No, we are NOT building the wall.

The wall is being built as we speak.
A big wall, a big beautiful wall
And Mexico paid for it
Believe me
Indirectly Mexico would pay because the wall will keep his poor, drug dealing criminals out of this country and Mexico will have to pay for the welfare and incarceration and crime for them. Saving us billions we have to pay for them if they get across the border. He did not get what he wanted but..."sometimes you have to lose the battle in order to win the war". The Dum-Rats just gave him an inch ($1.4 billion) big mistake proving border security is needed and he will get his wall. More than one way to skin a Dum-Rat.
If there were no demand for drugs in the US, the cartels would not be in Mexico.

But hey, the cartels will see a hundred miles apf a 40' concrete wall on a 20000 mile border & just give up.
Stupidfuck Trump talks about continuing building his wall.

He does not know the wall is not being built?

Classic Trump.....Claim you won after you lost

He is bragging about how much wall he has built

What has he lost?

He can refuse to sign, and build the wall.

Or he can sign to take care of the paychecks, and build the wall.

Which part do you not understand?
The part where the fat ass is not a dictator.

I know you hate it, but we have something called THE CONSTITUTION.

You know that document you assfucks piss 0n every time you want something.
Obama signed an EO and thereby violated the immigration laws of this country.

Was he a dictator?

DACA, moron. Obama had to violate most of our immigration laws to enforce that.
The Dum-Rats have blood on their hands by enabling El Chapo to make billions by their open borders policies and sanctuary cities with drugs entering the country and killing Americans and creating crime. Money for Trump's wall is a drop in the bucket compared to what open borders are costing taxpayers. $1.4 billion is just a downpayment on Trump's wall. Call it a fence or whatever is it a barrier. Sometimes we have to crawl before we walk.
The wall isn't being built. Trump's just a weird dude.

"I swear the wall is being built, but I'll totally shutdown the government again if the wall I say is in the process of being built isn't being built."

It's kinda like the Stormy Daniels thing...

"I never swore this chick to an NDA, but I'm totally suing her for breaking it."

He could be the worst liar on the planet.
The wall will be built. There was wall being built during the Obama administration.
Fence not wall.
Yeah, you want a fence because it's easier to take down. Admit it.
The wall isn't being built. Trump's just a weird dude.

"I swear the wall is being built, but I'll totally shutdown the government again if the wall I say is in the process of being built isn't being built."

It's kinda like the Stormy Daniels thing...

"I never swore this chick to an NDA, but I'm totally suing her for breaking it."

He could be the worst liar on the planet.
The wall will be built. There was wall being built during the Obama administration.
Fence not wall.
Yeah, you want a fence because it's easier to take down. Admit it.
Easier to take down, and easier to get over.
The Dum-Rats have blood on their hands by enabling El Chapo to make billions by their open borders policies and sanctuary cities with drugs entering the country and killing Americans and creating crime. Money for Trump's wall is a drop in the bucket compared to what open borders are costing taxpayers. $1.4 billion is just a downpayment on Trump's wall. Call it a fence or whatever is it a barrier. Sometimes we have to crawl before we walk.
And the Dum-Rats should be going to prison with El Chapo for not protecting Americans.
Yah yah.

But, but we're building a great Big Bee-Ewe-Tee-Full, um, fence!

And if Mexico wont pay for it? We will! (Yeah, We're #1, We're #1....)

Right Campers?
Classic Trump.....Claim you won after you lost

He is bragging about how much wall he has built

What has he lost?

He can refuse to sign, and build the wall.

Or he can sign to take care of the paychecks, and build the wall.

Which part do you not understand?
The part where the fat ass is not a dictator.

I know you hate it, but we have something called THE CONSTITUTION.

You know that document you assfucks piss 0n every time you want something.
Obama signed an EO and thereby violated the immigration laws of this country.

Was he a dictator?

DACA, moron. Obama had to violate most of our immigration laws to enforce that.

Presidents do have a right to prioritize deportations. He could establish a DACA program to shield certain groups from deportation. This is one thing Obama was right on.
Yah yah.

But, but we're building a great Big Bee-Ewe-Tee-Full, um, fence!

And if Mexico wont pay for it? We will! (Yeah, We're #1, We're #1....)

Right Campers?
If congress passes the El-chappo Distribution that Cruz authored, The Mexican Cartels will build the damn wall... GO TED! 16 Billion dollars worth...
Stupidfuck Trump talks about continuing building his wall.

He does not know the wall is not being built?
Rather than a wall, we can build a prison to house the Trump family
How high does trump want to go?

Trump has done it again.
Broke a new record.
$22 trillion debt
When he breaks Obama's Record of 10.9 trillion in new debt.. You fucking idiots can start bitchin... Until then STFU!
Stupidfuck Trump talks about continuing building his wall.

He does not know the wall is not being built?
Rather than a wall, we can build a prison to house the Trump family
How high does trump want to go?

Trump has done it again.
Broke a new record.
$22 trillion debt
When he breaks Obama's Record of 10.9 trillion in new debt.. You fucking idiots can start bitchin... Until then STFU!
Obama had reasons. The last POS republican left America in a world of shit. Obama got us out. Now we have another republican POS not only costing america billions but raking it in personally too
Stupidfuck Trump talks about continuing building his wall.

He does not know the wall is not being built?

Why do you whiners keep this up? The wall IS going to be built. Back when this first started, I thought the right would wake the Hell up and see they were being played. I over-estimated their intelligence.

This latest round is part of the theatrics. The silly wall will be built. AND, in exchange, we will get the ultimate POLICE STATE, beginning with gun control. Another high cap magazine ban has been introduced; criminalizing private sales, doing away with gun shows, and National Gun Registration are on the table.

Be patient. Tyranny is on the way.

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