruption. No idictments at all. Trump was in the process of paying out 25 million dollars because he defrauded Americans out of money and you voted for him. So shut up.
I love the crazy. So exactly what color was Trump if not white?
You can try and defend Hillary all you want but the truth of the matter is you were willing to over look everything she had done. I voted for Trump simply for two reasons.
I was tired of the career politicians.
There was no way I could overlook what Hillary had done in the past and was likely to do in the future.
And you have put up an Alzheimer's patient out of how many? You even had women and people of color and it came down to a communist and an Alzheimer's patient both old white guys. Talk about the party of inclusion. I guess.
I was not willing to cover shit for Hillary Clinton. I watched the results of all the investigations over the course of 24 years and not once was she found to be in violation of anything. You idiots voted for a person with no public policy experience and understanding of the constitution, which are basically his workplace standards as the president, for the most important job in our country. If you were hiring on your own job and compared resumes, you would not have hired trump before you hired Clinton. You got tired of career politicians because career politicians in the republican party told you how bad career politicians were while still running for multiple terms. That's how stupid the right wing has been..

You could not overlook what you imagined Clinton to have done yet you voted for a man who was found guilty of defrauding citizens of the nation he wanted to lead. You really make no sense. And you say Biden is an Alzheimer patient while we have looked at trump slurring words and forgetting things he says all the time. trump is a con man and you have been a sucker. Biden is not suffering from Alzheimer's but that is what the RWM is going to tell you until Bidens first term as president is over.
Yeah I imagined that she and bill stole from the White House.
I imagined that she setup a personal server that had classified documents on it.
I imagined that she called the women that yelled about her husband rapping them sluts.
I imagined her handing a Russian a reset button that did not say reset because no one in the U.S. speaks Rusian.
I imagined all the money that was supposed to be sent to Haiti but somehow wasn't.

I love it Biden is not suffering from Alzheimer's? So you agree with him that the only thing that you can do is reelected Trump? You agree that he is running for Senator? I could go on but you will just make excuses. Such is the way of the cult.
You imagine crimes that were never found to be true. I notice you don't talk about trumps fraud settlement. And you don't pay attention to trump repeating himself every day, forgetting what he said and slurring his speech. Such is the way of the cult.
The OP missed the point of how NY gained enough medical capacity to deal with the virus.
The US military provided the extra capacity via the "USN Comfort", the Javits Center, and numerous pop-up mobile hospitals. So whining about the US military completely misses the point. Similarly, Franklin Graham's mobile hospital in Central Park also provided needed overflow capacity.
1. The whiners did nothing to help
2. The doers did what was needed when it was needed
3. You're welcome
People are still getting the virus, people are still dying. The capacity has not been met, supplies are still needed.
1. True, people are still getting the virus, it is very contagious, China's fault.
2. True, people are still dying, but instead of the "expert's" projections of 2.2m, or 240,000 it "only" about 60,000 which is about the same as the regular flu, so call that a "win".
3. According to Governor Cuomo, the bed capacity handled the surge, and the medical supplies were adequate, its medical staff that's needed, and that request is being met via military personnel. All in all, a win for everyone, much better than could have been hoped for.
I don't call 60,000 deaths a win. Plus that's an estimate. We have already lost more than we did in the H1N1 pandemic and the numbers are still growing. So we have no final tallies and you don't know if 60,000 will die or 600,000 will. So there is no victory when you are in the first quarter of a game. And the virus that came to NYC came from Europe. Cuomo is assuming that was the surge, he is the first to say he really doesn't know.

Know the facts before you talk.
The "facts" are:
1. COVID is not a "flu" like H1N1, its a very contagious and very deadly "viral pneumonia"
2. H1N1 had 61m US infected and 12,500 US deaths, COVID currently has 530,000 US infections and already has 21,000 US deaths. The "good news" is that the US is beating the global averages.
3. True, the final tallies will tell the tale, but so far so good. Its better than could have been expected back in March. Will vaccines and new medications be game-changers? Stay tuned. (IMHO Trump will shorten the 18-month vaccine timeline)
4. Its not the 1st quarter, its more like half-time, we're near the peak of the bell-curve.
5. Cuomo is looking at the numbers, the hospitals are starting to lower their census. That is good news.

