no wall - no country

I said Iranian solders who went there to kill Americans. Don't you know anything?

NO real evidence that happened. most of the guys we fought over there were Iraqis who didn't like us invading their country.

Of course Americans are the bad guy just like white people are always the bad guy. You're not only a self-hating white, but a self-hating American as well. Typical lefty to stick up for the enemy instead of his own country.

Naw, man, I'm one who recognizes cause and effect. You see, in 1953, we overthrew a democratically elected Prime Minister to impose the Shah as an autocrat. (Before that, he was largely a constitutional monarch with limited powers). The CIA did this at the behest of British Petroleum, a corporation which wasn't even American. the PM wanted to nationalize the oil, and BP Screamed "Communism" and the CIA went into action.

The Shah then proceeded to imprison, torture and execute any political opposition, except for the Clergy, which he couldn't touch because the people wouldn't stand for it. so when his gross incompetence became so bad that the people rose up against him en masse....


The only leaders they had were the Clergy.

We took the Shah in instead of turning him over as a war criminal, which is why they took our people hostage. (They thought we were plotting another coup). We've spent the last 40 years punishing Iran at the behest of Israel and the Oil Companies.

What does American corporations have to do with China manipulating their own money to get unfair trade deals?

Who do you think opens all the factories over there to get cheap stuff?

I see, so you want to find a way to level trade deals and nobody has to pay for a short time. You sure didn't have that problem with Commie Care where fees were raised from dental to Veterinarians because of the huge tax on medical supplies and equipment that we all have to pay.

Well, technically, the insurance company paid those, but never mind.

You don't have a problem with doubling the minimum wage which would increase the price of products, create a domino effect, and cause inflation, which in turn would give foreign made products more of an advantage.

We've already established it won't. Raising the minimum wage would increase the cost of a big mac by all of .17 cents. I can live with that.

You didn't have a problem with green energy which would drain many American households.

Yes, because Global Warming is a real danger, dummy.

But to pay more money to buy American made products? Now you surrender-first liberals have a problem with that.

Again, nobody is stopping you from buying "American Made" products, whatever that means anymore. Fords are being made in Mexico and Toyotas in Tennessee out of parts coming from China... but whatever.
I would love it if the Democrats called his bluff and held firm.

That would take expect a Democrat Party capitulation at the first sign of difficulty.
Who do you think opens all the factories over there to get cheap stuff?

The Chinese for the most part. That's who we buy products from.

Well, technically, the insurance company paid those, but never mind.

Yea, and then the insurance company has to pay for it. How do insurance companies recoup their losses? That's right, they increase the costs of premiums, and you and I eventually pay for all that stuff.

We've already established it won't. Raising the minimum wage would increase the cost of a big mac by all of .17 cents. I can live with that.

Yes it would, but that's because a McDonald's. sells 500 Big Macs a day, 400 hamburgers a day. 1,200 french fries a day, and 1,500 soft drinks. But Earl at Earl's hardware store doesn't sell 400 hammers a day. Wanda at Wanda's floral shop doesn't sell 400 roses a day.

Not just Seattle. NYC feeling the heat from minimum wage hikes

Seattle’s minimum wage hike hurting low-level workers, study says

Yes, because Global Warming is a real danger, dummy.

No, global warming is an unproven hoax dummy. And Democrats are more than willing to ripoff the poor of our society to promote it.

Again, nobody is stopping you from buying "American Made" products, whatever that means anymore. Fords are being made in Mexico and Toyotas in Tennessee out of parts coming from China... but whatever.

When an American shopper sees two alarm clocks: one is $6.00 and the other is $19.99, most every shopper will buy the six dollar one no matter where it's made. That's why few stores carry American made products. They just don't sell when next to foreign made products.
Trump needs to learn you don’t shut down Government in an election year

Actually, based on polls that the majority of Americans agree there is an issue with your immigration rules, this can fairly be attached to the Democrats who refuse to address Americans Citizens concerns. It will further create a chasm between the alt-left, far left an the more traditional Democrats.

If he is direct to the public, and says "I want a wall to protect our borders and citizens, I want changes to our immigration to ensure we accept great citizens into the U.S LEGALLY and on merit, the opposition is not willing to support this" I imagine, just as on trade, that he will earn many votes outside just his strongest supporters.

He was elected on changing trade deals and confront trade abusers, and, his position on immigration which many Americans see as broken. Honestly, $25B is the deal of the century based on the costs you incur for illegal immigration.

The people who put him over the top was the 25% of the electorate who was voting against the other person. It had nothing to do with his policies. If they were voting for their candidate Trump would have lost.,
another Trump deflection -

Trump threatens to 'shut down' government unless Democrats agree to fund Mexico wall

how did that work for you last time you idiot ?

or did your senile mind forget about it ..

