NOAA Eliminating Recreational Fishing. Obama Adm Will Accept No More Public Imput

So, what's the logic in:

- Keeping Central Valley Farmers from growing vegetables so the water can be used for MORE FISH

and then,

- Preventing people from catching Fish when there is far less produce available?

It's almost like they don't want people to be fed.
Did anyone sea the recent TV special about the Sea Shepherds?

I was absolutely blown away by these stories of how they go out and confront the fishing boats who are illegally fishing for Right Whales in international waters!

Sea Shepherd

those jackasses are ecoterrorists. For one, the Japanese whalers are not illegally fishing. Not that I agree with them and its believed they are using "research" to illegally fish. But the people on the Sea Sheperd have no authority what so ever to harrass and interfere and endanger the lives of the people on the boats.
Although both of the links I hit so far only seemed to be written to get people fearful with no details of what will happen.

All fishing will not stop in all areas.
This is a fear driven campaign in my opinion.
Once again, Progressives come out in droves to provide cover for the idiot-in-chief. If Obama figured out a way to suck the air out of the world, killing all life, liberals would come up with a justification for it.

Umm, no, its just pointing out he typical dishonest ways of the obama bashing, dishonest assholes that spin everything, lie, and overexaggerate (this article perfect example) all for their partisan rants.

Sorry you are too stupid or hate obama so much that you can't see that this article is exaggerating and that all places are not having fishing bans
Did anyone sea the recent TV special about the Sea Shepherds?

I was absolutely blown away by these stories of how they go out and confront the fishing boats who are illegally fishing for Right Whales in international waters!

Sea Shepherd

those jackasses are ecoterrorists. For one, the Japanese whalers are not illegally fishing. Not that I agree with them and its believed they are using "research" to illegally fish. But the people on the Sea Sheperd have no authority what so ever to harrass and interfere and endanger the lives of the people on the boats.

I disagree! I watched a bunch of the coverage on one of the HD science channels.

Japan and Norway are ignoring the international mandates and selling the meat (not for "research") and the Sea Shepherd crew confronts and stops their "ecoterrorism" .

Sea Shepherd just completed the most ambitious and effective campaign to defend the great whales that we have ever undertaken and Operation Waltzing Matilda, the sixth voyage to the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary to oppose the illegal whaling activities of the Japanese whaling fleet, was astoundingly effective.

We also scored major political and media victories. The campaign was covered extensively in all international media and especially in Japan. The polls in Australia saw us receiving a 91% approval for our campaigns. This incredible public support in Australia finally forced Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to make good on his campaign promise to take legal action against Japanese whaling activities.
Antarctic Campaign Report ? Success Defending Whales! - Sea Shepherd

Whale Wars : Sea Shepherd, Whales, Whaling : Animal Planet

Sorry to go off the OP but this reminded me of that... :cool:
I do kind of sympathize with the Sea Shepherd's efforts in ending whaling though. What they're doing is probably illegal but i can see where they're coming from. The Japanese are full of chit when they claim they're slaughtering whales for "Research." The show 'Whale Wars' is a great show. Someone is going to get hurt for sure at some point. I guess they would say it's worth it though.
Well, I for one was not "bashing Obama". I understand this has been in the works for awhile.
I understand limits and 'bans' in certain areas, that is called "managment".
I point out once again, that if the AZ Fish and Game dept, and the NM Fish and Game dept are both concerned, so am I.
They have concerns over the jurisdiction of state waters and lands, and the ability of someone sitting at a desk in DC to properly manage both. It is really that simple.
Here in Arizona, we had our experience with management of our forests by some 'do-gooder' in an office in DC.
Has anyone ever heard of the Rodeo-Chedeski Fire complex?
Rodeo?Chediski Fire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

from the wiki article at the link;

"The Rodeo-Chediski Fire was a wildfire that burned in east-central Arizona beginning on June 18, 2002, and was not controlled until July 7. It was the worst forest fire in Arizona's recorded history to date, consuming 467,066 acres (1,890.15 km2) of woodland. Several local communities, including Show Low, Pinetop-Lakeside, and Heber-Overgaard, were threatened and had to be evacuated."

