Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

The reality is most of those myths have to be severely twisted to even remotely resemble the OT narratives. Taht's like saying that because the Chinese said 'birds' in an early text somewhere that everybody else must have stolen the idea of 'birds' from the Chinese, i.e. rather bizarre stretches, in that nobody knew about birds until they got it from the Chinese or something. They go through some even more bizarre contortions when they try to claim Egyptian roots for OT narratives.
I question the timelines scholars give to these myths. Also Satan knew of God's plan beforehand i.e. "You will not surely die..." so a counterfeit story could have been fashioned before the fact.
Then why take unclean animals on the ark since they couldn't be sacrificed?
Why allow a human into the ark since a human cannot be sacrificed.
Of course, until Avraham, everyone was sacrificing their children.
In fact, until Yehoshua conquered most of the Land of Canaan, the wonderful, peaceful Canaanites were offering up their children.
I question the timelines scholars give to these myths. Also Satan knew of God's plan beforehand i.e. "You will not surely die..." so a counterfeit story could have been fashioned before the fact.
“You will surely die”, and so we do.
The word Nachash means Charmer.
Why allow a human into the ark since a human cannot be sacrificed.
Of course, until Avraham, everyone was sacrificing their children.
In fact, until Yehoshua conquered most of the Land of Canaan, the wonderful, peaceful Canaanites were offering up their children.

If a person has devolved into a he goat "without blemish" they should be slaughtered for the expiation of sin.

Slaughtering literally has nothing to do with killing either an animal or a human being.

Seriously, I've seen you slaughter many lower beasts with enough skill that they don't even know that they are dead.
Why allow a human into the ark since a human cannot be sacrificed.
Of course, until Avraham, everyone was sacrificing their children.
In fact, until Yehoshua conquered most of the Land of Canaan, the wonderful, peaceful Canaanites were offering up their children.

Now you have to use 'science n stuff' to murder children by the millions, cuz the 'secularists' have decided in their vast intellects that Inconvenience is worthy of a death sentence for babies. They think they're being 'rational'.
If a person has devolved into a he goat "without blemish" they should be slaughtered for the expiation of sin.

Slaughtering literally has nothing to do with killing either an animal or a human being.

Seriously, I've seen you slaughter many lower beasts with enough skill that they don't even know that they are dead.

"I tell you that everyone who has will be given more; but the one who does not have, even what he thinks he has will be taken away from him.

But as for those enemies of mine who would not have me for their messiah, bring them here and slaughter them in my presence."

Luke 19:27
Would you throw an investment out even if 90% of it went bad or do you wait patiently for the market to rebound?

Meaningless question in regards to what we're discussing. G-d had unclean animals, 1 male and 1 female from every kind, travel to the ark for no good reason. He could have just made them again. The way He did it, if either of them died along the journey, an entire kind of animal would have perished.
Meaningless question in regards to what we're discussing. G-d had unclean animals, 1 male and 1 female from every kind, travel to the ark for no good reason. He could have just made them again. The way He did it, if either of them died along the way, an entire kind of animal would have perished.
Since we are the Shadow of God, God needs to show us how to act.
Our job is to serve existence in a positive manner.
It’s difficult dealing with you because you have never read a word or sentence of the Book you are attempting to criticize.
It's odd you think you know what I believe. Isn't that the height of arrogance?
I only know how you present.
Just like a therapist.
If you behaved like this on an interview you wouldn’t be hired.
It says in the morning and the evening.
Then the dawn of civilization should mean only a few hours; and the same with the eve of civilization? Keep in mind Hebrew is a language of few words, and it uses pictures. Dawn=Beginning; Eve equals the end. The dawn of an era; the eve of an era.
Then the dawn of civilization should mean only a few hours; and the same with the eve of civilization? Keep in mind Hebrew is a language of few words, and it uses pictures. Dawn=Beginning; Eve equals the end. The dawn of an era; the eve of an era.
Surada is dumb and stubborn as dog feces.
Her name is an oxymoron.
She is a Jesus freak and the NT goes out of it’s way to denigrate any and all Jewish concepts.
That's a shame. Most of my neighbors are preparing for Passover. Not all keep kosher.... it's a lot of work, but it's still an important observance.
Then the dawn of civilization should mean only a few hours; and the same with the eve of civilization? Keep in mind Hebrew is a language of few words, and it uses pictures. Dawn=Beginning; Eve equals the end. The dawn of an era; the eve of an era.
Is that what the Torah says?
That's a shame. Most of my neighbors are preparing for Passover. Not all keep kosher.... it's a lot of work, but it's still an important observance.
The Jews in Egypt that did not keep the seder died with the Egyptians at the sea.

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