no wall - no country

Lack of fitness. Let's see, he's brining our trading partners to the table for a better deal for the US,

Uh, guy, not really. We are already suffering the effects of his tariffs, we are paying the farmers 12 billion to make up for their economic losses. People I know who are still in the purchasing world are telling me that their costs are going up because of tarriffs. They can't switch to American producers.. they don't exist or don't have the capacity, and they are already locked into multi-year agreements for components.

he got us out of terrible deals like the Paris Accord and the Iran stall agreement,

Those are only terrible agreements to the drooling right wing. most sensible people realize we need to do something about global warming and we have to engage Iran.

he brought home US prisoners as well as the remains of Korean war veterans,

First, those three Koreans who happened to be American citizens (some of them didn't even speak English) were only taken prisoner because Trump escalated the rhetoric. Second- and here's the key thing, Little Rocket Man played Trump.

the economy hasn't been this good since the 90's, we have more jobs than people to do them,

Again, playing America on easy mode isn't impressive. Obama left him a great economy, and he hasn't managed to screw it up yet. He will. What isn't going up are wages, and his tariffs are taking a bigger bite out of the pocketbooks of Americans.

he got rid of the Commie Care mandate on businesses and individuals alike, but he's not fit to be President.

Okay, did your boss give you insurance back yet? Um, no, he didn't?

Wow, amazing.

Meanwhile, insurance costs are going up even faster now... amazing.

Get your head out of the sand. If you don't like the guy, that's fine. But he's done more in his near first two years than DumBama did in eight, and most things Trump did were positive for the people instead of negative.

Bullshit, he's made us a laughingstock on the world stage, and when the recession does come, he won't have a clue how to fix it.
For the deals he couldn't make the Democrats stopped him. And you don't know what the tariffs will bring as this is a long process and a game of chicken.

Again, Tariffs are just a tax on American consumers and producers.

Going back to my friends in Purchasing, they have long term commitments with Chinese producers for components for items assembled in the US. Can't just switch to an American producer. They don't have the capacity and can't hit the pricing, even with the tariffs. So you've just increased expenses on American businesses.

The problem with Trump's game of chicken is that we don't have as much power as you think we do.

And as I stated, the Iran and Paris Accord deals were pure pandering to foreign countries that Trump got rid of. Great getting out of that crap.

Not really.

I guess if you listen to hate radio and think Global Warming is a hoax, you think this is a good idea.

The Iran agreement at least gave us some leverage with Iran. Now the other countries will just keep trading with Iran and not really care if they make nukes or not.
Again, Tariffs are just a tax on American consumers and producers.

Going back to my friends in Purchasing, they have long term commitments with Chinese producers for components for items assembled in the US. Can't just switch to an American producer. They don't have the capacity and can't hit the pricing, even with the tariffs. So you've just increased expenses on American businesses.

The problem with Trump's game of chicken is that we don't have as much power as you think we do.

America is the worlds largest consumer. Need the link, just ask. That gives us an upper hand in any trade deal, and all Trump is looking for is equity in trading, not an advantage.

Not really.

I guess if you listen to hate radio and think Global Warming is a hoax, you think this is a good idea.

The Iran agreement at least gave us some leverage with Iran. Now the other countries will just keep trading with Iran and not really care if they make nukes or not.

Oh please, Iran violated that agreement two weeks after it was signed. All the agreement basically said is they can continue their nuke technology after DumBama leaves the White House so he didn't have to deal with it. They signed it and laughed their ass off. HTF can you be assured that they are not continuing their advancements when they didn't allow any oversight of their facilities or the country?

The Paris Accord was nothing more than a deal that allowed other countries to control our economy to advance theirs. Why do you suppose it gave one of the worst polluters (China) 20 years before they had to do anything and for us who pumped trillions into green nonsense had to abide by it right away? It had nothing to do with the environment, it had to do with control that Trump freed us from.
America is the worlds largest consumer. Need the link, just ask. That gives us an upper hand in any trade deal, and all Trump is looking for is equity in trading, not an advantage.

