Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

In the kingdom of God there are angels and demons, prophets and false prophets, lions, wolves, sheep, goats, cattle, teeming vermin that go down on all fours, swine that do not ruminate, baby parasites, vultures, worms, maggots, ghouls, goblins, the children of God and the children of the devil, the living and the dead, talking serpents, talking donkeys, dingbats, and brown nosed dorks.

All represent human archetypes that reflect the heights and depths of human potential.

So when swine that do not ruminate mate with a dingbat the result is corruption, a person with the form and shape of a human being but an intelligence just slightly above that of a monkey.

LOL, you run with that.
I'm only telling you like it is. Are you always so defensive because you are insecure? Be opened. I am just trying to get you to try and think more deeply about what you already profess to believe. If you feel insulted because you can't grasp the hidden teaching in children's stories it's not my fault.

You should be embarrassed.

Actually you should, hell will welcome you.
I'm only telling you like it is. Are you always so defensive because you are insecure? Be opened. I am just trying to get you to try and think more deeply about what you already profess to believe. If you feel insulted because you can't grasp the hidden teaching in children's stories it's not my fault.

You should be embarrassed.
I'm only telling you like it is. Are you always so defensive because you are insecure? Be opened. I am just trying to get you to try and think more deeply about what you already profess to believe. If you feel insulted because you can't grasp the hidden teaching in children's stories it's not my fault.

You should be embarrassed.
I'm not insecure at all. I had excellent teachers who taught me to look at the different levels of understanding, but I don't need to insult or belittle you.
Don't be silly, can you show me in Scripture where it was not to be taken literally?
"Till now I have been using figures of speech." John 16:25

This was after Jesus said everything from raising the dead, giving sight to the blind, curing the crippled, healing the lame, cleansing lepers, bread from heaven, eat my flesh drink my blood etc.

You must include in your speculations that Jesus lived during a time of brutal Roman occupation when there was no such thing as freedom of speech and people were imprisoned, enslaved, tortured, maimed, and killed for trivial reasons. He spoke in code just like outlaws always do.

Can you dig it?
"Till now I have been using figures of speech." John 16:25

This was after Jesus said everything from raising the dead, giving sight to the blind, curing the crippled, healing the lame, cleansing lepers, bread from heaven, eat my flesh drink my blood etc.

You must include in your speculations that Jesus lived during a time of brutal Roman occupation when there was no such thing as freedom of speech and people were imprisoned, enslaved, tortured, maimed, and killed for trivial reasons. He spoke in code just like outlaws always do.

Can you dig it?

Way to jerk that right of of context son, you'll have to do better.
Read it again.

Ahhh you're in the mood to quibble ;)
Genesis 71The LORD then said to Noah, "Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation.2Take with you seven [1] of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and two of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate,3and also seven of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth.
Noah had three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. After the days of the flood these were the generations of Shem.

Genesis 10:21-25
21 ¶ Unto Shem also, the father of all the children of Eber, the brother of Japheth the elder, even to him were children born.

22 The children of Shem; Elam, and Asshur, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram.

23 And the children of Aram; Uz, and Hul, and Gether, and Mash.

24 And Arphaxad begat Salah; and Salah begat Eber.

25 And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided; and his brother’s name was Joktan.

According to these verses of the bible, the earth was not divided into several continents until after the days of the flood.

According to the info I find, Noah's Flood would have happened between 3,000 and 2,000 BCE. That would be around 4,500 years ago. So you are saying the continents moved thousands of miles in just 1,000 to 2,000 years? And no one noticed the land masses moving away?

Another issue with this theory is that there are no bones, fossils, or any records of the animals native to South America or Australia being in the vicinity of the Middle East.
Actually you should, hell will welcome you.

Been there. Some of the best times of my life were in hell. So much for God being such a meanie.

It always makes me laugh when someone says that I'm going to hell when they are already in it.

Anyway, why do I feel like Adam being asked by God to name all the animals (other tribes) according to their displayed attributes?

I would call you a vagrant yellow bellied lily white cur. Not kosher.
According to the info I find, Noah's Flood would have happened between 3,000 and 2,000 BCE. That would be around 4,500 years ago. So you are saying the continents moved thousands of miles in just 1,000 to 2,000 years? And no one noticed the land masses moving away?

Another issue with this theory is that there are no bones, fossils, or any records of the animals native to South America or Australia being in the vicinity of the Middle East.
Those dates align with the Sumerian myth. There were huge floods periodically in the Euphrates river basin. That's how the Delta south of Basra was formed. The Erets was flooded.😁😁😁
"Till now I have been using figures of speech." John 16:25

This was after Jesus said everything from raising the dead, giving sight to the blind, curing the crippled, healing the lame, cleansing lepers, bread from heaven, eat my flesh drink my blood etc.

You must include in your speculations that Jesus lived during a time of brutal Roman occupation when there was no such thing as freedom of speech and people were imprisoned, enslaved, tortured, maimed, and killed for trivial reasons. He spoke in code just like outlaws always do.

Can you dig it?
So much of the old writings we're poetic language or figurative language.
It was the easiest way to get rid of the carcasses and still remind Noah's generation of what happened. Of course, not everyone believes that even with the physical evidence and so we are heading towards death by fire and the end of the world. Bottom line is it's His way of getting sinless people to be with Him in the new heaven.
The "easiest way"??? You have no clue how God made the Flood. Maybe a virus would have been easier, it certainly works for zombies.
Way to jerk that right of of context son, you'll have to do better.

Out of context? LOL. You asked to see where in scripture it says that it should not be taken literally.

I posted the words of Jesus specifically demonstrating just that. Are you as blind as you are cowardly? Damn...

You are devolving into an unclean creature that crawls on its belly in full view of everyone present.

Way to go!

It is very inspiring to see the many wonderful things that believing in the absurd has done for you.
In the kingdom of God there are angels and demons, prophets and false prophets, lions, wolves, sheep, goats, cattle, teeming vermin that go down on all fours, swine that do not ruminate, baby parasites, vultures, worms, maggots, ghouls, goblins, the children of God and the children of the devil, the living and the dead, talking serpents, talking donkeys, dingbats, and brown nosed dorks.

All represent human archetypes that reflect the heights and depths of human potential.

So when swine that do not ruminate canoodle with a dingbat the result is corruption, two people with the form and shape of a human being but an intelligence just slightly above that of a monkey.

So stay within your own species, avoid canoodling with lower beasts, otherwise it's bestiality.

You need to talk to Indeependent and save him from perversion.

You seem to have very detailed info on the kingdom of God. What's your source?
You said yourself that the flood story was older than the story of Noah.
No, I said there have always been floods, so it would make sense that older tales turned to myths that turned into the Noah myth. That doesn't mean the ancient populations communicated with each other. Which they did not do.

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