Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

And Jihad never existed.

You are good for a laugh but you should see someone about your dementia.
Jihad is first an internal struggle to be a good Muslim. Then it becomes about land, farms and olive trees. ... Civil rights. The old testament says it's a sin to move boundary stones.
Do the epic myths make that much difference in your faith?
Only if you deny the fact that the Holy Scriptures do not address the Flood event as a myth, but REALITY. When you deny that "all scripture is given by inspiration of God......." (2 Tim. 3:16) You must deny the fact that Jesus, Peter and the Apostles accepted the flood as a literal truth. Why? To pretend that your Muslim faith is not a false attempt to mold your truth around the actual truth presented in scripture.

Peter believed the account of the flood as "literalism" (2 Peter 2:5) The Gospel of Luke considered the flood based in reality not myth (Luke 17:27). Again Peter addresses the flood as a real event (1 Peter 3:20). Jesus (the Son of God) declared the flood a "real" event. "And as it was in the days of Noe (Noah), so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Man (Jesus)" -- Luke 17:26

Simply because YOU refuse to accept the word of God does not make your opinion makes it antichrist doctrine.

Logic and Reason: Why would any antichrist accept doctrine from the Holy Scriptures as truth? :dunno:

The Holy Scriptures are the basis of all Christian faith.......(Prove all things, test for truth -- 1 Thess. 5:21) and to be used to test the spirits for truth. "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God (Rom. 10:17) Christian faith is not established from the imagination of man.....its established by the revealed word of God, presented to mankind because God would have all men come to the knowledge of the truth and find salvation. (1 Tim. 2:4). Rightly dividing the word of Truth. (2 Tim. 2:15)

You are not rightly dividing the word of are injecting PRIVATE INTERPRETATION which is forbidden by God (2 Peter 1:20)

Conclusion: The Word of God presents the flood as literal......not an myth, not allegory, not a parable but REAL HISTORY.
Given the 2 options. 1. Accept your opinion that is not backed by scripture or science as truth. Or accept the word of God which is backed by the actual archaeological record as truth. I choose door number 2. The word of God.
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What Noah knew is irrelevant. If the flood happened as fundamentalists believe, the other continents would have been underwater. If Noah's Ark was the only refuge, as is stated in the Bible, no animals not native to the middle east would have survived.
Why do you say that?
Only if you deny the fact that the Holy Scriptures do not address the Flood event as a myth, but REALITY. When you deny that "all scripture is given by inspiration of God......." (2 Tim. 3:16) You must deny the fact that Jesus, Peter and the Apostles accepted the flood as a literal truth. Why? To pretend that your Muslim faith is not a false attempt to mold your truth around the actual truth presented in scripture.

Peter believed the account of the flood as "literalism" (2 Peter 2:5) The Gospel of Luke considered the flood based in reality not myth (Luke 17:27). Again Peter addresses the flood as a real event (1 Peter 3:20). Jesus (the Son of God) declared the flood a "real" event. "And as it was in the days of Noe (Noah), so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Man (Jesus)" -- Luke 17:26

Simply because YOU refuse to accept the word of God does not make your opinion makes it antichrist doctrine.

Logic and Reason: Why would any antichrist accept doctrine from the Holy Scriptures as truth? :dunno:
Perhaps Peter did, but it's an adaptation of two earlier myths. Myths aren't doctrine.
Finally, no one is doomed to hell. Let's not skip over all the verses that flat out state sins are forgiven.

Sins are only forgiven if an individual repents, otherwise their guilt remains. The promised reward for complying with the will of God is a blessing, life, the promised reward for setting that instruction aside is a curse, death. Those who defy the Law are under the curse, death, and descend into the realm of the dead, hades, where they are victimized by demons, evil people, day and night, sometimes for life. Jesus set people who listened to him free from the burden of the law which is a curse, death, for defying divine instruction, by teaching the only right way to understand and comply with the laws demands that fulfills the promise of eternal life in the sanctuary of God.

That transformation from death to life, the resurrection of the dead, will never occur unless the person repents and actually does what Jesus taught is right. Jesus fulfilling the laws demands does not forgive anyone who does not do it, fulfill the laws demands, in the same exact way.
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After being insulted.
There are no demons.
People have inclinations, some of which do not serve a person well, some of which do.
A demon is a metaphor for a specific type of person just like a talking serpent represents a human archetype as does every sort of foul and loathsome unclean beast or bird referred to in scripture.

To say that there are no demons is blindness, as clueless as claiming that some human beings do not make evil a deliberate choice.
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The flood story in the Epic of Gilgamesh should be viewed in light of the whole epic tale.

The reality is most of those myths have to be severely twisted to even remotely resemble the OT narratives. Taht's like saying that because the Chinese said 'birds' in an early text somewhere that everybody else must have stolen the idea of 'birds' from the Chinese, i.e. rather bizarre stretches, in that nobody knew about birds until they got it from the Chinese or something. They go through some even more bizarre contortions when they try to claim Egyptian roots for OT narratives.
Only if you deny the fact that the Holy Scriptures do not address the Flood event as a myth, but REALITY. When you deny that "all scripture is given by inspiration of God......." (2 Tim. 3:16) You must deny the fact that Jesus, Peter and the Apostles accepted the flood as a literal truth. Why? To pretend that your Muslim faith is not a false attempt to mold your truth around the actual truth presented in scripture.

Peter believed the account of the flood as "literalism" (2 Peter 2:5) The Gospel of Luke considered the flood based in reality not myth (Luke 17:27). Again Peter addresses the flood as a real event (1 Peter 3:20). Jesus (the Son of God) declared the flood a "real" event. "And as it was in the days of Noe (Noah), so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Man (Jesus)" -- Luke 17:26

Simply because YOU refuse to accept the word of God does not make your opinion makes it antichrist doctrine.

Logic and Reason: Why would any antichrist accept doctrine from the Holy Scriptures as truth? :dunno:

The Holy Scriptures are the basis of all Christian faith.......(Prove all things, test for truth -- 1 Thess. 5:21) and to be used to test the spirits for truth. "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God (Rom. 10:17) Christian faith is not established from the imagination of man.....its established by the revealed word of God, presented to mankind because God would have all men come to the knowledge of the truth and find salvation. (1 Tim. 2:4). Rightly dividing the word of Truth. (2 Tim. 2:15)

You are not rightly dividing the word of are injecting PRIVATE INTERPRETATION which is forbidden by God (2 Peter 1:20)

Conclusion: The Word of God presents the flood as literal......not an myth, not allegory, not a parable but REAL HISTORY.
Given the 2 options. 1. Accept your opinion that is not backed by scripture or science as truth. Or accept the word of God which is backed by the actual archaeological record as truth. I choose door number 2. The word of God.

You can't go by what's in the Bible. I'm told the translations are misleading. Christians are being misled by Satan and doomed to an eternity in hell. Not to mention, the Bible was written by man and man is fallible.
You can't go by what's in the Bible. I'm told the translations are misleading. Christians are being misled by Satan and doomed to an eternity in hell. Not to mention, the Bible was written by man and man is fallible.
I suggest visiting a Jewish bookstore so you understand what you are talking about.
There are no translations, only interpretations.
You have to learn Hebrew despite the temporary damage to your ego.

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