No, it really doesn't. An upper hand is being the biggest exporter not the biggest consumer.

Oh please, Iran violated that agreement two weeks after it was signed. All the agreement basically said is they can continue their nuke technology after DumBama leaves the White House so he didn't have to deal with it. They signed it and laughed their ass off. HTF can you be assured that they are not continuing their advancements when they didn't allow any oversight of their facilities or the country?

again, if Trump had any evidence the Iranians weren't complying, he'd have presented it.

He didn't. The Iranians held up their end of the bargain, we broke ours. And here's the thing, when you are calling yourself the great deal maker, you can't make deals if no one thinks you'll hold up your end of agreements. Anyone can just look at all the partners Trump has cheated over the years and say, "We aren't going to make deals with this guy."
First, those three Koreans who happened to be American citizens (some of them didn't even speak English) were only taken prisoner because Trump escalated the rhetoric. Second- and here's the key thing, Little Rocket Man played Trump.

He freed over a dozen American prisoners from various parts of the world. Rocket Man is shaking in his boots because he's playing with a real leader, not some big-eared creep who only won an election because of his race.

Again, playing America on easy mode isn't impressive. Obama left him a great economy, and he hasn't managed to screw it up yet. He will. What isn't going up are wages, and his tariffs are taking a bigger bite out of the pocketbooks of Americans.

You are so out of the loop. Here, from one of your very own, the Communist News Network:

America finally got a raise.

The U.S. economy added 200,000 jobs in January, and wages grew at the fastest pace in eight years.

The unemployment rate stayed at 4.1%, the lowest since 2000, the Labor Department said Friday.

Wages were up 2.9% compared with a year earlier, the best pace since June 2009. Wage growth has been the last major measure to make meaningful progress since the end of the Great Recession.

America gets a raise: Wage growth fastest since 2009

Okay, did your boss give you insurance back yet? Um, no, he didn't?

Wow, amazing.

Meanwhile, insurance costs are going up even faster now... amazing.

The Democrats stopped the total elimination of Commie Care. All Trump could get by was the removal of commie fines and penalties for not marrying in lockstep, so blame them.

Bullshit, he's made us a laughingstock on the world stage, and when the recession does come, he won't have a clue how to fix it.

Yes, I know. And when men land here from another planet, we will all be eaten alive.
No, it really doesn't. An upper hand is being the biggest exporter not the biggest consumer.

Actually it's both, but consuming has a stronger hand because nobody wants to lose their biggest customer.

again, if Trump had any evidence the Iranians weren't complying, he'd have presented it.

He didn't. The Iranians held up their end of the bargain, we broke ours. And here's the thing, when you are calling yourself the great deal maker, you can't make deals if no one thinks you'll hold up your end of agreements. Anyone can just look at all the partners Trump has cheated over the years and say, "We aren't going to make deals with this guy."

Once again, from one of your very own, the HuffPost. This article (since you don't have the guts to look at it) was written on May 15th 2016:

Iranian leaders have breached both the resolutions and the nuclear agreement for the third time since the nuclear deal went into effect in January 2016. Iran has repeatedly test-fired, long-range ballistic missiles and laser-guided surface-to-surface missiles.

In October and November, just after the nuclear deal was reached, Iran tested a new ballistic missile capable of carrying multiple warheads.

Iran Breaches the Nuclear Deal and UN Resolutions for Third Time | HuffPost
He freed over a dozen American prisoners from various parts of the world. Rocket Man is shaking in his boots because he's playing with a real leader, not some big-eared creep who only won an election because of his race.

Yawn... big deal. Americans get themselves in trouble all the time in foreign countries and the government gets them out.... just not a big deal.

Actually it's both, but consuming has a stronger hand because nobody wants to lose their biggest customer.

They know they aren't going to. Trump is screwing dumbasses like you, and you fall for it.

Once again, from one of your very own, the HuffPost. This article (since you don't have the guts to look at it) was written on May 15th 2016:

Iranian leaders have breached both the resolutions and the nuclear agreement for the third time since the nuclear deal went into effect in January 2016. Iran has repeatedly test-fired, long-range ballistic missiles and laser-guided surface-to-surface missiles.

