‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens

heres one reason why it happens:

ClosedCaption.....you do know the whole "only nation where this happens regularly" nonsense has been disproven by numbers right? I know you libs hate when facts ruin a good talking point.

No it hasnt, as proof you didn't include any numbers to back it up and everyone knows you lie for no reason

Not that facts matter to you at all but you asked for documentation and here some is. It took all of 1 second to find. Gun deaths are bad regardless of who else has them but again and again and again you guys make shit up to push an agenda that you don't understand.View attachment 56279

Hey goofball, Bucs said that it's been disproven that this isnt the only nation that mass shootings regularly happen.

And in response your pseudo intellectual ass post numbers about GUN DEATHS to disprove mass shootings huh?

Fuck outta here dummy, think about it first before claiming to be some sort of brain trust

Is this one better dipshit? Let's forget about Bucks and focus on the stupid shit that you say, tough guy. You are an intellectual flea. I didn't claim to be anything but AGAIN you spew horse shit from your pie hole and try to attribute it to other people. You suck and you're boring.
ClosedCaption.....you do know the whole "only nation where this happens regularly" nonsense has been disproven by numbers right? I know you libs hate when facts ruin a good talking point.

No it hasnt, as proof you didn't include any numbers to back it up and everyone knows you lie for no reason

Not that facts matter to you at all but you asked for documentation and here some is. It took all of 1 second to find. Gun deaths are bad regardless of who else has them but again and again and again you guys make shit up to push an agenda that you don't understand.View attachment 56279

Hey goofball, Bucs said that it's been disproven that this isnt the only nation that mass shootings regularly happen.

And in response your pseudo intellectual ass post numbers about GUN DEATHS to disprove mass shootings huh?

Fuck outta here dummy, think about it first before claiming to be some sort of brain trust

Is this one better dipshit? Let's forget about Bucks and focus on the stupid shit that you say, tough guy. You are an intellectual flea. I didn't claim to be anything but AGAIN you spew horse shit from your pie hole and try to attribute it to other people. You suck and you're boring.
View attachment 56308

Hey dummy, if im boring then why you here rwsponding to me? Lol...your responses are boring and typical.

Now, ask yourself what is the meaning of "regularly" is and why Bucs said it's been disproven. Oh, you don't want to talk about what Bucs said? Then why the fuck you jumped in it like a bitch playing double dutch?
Hey dummy, if im boring then why you here rwsponding to me? Lol...your responses are boring and typical.

Now, ask yourself what is the meaning of "regularly" is and why Bucs said it's been disproven. Oh, you don't want to talk about what Bucs said? Then why the fuck you jumped in it like a bitch playing double dutch?

Smart guy, do you have any idea what the term "frequency of attacks" means? As in, how frequently they happen. The top synonym for frequently is... you guessed it, "Regularly"! With each post the light shines on how stupid you are.

By the way, you failed to mention that the chart I posted shows that you were wrong about the whole argument.

Game, set and match numb nutz! Don't worry, the 15th is just a few days away. You'll be in a better mood then I'm sure.
Sure, the term regularly isn't subjective!! Regularly is a specific number right friutcake?

If I asked you and Bucs what number constitutes the term regularly both of you would say the same percentage / number right?

‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens

No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens

NEWS IN BRIEFJune 17, 2015
VOL 51 ISSUE 24 News · Guns · Violence

CHARLESTON, SC—In the hours following a violent rampage in downtown Charleston in which a lone attacker killed nine individuals and seriously injured one other, citizens living in the only country where this kind of mass killing routinely occurs reportedly concluded Wednesday that there was no way to prevent the massacre from taking place. “This was a terrible tragedy, but sometimes these things just happen and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop them,” said Oklahoma resident Kenneth Barrows, echoing sentiments expressed by tens of millions of individuals who reside in a nation where over half of the world’s deadliest mass shootings have occurred in the past 50 years and whose citizens are 20 times more likely to die of gun violence than those of other developed nations. “It’s a shame, but what can we do? There really wasn’t anything that was going to keep this guy from snapping and killing a lot of people if that’s what he really wanted.” At press time, residents of the only economically advanced nation in the world where roughly two mass shootings have occurred every month for the past five and a half years were referring to themselves and their situation as “helpless.”

