No reason to see The Dem Memo

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
WTF do we need to see that when Adam Schiff has continually leaked classified information to the media every chance he could on nearly a daily basis?

We already know what it says, that America needs to start believing Russian Propaganda.

Besides, according to Adam Schiff releasing his Memo is going to cause a Constitutional Crisis and Political Armageddon, Right?
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Trump should refuse to declassify the Dem's memo, just to mess with their heads. :muahaha:
Schiff has leaked every damn detail of everything he could..

That’s what a Putin’s Butt Plug does. It leaks....Anal Leakage... and it stinks.

There won’t be any shockers like we saw with the other memo. It will be the same old discredited Russian Propaganda regurgitated for the Media to hammer its viewers with until the midterms.

Also the Intelligence Committee Memo was not a GOP Memo. The entire Committee voted on it. What was Released WAS the Intelligence Committee Memo.
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It is a ridiculous effort for the democrats and their MSM to play a "war of memos." We all know Obama weaponized the DOJ, DOS, and FBI to attack our democracy. Apparently the name of the FISA judge is out. Could the Obama-appointed FISA judge be so stupid as to think the Crooked Hillary paid for "dossier" was real? Shoudn't the Obama-appointed judge have demanded some evidence to support the content of the Crooked Hillary paid for "dossier."
It is a ridiculous effort for the democrats and their MSM to play a "war of memos." We all know Obama weaponized the DOJ, DOS, and FBI to attack our democracy. Apparently the name of the FISA judge is out. Could the Obama-appointed FISA judge be so stupid as to think the Crooked Hillary paid for "dossier" was real? Shoudn't the Obama-appointed judge have demanded some evidence to support the content of the Crooked Hillary paid for "dossier."

What really pisses off Democrats is they can no longer get away with this crap, its been exposed, no more attempted rigging of elections.
I want people prosecuted for leaking classified information and trafficking in Russian Propaganda!
It is a ridiculous effort for the democrats and their MSM to play a "war of memos." We all know Obama weaponized the DOJ, DOS, and FBI to attack our democracy. Apparently the name of the FISA judge is out. Could the Obama-appointed FISA judge be so stupid as to think the Crooked Hillary paid for "dossier" was real? Shoudn't the Obama-appointed judge have demanded some evidence to support the content of the Crooked Hillary paid for "dossier."

What really pisses off Democrats is they can no longer get away with this crap, its been exposed, no more attempted rigging of elections.
WTF do we need to see that when Adam Schiff has continually leaked classified information to the media every chance he could on nearly a daily basis?

We already know what it says, that America needs to start believing Russian Propaganda.

Besides, according to Adam Schiff releasing his Memo is going to cause a Constitutional Crisis and Political Armageddon, Right?

We need to see it because it is a different take. When you talk about the Russians, Russian twitter bots were pushing the #releasethememo. Why is it the Russians are helping Trump and the Republicans?
It is a ridiculous effort for the democrats and their MSM to play a "war of memos." We all know Obama weaponized the DOJ, DOS, and FBI to attack our democracy. Apparently the name of the FISA judge is out. Could the Obama-appointed FISA judge be so stupid as to think the Crooked Hillary paid for "dossier" was real? Shoudn't the Obama-appointed judge have demanded some evidence to support the content of the Crooked Hillary paid for "dossier."

That is what Republicans and Trump are trying to do. Another lying Trump weasel.
busybee01, do you watch fake news MSNBC and think it is real?
Trump should refuse to declassify the Dem's memo, just to mess with their heads. :muahaha:

"I will let it out when BO shows his real BC, not the forgery".......oh yeah "and his College admission records".
^^^^^ Birther^^^^ ^^^^Retard^^^

I'm not the one who published a book "born in Kenya" for starters.

OK, maybe HI? But "born in Kenya" for affirmative action? To gain favorable admission? I "was born in Kenya" until I don't need to use it. Can't have it both ways. All DemWitted loons struggle with Truth & honesty......we know. Trust me.
It is a ridiculous effort for the democrats and their MSM to play a "war of memos." We all know Obama weaponized the DOJ, DOS, and FBI to attack our democracy. Apparently the name of the FISA judge is out. Could the Obama-appointed FISA judge be so stupid as to think the Crooked Hillary paid for "dossier" was real? Shoudn't the Obama-appointed judge have demanded some evidence to support the content of the Crooked Hillary paid for "dossier."
. What about how the Demon-crats have weaponized the poor issues in this country ?? Otherwise by using them, and (the big one) was the increasing of their numbers exponentially over the years, and this just for the purpose of keeping political power, and gaining political power through the "power of poverty" in which they know when they throw it into the frey or pot, then they can play on people's compassionate side.... They do this in order to try and shove an issue or issues through in these ways. The gig is up, and people should be able to see exactly what the game has been for way to long now by these Demon-crats.
Trump should refuse to declassify the Dem's memo, just to mess with their heads. :muahaha:

"I will let it out when BO shows his real BC, not the forgery".......oh yeah "and his College admission records".
^^^^^ Birther^^^^ ^^^^Retard^^^

I'm not the one who published a book "born in Kenya" for starters.

OK, maybe HI? But "born in Kenya" for affirmative action? To gain favorable admission? I "was born in Kenya" until I don't need to use it. Can't have it both ways. All DemWitted loons struggle with Truth & honesty......we know. Trust me.

Dupe gonna be duped.
Adam Schiff said that when you do this sort of thing, you bring people in, and put them under oath etc. Then he said but that isn't what they did, because it was a political hit job on the FBI..

Ok Mr. Schiff, so where was that rehtoric when they brought Hillary in, but didn't put her under oath excetra excetra ??

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