The agreement was about nukes, not missiles...
Yawn... big deal. Americans get themselves in trouble all the time in foreign countries and the government gets them out.... just not a big deal.

Sure they do. DumBama got our Iranian prisoners out after he gave them a billion and a half dollars on a pallet. And he got a lowly private out in exchange for our top five terrorist prisoners. Some trade, huh?

Now you see the difference between experience on deal making and a fraud?

They know they aren't going to. Trump is screwing dumbasses like you, and you fall for it.

Sure they know it, that's why some are coming to the table to discuss the situation. Trump is not a man of empty threats and they know it. Our economy is booming so we have a huge advantage here and now is the time if any.

The agreement was about nukes, not missiles...

Comprehension problems? We were talking about the Iranian deal which (according to HuffPo) was violated three times in less than a half year.
Sure they do. DumBama got our Iranian prisoners out after he gave them a billion and a half dollars on a pallet.

You mean money that we already owed them and agreed to pay back?

And he got a lowly private out in exchange for our top five terrorist prisoners. Some trade, huh?

Well, he was a Sergeant, and these five guys were people we were going to release, anyway, because we had no legal grounds to hold them.

Now you see the difference between experience on deal making and a fraud?

Meh, sorry, man... what did we get for those three Koreans who should have had the good sense to not go to North Korea to start with? Guys who were only arrested because Trump ramped up the rhetoric to start with.

Little Rocket Man got a one on one meeting that elevated him on the world stage, something his father and grandfather never got.

Sure they know it, that's why some are coming to the table to discuss the situation. Trump is not a man of empty threats and they know it. Our economy is booming so we have a huge advantage here and now is the time if any.

Well, I'm sure that's what he tells you Rubes. Meanwhile the tariffs are already hitting businesses.

Comprehension problems? We were talking about the Iranian deal which (according to HuffPo) was violated three times in less than a half year.

On missiles, which weren't covered in the agreement.
You mean money that we already owed them and agreed to pay back?

He didn't have to agree to shit. Democrats often pander to our enemies. This was the same country that sent their goons into Iraq and killed many of our solders. Think DumBama cared about that? Hardly.

Well, he was a Sergeant, and these five guys were people we were going to release, anyway, because we had no legal grounds to hold them.

Bullshit. Even DumBama held them for a couple of years because they were terrorists. In fact a few have already been found to be back in those organizations. How much you wanna bet that Trump would have never released them? But then again, he has no history with that religion like DumBama has.

Meh, sorry, man... what did we get for those three Koreans who should have had the good sense to not go to North Korea to start with? Guys who were only arrested because Trump ramped up the rhetoric to start with.

Little Rocket Man got a one on one meeting that elevated him on the world stage, something his father and grandfather never got.

They never got it because nobody from the US ever agreed to meet with them. Trump had the balls to meet with Dong and try to work things out in a peaceful way. The great negotiator works that way. He doesn't just act like he's addressing a problem, he addresses the problem.

Well, I'm sure that's what he tells you Rubes. Meanwhile the tariffs are already hitting businesses.

Could have fooled me. We are busier than all hell; particularly our customers who make boxes which is a great indicator of the economy. Our company is also over a set of railroad tracks, and trains have been blocking that road every ten minutes. Sorry to piss on your parade, but the economy and businesses are doing just fine.

On missiles, which weren't covered in the agreement.

Take that up with Huff-Po. They wrote the article. But I can provide more if you like! There are dozens of them out there.
He didn't have to agree to shit. Democrats often pander to our enemies. This was the same country that sent their goons into Iraq and killed many of our solders. Think DumBama cared about that? Hardly.

Why we were in Iraq, which was right next door to Iran again? Oh, wait, we were there because of weapons that didn't exist...

Um, no, guy, the courts have ruled repeatedly that the assets we seized in 1979 have to be returned.

They never got it because nobody from the US ever agreed to meet with them. Trump had the balls to meet with Dong and try to work things out in a peaceful way. The great negotiator works that way. He doesn't just act like he's addressing a problem, he addresses the problem.

