Noah and his boat -

FACE THE REAL TRUTH!!! Satan Blinded,ignorant unbelievers can always find more and more reasons to doubt and not believe=that is what they do!

Doubt is what intelligent, thinking people do.

And, they ask questions ...

If god destroyed all of humankind, aren't we all descendents of Noah?

How does Noah sedate the animals to they can all be crammed into the tiny area? Or is that just a device of the movie?

What the heck are the rock giants who help with the building? Are they supposed to be the fallen angels? The "watchers"?

What's the story on Methuselah's obsession with eating berries?

And Noah was an alcoholic?
Why try to fool yourself and others?? If you had every answer to every question,your type would still find more fake reasons to not believe God's Word.
Why try to fool yourself and others?? If you had every answer to every question,your type would still find more fake reasons to not believe God's Word.

Always the coward.
Never able to simply answer a question.

Now he'll post more empty platitudes ...
FACE THE REAL TRUTH!!! Satan Blinded,ignorant unbelievers can always find more and more reasons to doubt and not believe=that is what they do!
Why live with doubt and fear? God says believers are to "fear not! live in faith and trust, believing the eternal truth of God's Word. There is no downside to living your life as a son of God,in His love,blessings and protection!!!! BUT-YOUR CHOICE!!! ===GOD is the author of the word of GOD,THE WORD "WAS" even before creation. you have no idea what you are posting about because you do not know what THE WORD OF GOD IS!!!=====The Eternal LIVING Word OF GOD.

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
JOHN 1:1-5
Why try to fool yourself and others?? If you had every answer to every question,your type would still find more fake reasons to not believe God's Word.
that's a common mistake JESUS never wrote anything down there is no evidence that any of his apostles (that were alive when he was did either) paul does not count.
it's not clear any of them could read either...
Why was it necessary for Paul to record all the things he learned 50 years after Christ in a "vision" when nobody else had anything to say about this man Jesus, who supposedly had such a huge impact on the world during his life?

You're just making stuff up. It's abundantly clear that all of the Apostles could read and write.

And what in the world are you talking about here?

Why was it necessary for Paul to record all the things he learned 50 years after Christ in a "vision" . . .
no it's not find something by one of them written about Jesus that can be verified to have been written when he was alive.
as to Paul for someone who claims to be christian you're fucking ignorant about it's history.

He wrote in a jumbled, illiterate fashion. . . .

LOL! I never said the Apostles wrote their Gospels/Epistles before Christ's crucifixion. All of these things were written after Christ Ascended.


What's your point? Of course they were written after.

The various works of the New Testament were written between A.D. 48 to 95.

You claimed that none of the Apostles, but Paul, could read or write. That's bull! The textual and historical evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates that they could all read and write, certainly, Aramaic and common Greek, while Paul, Luke and Matthew, the best educated among them, could read and write Hebrew, Aramaic and classic Greek.
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when nobody else had anything to say about this man Jesus, who supposedly had such a huge impact on the world during his life?

nobody else had anything to say?.....Pentecost was only 40 days after Easter and there were 3000 converts in a single day....within twenty years there were churches in ten different countries....within fifty years Rome felt so threatened by Christianity they started killing the church leaders.....but nobody was saying anything......right.....
another taken out of context cherry pick ....

the whole in context quote: "Why was it necessary for Paul to record all the things he learned 50 years after Christ in a "vision" when nobody else had anything to say about this man Jesus, who supposedly had such a huge impact on the world during his life?"
the Pentecost was a usurped Jewish festival and Easter as everybody knows is a pagan Holiday again usurped by the Christians they did not celebrate it as the resurrection till 200 hundred after his death..
Christmas was not celebrated for the for the first 300 hundred years that Christianity

The first fact we have to note is that the gospels were written quite a few years after Christ’s death c. 33 A.D. and the second is that Christ did not write nor dictate anything Himself. The earliest Christian writing, c. 17 years after Christ’s death, was Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians. In this and other authentic letters of Paul he reveals very little about the teachings of Christ. When he wrote about our Lord it was the passion, death and resurrection that featured mostly.

The Acts of the Apostles, an account of the early Church after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon Mary and the disciples, written some fifty odd years after this event, had also Peter and Stephen and Philip proclaiming these events too of our Lord’s life, with an emphasis too on Christ’s rejection by the Jewish authorities and being responsible for His death.

By the time the first Gospel was written probably all the Apostles (perhaps John was still alive) and the first generation of followers of Christ had mostly died. The three main leaders, James, Peter and Paul had been martyred in the sixties. This means that none of the apostles wrote a gospel. In fact when we examine the individual gospels we shall see that each reflected the Christian community and time in which it was written. Thus there is a difference between the historical Jesus and the Gospel Jesus. By that I mean the respective evangelists only included those parts of the life of Jesus and His teaching that reflected his purpose in writing. We also should note that the word from which we translate “gospel” actually means “message” or even “proclamation” – a word that is found in the non-canonical works such as Protevangelium of James or of Peter.

nuff said
when nobody else had anything to say about this man Jesus, who supposedly had such a huge impact on the world during his life?

