Zone1 No Wonder Why I Had Doubts In God's Existence Before

Oh, yes it is. One time, probably on another forum, I was in a discussion with someone who truly believed in Roman Gods. Out of respect for his position, I had no issue with capitalizing Roman Gods even though I did not hold to his beliefs. Hindu Gods are always capitalized. So is Church when I discuss LDS beliefs.

And my Hindu friends have had no problem with me using a term like the god you worship. Why aren't you more like them?

Not that long ago historically speaking I might very well have been executed for blasphemy by the Catholic Church for not using a capital G when writing anything about the god of the bible. That alone is reason enough for me not to follow that religious convention.
you do realize to be monotheistic its the same deity - their individual religions are in error as the corruption is in those individuals interpretation and not that of the heavens ... the desert religions are corrupted by those that have written and those that worship the offending documents.

for their own self interest than that of their creators - the polytheistic heavens.
All the word monotheistic means is that people worship of a single god. It does not mean that there actually is only one god and that monotheistic people all worship the same god

Egyptians under Akhenaten were monotheistic, worshiping only the god Aten.
Actually it's the idiocy of subjectivity.

Earlier you said, the trick is to recognize biases," Why is recognizing biases the trick? Towards what end is recognizing biases if not to end them?
No it's not. Knowing that we do not see the world as it actually is should make an intelligent person realize that if he does not actually experience the world as it is then there can be no objectivity about his perception of the anything he sees, hears, touches, tastes or smells.

Like I said I can change your perception of your own body with a rubber hand, a mirror and a paintbrush. I can change your perception of the world around you with a hair thin electrode applied to various areas of your brain.

Perception is by definition subjective.
But you are admitting you are subjective about everything, right?

Everyone is.

When that subjectivity is similar enough among people we call it objectivity.

People can possibly be objective in their thoughts about esoteric things things like Justice, or love but even then your opinions about those things are not all your own
But I certainly do understand the context of these accounts better than you because I have studied them more than you. There's nothing arrogant about that statement at all.
Except for your assertion you know how much I have studied. Do you believe that if I was as knowledgeable about them as you are I would be in agreement with you?

A good example of understanding the context of these accounts would be understanding the significance of the woman at the well being by herself or the behavior of the father and brother in the parable of the prodigal son. Or Jesus' behavior towards the woman seeking help for her daughter. Because when you understand the significance of these things, the accounts will mean more to you.
So you just assume I don't understand. Got it.
Everyone is.

Except for your assertion you know how much I have studied. Do you believe that if I was as knowledgeable about them as you are I would be in agreement with you?

So you just assume I don't understand. Got it.
The Donkey is the self appointed expert on everything and thinks that if we were all as smart has him/her that would would have no choice but to agree with everything he/she says.
Argue for limitations and we get to keep them.
Have you limited yourself to Christianity or have you included Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, paganism, etc.?

Here is what I find difficult to understand: Because I do not spend time on sites telling others how wrong they are about--for example belief in leprechauns--it puzzles me that so many who hold no belief in God spend time in religion forums.

I don't believe in leprechauns so have little interest in them or discussing them. Those with no belief in God seem to retain an interest in God and in discussing Him. I've often wondered why that is.
For better or for worse, Christianity has been a major factor in the history of the West and that continues to this day. Also, the Bible is the best collection of ancient history and anthropology that we have. I have no interest in trying to convince anyone to be an atheist, but I have done some study on the topic and feel obliged to correct misconceptions that I find here. And believe me, there are plenty. I am constantly astonished how little people know about the history of their own religion.

Though I often fall short, I try to respect the beliefs of others as best I can.
Have you limited yourself to Christianity or have you included Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, paganism, etc.?

For better or for worse, Christianity has been a major factor in the history of the West and that continues to this day. Also, the Bible is the best collection of ancient history and anthropology that we have. I have no interest in trying to convince anyone to be an atheist, but I have done some study on the topic and feel obliged to correct misconceptions that I find here. And believe me, there are plenty. I am constantly astonished how little people know about the history of their own religion.

Though I often fall short, I try to respect the beliefs of others as best I can.
And all religions are declining in popularity
Nothing could be farther than the truth. God hated Jezebel so much He wouldn't let her be buried in His earth. He literally turned her into dog shit. God was nowhere near her heart.
He leaves Satan's children to their father, and collect those that are His...
God hating seems illogical to me.
Yeah. God can do whatever He wants. You can worship Him perfectly and He can still send you to hell. We worship God because He is God not because He gives us goodies. That’s a different religion altogether. If you only worship God to be in good standing then you are accidentally following Laveyan Satanism or ancient Magic based religions. Evangelical Christianity marks the destruction of Christianity in America. Evangelical Christianity you get to make God your best friend and then manipulate Him to do things for you. That was common for ancient European Pagan gods. It’s garbage for organizing a society. In the early and mid 1800’s lots of nonsensical forms of Christianity were invented by successful salesman flaunting a strong American Folk Hero persona. Evangelical Christianity, Mormonism, and Jehovah Witnesses are all American religions and only use the lingo of the Bible. Salesmen had to appeal to people that had pagan roots they unknowningly brought from Europe. They are boldly opposite of the Bible. You have to be mindlessly and emotionlessly devoted to God with no promise of reward. Thats not an American or an European thing. Modern Christians like the feel good stuff. It’s more fun and appeals to their ancient roots with more palatable gods that they could pal around with.

Having a form of godliness, but denying thepower thereof: from such turn away. 2 Timothy 3:5
Can God oppose himself?
More arrogance. Thanks but I do know a bit about the science and I actually understand the implications of it.
That's your pride talking. You are offended that someone who believes that God exists can know more about science than you do. But it's true.
But true nonetheless.

Religions are made by men and fear was an integral component in the inception of all religions.
But it's not. Belief in God is about making one's life better in the here and now. You keep wanting to make this about religion rather than God. You're obsessed with religion.
But it's not. Belief in God is about making one's life better in the here and now. You keep wanting to make this about religion rather than God. You're obsessed with religion.
Will you admit that everything you know about God comes from a religion?
There is no evidence all we have are things we cannot explain and may never be able to explain.

And you can't be objective about anything either because your perceptions are as faulty as every other human's.

You're just to full of your own self to see it.
I noticed you never said what evidence you would accept. Probably because there is no evidence you would accept.

But putting that aside you are without excuse. You took the test and failed. God can be known from what he created.
No it's not. Knowing that we do not see the world as it actually is should make an intelligent person realize that if he does not actually experience the world as it is then there can be no objectivity about his perception of the anything he sees, hears, touches, tastes or smells.

Like I said I can change your perception of your own body with a rubber hand, a mirror and a paintbrush. I can change your perception of the world around you with a hair thin electrode applied to various areas of your brain.

Perception is by definition subjective.
So glad you admit it is impossible for you to be objective about anything. For you that appears to be the case. But that isn't the case for everyone other than you.
Everyone is.

When that subjectivity is similar enough among people we call it objectivity.

People can possibly be objective in their thoughts about esoteric things things like Justice, or love but even then your opinions about those things are not all your own
No. Just you.

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