This fire burned until it snowed. It was declared under control in July, but burned until it snowed.
The policies that led up to this fire were administered by the federal government. In order to "protect" the Mexican spotted owl, and to "protect" a habitat to reintroduce the Mexican Grey Wolf, Logging was outlawed, the cattle were no longer allowed to graze in the forests, even camping and hunting were curtailed.
Now, almost eight years later, there are still large areas of scorched earth where nothing grows, and therefore no habitat exists. One of these areas straddles the White Mtn Apache Reservation and the Sitgraves National Forest. It is about 9 miles wide and 26 miles long. It is still dangerous to even walk through as the the burned trees that are still standing might just fall over on you.

That is the kind of situation that federal management of forests and waterways to satisfy environmentalists achieves.
I received a special notice about this from the NRA, Bass Pro Shops, Daneilson ltd, The NM Game and Fish dept, the AZ Game and Fish Dept, The Natl. Assoc. of Professional Hunting and Fishing Guides, The American Sportfishing Assoc., The Marina at Roosevelt Lake, Law Enterprises, and the emails keep coming in.

As one who is a licensed hunting and fishing guide in my state, I can assure you that there is something valid in this story. I have never received so many 'notifications' and requests to contact both my state legislators and those at the federal level in one day, never.

This move could be a blessing in disguise as it is exposing the "environmental" and "animal rights" movements for what they are and could actually lead to the total discrediting of both.

There is just too many fishermen and hunters for this to stand. There are simply too many that make at least a partial living in support of hunting and fishing.

Write, call and email your so-called leaders on this.

What are theY? trying to prevent the extinction of all fish. We overfish, oyu want to wipe out all the fish in areas so there is no more to fish? Like it or not, without efforts like this the fish population will be depleted.

I can understand your point in the context of commercial overfishing, but for recreational fishing it doesn't hold water.

Recreational fishermen are already constrained by limits on length, weight and number of fish (both total number and number by species).

Here are the limits in Missouri.

You'll notice that recreational fishing is also regulated by method, location, species and that endangered species are identified.

If overfishing is occurring in recreational fishing, then the solution is to reduce limits. As you can see in the Missouri Fishing regulations, the limits are quite many as 15 fish of many of the species. That leaves plenty of room for reduction if there was actually overfishing.

I can't speak for other states, but the Missouri Department of Conservation isn't the less bit shy about reducing limits if they deem it necessary.

That leads me to believe the "overfishing" argument is a red herring (pun intended).
Socialists can't help themselves. The more power they gain the more laws they will pass. It's just their nature. Is a Totalitarian Police State really all that far away? I was reading up a bit on the state of Great Britain at this point and i was pretty shocked to see what their Socialists have done to that once great nation. They have just about reached Police State status at this point. They now rank in the bottom five nations as far as freedom & privacy goes. Our Socialists here are using the Great Britain model for what they want our nation to become. It's up to you America. Is Socialism really what you want? You can do something. Make 2010 count people.
I received a special notice about this from the NRA, Bass Pro Shops, Daneilson ltd, The NM Game and Fish dept, the AZ Game and Fish Dept, The Natl. Assoc. of Professional Hunting and Fishing Guides, The American Sportfishing Assoc., The Marina at Roosevelt Lake, Law Enterprises, and the emails keep coming in.

As one who is a licensed hunting and fishing guide in my state, I can assure you that there is something valid in this story. I have never received so many 'notifications' and requests to contact both my state legislators and those at the federal level in one day, never.

This move could be a blessing in disguise as it is exposing the "environmental" and "animal rights" movements for what they are and could actually lead to the total discrediting of both.

There is just too many fishermen and hunters for this to stand. There are simply too many that make at least a partial living in support of hunting and fishing.

Write, call and email your so-called leaders on this.

I have a question...what would happen to all those fishermen and hunters if their game has been fished and hunted to extinction?

That is NOT happening at all. Commercial fishing may be exploiting numbers on the Ocean but interior hunting and fishing is sound and safe. Further the States are very aggressive at enforcing fishing permits even for commercial fishermen on the State water ways.