I guess it's your senile mind that forgot it was the commiecrats who shut down the government last time over DACA, then they refused to vote for a fix.


I guess it's your senile mind that forgot the Trump fix got a vote in the Senate and could not get a majority. It got the fewest votes of the alternatives that were voted on in the Senate.
Trump needs to learn you don’t shut down Government in an election year

Actually, based on polls that the majority of Americans agree there is an issue with your immigration rules, this can fairly be attached to the Democrats who refuse to address Americans Citizens concerns. It will further create a chasm between the alt-left, far left an the more traditional Democrats.

If he is direct to the public, and says "I want a wall to protect our borders and citizens, I want changes to our immigration to ensure we accept great citizens into the U.S LEGALLY and on merit, the opposition is not willing to support this" I imagine, just as on trade, that he will earn many votes outside just his strongest supporters.

He was elected on changing trade deals and confront trade abusers, and, his position on immigration which many Americans see as broken. Honestly, $25B is the deal of the century based on the costs you incur for illegal immigration.
Republicans have played that card to death
Most Americans DONT want a wall. Most Americans are offended by Trumps immigration tactics

Shutting down government in a temper tantrum won’t help Republicans in tight district runs

Trump really won't be responsible for shutting down the government. We elect officials to tax, spend and create regulations all of which are Republican led. If the Democrats get in the way of the work people elected, it's the Democrats that will shut down the government.

Now, in the past the MSM has been able to lie about all this while the Republicans sat virtually silent. But Trump has a big mouth and a Twitter account with a lot of followers. He will explain to the people exactly who is to blame and why.

Trump is calling for a government shutdown for the wall. If Republicans follow through then it will be hard to deflect the blame.
Republicans have played that card to death
Most Americans DONT want a wall. Most Americans are offended by Trumps immigration tactics

Shutting down government in a temper tantrum won’t help Republicans in tight district runs

Trump really won't be responsible for shutting down the government. We elect officials to tax, spend and create regulations all of which are Republican led. If the Democrats get in the way of the work people elected, it's the Democrats that will shut down the government.

Now, in the past the MSM has been able to lie about all this while the Republicans sat virtually silent. But Trump has a big mouth and a Twitter account with a lot of followers. He will explain to the people exactly who is to blame and why.
If it is shut down over the wall......
Republicans will take the blame in an election year
If the government is shut down because dems refuse to build the wall you will see massive gains in republicans next election.
The public does not want a wall

If Republicans shut down the government weeks before the election, they will lose both the House and Senate
You’re delusional. Yes the public does want the wall. And if the Dems shut down the government over funding it you’ll get your ass kicked. It won’t be blamed on republicans. It’s coming down on you, hard. Go ahead and refuse to fund the wall. The TV and radio spots will write themselves.

They do not. Even Rasmussen cannot find voters who want a wall.

Most Voters Say ‘No’ To Border Wall - Rasmussen Reports®
another Trump deflection -

Trump threatens to 'shut down' government unless Democrats agree to fund Mexico wall

how did that work for you last time you idiot ?

or did your senile mind forget about it ..

I guess it's your senile mind that forgot it was the commiecrats who shut down the government last time over DACA, then they refused to vote for a fix.


I guess it's your senile mind that forgot the Trump fix got a vote in the Senate and could not get a majority. It got the fewest votes of the alternatives that were voted on in the Senate.

Really, that's not the way I remember the events, you got a link?

Because the whole country are not swing states. Take note how Trump didn't spend much time in NY or California. He had no chance at winning there, so he spent his time in smaller swing states or states he had a possibility of turning over like PA. Hillary spent little time there because she figured the highly populated states would be enough to gain her sufficient EC votes.

Wow, Fifty First Dates, the point went right over your head, didn't it?

You're starting to catch on. If the candidates were working for each and every vote, the entire strategy would have been different for Trump. So there is no way of knowing who would have one the actual popular vote because a lot of people didn't waste their time voting.

It wouldn't have mattered if his strategy was different or not. There was no scenario where that guy was going to win the popular vote. If people's votes actually mattered in the other 47 states, they'd have shown up for Hillary. If people in the three states that did matter weren't told she 'had this in the bag", they wouldn't have pissed away their votes on third party candidates.

Trump is an anomoly created by a bad system few people really understand and really makes no sense at this point. Every day he shows his lack of fitness for the job. Every fucking day.

