Noah's Ark with two of EVERY animal

I'm Episcopalian. What church do you attend?

So you believe that God became a man to suffer and die so that you can sin with impunity for life?

And you are OK with the belief that an innocent man died for your sins so that you don't have to ?

Damn. Isn't that reprehensible? You don't believe that everyone is accountable for their own sins?

Where were you educated?

I'm sure that Jesus is very impressed with your love for him.

I am.
So you believe that God became a man to suffer and die so that you can sin with impunity for life?

And you are OK with the belief that an innocent man died for your sins so that you don't have to ?

Damn. Isn't that reprehensible? You don't believe that everyone is accountable for their own sins?

Where were you educated?

I'm sure that Jesus is very impressed with your love for him.

I am.
Nope. That's not what I believe. Everyone is accountable for their own sins. Charleston, Switzerland and Arabia. I was lucky to go to excellent schools.
1. What Is Classic Christianity?
The story is much older than Jesus, but he did use it as a metaphor for the crucifixion and resurrection. He must have left out the funny part.

He said that because he was living in the belly of the beast until he complied with the will of God.

"He was tempted by the devil in the wilderness while living among the wild beasts." This verse shows that Jesus was living outside of the jurisdiction of Jewish law, the wilderness, living among the wild beasts, the Romans, presumably doing what Romans do in the belly of the beast.

The 1st resurrection was from the tomb of false religion and the grave of material worldly pursuits.

He saved the funny part, "eat this" for last.
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No. He was living in the belly of the beast.

"He was tempted by the devil in the wilderness while living among the wild beasts." This verse shows that Jesus was living outside of the jurisdiction of Jewish law, the wilderness, living among the wild beasts, the Romans, presumably doing what Romans do in the belly of the beast.

The 1st resurrection was from the tomb of false religion and the grave of material worldly pursuits.

He saved the funny part, "eat this" for last.
The funny part was when God sent a worm to cut down the shade tree.
I'm not a literalist or fundamentalist. I don't follow Darby or Scofield or the dominionists or dispensationists...or Hal Lindsey. Traditional Christianity was popular up until the 1970s..
I have no idea who they are.
In the Bible, Genesis 6:9 - 9:17 it says:

"And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female."

So, they put two of every species on the ark.

Like sharks, fish, jellyfish....

How on EARTH did fish, and jellyfish and sharks survive on the ark for 40 days and 40 nights?
You don't understand, all the fish went on the ark and all the animals went into the sea. Then the flood receded and the switched places again.
The worm sent by God took away the shade that sheltered Jonah. Jonah didn't learn even after being swallowed by a fish.
ugh... I know the story. I asked you a specific question. The worm is the worm of conscience.

What good is reading a children's story if you can't grasp what was intended to be understood by children?

Doesn't this alert you to the fact that something is amiss with your adult noggin?

You haven't seemed to learn even after decades in the belly of the beast.
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ugh... I know the story. I asked you a specific question. The worm is the worm of conscience.

What good is reading a children's story if you can't grasp what was intended to be understood by children?

Doesn't this alert you to the fact that something is amiss with your adult noggin?

You haven't seemed to learn even after decades in the belly of the beast.
What's wrong with you? Are you so insecure that you're always insulting and on the attack?
You read it exactly the opposite of God's true intention.
God was done with almost the entire human race and Noach spent 120 years building the Ark and no one got the message that they were acting like predators.
You also didn't read the verses before God speaks to surprise as you probably feel your membership in the Atheist Club will expire if you actually read anything in context.
The verse says that even the animals corrupted their ways; such is the power of perverse human behavior.
It could be the people were forcing inter-breeding in a manner antithetical to the laws set down by Adam.

Sounds like today, doesn't it?
Inter-breeding? People and elephants, people and bats, etc.? Really. What about elephant babies, bat babies, or human babies, were they corrupted too?

Face it, your God punishes the innocent for the sins of the guilty. As bad as our society is even we don't do that.
What's wrong with you? Are you so insecure that you're always insulting and on the attack?

I'm only telling you like it is. Are you always so defensive because you are insecure? Be opened. I am just trying to get you to try and think more deeply about what you already profess to believe. If you feel insulted because you can't grasp the hidden teaching in children's stories it's not my fault.

You should be embarrassed.
Inter-breeding? People and elephants, people and bats, etc.? Really. What about elephant babies, bat babies, or human babies, were they corrupted too?

Face it, your God punishes the innocent for the sins of the guilty. As bad as our society is even we don't do that.
People cause harm to all existence by being stupid.
You have the need to pervert everything I post, which makes sense coming from you.
Inter-breeding? People and elephants, people and bats, etc.? Really. What about elephant babies, bat babies, or human babies, were they corrupted too?

In the kingdom of God there are angels and demons, prophets and false prophets, lions, wolves, sheep, goats, cattle, teeming vermin that go down on all fours, swine that do not ruminate, baby parasites, vultures, worms, maggots, ghouls, goblins, the children of God and the children of the devil, the living and the dead, talking serpents, talking donkeys, dingbats, and brown nosed dorks.

All represent human archetypes that reflect the heights and depths of human potential.

So when swine that do not ruminate canoodle with a dingbat the result is corruption, two people with the form and shape of a human being but an intelligence just slightly above that of a monkey.

So stay within your own species, avoid canoodling with lower beasts, otherwise it's bestiality.

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