The Onion, on point with a dash of Colbert

we need to make our criminals more like the criminals in Europe...European criminals don't commit murder as often or as readily as our criminals do...find out why and you will find a way to curb gun murder. European criminals can get guns as easily as our criminals do....we have seen this through the last few weeks and if you look at European criminal gangs...they use fully automatic rifles whenever they feel the need.......

We don't have a gun problem...we have a problem of a criminal class that murders people too often.....
We don't have a gun problem...we have a problem of a criminal class that murders people too often.....
We have both, but to a gun nut like you the answer is always, no matter the question, more deadly toys.
We don't have a gun problem...we have a problem of a criminal class that murders people too often.....
We have both, but to a gun nut like you the answer is always, no matter the question, more deadly toys.

No...I am addressing the actual problem....you guys are going after normal people who own guns....my way reduces gun crime...your way locks up normal people who don't shoot anyone.......
‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens

No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens

NEWS IN BRIEFJune 17, 2015
VOL 51 ISSUE 24 News · Guns · Violence

CHARLESTON, SC—In the hours following a violent rampage in downtown Charleston in which a lone attacker killed nine individuals and seriously injured one other, citizens living in the only country where this kind of mass killing routinely occurs reportedly concluded Wednesday that there was no way to prevent the massacre from taking place. “This was a terrible tragedy, but sometimes these things just happen and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop them,” said Oklahoma resident Kenneth Barrows, echoing sentiments expressed by tens of millions of individuals who reside in a nation where over half of the world’s deadliest mass shootings have occurred in the past 50 years and whose citizens are 20 times more likely to die of gun violence than those of other developed nations. “It’s a shame, but what can we do? There really wasn’t anything that was going to keep this guy from snapping and killing a lot of people if that’s what he really wanted.” At press time, residents of the only economically advanced nation in the world where roughly two mass shootings have occurred every month for the past five and a half years were referring to themselves and their situation as “helpless.”

The Onion, on point with a dash of Colbert

And of course those countries in Europe who criticize the U.S. calmly handed over innocent men, women and children to the German secret police for mass murder.....12 million of them.......without resistance........these men and women were of course unarmed and unable to protect their families from the governments of the countries who handed them over, or to fight back against the Germans who made the demands....

Now....they allowed innocent men, women and children to be murdered........and then think that giving up their guns to the very governments who murdered 12 million innocent men, women and children for no other reason than that a small, ruling elite didn't like them and wanted them murdered.....that giving these governments the sole control over guns is a good idea. And considering the fact, that mass murder, genocide, and ethnic cleansing only occurs to people who have been disarmed by their governments.....

We are not talking about primitive people who committed the murder....we are talking highly educated men, who came from the most advanced societies at the time with countries with intact political systems...modern ones, an advanced understanding of science and philosophy......and with the rule of law.....

And they murdered 12 million unarmed people....

And they complain that we have too many guns.....

Any group of people, who experienced their governments aiding and abetting the mass murder in the millions, of innocent men, women and also children of all ages.......and then calmly surrender the only tool that prevents slaughter on that scale....are not worthy of listening to on any subject that involves self defense.
We don't have a gun problem...we have a problem of a criminal class that murders people too often.....
We have both, but to a gun nut like you the answer is always, no matter the question, more deadly toys.

No...I am addressing the actual problem....you guys are going after normal people who own guns....my way reduces gun crime...your way locks up normal people who don't shoot anyone.......
Going after all the guns not necessary is going after the guns, not the people.
ClosedCaption.....you do know the whole "only nation where this happens regularly" nonsense has been disproven by numbers right? I know you libs hate when facts ruin a good talking point.

No it hasnt, as proof you didn't include any numbers to back it up and everyone knows you lie for no reason

Not that facts matter to you at all but you asked for documentation and here some is. It took all of 1 second to find. Gun deaths are bad regardless of who else has them but again and again and again you guys make shit up to push an agenda that you don't understand.View attachment 56279

Hey goofball, Bucs said that it's been disproven that this isnt the only nation that mass shootings regularly happen.

