Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

Oh? Why did G-d command Noah to bring 7 of some kinds of animals?
Interesting, isn't it? Seven is also the number that signifies a Covenant relationship, and this occurs seven times throughout the account. One of the amazing things about the Biblical account of Noah's Ark is the way God and His creation have an equal relationship and yet a Covenant relationship where mankind is to be obedient to God and the Covenant (but often fails) yet God always keeps His Covenants.

Two...male and female. Seven...illustrates the Covenant between God and mankind.
LOL, you pull a verse out of the middle of chapter and try to use it to discredit the entire Word of God. Leave it where it is and in the context in which it was delivered, scholarship demands that. You aren't very good at this.
No. That response is pathetic. You asked for scripture that says that it should not be taken literally.

I provided it, with the words of Jesus. "Till now I have been using figures of speech" John 16:25

When I read this I went back and reread everything to examine figurative expressions to learn what Jesus literally meant by the nutty things he said like, "I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world" Here Jesus is clearly changing the metaphor for teaching from God, bread from heaven, into his flesh, a new metaphor for teaching from God; "The word (of God) became flesh"

You act like the irrefutable answer to your question is irrelevant as if you are deaf dumb and blind or you have confused faith in the garbage that have you learned by rote with obstinate stupidity.

You are more faithless than the most dedicated atheist out there......If you had any love for God and truth you would have immediately adjusted your thinking and beliefs and renounced all lies.
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With this definition (18 inches) of a cubit, the dimensions of the ark would have been roughly:

  • 450 feet long.
  • 75 feet wide.
  • 45 feet high.
To put these numbers in perspective, Noah’s ark would be about 1½ football fields long and about three stories tall. By the standards of the ships of the ancient world, this was a very large structure. But we should also understand that the ark was not designed to be a sailing ship that would navigate the waters. The ark was only designed to be a floating structure that would preserve human and animal life and not sink.

God wasn't ready for mankind to self-destruct so soon, not part of his plan. 'Civilization' was unredeemable so he decided to start over.
Funny how you all claim not to know the mind of God, yet you all seem to know God's plan. When convenient, naturally.
You post #140 suggests otherwise, that believers aren't welcome in the "Religion" forum. What do you think religious belief means in America?

More than a billion people are set to honor a person that unbelievers don't think even existed. Ponder that. At the very least perception has become reality.
Well, I guess if you can read anything you want into the Bible you can read anything you want into my posts too.
God wasn't ready for mankind to self-destruct so soon, not part of his plan. 'Civilization' was unredeemable so he decided to start over.

Wasn't part of his plan?

It's kind of like making breakfast in the morning because you're hungry and then not eating it because you're not hungry.

God, apparently, is omnipotent. So powerful he can create a whole universe. So intelligent that he can create life.

And then, apparently, he got a bit high on weed or something, made life and then messed it up.

Wait..... why?

Then, God having decided humans were too violent, decided to KEEP SOME HUMANS. Why?

Then, since, apparently, all the incest from Noah's family, because clearly there were three children and three wives, which means that within a few generations kids must have ended up reproducing with people in their own family.

Imagine, there's Shem, Ham and Japheth.

They all have kids. Shem's son wants to procreate, so he goes off with Ham's daughter. Bit weird. Then their kids end up with the grandkids of well, Japheth and who?

And in the intervening 6,000 years or however long, humans have been BLOODY. They kill trillions of animals a year, a lot of them in killing factories. We have WW1, WW2 and many of the other brutal wars and God's like "fuck it, I can't be bothered to kill them all again".


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