Noah and his boat -

its so tedious responding to everything you post....can I go back to deleting the most stupid parts and just "cherry picking" the parts that further the conversation?.....

note: my apologies to daws.....when I responded in the previous post I didn't notice I was responding to Max instead of to you......sometimes the different flavors of "stupid" are too subtle to distinguish......
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Heh...Ramirez at his best;


FACE THE TRUTH!!! Unbelieving mockers and scoffers are unbelieving mockers and scoffers because they CHOOSE TO BE and no amount of proof or answers to their silly questions will ever change their unbeleving mocking and scoffing little minds!!!
nobody else had anything to say?.....Pentecost was only 40 days after Easter and there were 3000 converts in a single day....within twenty years there were churches in ten different countries....within fifty years Rome felt so threatened by Christianity they started killing the church leaders.....but nobody was saying anything......right.....
another taken out of context cherry pick ....

the whole in context quote: "Why was it necessary for Paul to record all the things he learned 50 years after Christ in a "vision" when nobody else had anything to say about this man Jesus, who supposedly had such a huge impact on the world during his life?"
the Pentecost was a usurped Jewish festival and Easter as everybody knows is a pagan Holiday again usurped by the Christians they did not celebrate it as the resurrection till 200 hundred after his death..
Christmas was not celebrated for the for the first 300 hundred years that Christianity

The first fact we have to note is that the gospels were written quite a few years after Christ’s death c. 33 A.D. and the second is that Christ did not write nor dictate anything Himself. The earliest Christian writing, c. 17 years after Christ’s death, was Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians. In this and other authentic letters of Paul he reveals very little about the teachings of Christ. When he wrote about our Lord it was the passion, death and resurrection that featured mostly.

The Acts of the Apostles, an account of the early Church after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon Mary and the disciples, written some fifty odd years after this event, had also Peter and Stephen and Philip proclaiming these events too of our Lord’s life, with an emphasis too on Christ’s rejection by the Jewish authorities and being responsible for His death.

By the time the first Gospel was written probably all the Apostles (perhaps John was still alive) and the first generation of followers of Christ had mostly died. The three main leaders, James, Peter and Paul had been martyred in the sixties. This means that none of the apostles wrote a gospel. In fact when we examine the individual gospels we shall see that each reflected the Christian community and time in which it was written. Thus there is a difference between the historical Jesus and the Gospel Jesus. By that I mean the respective evangelists only included those parts of the life of Jesus and His teaching that reflected his purpose in writing. We also should note that the word from which we translate “gospel” actually means “message” or even “proclamation” – a word that is found in the non-canonical works such as Protevangelium of James or of Peter.

nuff said

Passover is a Pagan holiday highjacked by Christianity?
reading comp problems?no where do I mention Passover Easter is a separate Holiday

Passover to an ancient pre-Israelite Pagan ritual practiced by wandering Semitic shepherds. The Feast of Unleavened Bread was originally a traditional Canaanite agricultural harvest which was adopted by the Israelites. It marked the start of the barley harvest; barley was the first crop to ripen. Because they occurred at about the same time each year, the two celebrations became merged into a two day observance. The Passover became associated with the exodus of the Jews from Egypt


Pagan origins of Easter:

Many, perhaps most, Pagan religions in the Mediterranean area had a major seasonal day of religious celebration at or following the Spring Equinox. Cybele, the Phrygian fertility goddess, had a consort, Attis, who was believed to have been born via a virgin birth. Attis was believed to have died and been resurrected each year during the period MAR-22 to MAR-25.

Gerald L. Berry, author of "Religions of the World," wrote:

"About 200 B.C. mystery cults began to appear in Rome just as they had earlier in Greece. Most notable was the Cybele cult centered on Vatican hill ...Associated with the Cybele cult was that of her lover, Attis (the older Tammuz, Osiris, Dionysus, or Orpheus under a new name). He was a god of ever-reviving vegetation. Born of a virgin, he died and was reborn annually. The festival began as a day of blood on Black Friday and culminated after three days in a day of rejoicing over the resurrection." 3

Wherever Christian worship of Jesus and Pagan worship of Attis were active in the same geographical area in ancient times, Christians:

"... used to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus on the same date; and pagans and Christians used to quarrel bitterly about which of their gods was the true prototype and which the imitation."