Those are the facts, so stop being so negative, you're welcome.
The facts are that 20,000 people have died from this and that is almost 8,000 more than died during H1N1. Second there is no good news when people are dying. Third, trump was warned about this and could have got a head start on preparation. We have no idea that we are at a peak or not. Cuomo is looking at the numbers and estimating. I will remain pessimistic while people are dying like this and people are getting infected like this. Stop excusing trumps failures. When this started those like you were taking about how many didn't die because of trump, now it's we are doing better in deaths than the global average. WE HAVE THE MOST NUMBER OF INFECTED PEOPLE AND THE MOST WHO HAVE DIED FROM THIS VIRUS ON PLANET EARTH. You guys will go to any lengths to excuse trump and that's the reason why we are in this mess. Because trump only listens to people who praise him and if nobody praised him then he'd do what it took to get the praise he seeks. In stead you enable him to continue doing an incompetent job and costing lives.
Here are the numbers as of 4/11/20. Look at the "Deaths/million of population" that shows that the US is doing better than most comparable countries based on population.
View attachment 322497

View attachment 322498
Here above is the "expert's" model prediction for US deaths, let's hope the actual deaths are on the low side of the curve.
I don't recognize per capita in situations like this. 20,000 HAVE DIED, 500,000 HAVE THE VIRUS. There is no end in sight and those charts don't predict any. Stop excusing trumps incompetence.
"Per capita" is the only fair way to compare healthcare performance when countries are way different in population.
Not to use "whataboutism" but "incompetence" is rolling out a new healthcare plan and having the new web site not work. I can give many more examples, like giving Iran $billions to fund their nuke development, ICBM development, and their extensive terror networks.
President Trump has been more than competent, if you think otherwise, please give me a few examples, otherwise it's another whiny democrat "hoax" like the Mueller Investigation, Russia Collusion, and the Impeachment fiasco.
The only way for Americans three save themselves is to reject and eject Donald Trump and Republicans from government and power. They have failed their biggest test of protecting American lives and American interests.
yea lets get an all democrat government.....havent you learned anything about what happens when one party controls everything?....

We will be better off with an all democrat government than a republican one at this time.
apparently you havent learned anything either....

I know that we would be better off with a democratic majority in both houses and a democratic president than what we have now. Your both sides are equally bad is a philosophy that needs to be stopped. We almost went into a depression because of a all republican government, the republican majority during Obama stalled economic growth.
sorry wont convince me....i lived in California for 50 years,i have witnessed how it was when there was a fairly even spread of both parties to what it is now,heavily democrat.....and besides that you kinda verified what i said about one party rule when you said this.... "We almost went into a depression because of a all republican government".....
The only way for Americans three save themselves is to reject and eject Donald Trump and Republicans from government and power. They have failed their biggest test of protecting American lives and American interests.
yea lets get an all democrat government.....havent you learned anything about what happens when one party controls everything?....
It will take control of all branches of government for Americans to take back their country and repair the damage done by Trump, McConnell, and other turncoats. Does anyone really want to risk their and their children's lives on a future life and death crisis with the same people in charge?
you do realize that half the country aint democrat?.....the right feels the same way about "taking back the country"...what would be best for everyone would be if both parties went straight to fucking hell..... what would be left is people who actually care about the country and not some fucking useless party...
It's not really half. Both parties are not the same and this belief is why we have trump. So you seem unable to have learned anything. Look at what republicans have done before you talk because democrats have now twice saved this country from poor economic policies of republicans since the 1980's.
like i said....i lived in California and seen what a heavy democrat govt can do to a State....republicans and democrats only care about what they believe,fuck everybody else.....the only reason you cant see what i am saying is because you are a democrat.....
I get it the democrats believe that a bad economy makes their chances of winning much better. The problem with that strategy is most will see it as creating more pain for Americans to push politics.
The cult of dementia does not see a way forward for them to the power they crave without creating pain.
So Republican states are open for business? I’ll help. Nope. You’re just looking for some partisan blame to offset the real incompetent way that the Trump administration handled this.
Sorry to bust your bubble there sparky but I never said that any state was open. Reading is hard for some, understanding is harder for others.
I don't care how a partisan shill for China thinks Trump did. I look at it from the point of how a large amount of independents and those that don't work for foreign governments do.
We need an economy to go back to. While that might hurt your home country it helps us.
You blamed the shut down on Democrats. They are managed state by state. Heavily republican states are shut down. Your partisan hack statement does not hold up. - I explained simply so you can u n d e r s t a n d. And you post about reading comprehension?!?
Now I understand that you have real problems.
As usual. Hit them with reason and facts and they raise the white flag and insult. Trumps followers if nothing are at least consistent.
You might actually post a fact.
I get it the democrats believe that a bad economy makes their chances of winning much better. The problem with that strategy is most will see it as creating more pain for Americans to push politics.
The cult of dementia does not see a way forward for them to the power they crave without creating pain.
So Republican states are open for business? I’ll help. Nope. You’re just looking for some partisan blame to offset the real incompetent way that the Trump administration handled this.
Sorry to bust your bubble there sparky but I never said that any state was open. Reading is hard for some, understanding is harder for others.
I don't care how a partisan shill for China thinks Trump did. I look at it from the point of how a large amount of independents and those that don't work for foreign governments do.
We need an economy to go back to. While that might hurt your home country it helps us.
You aren't thinking for a large number of anyone. We don't need a million deaths just so a few people can make some money. It's obvious you don't understand how business/economy works. You don't have a business when you don't have people wanting or needing what you provide.

