No, the Georgia Voter-Fraud Video Has NOT Been "Debunked"

If the federalist says it is not debunked, then that is unassailable proof that it IS debunked.
Thank you!
You don't accept proof. What you do accept is likely to be found in the national enquirer, etc..

Hey dumbass, that photo is NOT the National Enquirer, but you are too STUPID to know the difference and too LAZY to care. In any case the National Enquirer and Weekly World News are infinitely more credible than the Federalist!!!!
Here is the "source" of the Federalists' LIOES:

Mollie Ziegler Hemingway is a senior editor at The Federalist. She is Senior Journalism Fellow at Hillsdale College and a Fox News contributor.
Gee Hillsdale College and FAUX gossip, two really unbiased sources. NOT!
So being a Fox News contributor discredits her? So appearing in a channel and giving your opinion or being interviewed makes you unreliable?
What kind of stupid assed opinion is that?
You don’t like what said, therefore shoot the messenger.
It’s amazing. I often wonder just what kind of proof would it take to actually get a liberal to consider even the possibility of wrong doing by your people.
Video doesn’t seem to matter. Eye wtinesses. Emails. The persons own freaking words all but verifying the claims.
Circumstantial evidence piles up, and it’s just immediately dismissed. Be honest, you don’t consider any of it for a second. You just rush to the defense of “your team”.
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If the federalist says it is not debunked, then that is unassailable proof that it IS debunked.
Thank you!
You don't accept proof. What you do accept is likely to be found in the national enquirer, etc..

Hey dumbass, that photo is NOT the National Enquirer, but you are too STUPID to know the difference and too LAZY to care. In any case the National Enquirer and Weekly World News are infinitely more credible than the Federalist!!!!
Here is the "source" of the Federalists' LIOES:

Mollie Ziegler Hemingway is a senior editor at The Federalist. She is Senior Journalism Fellow at Hillsdale College and a Fox News contributor.
Gee Hillsdale College and FAUX gossip, two really unbiased sources. NOT!
So being a Fox News contributor discredits her? So appearing in a channel and giving your opinion or being interviewed makes you unreliable?
What kind of stupid assed opinion is that?
You don’t like what said, therefore shoot the messenger.
It’s amazing. I often wonder just what kind of proof would it take to actually get a liberal to acknowledge wrong doing by your people.
Video doesn’t seem to matter. Eye wtinesses. Emails. The persons own freaking words all but verifying the claims.
idiot2 ambrose b.jpg
If the federalist says it is not debunked, then that is unassailable proof that it IS debunked.
Thank you!
You don't accept proof. What you do accept is likely to be found in the national enquirer, etc..

Hey dumbass, that photo is NOT the National Enquirer, but you are too STUPID to know the difference and too LAZY to care. In any case the National Enquirer and Weekly World News are infinitely more credible than the Federalist!!!!
Here is the "source" of the Federalists' LIOES:

Mollie Ziegler Hemingway is a senior editor at The Federalist. She is Senior Journalism Fellow at Hillsdale College and a Fox News contributor.
Gee Hillsdale College and FAUX gossip, two really unbiased sources. NOT!
So being a Fox News contributor discredits her? So appearing in a channel and giving your opinion or being interviewed makes you unreliable?
What kind of stupid assed opinion is that?
You don’t like what said, therefore shoot the messenger.
It’s amazing. I often wonder just what kind of proof would it take to actually get a liberal to acknowledge wrong doing by your people.
Video doesn’t seem to matter. Eye wtinesses. Emails. The persons own freaking words all but verifying the claims.
View attachment 426714
They don’t even consider the possibility of wrong doing. Just dismissed outright.
It’s truly somethjng.

So question for all of you “de-bonkers”, how exactly has this story been de-bonked?
Seems like that is your (and the media’s) new favorite word to just dismiss anything you don’t agree with.
“Senator, you are being accused of corruption and taking bribes. There is video evidence of your son accepting a brief case that has “bribe money” embroidered on it in big red letters. There are sworn affidavits from the people who handed your son the briefcase. We have the bank records of your son depositing the cash amount into his bank, the same exact amount the witnesses testify that they paid you. Immediately following acceptance of this money, you voted on a bill in which you earmarked a multi-million dollar contract to the company owned by the man handing your son the briefcase. We also have emails in which your son discussed accepting the money, and the subject title of the emails is “meeting to take bribes”, contained in the email your son bitches that he has “to cut the big guy his tribute”. How do you answer these charges?”
“That’s not true. The video was faked, the faked video was stolen by Russians, and I don’t appreciate you picking on my son. This is just a smear”
“Well that does it for me. I believe this story has been completely de-bonked”.

The burden of proof lies with the accuser. There is no need to 'debunk' these accusations. Those that make the accusations MUST prove them.

They are proven--there would be no need to lie or to play games if they weren't true. The only reason why you BREAK the laws and hide from oversight during the election is if you were cheating.