And in response your pseudo intellectual ass post numbers about GUN DEATHS to disprove mass shootings huh?

Fuck outta here dummy, think about it first before claiming to be some sort of brain trust

France has had three terror attacks this year......there have been an increasing number of shootings across Europe..all with fully automatic rifles.......gun crime is increasing in europe because they are importing the cultural problems the U.S. faces in our democrat controlled inner cities......and it is getting worse for them...

What are they going to say when their gun crime increases even after the gun bans and extreme gun control laws.......what will they say then.....?
heres one reason why it happens:


No...the NRA does not support shooting people.......your inability to see the truth, reality and facts makes you a poor poster on this subject.
The NRA is why we have a gun problem in this country while a country like Japan does not.

No...Japan does not have a crime problem..period. You could give every Japanese citizen a gun and they wouldn't use them to commit crime or murder.....their society used group shame and a police state level of law enforcement to maintain public order and the low crime rate....none of which would work here...

In Japan..if you commit a crime your family does not say you are a good boy.........they accept your guilt and take the blame on themselves and their neighbors treat them like that....here......the thug could have a criminal record that fills volumes of books....and the family will say he didn't do it...then get a huge settlement from the city and get the cop fired....

In Japan...the police can search you anytime, anywhere they like for any reason and you can't say boo.....and the Japanese don't care....they accept it....and if they arrest you.....you are going to jail...you will be found guilty and you will be punished....the prosecutors have vast powers, and even abuse prisoners...and the judges ignore it...and sentence harshly....

So no....gun control isn't why Japan has a low crime rate.....people control is....
heres one reason why it happens:


No...the NRA does not support shooting people.......your inability to see the truth, reality and facts makes you a poor poster on this subject.
The NRA is why we have a gun problem in this country while a country like Japan does not.

No...Japan does not have a crime problem..period. You could give every Japanese citizen a gun and they wouldn't use them to commit crime or murder.....their society used group shame and a police state level of law enforcement to maintain public order and the low crime rate....none of which would work here...

In Japan..if you commit a crime your family does not say you are a good boy.........they accept your guilt and take the blame on themselves and their neighbors treat them like that....here......the thug could have a criminal record that fills volumes of books....and the family will say he didn't do it...then get a huge settlement from the city and get the cop fired....

In Japan...the police can search you anytime, anywhere they like for any reason and you can't say boo.....and the Japanese don't care....they accept it....and if they arrest you.....you are going to jail...you will be found guilty and you will be punished....the prosecutors have vast powers, and even abuse prisoners...and the judges ignore it...and sentence harshly....

So no....gun control isn't why Japan has a low crime rate.....people control is....
You have posted your dogma time and again, and I don't care.

Answer me this, if you don't have guns, and the criminals don't have guns, what in the fuck are you so goddamned afraid of?
I should have been more clear. Delete "murder" from my first statement. Shooting people is considered to be very cool by a very many Americans, or so many people would not own guns and be fighting desperately to hang on to them. So many kids and adults would not be playing video games where --- guess what?-- we shoot people to win! Even the many folks who own guns and don't turn them on people think it is a cool to be armed/give the impression they might shoot...That's cool.

And since "ghetto street thugs" comprise a good number of the shooters we were discussing, there's nothing wrong with trying to reach them, is there? ISIS is a whole different ball of wax and hopefully a different thread.
You watch too many movies and know too few legal gun owners. Get out of your bubble and discover what reality is really like.
I know plenty of legal gun owners, thank you. Even very close relatives. And my bubble got burst long, long ago in the work I do. Don't assume--it only makes an ass out of u and me.
More importantly, what exactly do you object to in my post?
"Even the many folks who own guns and don't turn them on people think it is a cool to be armed/give the impression they might shoot...That's cool." I didn't assume a godamn thing. That was a stupid comment.
heres one reason why it happens:


No...the NRA does not support shooting people.......your inability to see the truth, reality and facts makes you a poor poster on this subject.
The NRA is why we have a gun problem in this country while a country like Japan does not.

