Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

Number're so arrogant, you didn't even look for another measurement because you're a spoiled brat.
There are other measurements by other authors which have not yet been translated and they have the Biblical cubit at a much larger measure yet.
I listen to lectures; you are too busy worshipping yourself to listen to anything.

I know, I know, if the murder you commit isn't on video, it didn't happen.


Stop it, ya moron, you're killing me! :lmao:

You literally just posted there are measurements that have not been translated. Then how do you know what they are???


And you just posted a link stating a cubit is 18 inches! Don't you believe what you post???


Holyfuckingshit!!! :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Stop it, ya moron, you're killing me! :lmao:

You literally just posted there are measurements that have not been translated. Then how do you know what they are???


And you just posted a link stating a cubit is 18 inches! Don't you believe what you post???

Because, moron, as I already posted, I listen to classes, many by mathematicians.
Torah Anytime has thousands of lectures.
I know you would rather slit your throat than listen to an Orthodox Jewish mathematician.

Stop it, ya moron, you're killing me! :lmao:

You literally just posted there are measurements that have not been translated. Then how do you know what they are???


And you just posted a link stating a cubit is 18 inches! Don't you believe what you post???


Holyfuckingshit!!! :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Poor little Faun, I bet you spend countless hours at work blaming other people for your fuckups and get them fired; what you call positioning yourself.
Great, so than according to you, the Bible is misleading billions of Christians, dooming them to an eternity in hell. So does that mean Satan translated the Bible?
As I said earlier, only 24% of Americans believe the Bible should be read literally, down from 30% in the 1970s. Further, I doubt I am the only Christian who did a more in depth study of the Old Testament, bypassing the King James version. Other Christians admit they pay little attention to the Old Testament, that their interest in primarily in the New Testament.

Finally, no one is doomed to hell. Let's not skip over all the verses that flat out state sins are forgiven.

One subject I teach in school is math. It never occurred to me that judging from the number of wrong answers some students write down, that Satan must have written our math books. It did occur to me that some students simply need to spend more time studying.
He actually claimed Noah's ark was about 340% bigger than the Titanic!
When was the last time humans built a great pyramid? We cannot shrug off the engineering feats of old. I also understand that scholars still disagree on the exact measure of a biblical cubic. Meanwhile, I don't see how the correct size of the Ark in any way changes the story's theme.
Going according to this site: How Long Is a Cubit? the length, width and height of the ark would have been:

According to Genesis 6:15
300 cubits long
50 cubits wide
30 cubits high

a Hebrew royal cubit is believed to be 20.6 inches at its max and is believed to have been used.

20.6 x 300 = 6180 inches = 6180/12 = 515 feet = 515/3 = 171.67 yards
20.6 x 50 = 1030 inches = 1030/12 = 85.83 feet = 85.83/3 = 28.61 yards
20.6 x 30 = 618 inches = 618/12 = 51.50 feet = 51.50/3 = 17.17 yards
In the Bible, Genesis 6:9 - 9:17 it says:

"And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female."

So, they put two of every species on the ark.

Like sharks, fish, jellyfish....

How on EARTH did fish, and jellyfish and sharks survive on the ark for 40 days and 40 nights?
No fish.
There was no flood. Humans don't live for 600 years.

Stop the madness.
Do you want to challenge me to a sanity contest? ;)
Wasn't part of his plan?

It's kind of like making breakfast in the morning because you're hungry and then not eating it because you're not hungry.

God, apparently, is omnipotent. So powerful he can create a whole universe. So intelligent that he can create life.

And then, apparently, he got a bit high on weed or something, made life and then messed it up.

Wait..... why?

Then, God having decided humans were too violent, decided to KEEP SOME HUMANS. Why?

Then, since, apparently, all the incest from Noah's family, because clearly there were three children and three wives, which means that within a few generations kids must have ended up reproducing with people in their own family.

Imagine, there's Shem, Ham and Japheth.

They all have kids. Shem's son wants to procreate, so he goes off with Ham's daughter. Bit weird. Then their kids end up with the grandkids of well, Japheth and who?

And in the intervening 6,000 years or however long, humans have been BLOODY. They kill trillions of animals a year, a lot of them in killing factories. We have WW1, WW2 and many of the other brutal wars and God's like "fuck it, I can't be bothered to kill them all again".

God is going to kill a lot of people, possibly in the near future.
Great, so than according to you, the Bible is misleading billions of Christians, dooming them to an eternity in hell. So does that mean Satan translated the Bible?
The spirit world has always attacked the bible by influencing the translators.
If you're going to use miracles to accomplish what you want, why didn't God just kill everyone he didn't like and skip the whole flood mess? I assume the animals were just collateral damage.
Because he has a different plan.
You have no clue how God made the Flood.
It's explained HOW in the Bible. Have you ever started drowning or had water go into your lungs? People start to immediately panic. Being killed by water or fire are prolly the worst ways to die. Fire is prolly the worst.
Right.... "miracles".....

There are 1.25 million species of animals identified right now. How'd they get 2.5 million species of animals on a wooden boat?

"miracles" again?

"Believe me, dear people, and if what I say isn't believable, I have "miracles" to throw at you to answer anything that is clearly nonsense".
They would not have had to save a pair of all species, just a pair of all kinds.

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