No, the Georgia Voter-Fraud Video Has NOT Been "Debunked"

Contrary to liberal mythology and fact-free "fact checkers," the video showing apparent election fraud at a vote-counting center in Georgia has not been explained, much less "debunked."

The Georgia Vote-Counting Video Was Not 'Debunked.' Not Even Close (

The federalist isn't a reliable source for information. It's a far right rag that is known for publishing lies.

Here in reality, Georgia certified their votes today. AGAIN.

For the THIRD time.

Those votes have been counted three times. Once by hand audit.

All you're now doing is making a total fool of yourself, trump and all trump followers. Which is your right.

I will point out, that if there was any real fraud or cheating it would have quickly been taken to court by trump and his lawyers in one of their 40 something cases thus far.

Thus far, they've lost all cases of fraud or cheating.

It's easy to lie on the internet, in an article or in front of TV cameras. There are no consequences.

It's a very different thing to lie to a judge in court which is why trump has lost all of his first string of lawyers and is left with giuliani who is now in the hospital with the virus.

No reputable lawyer is willing to lie to a judge for trump and face losing their law license, being disbarred and possible legal trouble for perjury. Which is why all trump's lawyers quit on him quickly after just being in front of a judge a couple times.

Stupid people like you will lap that up and beg for more.

Thankfully you stupid people are a minority in this nation.

Get used to President Joe Biden for the next 4 years.


The federalists used to be a honorable organization. However like so much of the so-called conservative movement it has been corrupted by Trump. Worth noting that several of the judges who have dismissed Trump's lawsuits are members of the Federalist Society. They clearly did not sell their souls as they followed the law.
You’re expecting us to believe a flaming Liberal such as yourself, even for moment, respected a Conservative group.

Voting for Biden does not make you a liberal. You right wing Nazis are not conservatives.
Liberals, can you explain why the ballot counts changed late at night AFTER everyone was sent home and all counting stopped? Try to do this without name calling, posting silly internet memes or youtube videos of songs.

Until that Maddow guy says it
It never happened.
Liberals, can you explain why the ballot counts changed late at night AFTER everyone was sent home and all counting stopped? Try to do this without name calling, posting silly internet memes or youtube videos of songs.

Lag time?
The machines were on colored people time?
Contrary to liberal mythology and fact-free "fact checkers," the video showing apparent election fraud at a vote-counting center in Georgia has not been explained, much less "debunked."

The Georgia Vote-Counting Video Was Not 'Debunked.' Not Even Close (

The federalist isn't a reliable source for information. It's a far right rag that is known for publishing lies.

Here in reality, Georgia certified their votes today. AGAIN.

For the THIRD time.

Those votes have been counted three times. Once by hand audit.

All you're now doing is making a total fool of yourself, trump and all trump followers. Which is your right.

I will point out, that if there was any real fraud or cheating it would have quickly been taken to court by trump and his lawyers in one of their 40 something cases thus far.

Thus far, they've lost all cases of fraud or cheating.

It's easy to lie on the internet, in an article or in front of TV cameras. There are no consequences.

It's a very different thing to lie to a judge in court which is why trump has lost all of his first string of lawyers and is left with giuliani who is now in the hospital with the virus.

No reputable lawyer is willing to lie to a judge for trump and face losing their law license, being disbarred and possible legal trouble for perjury. Which is why all trump's lawyers quit on him quickly after just being in front of a judge a couple times.

Stupid people like you will lap that up and beg for more.

Thankfully you stupid people are a minority in this nation.

Get used to President Joe Biden for the next 4 years.


The federalists used to be a honorable organization. However like so much of the so-called conservative movement it has been corrupted by Trump. Worth noting that several of the judges who have dismissed Trump's lawsuits are members of the Federalist Society. They clearly did not sell their souls as they followed the law.
You expect Open Borders Conservatives to support Trump?
You are mentally ill.

Trump supporters are mentally ill. Only so-callede conservatives who have sold their soul to the devil support Trump.

Dismiss 73 million real Americans at your peril
Contrary to liberal mythology and fact-free "fact checkers," the video showing apparent election fraud at a vote-counting center in Georgia has not been explained, much less "debunked."

The Georgia Vote-Counting Video Was Not 'Debunked.' Not Even Close (
Tick Tock...January 20th is coming. Tick Tock

So is January 5th. With just 1 Republican win in GA Biden will be a child molesting impotent president.