Lack of fitness. Let's see, he's brining our trading partners to the table for a better deal for the US, he got us out of terrible deals like the Paris Accord and the Iran stall agreement, he brought home US prisoners as well as the remains of Korean war veterans, the economy hasn't been this good since the 90's, we have more jobs than people to do them, consumer confidence at a 17 year high, 92% of his illegal alien arrests ended up in conviction, he got rid of the Commie Care mandate on businesses and individuals alike, but he's not fit to be President.

Get your head out of the sand. If you don't like the guy, that's fine. But he's done more in his near first two years than DumBama did in eight, and most things Trump did were positive for the people instead of negative.

A majority of Americans oppose his policies.

Fox News

Positive 43%
Negative 55%

International Trade
Positive 41%
Negative 53%

Foreign Policy
Positive 41%
Negative 53%

Do you think President Trump's policies on international trade are helping the U.S. economy, hurting the economy, or are they not making much of a difference either way?

Democrats 8%
Republicans 55%
independents 15%
another Trump deflection -

Trump threatens to 'shut down' government unless Democrats agree to fund Mexico wall

how did that work for you last time you idiot ?

or did your senile mind forget about it ..

I guess it's your senile mind that forgot it was the commiecrats who shut down the government last time over DACA, then they refused to vote for a fix.


I guess it's your senile mind that forgot the Trump fix got a vote in the Senate and could not get a majority. It got the fewest votes of the alternatives that were voted on in the Senate.

Really, that's not the way I remember the events, you got a link?


Oof: Trump's immigration plan fails to get even 40 votes in the Senate
another Trump deflection -

Trump threatens to 'shut down' government unless Democrats agree to fund Mexico wall

how did that work for you last time you idiot ?

or did your senile mind forget about it ..

I guess it's your senile mind that forgot it was the commiecrats who shut down the government last time over DACA, then they refused to vote for a fix.


I guess it's your senile mind that forgot the Trump fix got a vote in the Senate and could not get a majority. It got the fewest votes of the alternatives that were voted on in the Senate.

Really, that's not the way I remember the events, you got a link?


Oof: Trump's immigration plan fails to get even 40 votes in the Senate

Thanks, seems none of the 4 bills got the necessary 60 votes to proceed. Just more proof the commiecrats want the issue, not a solution.

Because the whole country are not swing states. Take note how Trump didn't spend much time in NY or California. He had no chance at winning there, so he spent his time in smaller swing states or states he had a possibility of turning over like PA. Hillary spent little time there because she figured the highly populated states would be enough to gain her sufficient EC votes.

Wow, Fifty First Dates, the point went right over your head, didn't it?

You're starting to catch on. If the candidates were working for each and every vote, the entire strategy would have been different for Trump. So there is no way of knowing who would have one the actual popular vote because a lot of people didn't waste their time voting.

It wouldn't have mattered if his strategy was different or not. There was no scenario where that guy was going to win the popular vote. If people's votes actually mattered in the other 47 states, they'd have shown up for Hillary. If people in the three states that did matter weren't told she 'had this in the bag", they wouldn't have pissed away their votes on third party candidates.

Trump is an anomoly created by a bad system few people really understand and really makes no sense at this point. Every day he shows his lack of fitness for the job. Every fucking day.

Lack of fitness. Let's see, he's brining our trading partners to the table for a better deal for the US, he got us out of terrible deals like the Paris Accord and the Iran stall agreement, he brought home US prisoners as well as the remains of Korean war veterans, the economy hasn't been this good since the 90's, we have more jobs than people to do them, consumer confidence at a 17 year high, 92% of his illegal alien arrests ended up in conviction, he got rid of the Commie Care mandate on businesses and individuals alike, but he's not fit to be President.

Get your head out of the sand. If you don't like the guy, that's fine. But he's done more in his near first two years than DumBama did in eight, and most things Trump did were positive for the people instead of negative.

A majority of Americans oppose his policies.

Fox News

Positive 43%
Negative 55%

International Trade
Positive 41%
Negative 53%

Foreign Policy
Positive 41%
Negative 53%

Do you think President Trump's policies on international trade are helping the U.S. economy, hurting the economy, or are they not making much of a difference either way?

Democrats 8%
Republicans 55%
independents 15%

So who cares? It's likely voters that count anyway. I'd be willing to bet most people polled don't know anything about foreign policy or what Trump is doing on immigration.

The left knows they are in deep trouble, so now they are trying to use polls to discourage Trump and convince the public that we shouldn't support Trump. But like me, Trump doesn't care about polls--he cares about doing what's best for the country.
Trump needs to learn you don’t shut down Government in an election year

Actually, based on polls that the majority of Americans agree there is an issue with your immigration rules, this can fairly be attached to the Democrats who refuse to address Americans Citizens concerns. It will further create a chasm between the alt-left, far left an the more traditional Democrats.