The Federal Government does not run these programs the States do.
I received a special notice about this from the NRA, Bass Pro Shops, Daneilson ltd, The NM Game and Fish dept, the AZ Game and Fish Dept, The Natl. Assoc. of Professional Hunting and Fishing Guides, The American Sportfishing Assoc., The Marina at Roosevelt Lake, Law Enterprises, and the emails keep coming in.

As one who is a licensed hunting and fishing guide in my state, I can assure you that there is something valid in this story. I have never received so many 'notifications' and requests to contact both my state legislators and those at the federal level in one day, never.

This move could be a blessing in disguise as it is exposing the "environmental" and "animal rights" movements for what they are and could actually lead to the total discrediting of both.

There is just too many fishermen and hunters for this to stand. There are simply too many that make at least a partial living in support of hunting and fishing.

Write, call and email your so-called leaders on this.

What are theY? trying to prevent the extinction of all fish. We overfish, oyu want to wipe out all the fish in areas so there is no more to fish? Like it or not, without efforts like this the fish population will be depleted.

I can understand your point in the context of commercial overfishing, but for recreational fishing it doesn't hold water.

Recreational fishermen are already constrained by limits on length, weight and number of fish (both total number and number by species).

Here are the limits in Missouri.

You'll notice that recreational fishing is also regulated by method, location, species and that endangered species are identified.

If overfishing is occurring in recreational fishing, then the solution is to reduce limits. As you can see in the Missouri Fishing regulations, the limits are quite many as 15 fish of many of the species. That leaves plenty of room for reduction if there was actually overfishing.

I can't speak for other states, but the Missouri Department of Conservation isn't the less bit shy about reducing limits if they deem it necessary.

That leads me to believe the "overfishing" argument is a red herring (pun intended).

No commercial OR recreational fisherman, or hunter for that matter, wants wildlife to be "extinct". We all want limits, and even bans when they are needed for the proper management, to maintain sustainable populations of fish and wildlife.
To think anything else is simply idiotic.
What Dr. Gregg seems to miss in regards to modern game management is that none of the ecosystems that exist in the continental USA at present are natural, NONE. After approx. 200 years of hunting and fishing, management is essential, and hunting and fishing is part of that management.
I make the statement once again that wildlife management should be left to those that understand it, and not be politicized.
I also make the observation that while decrying others for "obama bashing" on this issue, Dr Gregg is engageing in an activity that is worse. Blind partisanship has caused him to become a blind follower of those that would destroy the wildlife management system in this country.
Wildlife managment should be left to those that have an education in the field and have themselves spent their life studying it. It should not become a political issue. Nobody wants to lose our wildlife, NOBODY! Those that claim so are politicizing a scientific issue. That is simply immoral.
Most of all, wildlife management should be left in the domain of of local agencies that are experienced in the area in which they work, to centralize it will be the start of the situation by which we lose it.
I received a special notice about this from the NRA, Bass Pro Shops, Daneilson ltd, The NM Game and Fish dept, the AZ Game and Fish Dept, The Natl. Assoc. of Professional Hunting and Fishing Guides, The American Sportfishing Assoc., The Marina at Roosevelt Lake, Law Enterprises, and the emails keep coming in.

As one who is a licensed hunting and fishing guide in my state, I can assure you that there is something valid in this story. I have never received so many 'notifications' and requests to contact both my state legislators and those at the federal level in one day, never.

This move could be a blessing in disguise as it is exposing the "environmental" and "animal rights" movements for what they are and could actually lead to the total discrediting of both.

There is just too many fishermen and hunters for this to stand. There are simply too many that make at least a partial living in support of hunting and fishing.

Write, call and email your so-called leaders on this.

I have a question...what would happen to all those fishermen and hunters if their game has been fished and hunted to extinction?

That is NOT happening at all. Commercial fishing may be exploiting numbers on the Ocean but interior hunting and fishing is sound and safe. Further the States are very aggressive at enforcing fishing permits even for commercial fishermen on the State water ways.

The Federal Government does not run these programs the States do.

Exactly! Well said RetGysgt! That is where the management should stay too, with the states.
bodecea, your post is a clear demonstration of why this should be. To give control to a central authority at the federal level just puts those that are as uninformed as you are in charge, and as a consequence, we will lose it.
I received a special notice about this from the NRA, Bass Pro Shops, Daneilson ltd, The NM Game and Fish dept, the AZ Game and Fish Dept, The Natl. Assoc. of Professional Hunting and Fishing Guides, The American Sportfishing Assoc., The Marina at Roosevelt Lake, Law Enterprises, and the emails keep coming in.