Um, okay, so the Norks are still building nukes, so what did he accomplish again?

Oh, he caught our generals flat footed by cancelling joint exercises with South Korea.

Could have fooled me. We are busier than all hell; particularly our customers who make boxes which is a great indicator of the economy. Our company is also over a set of railroad tracks, and trains have been blocking that road every ten minutes. Sorry to piss on your parade, but the economy and businesses are doing just fine.

Guy, again, been to your city... it's a dump.

Take that up with Huff-Po. They wrote the article. But I can provide more if you like! There are dozens of them out there.

Unless you got one that proves that they are building nukes, then they are in compliance with the agreement.
Why we were in Iraq, which was right next door to Iran again? Oh, wait, we were there because of weapons that didn't exist...

Um, no, guy, the courts have ruled repeatedly that the assets we seized in 1979 have to be returned.

Really? Then why did nobody else return them except the Kenyan Klown? Oh, that's right. Anytime DumBama did anything wrong, blame somebody else. Nothing was ever his fault, was it?

Um, okay, so the Norks are still building nukes, so what did he accomplish again?

Oh, he caught our generals flat footed by cancelling joint exercises with South Korea.

How do you know they are still building nukes? You know something we don't? And don't give me the UN BS. The UN hates trump more than the Democrats.

Guy, again, been to your city... it's a dump.

Deflection noted.

Unless you got one that proves that they are building nukes, then they are in compliance with the agreement.

The God awful policy didn't include is being able to inspect for nuke construction. That's one of the many reasons it was such an awful deal and why Trump got rid of it. But you know, if you'd read something once in a while, you'd learn things like nukes were not the only thing in the Iran deal.
Really? Then why did nobody else return them except the Kenyan Klown? Oh, that's right. Anytime DumBama did anything wrong, blame somebody else. Nothing was ever his fault, was it?

Uh, guy, just because past presidents foolishly didn't follow the law doesn't mean there wasn't a legal right that wasn't followed.

Iran's money. We shouldn't have held on to it.

Here, let me clear this up for you because you are kind of stupid.

Trump’s favorite Iran-Obama cash story, still bogus no matter how often he tells it

THE FACTS: There was no $150 billion payout from the U.S. treasury. The money he refers to represents Iranian assets held abroad that were frozen until the deal was reached and Tehran was allowed to access its funds.

The payout of about $1.8 billion is a separate matter. That dates to the 1970s, when Iran paid the U.S. $400 million for military equipment that was never delivered because the government was overthrown and diplomatic relations ruptured.

That left people, businesses and governments in each country indebted to partners in the other, and these complex claims took decades to sort out in tribunals and arbitration. For its part, Iran paid settlements of more than $2.5 billion to U.S. citizens and businesses.

The day after the nuclear deal was implemented, the U.S. and Iran announced they had settled the claim over the 1970s military equipment order, with the U.S. agreeing to pay the $400 million principal along with about $1.3 billion in interest. The $400 million was paid in cash and flown to Tehran on a cargo plane, which gave rise to Trump’s dramatic accounts of money stuffed in barrels or boxes and delivered in the dead of night. The arrangement provided for the interest to be paid later, not crammed into containers.

Happy to have cleared that up for you.

How do you know they are still building nukes? You know something we don't? And don't give me the UN BS. The UN hates trump more than the Democrats.

Um, Fox News says so...

North Korea believed to be 'deceiving' US, increasing nuclear production: report

Officials from the CIA and other intelligence agencies told NBC News the regime has increased its production of enriched uranium for the weapons despite the historic summit earlier this month between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and President Trump. Kim and Trump both signed a document on June 12 stating that Pyongyang would work toward “complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.”
The day after the nuclear deal was implemented, the U.S. and Iran announced they had settled the claim over the 1970s military equipment order, with the U.S. agreeing to pay the $400 million principal along with about $1.3 billion in interest.