Many religious historians and liberal theologians believe that the death and resurrection legends were first associated with Attis, many centuries before the birth of Jesus. They were simply grafted onto stories of Jesus' life in order to make Christian theology more acceptable to Pagans. Others suggest that many of the events in Jesus' life that were recorded in the gospels were lifted from the life of Krishna, the second person of the Hindu Trinity, or were taken from the life of Horus, an Egyptian god. Ancient Christians had an alternative explanation; they claimed that Satan had created counterfeit deities in advance of the coming of Christ in order to confuse humanity. 4 Modern-day Christians generally regard the Attis and Horus legends as being a Pagan myths of little value with no connection to Jesus. They regard Jesus' death and resurrection account as being true, and unrelated to the earlier tradition.

Wiccans and other modern-day Neopagans continue to celebrate the Spring Equinox as one of their 8 yearly Sabbats (holy days of celebration). Near the Mediterranean, this is a time of sprouting of the summer's crop; farther north, it is the time for seeding. Their rituals at the Spring Equinox are related primarily to the fertility of the crops and to the balance of the day and night times. In those places where Wiccans can safely celebrate the Sabbat out of doors without threat of religious persecution, they often incorporate a bonfire into their rituals, jumping over the dying embers is believed to assure fertility of people and crops.
FACE THE TRUTH!!! Unbelieving mockers and scoffers are unbelieving mockers and scoffers because they CHOOSE TO BE and no amount of proof or answers to their silly questions will ever change their unbeleving mocking and scoffing little minds!!!

Would it be just as true that angry believers that display hatred and disdain for those that don't share their faith turn their back on the Fruits of the Spirit because they CHOOSE to reject the Holy Spirit, or has the Holy Spirit rejected them?
Why does god hate you and not indwell in you?
its so tedious responding to everything you post....can I go back to deleting the most stupid parts and just "cherry picking" the parts that further the conversation?.....

note: my apologies to daws.....when I responded in the previous post I didn't notice I was responding to Max instead of to you......sometimes the different flavors of "stupid" are too subtle to distinguish......
love it when you rationalize your hate and ignorance.
if you had any integrity you'd have just said I fucked up...
its so tedious responding to everything you post....can I go back to deleting the most stupid parts and just "cherry picking" the parts that further the conversation?.....

note: my apologies to daws.....when I responded in the previous post I didn't notice I was responding to Max instead of to you......sometimes the different flavors of "stupid" are too subtle to distinguish......
love it when you rationalize your hate and ignorance.
if you had any integrity you'd have just said I fucked up...

I'm pretty sure I've told you you've fucked up a lot of times.....
So from what you say, we can deduce or add that:
What Paul wrote was hearsay.
anything that Paul wrote about things observed by others would be hearsay.....however, your comment makes it clear you are not familiar with what Paul wrote.....Paul wrote about his own experiences and he wrote about doctrine.....he didn't write much about things observed by others...
Luke wrote fiction.
nothing from what I said would lead a rational person to deduce that..

if you travel Mexico you will discover there are many Jesu.....there was only one Christ....

so judgmental......not to mention inaccurate.....
If "everyone wrote while they were still alive", why is the earliest known fragment dated after they were dead?
seriously? need this explained?......because all the earlier copies fell apart....tell me this.......why would anyone bother to copy them if they weren't considered important by the Christian community?
The word "gospel" can be found in other books. Thanks, Mr Obvious.
the word gospel can be found in this thread....does that make it part of the canon?.....
`The earliest writings of Paul date to several generations after he died. Same with all the others. That you say the earlier copies disintegrated is nothing but wishful thinking, with no proof whatsoever.
You said Luke wrote stuff after having dreams. Therefore, it's fiction.
At the time, there were several Jesuses preaching, so the Jesus you quote may not even be the right one, lol.
`The earliest writings of Paul date to several generations after he died.
lol, no.....the earliest writings of Paul, like the last writings of Paul, date from the day he wrote them....

You said Luke wrote stuff after having dreams
except no....I said nothing about Luke having dreams....