As one who is a licensed hunting and fishing guide in my state, I can assure you that there is something valid in this story. I have never received so many 'notifications' and requests to contact both my state legislators and those at the federal level in one day, never.

This move could be a blessing in disguise as it is exposing the "environmental" and "animal rights" movements for what they are and could actually lead to the total discrediting of both.

There is just too many fishermen and hunters for this to stand. There are simply too many that make at least a partial living in support of hunting and fishing.

Write, call and email your so-called leaders on this.

What are theY? trying to prevent the extinction of all fish. We overfish, oyu want to wipe out all the fish in areas so there is no more to fish? Like it or not, without efforts like this the fish population will be depleted.

Ever hear of slot limits, daily creel limits, or what I mostly do is CATCH AND RELEASE!!!! I know that most state DNR funding is paid for by sales of licences. Fishernmen and hunters are some of the most avid protectors of wildlife. I personally own property which I use for hunting but also supply the animals with a safe place to live and grow with ample foodlots for their survival and health. I also belong to a hunting club which also does the same. We harvest a few of the animals but help sustain many more. With our help these animals are stonger and more healthy than normal and more aboundant. Hunters and fisherman are the most ethical people around and quickly report any poacher or violators of game laws. We all have the goal of keeping this resource safe and secure so it will be around for ever so people for generations can enjoy and use this resource. I love the taste of venison it is so good for you, but I also enjoy watching the deer through out the year.
The states do not have authority in all waters to properly enforce creel limits and such.

Which state controls that in the great lakes?
The states do not have authority in all waters to properly enforce creel limits and such.

Which state controls that in the great lakes?

While I live in AZ, and not around the Great lakes, I have fished in Lake Erie.
Here is a link to the rules that I had to follow, from the state of New York.

Great Lakes Fishing Regulations - NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation

I would assume that intrastate agreements, as well as agreements with the Canadians govern all the lakes, but I only have experience with lake Erie in NY.
I received a special notice about this from the NRA, Bass Pro Shops, Daneilson ltd, The NM Game and Fish dept, the AZ Game and Fish Dept, The Natl. Assoc. of Professional Hunting and Fishing Guides, The American Sportfishing Assoc., The Marina at Roosevelt Lake, Law Enterprises, and the emails keep coming in.

As one who is a licensed hunting and fishing guide in my state, I can assure you that there is something valid in this story. I have never received so many 'notifications' and requests to contact both my state legislators and those at the federal level in one day, never.

This move could be a blessing in disguise as it is exposing the "environmental" and "animal rights" movements for what they are and could actually lead to the total discrediting of both.

There is just too many fishermen and hunters for this to stand. There are simply too many that make at least a partial living in support of hunting and fishing.

Write, call and email your so-called leaders on this.

I have a question...what would happen to all those fishermen and hunters if their game has been fished and hunted to extinction?

That is NOT happening at all. Commercial fishing may be exploiting numbers on the Ocean but interior hunting and fishing is sound and safe. Further the States are very aggressive at enforcing fishing permits even for commercial fishermen on the State water ways.

The Federal Government does not run these programs the States do.
This law only covers national waters...not state waters and rivers, etc. In other words ... the oceans surrounding the country.
depend which waters you are fishing in. If you are outside of lets say Illinois fishing on Lake Michigan then you are under the control of the Il. dept of conservation. They will fine you if you are caught fishing without a licence or not following the rules and regulations!!!
I have a question...what would happen to all those fishermen and hunters if their game has been fished and hunted to extinction?

That is NOT happening at all. Commercial fishing may be exploiting numbers on the Ocean but interior hunting and fishing is sound and safe. Further the States are very aggressive at enforcing fishing permits even for commercial fishermen on the State water ways.

The Federal Government does not run these programs the States do.
This law only covers national waters...not state waters and rivers, etc. In other words ... the oceans surrounding the country.

Sorry ravi, your wrong. Since all navigable waters in the country were decalred "national waters", it means them all.

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