Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

God wanted to start over with a reasonably clean slate.


So, God made all the animals in the world and he fucked it up. He made animals that were too violent.

So, instead of killing all the animals and making less violent ones, he took Noah and his family (didn't work out well, did it? People have been violent ever since, look at the Nazis, Russia, the US and all the warmongering etc) and picked, at RANDOM, two (or more) of every animal, including the violent ones and expected them to be less violent once the flood was over.

And in the however many thousands of years since, with animals being violent just as much as before, he's not done another flood.

Makes no sense.
No species can maintain itself with one breeding pair. Everyone knows this.

Maybe they took two of every animal, but then it turned into a swingers' party and the result was that very new species emerged. Lions were the result of cats impregnating carpets, for example.
I always wonder about your feebs who take these stories literally. How did you handle reading stuff to your kids like "The cow jumped over the moon"? It must have been terrible for them.

Well, I guess there's good psychology behind it.

I think when people's whole view is based upon lies, they're scared to see them for lies, because otherwise everyone they know and love will turn into liars and worse.
The "easiest way"??? You have no clue how God made the Flood. Maybe a virus would have been easier, it certainly works for zombies.
Huh? It explains in the Bible how God planned for Noah's and the animals to survive and how He made the global flood. The main idea was to kill everything else. Why?

I rather take a chance with a virus than a global flood. I live next to a river and seen it high tide due to heavy rains. Scary. Not only could it damage the whole house, but I hate to drown there.

BTW, have you experienced drowning or saw a person drowning? They immediately go into a panic!
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The "easiest way"??? You have no clue how God made the Flood. Maybe a virus would have been easier, it certainly works for zombies.
Water is just like evil people...
Water is innocuous...until it's over your head.
Evil people seem innocuous...until they take over.

Evil people never see themselves as evil.
A rain of fire is never seen as your friend.
A rain of water seems beneficial...until you're drowning.
The Lord Jesus compared his second coming to the days of Noah and the Flood. Obviously Jesus believed that there was a literal flood and used that history lesson to teach about his second coming.

Matthew 24:37-42
37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,

39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.

Are we also to write the second coming of our Lord off as a myth? I think not. The day will come when we all will come to know that the flood of Noah was a real event and that the second coming of our Lord was a great and dreadful day.
But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.

heavenly judgement -

obviously they did not understand even when made physically real the events meaning for their own future tranquility. as set by the heavens the final judgment the same for all beings and the moments fruition.
lol Genesis was written long before the Babblin' Babylonians Roadshow came along, and they had no need to take anybody else's mythology for anything. So no, it's not 'both true and a fact'. But hey, you only missed by a couple thousand years or three, which is enough for a Trophy in today's History classes.

surly - pre histoy ... just leaving the forest - a million years ago ... before language passed down originally by telepathy.
Whatever you have to tell yourself to keep yourself from kicking the dog again.

Well, I guess there's good psychology behind it.

I think when people's whole view is based upon lies, they're scared to see them for lies, because otherwise everyone they know and love will turn into liars and worse.

I've noticed that about the 'evolution' cultists a lot, as well as the sexual deviants who spam Theology threads.
It's all about you seeing things that aren't there. I didn't object to you being here at all.
You post #140 suggests otherwise, that believers aren't welcome in the "Religion" forum. What do you think religious belief means in America?

More than a billion people are set to honor a person that unbelievers don't think even existed. Ponder that. At the very least perception has become reality.
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So, God made all the animals in the world and he fucked it up. He made animals that were too violent.

So, instead of killing all the animals and making less violent ones, he took Noah and his family (didn't work out well, did it? People have been violent ever since, look at the Nazis, Russia, the US and all the warmongering etc) and picked, at RANDOM, two (or more) of every animal, including the violent ones and expected them to be less violent once the flood was over.

And in the however many thousands of years since, with animals being violent just as much as before, he's not done another flood.

Makes no sense.
God wasn't ready for mankind to self-destruct so soon, not part of his plan. 'Civilization' was unredeemable so he decided to start over.

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