nobody else had anything to say?.....Pentecost was only 40 days after Easter and there were 3000 converts in a single day....within twenty years there were churches in ten different countries....within fifty years Rome felt so threatened by Christianity they started killing the church leaders.....but nobody was saying anything......right.....
another taken out of context cherry pick ....
dude, there's no need to pick, everything you post is stupid...

the whole in context quote: "Why was it necessary for Paul to record all the things he learned 50 years after Christ
he didn't.....he wrote three years after Christ....
in a "vision"
Paul didn't write about his vision, Luke did.....
when nobody else had anything to say about this man Jesus
lots of other people did....
, who supposedly had such a huge impact on the world during his life?"
three billion followers and his impact is "supposed"?????

the Pentecost was a usurped Jewish festival and Easter as everybody knows is a pagan Holiday again usurped by the Christians they did not celebrate it as the resurrection till 200 hundred after his death..
Christmas was not celebrated for the for the first 300 hundred years that Christianity
and yet, Easter and Christmas and Pentacost are celebrations of distinct Christian events....

The first fact we have to note is that the gospels were written quite a few years after Christ’s death c. 33 A.D. and the second is that Christ did not write nor dictate anything Himself. The earliest Christian writing, c. 17 years after Christ’s death, was Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians.
are you pretending that seventeen years was spent in a vacuum?.....are you ignoring the growth of the church in that period?

In this and other authentic letters of Paul he reveals very little about the teachings of Christ. When he wrote about our Lord it was the passion, death and resurrection that featured mostly.

lol....just lol.....don't need anything except lol....

The Acts of the Apostles, an account of the early Church after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon Mary and the disciples, written some fifty odd years after this event, had also Peter and Stephen and Philip proclaiming these events too of our Lord’s life, with an emphasis too on Christ’s rejection by the Jewish authorities and being responsible for His death.
you almost sounded intelligent for a moment till you got to the part about blaming Jews.....

By the time the first Gospel was written probably all the Apostles (perhaps John was still alive) and the first generation of followers of Christ had mostly died.
no.....everyone wrote while they were still alive....its hard to write when your dead.....

This means that none of the apostles wrote a gospel.
John was an apostle.....Matthew, Mark, and Luke wrote the other three.....

In fact when we examine the individual gospels we shall see that each reflected the Christian community and time in which it was written.
yes the first century....

Thus there is a difference between the historical Jesus and the Gospel Jesus.
if you're referring to the "historical Jesus" made up by German theologians in the 30s, agreed.....

By that I mean the respective evangelists only included those parts of the life of Jesus and His teaching that reflected his purpose in writing.
du' could sit down and read any gospel out loud in what, two or three hours?.....they describe three years of Jesus life.....its not news that we don't have every statement he ever made....
We also should note that the word from which we translate “gospel” actually means “message” or even “proclamation” – a word that is found in the non-canonical works such as Protevangelium of James or of Peter.

non-canonical......need we say more.....

see, no need to pick.....its all stupid......
Danged inconvenient facts.


Anyone seen the movie?

No. I think for myself which is why I don't watch PBS.

Yes you don't seem the PBS science programming type, more like the Benny Hinn, TBN type
nobody else had anything to say?.....Pentecost was only 40 days after Easter and there were 3000 converts in a single day....within twenty years there were churches in ten different countries....within fifty years Rome felt so threatened by Christianity they started killing the church leaders.....but nobody was saying anything......right.....
another taken out of context cherry pick ....
dude, there's no need to pick, everything you post is stupid...

he didn't.....he wrote three years after Christ....

Paul didn't write about his vision, Luke did.....

lots of other people did....

three billion followers and his impact is "supposed"?????

and yet, Easter and Christmas and Pentacost are celebrations of distinct Christian events....

are you pretending that seventeen years was spent in a vacuum?.....are you ignoring the growth of the church in that period?

lol....just lol.....don't need anything except lol....

you almost sounded intelligent for a moment till you got to the part about blaming Jews.....

no.....everyone wrote while they were still alive....its hard to write when your dead.....

John was an apostle.....Matthew, Mark, and Luke wrote the other three.....

yes the first century....

if you're referring to the "historical Jesus" made up by German theologians in the 30s, agreed.....

By that I mean the respective evangelists only included those parts of the life of Jesus and His teaching that reflected his purpose in writing.
du' could sit down and read any gospel out loud in what, two or three hours?.....they describe three years of Jesus life.....its not news that we don't have every statement he ever made....
We also should note that the word from which we translate “gospel” actually means “message” or even “proclamation” – a word that is found in the non-canonical works such as Protevangelium of James or of Peter.

non-canonical......need we say more.....

see, no need to pick.....its all stupid......
So from what you say, we can deduce or add that:
What Paul wrote was hearsay.
Luke wrote fiction.
There were actually several Jesuses at the time preaching.
3 billion people, most of whom are at war or just simply not following Jesus properly.
If "everyone wrote while they were still alive", why is the earliest known fragment dated after they were dead?
The word "gospel" can be found in other books. Thanks, Mr Obvious.
Jesus Christ prophesied that He would be "hated by the world" and that believers would be "hated for His namesake." Today's vicious and hateful attacks on Him, His Word, and those of us who believe in Him simply proves (more than 2000 years later) that His prophesy was and is RIGHT ON THE MONEY.