At the time, there were several Jesuses preaching, so the Jesus you quote may not even be the right one, lol.
interesting claim.....however, you don't even have hearsay evidence to back it up, which puts you lower on the evidentiary timeline than everyone else....
`The earliest writings of Paul date to several generations after he died.
lol, no.....the earliest writings of Paul, like the last writings of Paul, date from the day he wrote them....

You said Luke wrote stuff after having dreams
except no....I said nothing about Luke having dreams....

At the time, there were several Jesuses preaching, so the Jesus you quote may not even be the right one, lol.
interesting claim.....however, you don't even have hearsay evidence to back it up, which puts you lower on the evidentiary timeline than everyone else....

Let me rephrase that. The earliest known fragments of writings attributed to Paul, or anyone else, date to several generations after he/they died. There's also no proof that any of these people even knew how to write.

Everything in the bible is hearsay, so I at least have something in common with that book of fiction. Or should I say like Bossy, and ask you to refute my statement with peer reviewed facts? :D
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`The earliest writings of Paul date to several generations after he died.
lol, no.....the earliest writings of Paul, like the last writings of Paul, date from the day he wrote them....

except no....I said nothing about Luke having dreams....

At the time, there were several Jesuses preaching, so the Jesus you quote may not even be the right one, lol.
interesting claim.....however, you don't even have hearsay evidence to back it up, which puts you lower on the evidentiary timeline than everyone else....

Let me rephrase that. The earliest known fragments of writings attributed to Paul, or anyone else, date to several generations after he/they died. There's also no proof that any of these people even knew how to write.

Everything in the bible is hearsay, so I at least have something in common with that book of fiction. Or should I say like Bossy, and ask you to refute my statement with peer reviewed facts? :D

Matthew was a scholar and Timothy was a physician.

But most educated one of the bunch was Judas.

Kind of illuminating, don't you think?
lol, no.....the earliest writings of Paul, like the last writings of Paul, date from the day he wrote them....

except no....I said nothing about Luke having dreams....

interesting claim.....however, you don't even have hearsay evidence to back it up, which puts you lower on the evidentiary timeline than everyone else....

Let me rephrase that. The earliest known fragments of writings attributed to Paul, or anyone else, date to several generations after he/they died. There's also no proof that any of these people even knew how to write.

Everything in the bible is hearsay, so I at least have something in common with that book of fiction. Or should I say like Bossy, and ask you to refute my statement with peer reviewed facts? :D

Matthew was a scholar and Timothy was a physician.

But most educated one of the bunch was Judas.

Kind of illuminating, don't you think?
All hearsay.
`The earliest writings of Paul date to several generations after he died.
lol, no.....the earliest writings of Paul, like the last writings of Paul, date from the day he wrote them....

except no....I said nothing about Luke having dreams....

At the time, there were several Jesuses preaching, so the Jesus you quote may not even be the right one, lol.
interesting claim.....however, you don't even have hearsay evidence to back it up, which puts you lower on the evidentiary timeline than everyone else....

Let me rephrase that. The earliest known fragments of writings attributed to Paul, or anyone else, date to several generations after he/they died. There's also no proof that any of these people even knew how to write.

Everything in the bible is hearsay, so I at least have something in common with that book of fiction. Or should I say like Bossy, and ask you to refute my statement with peer reviewed facts? :D

By your standard everything is hearsay unless you hear it yourself.

So everything is a lie.

That means that the ACA is hearsay. You've never seen it or heard it yourself.

Obama isn't the president because we only heard through 3rd parties that he was even elected.
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THOSE blinded by satan choose to not believe and what a HUGE price they pay for all eternity!!!
Passover to an ancient pre-Israelite Pagan ritual practiced by wandering Semitic shepherds. The Feast of Unleavened Bread was originally a traditional Canaanite agricultural harvest which was adopted by the Israelites. It marked the start of the barley harvest; barley was the first crop to ripen. Because they occurred at about the same time each year, the two celebrations became merged into a two day observance. The Passover became associated with the exodus of the Jews from Egypt


That's utterly rediculous.

Passover is about G-D taking the jews out of Egypt and the giving of the Torah.

When the angel of death killed the Egpytian first born, he Passed Over the jewish homes.

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