Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

Why would it? Are elephants and light the same?
Did a great light come about in an instant, or did it grow? What is translated into English as "First Day" would have been better written as "First Time Period". In Hebrew, "day" did not always signify 24 hours. It could also mean a period of time. Every so often, we still use it this way. For example, "In my grandfather's day" does not mean my grandfather lived one day.
He isn’t you. Why do you think that God can only exist if He makes sense to and acts like you? Where does this belief in your own superiority come from?

I know where it comes from. Do you?
No shit. I'm not omnipotent and never claimed to be. You people say that your god is omnipotent, omniscient and immortal.

If a god could make the entire universe including us in a mere 7 days how long would it take it to make some animals?
No shit. I'm not omnipotent and never claimed to be. You people say that your god is omnipotent, omniscient and immortal.

If a god could make the entire universe including us in a mere 7 days how long would it take it to make some animals?
As long as He feels like taking.
I don;t worship any gods.

And are you saying that you aren't a Jew Christian or Muslim?
If I don’t say something myself, then I’m not saying it. Try to focus on the conversation that is actually taking place.
The videos have been removed, believe it or not. i don't know why yet. But trust me, they were out there.

There's no such video as those gold relics are in a museum. There are videos of someone who made his own to mimic them but he do so out of a different lightweight material. Not out of a heavy metal like gold.
If I don’t say something myself, then I’m not saying it. Try to focus on the conversation that is actually taking place.
You said you god invented all those other gods.

Since Jews Christians and Muslims all worship a different god then which one do you worship?

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