No...Japan does not have a crime problem..period. You could give every Japanese citizen a gun and they wouldn't use them to commit crime or murder.....their society used group shame and a police state level of law enforcement to maintain public order and the low crime rate....none of which would work here...

In Japan..if you commit a crime your family does not say you are a good boy.........they accept your guilt and take the blame on themselves and their neighbors treat them like that....here......the thug could have a criminal record that fills volumes of books....and the family will say he didn't do it...then get a huge settlement from the city and get the cop fired....

In Japan...the police can search you anytime, anywhere they like for any reason and you can't say boo.....and the Japanese don't care....they accept it....and if they arrest you.....you are going to jail...you will be found guilty and you will be punished....the prosecutors have vast powers, and even abuse prisoners...and the judges ignore it...and sentence harshly....

So no....gun control isn't why Japan has a low crime rate.....people control is....
You have posted your dogma time and again, and I don't care.

Answer me this, if you don't have guns, and the criminals don't have guns, what in the fuck are you so goddamned afraid of?

Because criminals will attack the old, the weak and they will attack in packs....like they did in the period of human history when guns did not exist.....in that period, the strong enslaved, raped and murdered the weak....guns changed all of that. Guns allow the weak, the old, the handicapped, and the individual to stand up against stronger, more aggressive or more numerous attackers......Guns civilized the world........

Learn some history sometime...it will help you post better.
I should have been more clear. Delete "murder" from my first statement. Shooting people is considered to be very cool by a very many Americans, or so many people would not own guns and be fighting desperately to hang on to them. So many kids and adults would not be playing video games where --- guess what?-- we shoot people to win! Even the many folks who own guns and don't turn them on people think it is a cool to be armed/give the impression they might shoot...That's cool.

And since "ghetto street thugs" comprise a good number of the shooters we were discussing, there's nothing wrong with trying to reach them, is there? ISIS is a whole different ball of wax and hopefully a different thread.
You watch too many movies and know too few legal gun owners. Get out of your bubble and discover what reality is really like.
I know plenty of legal gun owners, thank you. Even very close relatives. And my bubble got burst long, long ago in the work I do. Don't assume--it only makes an ass out of u and me.
More importantly, what exactly do you object to in my post?
"Even the many folks who own guns and don't turn them on people think it is a cool to be armed/give the impression they might shoot...That's cool." I didn't assume a godamn thing. That was a stupid comment.
You assumed I have no grasp on reality or know any legal gun owners. You didn't tell me what's wrong with my premise by calling it stupid, either. I can be wrong, and I'm willing to listen, but so far you haven't said anything.
Let's forget it. We disagree. I don't want to argue with you. Have a nice day.
I should have been more clear. Delete "murder" from my first statement. Shooting people is considered to be very cool by a very many Americans, or so many people would not own guns and be fighting desperately to hang on to them. So many kids and adults would not be playing video games where --- guess what?-- we shoot people to win! Even the many folks who own guns and don't turn them on people think it is a cool to be armed/give the impression they might shoot...That's cool.

And since "ghetto street thugs" comprise a good number of the shooters we were discussing, there's nothing wrong with trying to reach them, is there? ISIS is a whole different ball of wax and hopefully a different thread.
You watch too many movies and know too few legal gun owners. Get out of your bubble and discover what reality is really like.
I know plenty of legal gun owners, thank you. Even very close relatives. And my bubble got burst long, long ago in the work I do. Don't assume--it only makes an ass out of u and me.
More importantly, what exactly do you object to in my post?
"Even the many folks who own guns and don't turn them on people think it is a cool to be armed/give the impression they might shoot...That's cool." I didn't assume a godamn thing. That was a stupid comment.
You assumed I have no grasp on reality or know any legal gun owners. You didn't tell me what's wrong with my premise by calling it stupid, either. I can be wrong, and I'm willing to listen, but so far you haven't said anything.
Let's forget it. We disagree. I don't want to argue with you. Have a nice day.
I said that you know too few gun owners if you think they are carrying to be cool. Not that you didn't know any. You are changing words to suit yourself.

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