The US (Obama) and Iran announced they settled the claim. So there you go. DumBama gave them the 1.5 billion dollars (1.2 billion US dollars for interest according to your article) that he didn't have to give them. It was his call to give them that money. Now they are using our money to advance their nuclear technology.

Um, Fox News says so...

North Korea believed to be 'deceiving' US, increasing nuclear production: report

Officials from the CIA and other intelligence agencies told NBC News the regime has increased its production of enriched uranium for the weapons despite the historic summit earlier this month between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and President Trump. Kim and Trump both signed a document on June 12 stating that Pyongyang would work toward “complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.”

So now the ball is in Trump's court and let's see what he does with it. According to the article, Dong did stop testing missiles, so it's not a total loss even though things like this are not settled overnight.
The US (Obama) and Iran announced they settled the claim. So there you go. DumBama gave them the 1.5 billion dollars (1.2 billion US dollars for interest according to your article) that he didn't have to give them. It was his call to give them that money. Now they are using our money to advance their nuclear technology.

sure we did. We illegally impounded their money and didn't return it and gathered interest on that money. The Iranians for their part paid 2.5 Billion to Americans to settle similar claims. So really, we came out ahead on the deal.

So now the ball is in Trump's court and let's see what he does with it. According to the article, Dong did stop testing missiles, so it's not a total loss even though things like this are not settled overnight.

Trump can only really do stuff if the other countries are on board. Given how he is undercutting them and screwing them over, fat chance of that happening.
sure we did. We illegally impounded their money and didn't return it and gathered interest on that money. The Iranians for their part paid 2.5 Billion to Americans to settle similar claims. So really, we came out ahead on the deal.

Illegal by who's standards? Where is this law written that we have to obey?

I bet if we had that kind of money from Israel, that big eared clown wouldn't have give them a dime.

Trump can only really do stuff if the other countries are on board. Given how he is undercutting them and screwing them over, fat chance of that happening.

Screwing them over how, by not letting them participating in unfair trade practices?
Illegal by who's standards? Where is this law written that we have to obey?

I bet if we had that kind of money from Israel, that big eared clown wouldn't have give them a dime.

If you pay someone money, and they keep your m oney without providing the service or goods you paid for, you are going to be totally good with that?

Didn't think so.

This isn't fucking complicated. Iran gave us money for weapons. We didn't want to give them the weapons, for obvious reasons, but then we should have returned their money.

This isn't fucking complicated, Fifty First Dates.

Screwing them over how, by not letting them participating in unfair trade practices?

You mean like producing better products than we do at a cheaper price? THOSE BASTARDS!!!

So man, we are going to teach them by.... making those products more expensive for American consumers.

Battered Housewife Republicans, everyone... battered housewife Republicans.

If you pay someone money, and they keep your money without providing the service or goods you paid for, you are going to be totally good with that?

Didn't think so.

This isn't fucking complicated. Iran gave us money for weapons. We didn't want to give them the weapons, for obvious reasons, but then we should have returned their money.

This isn't fucking complicated, Fifty First Dates.

We were under no obligation to give them back anything. Maybe we should have deduced what they owe us for all the solders they killed and maimed in Iraq.

If your neighbor bought your car, and then he beat and raped your daughter, are you going to give him his money back with interest if the courts didn't force you to?

The secret Muslim with a terrorist name gave his buddies that money at his own free will. Not that complicated.

You mean like producing better products than we do at a cheaper price? THOSE BASTARDS!!!

So man, we are going to teach them by.... making those products more expensive for American consumers.

China has been manipulating their currency for years, so it's more than just making a cheaper product. You people stick up for China and then complain about greenhouse gasses which China emits ten times more than we do, and you are happy to buy their products.

So what's wrong with making foreign made products more expensive? It gives us less competition on American made products.
We were under no obligation to give them back anything. Maybe we should have deduced what they owe us for all the solders they killed and maimed in Iraq.

You mean the soldiers who were there illegally who were killed by Iraqis who didn't want them there? How is that Iran's fault again?

If your neighbor bought your car, and then he beat and raped your daughter, are you going to give him his money back with interest if the courts didn't force you to?