John 15:18, "If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you."

Matthew 10:22, "And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved."

I find it interesting that the same folks who froth at the mouth at the very name of Jesus Christ will quote Plato or Aristotle or Socrates without blinking an eye.

Regardless of whether you accept Christ or not one must admit that there's still incredible power in His name. More than 2000 years after His death and resurrection folks are STILL trying to crucify Him anew.
when nobody else had anything to say about this man Jesus, who supposedly had such a huge impact on the world during his life?

nobody else had anything to say?.....Pentecost was only 40 days after Easter and there were 3000 converts in a single day....within twenty years there were churches in ten different countries....within fifty years Rome felt so threatened by Christianity they started killing the church leaders.....but nobody was saying anything......right.....
another taken out of context cherry pick ....

the whole in context quote: "Why was it necessary for Paul to record all the things he learned 50 years after Christ in a "vision" when nobody else had anything to say about this man Jesus, who supposedly had such a huge impact on the world during his life?"
the Pentecost was a usurped Jewish festival and Easter as everybody knows is a pagan Holiday again usurped by the Christians they did not celebrate it as the resurrection till 200 hundred after his death..
Christmas was not celebrated for the for the first 300 hundred years that Christianity

The first fact we have to note is that the gospels were written quite a few years after Christ’s death c. 33 A.D. and the second is that Christ did not write nor dictate anything Himself. The earliest Christian writing, c. 17 years after Christ’s death, was Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians. In this and other authentic letters of Paul he reveals very little about the teachings of Christ. When he wrote about our Lord it was the passion, death and resurrection that featured mostly.

The Acts of the Apostles, an account of the early Church after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon Mary and the disciples, written some fifty odd years after this event, had also Peter and Stephen and Philip proclaiming these events too of our Lord’s life, with an emphasis too on Christ’s rejection by the Jewish authorities and being responsible for His death.

By the time the first Gospel was written probably all the Apostles (perhaps John was still alive) and the first generation of followers of Christ had mostly died. The three main leaders, James, Peter and Paul had been martyred in the sixties. This means that none of the apostles wrote a gospel. In fact when we examine the individual gospels we shall see that each reflected the Christian community and time in which it was written. Thus there is a difference between the historical Jesus and the Gospel Jesus. By that I mean the respective evangelists only included those parts of the life of Jesus and His teaching that reflected his purpose in writing. We also should note that the word from which we translate “gospel” actually means “message” or even “proclamation” – a word that is found in the non-canonical works such as Protevangelium of James or of Peter.

nuff said

Passover is a Pagan holiday highjacked by Christianity?
Unbelieving mockers and scoffers are unbelieving mockers and scoffers because they CHOOSE TO BE and no amount of proof or answers to their silly questions will ever change their unbeleving mocking and scoffing little minds!!!
rock steady

Saw an ad in the newspaper that caught my eye
I said to my baby this sounds like the ticket for you and I
It said volunteers wanted for a very special trip
To commune with Mother Nature on a big wooden ship
We took a taxi to the river in case any places were free
There was an old guy with a beard
And every kind of creature as far as the eye could see
This old guy was the boss, he said,
"I won't tell you no lie
But there's more to this journey
Than is apparent to the eye"
He said he'd heard God's message on the radio
It was going to rain forever and he'd told him to go
"I'll protect you all don't worry I'll be father to you all
I'll save two of every animal, no matter how small
But I'll need some assistants to look after the zoo
I can't see nobody better so you'll just have to do"
I said, "Just tell me something before it's too late and we're gone
I mean just how safe is this boat we'll be on?"
"It's Rock steady, rock steady
Rock steady, rock steady
Rock stead, rock steady
Rock steady, rock steady"

It rained for forty days and forty long nights
I'd never seen rain like it and it looked like our old friend
Was being proved right
We had no time to worry though there was just too much to do
Between the signified monkey and the kangaroo
We had to wash all the animals we had to feed them too
We were merely human slaves in a big floating zoo
She said, "Hey Baby I don't mean to be flip
But it seems this old man is on some power trip"

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So from what you say, we can deduce or add that:
What Paul wrote was hearsay.
anything that Paul wrote about things observed by others would be hearsay.....however, your comment makes it clear you are not familiar with what Paul wrote.....Paul wrote about his own experiences and he wrote about doctrine.....he didn't write much about things observed by others...
Luke wrote fiction.
nothing from what I said would lead a rational person to deduce that..
There were actually several Jesuses at the time preaching.
if you travel Mexico you will discover there are many Jesu.....there was only one Christ....
3 billion people, most of whom are at war or just simply not following Jesus properly.
so judgmental......not to mention inaccurate.....
If "everyone wrote while they were still alive", why is the earliest known fragment dated after they were dead?
seriously? need this explained?......because all the earlier copies fell apart....tell me this.......why would anyone bother to copy them if they weren't considered important by the Christian community?
The word "gospel" can be found in other books. Thanks, Mr Obvious.
the word gospel can be found in this thread....does that make it part of the canon?.....
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