Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

Do the epic myths make that much difference in your faith?
Not at all.
Even the fact that every media outlet on earth today has it’s own twist on every story; but you’re too stupid to figure out that people write things with their own twist.
Not at all.
Even the fact that every media outlet on earth today has it’s own twist on every story; but you’re too stupid to figure out that people write things with their own twist.
Are you talking about fundamentalists?
It took Noah 120 years to build the ark..........while the

Species? A dog, wolf, coyote, fox, and any other "subspecies" thereof make up just ONE SPECIES. Just like, cattle, oxen, buffalo......etc.., make up ONE SPECIES....etc., Obviously........all the animals were infants during their transportation of the ark.

From the time God told Noah that He was going to destroy the world via a great flood event.....the animal's had 120 years to come to Noah. (Genesis 6:3-7) Noah did not have to search out the animals, the animals were guided by God to come to Noah. (Genesis 6:20)

The land masses were different before and after the flood......there were no great oceans separating the land masses. The geography and topography changed during the event. As the Scriptures declare during that time period the mountains rose and the valleys sank (Ps. 104:8) today its called the "continental drift theory".

What? did you actually expect everyone to believe that the world's water supply could have topped the highest peaks on earth found today? Yet the science of archaeology proves that sea life fossils have been found atop the peaks of the highest mountains ranges on earth. This scientific truth proves that at one time even the highest mountain ranges rested at the bottom of the sea floors as per the physical make up of the volcanic stones found on these mountain ranges that can on be produced by volcanic ash under great pressure The flood waters obviously receded into the great trenches of the oceans after the rain stopped. some 7 miles deep.

Up until the flood event there is no record of Rain water ever falling from the sky above. The earth was watered by a mist and layer of water found in the atmosphere much like one of the rings of the outer planets of our solar system. (Genesis 2:5-6) states that the plants were watered by mist coming from up from the ground. Again, up until Noah........there is no record in the Bible of any rain event on earth.

This band of water vapor trapped in the atmosphere above the earth also explains how men lived almost 1000 years during the pre flood history of the earth. The water vapor stopped the harmful radiation that comes from the sun decaying the physical flesh of men as is the case today as our atmosphere continues to decay away its protective elements from the sun's radiation.

As I already stated, God needed to know if Noach would sacrifice of his own selfishness to help another living being.
It’s obvious these type of thoughts never occur to people such as yourself.

Then why take unclean animals on the ark since they couldn't be sacrificed?
you're laughed at because you're a nasty little troll and stupid, and it's what you deserve.


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