Impotency will take most of the fun out of child molesting.
Contrary to liberal mythology and fact-free "fact checkers," the video showing apparent election fraud at a vote-counting center in Georgia has not been explained, much less "debunked."

The Georgia Vote-Counting Video Was Not 'Debunked.' Not Even Close (

The federalist isn't a reliable source for information. It's a far right rag that is known for publishing lies.

Here in reality, Georgia certified their votes today. AGAIN.

For the THIRD time.

Those votes have been counted three times. Once by hand audit.

All you're now doing is making a total fool of yourself, trump and all trump followers. Which is your right.

I will point out, that if there was any real fraud or cheating it would have quickly been taken to court by trump and his lawyers in one of their 40 something cases thus far.

Thus far, they've lost all cases of fraud or cheating.

It's easy to lie on the internet, in an article or in front of TV cameras. There are no consequences.

It's a very different thing to lie to a judge in court which is why trump has lost all of his first string of lawyers and is left with giuliani who is now in the hospital with the virus.

No reputable lawyer is willing to lie to a judge for trump and face losing their law license, being disbarred and possible legal trouble for perjury. Which is why all trump's lawyers quit on him quickly after just being in front of a judge a couple times.

Stupid people like you will lap that up and beg for more.

Thankfully you stupid people are a minority in this nation.

Get used to President Joe Biden for the next 4 years.


The federalists used to be a honorable organization. However like so much of the so-called conservative movement it has been corrupted by Trump. Worth noting that several of the judges who have dismissed Trump's lawsuits are members of the Federalist Society. They clearly did not sell their souls as they followed the law.
You expect Open Borders Conservatives to support Trump?
You are mentally ill.
LOL...Now Kemp is an "open borders conservative" huh?
Every R and D votes against Americans.

I am looking forward to it, and like always, I will be armed.
MAC1958 thinks it is funny that I am armed, so I guess it must be hilarious that I have put four people in the hospital as well.

Libtards are so fooking stooooooopedo.

What? You want a medal or a chest to pin it on? You think people admire you because of what you have done? You sound almost one step up from a Neanderthal...
Conservative neocon, Deplorable whackadoodles are sooooo predictable...and violent...

Says the coward.
Contrary to liberal mythology and fact-free "fact checkers," the video showing apparent election fraud at a vote-counting center in Georgia has not been explained, much less "debunked."

The Georgia Vote-Counting Video Was Not 'Debunked.' Not Even Close (

Sure it has.

A poll worker separates ballots from envelopes and puts the ballots into a designated ballot storage box on camera. Later, a poll worker opens that designated ballot storage box and counts the ballots on camera.

That's not a conspiracy. That's called chain of custody.
Yea at 10pm Trump had a comfy lead in all 6 swing states. Then counting stopped. When it resumed, Trump lost like every single one of those states to Biden.

Nah, that's totally normal.

Stat: No president has ever GAINED 11 million votes over his previous term and lost. EVER. And lost to a senile old pervert who didn't even campaign until the final few days and had 12 people at each campaign stop while Trump would fill a stadium.

Yea, sure, Trump lost. And pigs fly.
Biden stole it, and while they were stealing that, they lost everything else.

So question for all of you “de-bonkers”, how exactly has this story been de-bonked?
Seems like that is your (and the media’s) new favorite word to just dismiss anything you don’t agree with.
“Senator, you are being accused of corruption and taking bribes. There is video evidence of your son accepting a brief case that has “bribe money” embroidered on it in big red letters. There are sworn affidavits from the people who handed your son the briefcase. We have the bank records of your son depositing the cash amount into his bank, the same exact amount the witnesses testify that they paid you. Immediately following acceptance of this money, you voted on a bill in which you earmarked a multi-million dollar contract to the company owned by the man handing your son the briefcase. We also have emails in which your son discussed accepting the money, and the subject title of the emails is “meeting to take bribes”, contained in the email your son bitches that he has “to cut the big guy his tribute”. How do you answer these charges?”
“That’s not true. The video was faked, the faked video was stolen by Russians, and I don’t appreciate you picking on my son. This is just a smear”
“Well that does it for me. I believe this story has been completely de-bonked”.
If the federalist says it is not debunked, then that is unassailable proof that it IS debunked.
Thank you!
You don't accept proof. What you do accept is likely to be found in the national enquirer, etc..


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