Trump wouldn't know how this happens either because he inherited a business that already had customers and he never had to build a customer base to understand how things really work. Most of the businesses he tried starting with his inheritance money failed.
Damn you just can't help but be stupid can you? You don't think that Amazon, grocery stores, the so called essential business and others don't have customers?
Do you think that customers all died off and it is only the ones that are hiding under their beds that are still alive?

LOL. You are really a dumb ass. Open up the economy tomorrow and see what you get.
Roflol. Who said open up the economy tomorrow? No one that I know of has stated any date. Trump at one time stated he hoped by Easter but that was only a hope.
As I stated earlier you want the economy to stay closed until not one unhealthy person remains in the hope that you can lay a failed economy on Trump. Then there are the rest that want to get out and get things back on track. Those that understand that anytime you get in a car you take a chance, any time you fly you take a chance, anytime you do anything you take a chance.
I didn't say anyone did dumb ass. Nobody is wanting what you claim. The sane majority know trump did not build the economy, but that he has taken credit for Obamas work. So my comment to you is start the economy tomorrow or as soon as you think, and see what happens. You take a chance when you base jump, but a lot of people aren't willing to take that chance. You take a chance when you sky dive, but the entire nation isn't subjected to the outcome of a poor choice. But you take a chance with this virus, it means thousands of more deaths of people who were not willing to take the chance but were exposed to those who did. So comparing this virus with no vaccine to help if you get it to driving in a car or flying a plane is just stump stupid.

This situation is nothing too minimize you stupid mother fucker. I don't want to die because some republican asshole decides we need to reopen a mother fucking donut shop.
So you want to hide under your bed for a year and a half? Because that is what they are claiming for a vaccine.
So just take a moment and explain to everyone how absolutely brilliant Pelosi was walking down Chinatown with no personal protection holding hands and hugging while telling everyone to come join her.
No one expects you to do anything. No one, especially as you put it republican asshole, is going to order you to go to work. Stay at home hiding under your bed and collecting welfare checks. No one cares.
People are already wanting to get back to work. Not everyone wants to be on welfare. They actually want to make a personal choice. You make a personal choice to hide they can make a personal choice to go to work.
Americans have always been about personal choices.
I don't pay attention to Pelosi nor do I equate her walking through an America community with anything. The majority of Americans don't see things as you trump nuts. They want to return to work when it is safe and trump is in far too much of a hurry to make a decision that considers the safety of the american worker. You can stop talking about welfare when you talk to me white boy. And I would very much not want to die in the next year and a half.
Love the crazy. So now you want to make it about race, really?
So people that are working now, the fact that companies are hiring means no one wants to work they all want to hide at home? I guess you don't see the fallacy in your assertion.

So the person that has the most political power in your party you pay no attention to until she calls out Trump, rips up the State of the Union address, empeachment the president but when this happens you don't pay attention to her. Do you have a bridge you want to sell? I would believe that more.
I get it the democrats believe that a bad economy makes their chances of winning much better. The problem with that strategy is most will see it as creating more pain for Americans to push politics.
The cult of dementia does not see a way forward for them to the power they crave without creating pain.
Wrong. You are a republican trying to make up what democrats think based on your politics. The number of deaths are rising, this is not about the economy and trump was going to lose before this pandemic if he tried running on an economy he did not create. Over 500,000 infected Americans and 20,000 dead is the issue, not the economy. Most see that (70 percent), not what you see or what any other of the faithful 30 percent of trump worshiping Americans see.
You might want to see things in that light. I can understand that the cult wants to really believe that. But the problem is most independents see that without the economy we have nothing. We might as well just stay hiding until the there is nothing left.
I realize that you don't give him his due because you actually don't want to believe that your party has put up the worst candidates in modern history. You want to believe that 44 was a good president and developed a good economy. The economy did well in spite of him.
With no consumers we have no economy. So understand that. Obama saved us from a depression. That is a fact. And the recovery would have been faster and the economy would have grown more had it not been for republican obstruction. That is a fact also. trump is the worst president in modern times, he replaced G.W. Bush. Both were republicans and it has been you guys who have refused to admit your failed candidate and your failed policies.
Funny how you claim your opinion as facts. The recession officially ended almost before he took office. But he spent like a drunken sailor until the Republicans reigned him in. 44 was beyond a doubt the worst president we have ever had. We will pay for having voted for skin color over real policies for many years.
Yeah you guys have put up real winners. Slick Willy the rapist in Chief. The most corrupt person to ever hold any office in Hillary "I stole from the White House and sold pardons". Now you have an Alzheimer's patient. While small businesses and people are struggling and going under your group wants more to go to unnecessary things. While I have no love for GW he put the legislation in place that got us out of the resession.