Except Iran did nothing like that.

Hey, guy, in American-Iranian relations- AMERICA IS THE BAD GUY.

We imposed the Shah on these people.
We shot down a plane full of innocent civilians.
We've punished them with 40 years of sanctions.

So your metaphor really doesn't work. So it would be more like if your neighbor bought your car, your daughter went over and screwed him because she was a tramp, and then claimed rape even though you knew that was bullshit.

You might not want to still sell him your car, but you are still in the wrong.

The secret Muslim with a terrorist name gave his buddies that money at his own free will. Not that complicated.

No, he gave it to them as part of a multi-lateral agreement between seven countries were all sides made concessions and resolved outstanding issues. It is probably too complicated for your dumb white trash mind to get.

China has been manipulating their currency for years, so it's more than just making a cheaper product. You people stick up for China and then complain about greenhouse gasses which China emits ten times more than we do, and you are happy to buy their products.

Uh, I buy American products whenever possible. But blaming currency manipulation for the greed of American corporations is just silly.

Again, battered housewife republican. Rich people screw him, he looks for people of color to blame.

So what's wrong with making foreign made products more expensive? It gives us less competition on American made products.

First, it make American products more expensive, because components are often bought from China.

Secondly, it doesn't give American products or manufacturers any incentive to improve their processes. All they have to do is sell at just a bit cheaper than the Chinese product.

Third, China and other countries just slap on their own tariffs on our products. The Orange Shitgibbon is already doing a 12 Billion dollar bailout for farmers. (Remember when you guys lost your shit because Obama bailout the Auto Industry, even though it was all paid back?)

SO this really doesn't screw China as much as it screws the American consumer
You mean the soldiers who were there illegally who were killed by Iraqis who didn't want them there? How is that Iran's fault again?

I said Iranian solders who went there to kill Americans. Don't you know anything?

Except Iran did nothing like that.

Hey, guy, in American-Iranian relations- AMERICA IS THE BAD GUY.

We imposed the Shah on these people.
We shot down a plane full of innocent civilians.
We've punished them with 40 years of sanctions.

So your metaphor really doesn't work. So it would be more like if your neighbor bought your car, your daughter went over and screwed him because she was a tramp, and then claimed rape even though you knew that was bullshit.

You might not want to still sell him your car, but you are still in the wrong.

Of course Americans are the bad guy just like white people are always the bad guy. You're not only a self-hating white, but a self-hating American as well. Typical lefty to stick up for the enemy instead of his own country.

No, he gave it to them as part of a multi-lateral agreement between seven countries were all sides made concessions and resolved outstanding issues. It is probably too complicated for your dumb white trash mind to get.

He gave them everything they wanted. That's why they celebrated. We got nothing in return. That's your deal maker for you. Oh yes, we got some Americans back for the billion plus dollars we gave them.

Uh, I buy American products whenever possible. But blaming currency manipulation for the greed of American corporations is just silly.

Again, battered housewife republican. Rich people screw him, he looks for people of color to blame.

What does American corporations have to do with China manipulating their own money to get unfair trade deals?

First, it make American products more expensive, because components are often bought from China.

Secondly, it doesn't give American products or manufacturers any incentive to improve their processes. All they have to do is sell at just a bit cheaper than the Chinese product.

Third, China and other countries just slap on their own tariffs on our products. The Orange Shitgibbon is already doing a 12 Billion dollar bailout for farmers. (Remember when you guys lost your shit because Obama bailout the Auto Industry, even though it was all paid back?)

SO this really doesn't screw China as much as it screws the American consumer

I see, so you want to find a way to level trade deals and nobody has to pay for a short time. You sure didn't have that problem with Commie Care where fees were raised from dental to Veterinarians because of the huge tax on medical supplies and equipment that we all have to pay. You don't have a problem with doubling the minimum wage which would increase the price of products, create a domino effect, and cause inflation, which in turn would give foreign made products more of an advantage. You didn't have a problem with green energy which would drain many American households. But to pay more money to buy American made products? Now you surrender-first liberals have a problem with that.

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