So question for all of you “de-bonkers”, how exactly has this story been de-bonked?
Seems like that is your (and the media’s) new favorite word to just dismiss anything you don’t agree with.
“Senator, you are being accused of corruption and taking bribes. There is video evidence of your son accepting a brief case that has “bribe money” embroidered on it in big red letters. There are sworn affidavits from the people who handed your son the briefcase. We have the bank records of your son depositing the cash amount into his bank, the same exact amount the witnesses testify that they paid you. Immediately following acceptance of this money, you voted on a bill in which you earmarked a multi-million dollar contract to the company owned by the man handing your son the briefcase. We also have emails in which your son discussed accepting the money, and the subject title of the emails is “meeting to take bribes”, contained in the email your son bitches that he has “to cut the big guy his tribute”. How do you answer these charges?”
“That’s not true. The video was faked, the faked video was stolen by Russians, and I don’t appreciate you picking on my son. This is just a smear”
“Well that does it for me. I believe this story has been completely de-bonked”.
If the federalist says it is not debunked, then that is unassailable proof that it IS debunked.
Thank you!
You don't accept proof. What you do accept is likely to be found in the national enquirer, etc..

Hey dumbass, that photo is NOT the National Enquirer, but you are too STUPID to know the difference and too LAZY to care. In any case the National Enquirer and Weekly World News are infinitely more credible than the Federalist!!!!
Here is the "source" of the Federalists' LIOES:

Mollie Ziegler Hemingway is a senior editor at The Federalist. She is Senior Journalism Fellow at Hillsdale College and a Fox News contributor.
Gee Hillsdale College and FAUX gossip, two really unbiased sources. NOT!
So being a Fox News contributor discredits her? So appearing in a channel and giving your opinion or being interviewed makes you unreliable?
What kind of stupid assed opinion is that?
You don’t like what said, therefore shoot the messenger.
It’s amazing. I often wonder just what kind of proof would it take to actually get a liberal to consider even the possibility of wrong doing by your people.
Video doesn’t seem to matter. Eye wtinesses. Emails. The persons own freaking words all but verifying the claims.
Circumstantial evidence piles up, and it’s just immediately dismissed. Be honest, you don’t consider any of it for a second. You just rush to the defense of “your team”.

So question for all of you “de-bonkers”, how exactly has this story been de-bonked?
Seems like that is your (and the media’s) new favorite word to just dismiss anything you don’t agree with.
“Senator, you are being accused of corruption and taking bribes. There is video evidence of your son accepting a brief case that has “bribe money” embroidered on it in big red letters. There are sworn affidavits from the people who handed your son the briefcase. We have the bank records of your son depositing the cash amount into his bank, the same exact amount the witnesses testify that they paid you. Immediately following acceptance of this money, you voted on a bill in which you earmarked a multi-million dollar contract to the company owned by the man handing your son the briefcase. We also have emails in which your son discussed accepting the money, and the subject title of the emails is “meeting to take bribes”, contained in the email your son bitches that he has “to cut the big guy his tribute”. How do you answer these charges?”
“That’s not true. The video was faked, the faked video was stolen by Russians, and I don’t appreciate you picking on my son. This is just a smear”
“Well that does it for me. I believe this story has been completely de-bonked”.


View attachment 426670
Juvenile... then again, you're in good company on your side of the aisle.
Talk about a zombie lie.

No suit cases. No hidden ballots, No missing observers.

Give it up ladies.

It's over

Save what's left of your tattered dignity
None of this $hit matters in the slightest any longer.

SCOTUS just put a cap in your a$$.


It's over.
That's not quite fair. Apart from not having seen that aphorism in any of Clemen's writing - and I've read a fair bit of it - it's quite obvious that tiny pieces of cherry picked evidence will always persuade deplorables.

So question for all of you “de-bonkers”, how exactly has this story been de-bonked?
Seems like that is your (and the media’s) new favorite word to just dismiss anything you don’t agree with.
“Senator, you are being accused of corruption and taking bribes. There is video evidence of your son accepting a brief case that has “bribe money” embroidered on it in big red letters. There are sworn affidavits from the people who handed your son the briefcase. We have the bank records of your son depositing the cash amount into his bank, the same exact amount the witnesses testify that they paid you. Immediately following acceptance of this money, you voted on a bill in which you earmarked a multi-million dollar contract to the company owned by the man handing your son the briefcase. We also have emails in which your son discussed accepting the money, and the subject title of the emails is “meeting to take bribes”, contained in the email your son bitches that he has “to cut the big guy his tribute”. How do you answer these charges?”
“That’s not true. The video was faked, the faked video was stolen by Russians, and I don’t appreciate you picking on my son. This is just a smear”
“Well that does it for me. I believe this story has been completely de-bonked”.

The burden of proof lies with the accuser. There is no need to 'debunk' these accusations. Those that make the accusations MUST prove them.

They are proven--there would be no need to lie or to play games if they weren't true. The only reason why you BREAK the laws and hide from oversight during the election is if you were cheating.

None of these accusations have been proven. The only ones lying and playing games are butt hurt Trumpbots like yourself.

Get a grip on reality!
Contrary to liberal mythology and fact-free "fact checkers," the video showing apparent election fraud at a vote-counting center in Georgia has not been explained, much less "debunked."

The Georgia Vote-Counting Video Was Not 'Debunked.' Not Even Close (
Source: The Federalist.
The attorneys for your treasonous messiah said in court there was no fraud. Then they tell you idiots there was so you keep sending money to the vrifter in chief.

Putin loves you
Another Dim talking point that has been debunked numerous times.
All the people who were told to leave are lying. The video which shows them leaving is lying.
Maybe the Russians made the video? Bet it’s a deep fake they found in hunters fake laptop.
Sarcasm, btw
Stephen Crowder has a great video of one of the workers not sent home being brought trays of brand new
mail in ballots all set to be turned into Biden votes.

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