I base my words of fact by experts that I have read, studied andposted. The recession did not end before Obama entered office because unemployment rose to 10 percent in his second year. Obama saved us from You voted skin color when you votred for trump anmd this is the disaster that came ofit.
Got to love that you call it studied. That is actually hilarious.
I voted skin color? You are possibly the most deranged individual there is. Was Hillary some unknown skin color other then white? She was corrupt but that is a black heart not a skin color.
You voted for trump based on his skin color. Hillary had no record of corruption. No idictments at all. Trump was in the process of paying out 25 million dollars because he defrauded Americans out of money and you voted for him. So shut up.
I love the crazy. So exactly what color was Trump if not white?
You can try and defend Hillary all you want but the truth of the matter is you were willing to over look everything she had done. I voted for Trump simply for two reasons.
I was tired of the career politicians.
There was no way I could overlook what Hillary had done in the past and was likely to do in the future.
And you have put up an Alzheimer's patient out of how many? You even had women and people of color and it came down to a communist and an Alzheimer's patient both old white guys. Talk about the party of inclusion. I guess.
I was not willing to cover shit for Hillary Clinton. I watched the results of all the investigations over the course of 24 years and not once was she found to be in violation of anything. You idiots voted for a person with no public policy experience and understanding of the constitution, which are basically his workplace standards as the president, for the most important job in our country. If you were hiring on your own job and compared resumes, you would not have hired trump before you hired Clinton. You got tired of career politicians because career politicians in the republican party told you how bad career politicians were while still running for multiple terms. That's how stupid the right wing has been..

You could not overlook what you imagined Clinton to have done yet you voted for a man who was found guilty of defrauding citizens of the nation he wanted to lead. You really make no sense. And you say Biden is an Alzheimer patient while we have looked at trump slurring words and forgetting things he says all the time. trump is a con man and you have been a sucker. Biden is not suffering from Alzheimer's but that is what the RWM is going to tell you until Bidens first term as president is over.
Yeah I imagined that she and bill stole from the White House.
I imagined that she setup a personal server that had classified documents on it.
I imagined that she called the women that yelled about her husband rapping them sluts.
I imagined her handing a Russian a reset button that did not say reset because no one in the U.S. speaks Rusian.
I imagined all the money that was supposed to be sent to Haiti but somehow wasn't.

I love it Biden is not suffering from Alzheimer's? So you agree with him that the only thing that you can do is reelected Trump? You agree that he is running for Senator? I could go on but you will just make excuses. Such is the way of the cult.
You imagine crimes that were never found to be true. I notice you don't talk about trumps fraud settlement. And you don't pay attention to trump repeating himself every day, forgetting what he said and slurring his speech. Such is the way of the cult.
Damn you are dishonest. Did Comey tell the truth when he told congress that they found classified material on her server?

So we saw the same trouble from 44 when he was not reading from a Telepromter or written speech so are you now making a case that he was an Alzheimer's patient?
Trump has not forgotten that he was running for president. He has not forgotten that he does not want his opponent to win.
All I am pointing out is the democrats have placed the bar so low as to be subterranean yet expect the republicans to require better.
America’s addiction to militarism in the years since the Cold War has ultimately spent and — it now seems clear — wasted trillions of dollars to defend against hypothetical threats while leaving us practically helpless for the real ones.

the only real similarity between the 2020 pandemic and actual combat will be the Vietnam War-sized body count of the casualties.

For years, we’ve shunted aside or even ridiculed a so-called “mommy party” of Democrats wanting sissy stuff like hospitals to nurse the sick or pre-schools for our little toddlers, while worshiping a “daddy party” of Democrats keeping us safe with their tanks and drones, not realizing that Dad was actually out every night blowing the budget to get drunk on worthless, exploding gadgets.

