Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

Possibly yes, and nobody would have known it was a global event, because they didn't even know there was a globe. I can see the Noah myth arising from older flood tales with a seed of truth. Floods do happen. I don't think that's an extraordinary claim.

By the time the story of Noah was written it would have been well known that it was a global event covering the known world. So what if they didn't know about the americas or australia whose people all recorded this unprecedented flood in their traditions and stories of the past.

BTW, the story of Noah did not exaggerate the devastation. And the animals on the ark could be just metaphors for human archetypes just like the deeper hidden meaning of Kosher law.

Even worse


The waters covered the mountains. A mountain, as in the mountains of Israel, is a metaphor for big shots who were like immovable mountains on the human landscape. So the flood was at least 7 feet high and swept them all away.Not an exaggeration.....

You are just a dunce. You should be embarrassed.
Read the verses leading up to God's decision.
The entire human race became extremely selfish and the only way to survive to be extremely giving.
If Noach failed the test, God would have had to create everything all over again.
There are, in fact, opinions that there were many creations until Noach succeeded.
So you're saying God wanted to kill almost every human but the only way to do it was to kill all the animals too? Too bad the Wuhan lab didn't exist yet.
So you're saying God wanted to kill almost every human but the only way to do it was to kill all the animals too? Too bad the Wuhan lab didn't exist yet.
You read it exactly the opposite of God's true intention.
God was done with almost the entire human race and Noach spent 120 years building the Ark and no one got the message that they were acting like predators.
You also didn't read the verses before God speaks to surprise as you probably feel your membership in the Atheist Club will expire if you actually read anything in context.
The verse says that even the animals corrupted their ways; such is the power of perverse human behavior.
It could be the people were forcing inter-breeding in a manner antithetical to the laws set down by Adam.

Sounds like today, doesn't it?

Genesis 6​

11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.
12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

Ah well, now you cheated and actually read the writings. That's not fair for the illiterates and lazy. And, it still doesn't include Flying Spacemen N Stuff either.

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