Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

In the Bible, Genesis 6:9 - 9:17 it says:

"And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female."

So, they put two of every species on the ark.

Like sharks, fish, jellyfish....

How on EARTH did fish, and jellyfish and sharks survive on the ark for 40 days and 40 nights?

It cracks me up that people can read that nonsense in the Bible and believe it.
How would I know it's nonsense had I never read it?

Are you ever not a moron?

I admire the fact that you admit you came from 33 generations of morons.
I’m not surprised that anyone as arrogant as yourself has family that live in Tel Aviv, the Global Capital of Drugs and Prostitution.
Are they as arrogant as yourself?
How would I know it's nonsense had I never read it?

Are you ever not a moron?

I guess you missed the fact that your fellow LibTards here all state that the Bible is filled with nonsense in the same post as they state they never read a word of it.
I admire the fact that you admit you came from 33 generations of morons.
I’m not surprised that anyone as arrogant as yourself has family that live in Tel Aviv, the Global Capital of Drugs and Prostitution.
Are they as arrogant as yourself?
And scams. Don't forget scams.
I guess you missed the fact that your fellow LibTards here all state that the Bible is filled with nonsense in the same post as they state they never read a word of it.

Which has nothing to do with me.

You believe the story of Noah happened as the Bible states?
Which has nothing to do with me.

You believe the story of Noah happened as the Bible states?
It has everything to do with you.
Shall we analyze the verses together and perhaps you’ll learn what God eventually does to arrogant people?
It cracks me up that people can read that nonsense in the Bible and believe it.
"In for a penny, in for a pound."
Today, we have more knowledge of the planet than those who recorded events of their own time. Shouldn't a portion of our own "great" knowledge allow us to picture their world as they did? If not, then those who claim greater knowledge are proving themselves to be the greater idiots.

An in depth study of the Biblical account of a great flood provides us wisdom to ponder.

Most of what you are snickering over are because of the poor translations of the Hebrew to modern English. And you don't even understand that much.

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