COVID Hysteria was a hoax perpetrated by globalists and the media
I get it the democrats believe that a bad economy makes their chances of winning much better. The problem with that strategy is most will see it as creating more pain for Americans to push politics.
The cult of dementia does not see a way forward for them to the power they crave without creating pain.
So Republican states are open for business? I’ll help. Nope. You’re just looking for some partisan blame to offset the real incompetent way that the Trump administration handled this.
Sorry to bust your bubble there sparky but I never said that any state was open. Reading is hard for some, understanding is harder for others.
I don't care how a partisan shill for China thinks Trump did. I look at it from the point of how a large amount of independents and those that don't work for foreign governments do.
We need an economy to go back to. While that might hurt your home country it helps us.
You blamed the shut down on Democrats. They are managed state by state. Heavily republican states are shut down. Your partisan hack statement does not hold up. - I explained simply so you can u n d e r s t a n d. And you post about reading comprehension?!?
Now I understand that you have real problems.
As usual. Hit them with reason and facts and they raise the white flag and insult. Trumps followers if nothing are at least consistent.
You might actually post a fact.
How s l o w must I type for you? You said this shut down was the fault of Democrats and I asked you then why are Republican states shut down then you panicked without an answer and started insults. Now you are caught up.
America’s addiction to militarism in the years since the Cold War has ultimately spent and — it now seems clear — wasted trillions of dollars to defend against hypothetical threats while leaving us practically helpless for the real ones.

the only real similarity between the 2020 pandemic and actual combat will be the Vietnam War-sized body count of the casualties.

For years, we’ve shunted aside or even ridiculed a so-called “mommy party” of Democrats wanting sissy stuff like hospitals to nurse the sick or pre-schools for our little toddlers, while worshiping a “daddy party” of Democrats keeping us safe with their tanks and drones, not realizing that Dad was actually out every night blowing the budget to get drunk on worthless, exploding gadgets.

So, why are all the he wingnutters stocking up on ammo?
The OP missed the point of how NY gained enough medical capacity to deal with the virus.
The US military provided the extra capacity via the "USN Comfort", the Javits Center, and numerous pop-up mobile hospitals. So whining about the US military completely misses the point. Similarly, Franklin Graham's mobile hospital in Central Park also provided needed overflow capacity.
1. The whiners did nothing to help
2. The doers did what was needed when it was needed
3. You're welcome
People are still getting the virus, people are still dying. The capacity has not been met, supplies are still needed.
1. True, people are still getting the virus, it is very contagious, China's fault.
2. True, people are still dying, but instead of the "expert's" projections of 2.2m, or 240,000 it "only" about 60,000 which is about the same as the regular flu, so call that a "win".
3. According to Governor Cuomo, the bed capacity handled the surge, and the medical supplies were adequate, its medical staff that's needed, and that request is being met via military personnel. All in all, a win for everyone, much better than could have been hoped for.
I don't call 60,000 deaths a win. Plus that's an estimate. We have already lost more than we did in the H1N1 pandemic and the numbers are still growing. So we have no final tallies and you don't know if 60,000 will die or 600,000 will. So there is no victory when you are in the first quarter of a game. And the virus that came to NYC came from Europe. Cuomo is assuming that was the surge, he is the first to say he really doesn't know.

Know the facts before you talk.

Look at the little punk making a game out of sickness and death and rooting for death.
I get it the democrats believe that a bad economy makes their chances of winning much better. The problem with that strategy is most will see it as creating more pain for Americans to push politics.
The cult of dementia does not see a way forward for them to the power they crave without creating pain.
Wrong. You are a republican trying to make up what democrats think based on your politics. The number of deaths are rising, this is not about the economy and trump was going to lose before this pandemic if he tried running on an economy he did not create. Over 500,000 infected Americans and 20,000 dead is the issue, not the economy. Most see that (70 percent), not what you see or what any other of the faithful 30 percent of trump worshiping Americans see.
You might want to see things in that light. I can understand that the cult wants to really believe that. But the problem is most independents see that without the economy we have nothing. We might as well just stay hiding until the there is nothing left.
I realize that you don't give him his due because you actually don't want to believe that your party has put up the worst candidates in modern history. You want to believe that 44 was a good president and developed a good economy. The economy did well in spite of him.
With no consumers we have no economy. So understand that. Obama saved us from a depression. That is a fact. And the recovery would have been faster and the economy would have grown more had it not been for republican obstruction. That is a fact also. trump is the worst president in modern times, he replaced G.W. Bush. Both were republicans and it has been you guys who have refused to admit your failed candidate and your failed policies.
What color is the sky in your world?
You imagine crimes that were never found to be true. I notice you don't talk about trumps fraud settlement. And you don't pay attention to trump repeating himself every day, forgetting what he said and slurring his speech. Such is the way of the cult.
Barr and Durham are still working on indictments.

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