If he is direct to the public, and says "I want a wall to protect our borders and citizens, I want changes to our immigration to ensure we accept great citizens into the U.S LEGALLY and on merit, the opposition is not willing to support this" I imagine, just as on trade, that he will earn many votes outside just his strongest supporters.

He was elected on changing trade deals and confront trade abusers, and, his position on immigration which many Americans see as broken. Honestly, $25B is the deal of the century based on the costs you incur for illegal immigration.
Republicans have played that card to death
Most Americans DONT want a wall. Most Americans are offended by Trumps immigration tactics

Shutting down government in a temper tantrum won’t help Republicans in tight district runs

Trump really won't be responsible for shutting down the government. We elect officials to tax, spend and create regulations all of which are Republican led. If the Democrats get in the way of the work people elected, it's the Democrats that will shut down the government.

Now, in the past the MSM has been able to lie about all this while the Republicans sat virtually silent. But Trump has a big mouth and a Twitter account with a lot of followers. He will explain to the people exactly who is to blame and why.

Trump is calling for a government shutdown for the wall. If Republicans follow through then it will be hard to deflect the blame.

If Trump takes the initiative, yes. But I think if he can force the wall through, that will help Republicans keep and even gain seats.
Trump really won't be responsible for shutting down the government. We elect officials to tax, spend and create regulations all of which are Republican led. If the Democrats get in the way of the work people elected, it's the Democrats that will shut down the government.

Now, in the past the MSM has been able to lie about all this while the Republicans sat virtually silent. But Trump has a big mouth and a Twitter account with a lot of followers. He will explain to the people exactly who is to blame and why.
If it is shut down over the wall......
Republicans will take the blame in an election year
If the government is shut down because dems refuse to build the wall you will see massive gains in republicans next election.
The public does not want a wall

If Republicans shut down the government weeks before the election, they will lose both the House and Senate
You’re delusional. Yes the public does want the wall. And if the Dems shut down the government over funding it you’ll get your ass kicked. It won’t be blamed on republicans. It’s coming down on you, hard. Go ahead and refuse to fund the wall. The TV and radio spots will write themselves.

They do not. Even Rasmussen cannot find voters who want a wall.

Most Voters Say ‘No’ To Border Wall - Rasmussen Reports®
Bullshit. More people want it now than when Trump won the election running on it.
Yea, and then the insurance company has to pay for it. How do insurance companies recoup their losses? That's right, they increase the costs of premiums, and you and I eventually pay for all that stuff.

yeah, funny, that... hmmmm.... So we end up spending twice per capita what other industrialized countries spend and we get worse care... for those of us who can actually get insurance (heh, heh, heh).

Yes it would, but that's because a McDonald's. sells 500 Big Macs a day, 400 hamburgers a day. 1,200 french fries a day, and 1,500 soft drinks. But Earl at Earl's hardware store doesn't sell 400 hammers a day. Wanda at Wanda's floral shop doesn't sell 400 roses a day.

No, Earl usually sells something more expesive than a hammer, that's the point... oh, never mind. I know you live in horror that some kid flipping burgers can make a living wage when you barely are.

Again, a typical battered housewife republican, always easier to kick down than punch up.

When an American shopper sees two alarm clocks: one is $6.00 and the other is $19.99, most every shopper will buy the six dollar one no matter where it's made. That's why few stores carry American made products. They just don't sell when next to foreign made products.

So what's your solution? That's right, take the $6.99 option away from him.... because clearly American Workers can't be trusted...
yeah, funny, that... hmmmm.... So we end up spending twice per capita what other industrialized countries spend and we get worse care... for those of us who can actually get insurance (heh, heh, heh).

Deflection noted.

No, Earl usually sells something more expesive than a hammer, that's the point... oh, never mind. I know you live in horror that some kid flipping burgers can make a living wage when you barely are.

Again, a typical battered housewife republican, always easier to kick down than punch up.

Yeah, that's me, barely able to make a living. :777:

So what's your solution? That's right, take the $6.99 option away from him.... because clearly American Workers can't be trusted...

Nobody is taking anything away. But if tariffs increase the price of the product, it makes American made products more competitive against foreign made products. That puts more Americans to work.
"Each year, we give foreign nations more than $50 billion in aid. But we can’t find just $25 billion for a border wall? Pathetic!" - Wacky Chris McDaniel
Nobody is taking anything away. But if tariffs increase the price of the product, it makes American made products more competitive against foreign made products. That puts more Americans to work.

That doesn't make it more competitive, it just makes it more expensive, dummy. It didn't improve the price or the quality of the more expensive american made clock.

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